/C O R R E C T I O N - E-LOAN, Inc./ In the news release, E-LOAN, Inc. (Nasdaq: EELN) Reports Third Quarter 2004 Results, issued Thursday, November 4, by E-LOAN, Inc. over PR Newswire, the unit and volume statistics in the text and the Loan Volume Table for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2004, the corrected interest income total for fiscal year ended December 31, 2003, and the corrected revenue and net income (loss) detail for the fiscal quarters ended March 31, 2003 and June 30, 2003 set forth in the Comparison Table, were inadvertently incorrectly reported in the original release. The financial statements included in the original press release remain unchanged. The complete, corrected release follows: PLEASANTON, Calif., Nov. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- E-LOAN(R) (NASDAQ:EELN), an online consumer direct lender, today reported results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2004. Overview of Results * Total revenue of $35.1 million, up 5% from Q2 2004. * Net income for the third quarter of 2004 was $0.7 million or $0.01 per share on 65.5 million diluted shares. * Diversified revenue -- comprising total revenue, excluding prime refinance mortgage -- was $27.8 million, up 18% from Q2 2004, which accounted for 79% of E-LOAN's total revenue in Q3 2004. * Home Equity revenue was $14.2 million, up 46% from Q2 2004 and nearly double that of mortgage refinance revenue. Home equity sold loan volume increased 22% in the quarter compared to Q2 2004. A 27% increase in revenue per loan from Q2 2004 contributed to these results. * Diversified mortgage revenue -- comprising purchase and non-prime mortgage -- was $8.3 million, down 15% from the second quarter of 2004. Diversified mortgage sold loan volume and revenue per loan decreased 6% and 8%, respectively, in the quarter compared to Q2 2004. * Auto revenue was $3.7 million, up 25% from Q2 2004. Auto sold loan volume increased 9% in the quarter compared to Q2 2004. A 12% increase in revenue per loan from Q2 2004 contributed to these results. * Refinance mortgage revenue was $7.3 million, down 26% from Q2 2004. Refinance mortgage sold loan volume decreased 33% in the quarter compared to Q2 2004. The decreased loan volume was partially offset by a 9% increase in revenue per loan from Q2 2004. * Direct margin -- defined as revenue minus variable and fixed operations expense -- was $17.6 million, up 3% from Q2 2004. * Marketing expense totaled $12.1 million, down 3% from Q2 2004. * General and administrative expenses increased $169 thousand or 7% to $2.5 million from Q2 2004. * E-LOAN's new subsidiary, Escrow Closing Services, Inc. (ECS), generated $152 thousand positive direct margin in Q3 2004. Approximately 53% of our home equity loans used ECS in Q3 2004, up from 45% in Q2 2004. * Prior periods presented in this release have been restated to correct the gain on sale of loans and interest income and interest expense recognized on loans sold subsequent to the date of sale (see discussion and table below). "In the third quarter of 2004, we had a solid quarter overall and made outstanding progress in growing our diversified businesses," said Chris Larsen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of E-LOAN. "Total revenue was up 5 percent and diversified revenue was up 18 percent from the second quarter of 2004. Diversified revenue hit a record high and for the first time accounted for nearly 80 percent of total revenue, well ahead of earlier projections." Larsen continued, "We also made good progress in optimizing our three key leverage points: capital markets revenue per loan, operations costs per loan, and marketing conversion. By continuing to focus on these three core areas, while at the same time maintaining a high level of revenue diversification, we believe we are well positioned as we enter 2005." "Consistent with our last update, we continue to expect 2004 breakeven earnings," said Matt Roberts, E-LOAN's Chief Financial Officer. "Adjusted only for the revenue reclassification, we expect total 2004 revenues of approximately $134 million (or $139 million on a pre-reclassification basis)." Key assumptions in the forecast for 2004 are as follows: * 10-year Treasury rates of 4.0 to 5.0 % for the remainder of the year. * E-LOAN total 2004 