Currently, new tech hires are increasingly impossible w/o re-training old workers and companies cannot fill the urgent tech unemployment crunch. Thus, employers all over the higher-level economies are turning to robots
to fill the work requirement void and also increase productivity and profit.
This bodes well for BOTZ and is a definite reason to hold on to your shares. Even farming, transportation and construction are fields that
robotics and AI are moving into. The law professional is tech-ing up also, as basic case development work is moving into AI SW preparation.
IF (my opinion) BOTZ ETF price does generally follow the overall daily
stock market directional move, we will just have to relax and take what
comes our way? Why not build up some cash and buy more when the ETF
moves lower in price?
About the only negative for BOTZ ETF pricing might be the issue of government declaring a VAT added tax on robots. We cannot keep cutting
human jobs and expect consumer spending to go up, thus it does seem this will be solved by some means.
Another big potential effector on BOTZ price direction would be a major event interruption of a robotic production plant or power/transportation grid via hacking. To date, those hackings have generally launched only against retail and media and other consumer records. This 'other-level' hacking would by viewed as an act of open option to active start of hard cyber warfare climate.
Just considering the settling in on the tax-credit 2018 effect of corporate policy, BOTZ ETF should achieve some upward price movement, as net new production plant capacity comes on line.
The new defense spending increase, should also do the same, as robotized warfare organization development units ensues;
To me, BOTZ is generally going in the direction the overall market takes.
That said, either trade wars or hot wars or tech wars are going to stop the holdings of BOTZ from increasing in value. USA and other countries are going to need AI, The cloud, IOT, and robots to be able to overcome
the depletion of all kinds of resources by achieving the means to increase value and substance.
We might see (briefly) the fall of our stock market pricing to even below the ETF IPO. However; every company and line-of-business is going to need all the avenues of productivity increase we have in our ETF.
I am accumulating cash and waiting . . . and I probably will get BOTZ at a lower price. Doubtfully, I am not alone in that thought?
I will be patience and await the coming necessity to balance production and the means of purchasing power of the consumer, and both realms of economy BOTZ will influence.
My non-analyst take on what's happening.
BOTZ dropped more than NAZ and DOW Friday, percentage wise.
The rich, the low-end $s investor, the Quants all are into BOTZ.
Maybe this ETF is being used to counter-trade against the companies
we hold. This idea might make some sense as another way to do counter-cover investing for the big folk? BOTZ, then, can be useful as a
form of options-like investment vehicle, while still working the individual holdings companies thru regular options plays? Anyone?
The steady-eddy, small time investor (me) just holds on and ignores the major price swings in the ETF and adds more if the major players are nice enough to drop the price on the future (tech wars).
The administration is going to have to invest in domestic high tech AND
computerized forms of education (STEM) + robotics. The USA cannot gleen
tech personnel from south-of-the-border or Asian Partners W/O draining away their competitive needs for same domestically. What to do, then?
Create domestic USA jobs program (pay-to-text), targeted domestic factories full of robotics, etc. My . . . that sounds like BOTZ holdings are in that game. We also might just get smarter and pay students to go into STEM classes and give them automatic high-pay jobs
programs as part of their schooling credits? Oh . . . Student Loan Debt pays for itself . . . . I am not planning expert, but seems to make sense. And, the Bill height is not one foot of pages.
Tune in for some good BUY position set-ups next couple of weeks?
I will be.
The governmental funding budget deadline approaches, and current administration looks like it will have to agree to more of a electronic
enhancement and staffing increase type of border wall. <---what's that mean for BOTZ? To economize AI and remote mobile units will be used to
observe border movements and our portfolio holdings involve that kind of stuff.
Both sides of the congress and administration will get trade-offs in the deal and us investors get to sit back and win, either way it goes?
Gaming will move into Block Chain transaction confirmation, as one of its best forms of enhancing online security.
And, I might say that I have a feeling on-chip ROM sectors will be coming into use to further guard many robotics and AI and Cloud and IOTs uses from hacking. So what? BOTZ may still be the best way to play 'Whose On First' in Anti-Hacking SW competition, as again the ETF adjusts its portfolio to get us into the best germane tech solutions.
Face Book's content woes and Uber's traffic accident . . . even the Florida over-Pass should have had Al built into it . . . to help give a heads-up to faulty construction and new operational conditions parameters. Today, BOTZ dropped with the general market direction but note that Face Book dropped much % lower than the market percentage.
I will hold and buy more BOTZ . . . that's my guess on how to play a
market and specific stock down-turn.