sold loan volume of approximately $5.3 billion. * Marketing spend of approximately $48 million. * Combined technology and G&A expense of $20.5 million. * Average diluted shares outstanding of 66 million. Operating and Financial Tables Revenues E-LOAN's revenues are primarily from the gain on sale of first mortgage, home equity and auto loans that we originate, fund and then sell. We also earn interest income on mortgage and home equity loans from the time of funding through the time of sale. Components of Revenue Q3 2004 Q2 2004 Q3 2003 ($ in thousands) % of % of % of $ Total Revenue $ Total Revenue $ Total Revenue Refi Mortgage $6,823 19% $8,430 25% $17,020 39% Interest Income on Refi Mortgage 472 1% 1,393 4% 2,324 5% Diversified Mortgage(1) 7,598 22% 8,659 26% 10,286 23% Interest Income on Diversified Mortgage 688 2% 1,035 3% 2,211 5% Home Equity 13,216 38% 8,738 26% 7,637 17% Interest Income on Home Equity 930 3% 943 3% 1,079 2% Auto(2) 3,665 10% 2,921 9% 2,927 7% Closing Services(3) 1,407 4% 985 3% -- -- Other(4) 299 1% 295 1% 382 1% Total Revenue $35,098 100% $33,400 100% $43,866 100% Total Diversified Revenue(5) $27,802 79% $23,578 71% $24,522 56% (1) Diversified Mortgage comprises purchase and non-prime mortgage loans. (2) Auto Revenues include interest income from the retained interest asset, which was previously reported in Other Income, net. (3) Closing Services Revenues are from Escrow Closing Services, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary, which provides mortgage closing services, including HUD-1 Settlement Statement and document preparation, signing, disbursement and recordation services for a portion of our Home Equity business. (4) Other Revenue comes from credit monitoring services and credit card, personal loan and student loan referrals. (5) Diversified Revenue is comprised of total revenues excluding prime refinance mortgage and its related interest income. Loan Volume The following table provides a comparison of unit and volume statistics: Q3'04 Q2 '04 Q3 '03 $ Millions Loans $ Millions Loans $ Millions Loans Sold Loans Refinance Mortgage $332 1,568 $496 2,105 $650 3,144 Diversified Mortgage 378 1,948 403 2,049 640 3,206 Home Equity 404 7,954 332 6,674 275 6,077 Auto 177 10,780 162 9,606 194 10,670 Total Sold Loans $1,291 22,250 $1,393 20,434 $1,758 23,097 Closed Loans Refinance Mortgage $340 1,599 $460 1,951 $497 2,492 Diversified Mortgage 388 2,015 387 1,967 573 2,931 Home Equity 408 8,049 328 6,590 259 5,682 Auto 177 10,773 161 9,568 194 10,701 Total Closed Loans $1,312 22,436 $1,336 20,076 $1,523 21,806 Direct Margin Direct margin is defined as revenue minus variable and fixed operations expense. The following table provides detail of direct margin classified by revenue-related categories, both in dollars and expressed as a percentage of its related revenue. Direct Margins Q3 2004 Q2 2004 Q3 2003 ($ in thousands) % of % of % of $ Total Revenue $ Total Revenue $ Total Revenue Mortgage $7,353 51% $10,212 60% $18,048 66% Mortgage Interest Margin 584 50% 1,424 59% 2,386 53% Home Equity 7,148 54% 3,491 40% 3,754 49% Home Equity Interest Margin 430 46% 509 54% 559 52% Auto 1,673 46% 1,085 37% 384 13% Closing Services 152 11% 119 12% -- -- Other 299 100% 295 100% 382 100% Total $17,639 $17,135 $25,514 Conversion Statistics We release conversion rates on a one-quarter lagged basis because of the lag time that exists between the time an application is submitted and the time the associated loan actually funds. Our conversion rates are based on a static pool analysis calculated by dividing the number of qualified applications received in the quarter by the number of funded loans that resulted from those applications. Conversion % Q3 '03 Q4 '03 Q1 '04 Q2 '04 Mortgage Pre-Approval 6% 6% 6% 7% Purchase 19% 17% 20% 13% Refinance 21% 21% 22% 19% Total Mortgage 14% 13% 16% 13% Home Equity 29% 36% 34% 35% Auto 19% 26% 28% 27% Restatement of Prior Period's Gain on Sale of Loans E-LOAN's historical practice has been to continue to recognize interest income and interest expense on loans sold under its Purchase and Sale Agreement with Greenwich Capital (see description of agreement below) in the period from the time of sale until the time of settlement with the committed loan purchaser. The Company has determined that this interest income and interest expense should have been included in the calculation of the gain on loans sold rather than to be recognized as additional interest income and interest expense in the period subsequent to the sale of the loans. To correct this accounting error, the Company will restate its previously issued financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2003, and the interim periods within the year as well as for the quarters ended March 31, 2004 and June 30, 2004. All amounts included in this release have been restated accordingly and the impact of the restatement is reflected in the table below. The cumulative impact of this error was an understatement of income of $615,000 during a period in which the company earned $22 million. Comparison Table The impact of the error and reclassification to prior periods is shown in the following table: Summary Reported Corrected Reported Corrected Reported Corrected 3 Months 3 Months Total Total 6 Months 6 Months Q3 2003 Q3 2003 2003 2003 Q2 2004 Q2 2004 Interest Income $6,480 $5,614 $22,693 $18,475 $10,526 $5,110 Total Diversified Revenue 24,541 24,522 80,737 80,200 46,877 45,169 Total Revenue 44,057 43,866 154,052 152,707 66,675 64,030 Interest Expense 3,082 2,669 11,199 9,151 4,882 2,324 Total Operating Expense 35,023 34,610 130,410 128,362 67,550 64,992 Net Income 8,018 8,240 22,634 23,337 (850) (937) EPS 0.12 0.12 0.34 0.35 (0.01) (0.01) Detail Reported Corrected Reported Corrected Reported Corrected Q1 2003 Q1 2003 Q2 2003 Q2 2003 Q3 2003 Q3 2003 Refi Mortgage $17,938 $18,242 $21,410 $21,625 $16,871 $17,020 Interest Income on Refi Mortgage 3,015 2,731 3,258 2,997 2,646 2,324 Diversified Mortgage(1) 5,913 6,146 10,096 10,140 9,985 10,286 Interest Income on Diversified Mortgage 1,849 1,691 1,894 1,761 2,492 2,211 Home Equity 3,939 4,051 5,334 5,398 7,412 7,637 Interest Income on Home Equity 424 323 683 608 1,342 1,079 Mortgage Interest Expense 2,398 2,178 2,506 2,314 2,435 2,149 Home Equity Interest Expense 288 220 531 473 647 521 Total Diversified Revenue $15,265 $15,351 $21,434 $21,335 $24,541 $24,522 Total Revenue 36,219 36,324 46,102 45,956 44,057 43,866 Total Operating Expense - w/ Int Exp 29,103 28,815 37,056 36,806 35,023 34,610 Net Income 6,332 6,726 8,076 8,180 8,018 8,240 EPS 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Detail Reported Corrected Reported Corrected Reported Corrected Q4 2003 Q4 2003 Q1 2004 Q1 2004 Q2 2004 Q2 2004 Refi Mortgage $6,663 $7,356 $7,856 $8,458 $7,888 $8,430 Interest Income on Refi Mortgage 1,514 213 1,442 582 2,611 1,392 Diversified Mortgage (1) 6,372 6,513 6,679 7,050 8,118 8,659 Interest Income on Diversified Mortgage 1,879 1,549 1,494 677 1,851 1,036 Home Equity 6,671 7,063 9,251 9,555 8,328 8,738 Interest Income on Home Equity 1,697 988 1,473 480 1,654 944 Mortgage Interest Expense 1,517 786 1,404 602 1,847 1,004 Home Equity Interest Expense 876 510 868 283 763 435 Total Diversified Revenue $19,497 $18,992 $22,726 $21,592 $24,151 $23,577 Total Revenue 27,674 26,561 32,024 30,631 34,651 33,399 Total Operating Expense - w/ Int Exp 29,228 28,132 33,159 31,772 34,391 33,220 Net Income 208 191 (1,120) (1,125) 270 189 EPS 0.00 0.00 (0.02) (0.02) 0.00 0.00 Purchase and Sale Agreement with Greenwich Capital On June 17, 1999, the Company entered into a Mortgage Loan Purchase and Sale Agreement with Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc. ("Greenwich"). Under the terms of this agreement, mortgage and home equity loans that are allocated to a mandatory sell forward commitment between the Company and a loan purchaser, but have not yet been settled, may be sold to Greenwich Capital with the accompanying trade assignment. The Company accounts for these transfers as sales, in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities" (FAS 140). Conference Call and Webcast Chris Larsen, Chairman and CEO of E-LOAN, will host a conference call to discuss the company's third quarter results today, November 4 at 7:30 a.m. (PST). Please dial (712) 257-0021 at 7:25 a.m. (PST) and reference pass code "E-LOAN." A replay of the call will be available after 9:00 a.m. (PST) on November 4, 2004 until 11:59 p.m. (PST), November 11, 2004. The replay may be accessed by dialing (402) 220-9119. A live webcast and replay of the conference