BOTZ is small and beginning investor way to play AI, Robotics. and clouding of IOTs data usage. The holdings of this ETF will be changed, as time passes on. Not too be worried, as this means you and I do not have to spend time trying to judge who and what will be the present and future winners of this coming dominant tech sector.
let us propose that for how to invest successfully in the future (regardless of what up or down value position the overall stock market value moves to), one makes the decision to hold BOTZ Long Term. That may be the very best we can do to gain portfolio value, as this ETF does presently have a small yearly dividend pay=out to its holders.
The type of stocks held by BOTZ should be of the same type that will oppose inflationary pressures as interest rates hikes come into effect.
Why? I would estimate there is no other viable method of beating inflationary effects on ones holdings, then the positive evolutionary effects of the inventing of the coming dawn of AI production and sales.
Just a current investors opinions above, you make your own decisions.
Some investment houses and parties are calling for a soon-to-be fall in the general stock market . . . maybe. However; we shall still need to eat, house, transport, medicate, and clothe ourselves and the only sensible way to do that in a growing mass consumer society is with robotics and AI? <---must haves to make that happen.
What about environmentalism and save the planet . . . yes AI and robotics will be very active as the bases of handling such things and say the mining of space bodies. For example, the successful removal and recycling of ocean trash islands would be a natural for robotic fleets.
No matter what sectors of the economy one might chose to invest in (e.g. holdings of the S&P 500), BOTZ holdings will spearhead the evolution of their activity future.
Take health care.
it used to be just manual cut, burn, and mediate.
Start looking around . . . those three medical activities are more and more moving into intelligent electronics.
And guess what we hold the elector-parts progress vectors 'guts' too?
And , right now BOTZ is a much better finer focused investment instrument for value investing in the present becoming the future.
Check out the BOTZ price increase since its IPO verses the S&P 500?
Isn't strange that stock market really does not figure in computed inflation/deflation equations used to compute inflation?
I always smile too myself when the say FED speaks about inflation target of * 2-3% on balance in the economy. Guess they do not eat or buy consumer goods or need medical care on a fixed budget.
Add another 5-10 Bil inhabitants on the planetary scale and there is to be no apparent effect? The counter to that argument is the evolution of all forms of tech investment and production will be needed to accommodate those coming new world population figures. It will be robots and AI and electronic clouding of info to keep everything under control (and satisfied).
Japan and China both tried to balance their population growth and failed.
Some advanced nations have seen fit to level off their births/population ratios through substituting consumption quality choices verses quantity, and some very poor society have experienced population losses due to starvation, war, etc.
In this sense, BOTZ ETF represents the investment guide to the future stock market valuation component means to solve these problems.
We are all losing $$s herein right now, except maybe the shorts and options traders. I do not do that stuff (just a small time investor) that believes the future (whatever it will be) for earth will entail
electronic forces to make it happen. For 100+ years, the stock market has changed as companies and structural forces imping upon it, force it so. I tend to visualize BOTZ as a future-leveraged investment vehicle that stands the best change to show forth above average returns in that dawning planetary environment many of us expect is coming.
Therefore, I plan to buy more BOTZ as it falls below my initial price buy. And, as an ETF, BOTZ will just rebalance its wins and losses decisions strategy to match what comes about.
I check back on my searches.
It was on YF, 3 days ago CBNC about 1st and 3rd lead story down after type in BOTZ.
Also, today on MSFT money artl. states all ETFs getting now $4Bil daily
input (mostly from mutual funds).
Morningstar says we are up 11.65% 2018 to date.
Today (so far), seem up trend is continuing.
We are a more credible investment vehicle then Pot stocks or bit-coins.
BOTZ is play on growing demand for future tech trends, and they (BOTZ) do the analysis and stock/company rotation.
That does not mean BOTZ ETF price will not move up or down, as company
news and events affect their holdings. But the general trend is more and more tech in everyone's future? I do think so. As world population seems destine to grow; we are going to have to use tech to grow food, filter water, and do our infrastructure and defense and remote health care. I am comfortable to hold this stock market play.
The wealthy and the smart are coming over to BOTZ?
Follow the $$s trend that GE and F aren't prepared for, and it shows in their stock price. All the above IMO.
I think it was on news related to BOTZ on YF, several days ago.
A ETF guy was being interviewed by a reporter. They compared BOTZ to the other robotics ETF.
Wish I could be more precise, but what caught my eyes was the notion that
even those they could not discern exactly who was buying BOTZ, it did appear the new customers are younger ones starting to get involved in investing for their future.
That kind of amazed me, as I thought younger crowd was somewhat against stock investing.
Its hard to find decent articles about BOTZ.
I might have also found it on MSFT money, which lists stock quote related news below down the page from the ticker type in price info.
Regardless, its good news for BOTZ holders as folks are starting to see
the future convergence of AI, robotics and The Clouding trend, and want in on it.
Try typing in January 2018 news on BOTZ ETF?