call will be available via the investor relations section of the company's website at http://www.eloan.com/. This news release contains forward-looking statements based on current expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. E-LOAN's actual results may differ from the results described in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include, but are not limited to, general conditions in the mortgage and auto industries, interest rate fluctuations, and the impact of competitive products. These and other risk factors are detailed in E-LOAN's periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. About E-LOAN E-LOAN is an online consumer direct lender dedicated to providing borrowers across the credit spectrum with a more enjoyable and affordable way to obtain mortgage, auto and home equity loans. By making credit scores freely available to consumers and integrating them with a suite of sophisticated advice tools, E-LOAN is pioneering the nascent debt management advice category -- helping consumers proactively manage their loan portfolios to lower their overall borrowing costs. The company relentlessly advocates eliminating the unnecessary processes, fees, hassle, haggle and lack of transparency traditionally associated with the consumer loan experience. Protecting consumers' financial privacy is a paramount concern, prompting E-LOAN to implement industry leading privacy practices and advocate strong consumer financial privacy protection laws. In June 2004, an independent study conducted by TRUSTe and The Ponemon Institute ranked E-LOAN as one of the top 20 most trusted companies for privacy in America. E-LOAN was the highest ranked online financial services company to make the top 20. Consumers can log onto http://www.eloan.com/ or call 1-888-E-LOAN-22 to access E-LOAN's products, services and team of dedicated loan and debt advice professionals. E-LOAN, Inc. is publicly traded on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol EELN. From inception through September 2004, E-LOAN has originated and sold over $22.8 billion in consumer loans. Press & Investor Contact: Tiffany Fox 925/847-6314 E-LOAN, Inc. Statement of Operations (in thousands, except per share amounts) Three Months Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Ended Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, June 30, 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 Revenues $35,098 $43,866 $99,128 $126,146 $33,399 Operating Expenses Operations 17,459 18,352 48,664 54,796 16,264 Sales & marketing 12,105 11,890 35,744 31,815 12,506 Technology 2,271 2,205 6,528 6,559 2,091 General & administration 2,528 2,162 8,419 7,060 2,359 Total operating expenses 34,363 34,609 99,355 100,230 33,220 Income from operations 735 9,257 (227) 25,916 179 Other income, net 26 15 51 115 10 Income before taxes 761 9,272 (176) 26,031 189 Income taxes (51) (1,032) (51) (2,885) -- Net income/(loss) $710 $8,240 $(227) $23,146 $189 Net income/(loss) per share: Income per share Basic $0.01 $0.13 $(0.00) $0.38 $0.00 Diluted $0.01 $0.12 $(0.00) $0.35 $0.00 Weighted average shares Basic 63,278 61,065 62,841 60,285 62,915 Diluted 65,458 67,142 62,841 65,972 65,784 E-LOAN, Inc. Consolidated Balance Sheet (in thousands) September 30, December 31, 2004 2003 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents ($2,350 and $4,850 restricted cash) $46,110 $33,973 Loans held-for-sale 46,817 50,874 Accounts receivable, prepaids and other current assets 24,494 28,990 Total current assets 117,421 113,837 Fixed assets, net 12,277 11,484 Retained interests in auto loans - trading 13,852 11,658 Total assets $143,550 $136,979 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Warehouse and other lines payable $43,849 $44,283 Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other liabilities 15,526 10,366 Total current liabilities 59,375 54,649 Total liabilities 59,375 54,649 Stockholders' equity: Common stock 63 62 Additional paid-in-capital 267,215 265,144 Accumulated deficit (183,103) (182,876) Total stockholders' equity 84,175 82,330 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $143,550 $136,979 DATASOURCE: E-LOAN, Inc. CONTACT: Tiffany Fox of E-LOAN, +1-925-847-6314, or Web site: http://www.eloan.com/


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