RNS Number:8804D
Finsbury Alternative Inv Strat Ld
17 January 2000

(Formerly Finsbury International Hedge Investment Company Limited)


Finsbury Alternative Investment Strategies Limited, which invests in a
portfolio of international hedge funds with the aim of achieving superior
absolute returns with low volatility, today announces preliminary results for
the year ended 31 October 1999.

                                           1999             1998
Investment income (USD'000)                 nil              nil
Other income (USD'000)                      370              345
Net returns before finance costs(USD'000)  (792)            (622)
Total return per ordinary share          USD2.59          USD0.07
Net assets per ordinary share           USD13.90         USD11.31
MSCI World Index (net)                                      2,064
Annual volatility - Company                                  9.84
MSCI World Index (net)                                      18.03

The Company has not generated significant income and, as anticipated in the
launch prospectus, the Directors are not proposing a dividend for the year
(1998: nil).

For and on behalf of Close Fund Services Limited - Secretary

14 January 2000

The following are attached:

 Chairman's Statement
 Balance Sheets of the Company
 Consolidated Statement of Total Return
 Notes to the accounts

For further information please contact:
Mark Mathias, Finsbury Asset Management        0207-426 6240
Neil Mainland, Mainland Public Relations       0207-439 4359
(Formerly Finsbury International Hedge Investment Company Limited)

Chairman's Statement for the year ended 31 October 1999

Over the twelve months to the 31st October 1999 the Company's net assets per
share rose from USD11.31 to USD13.90  representing an increase of 22.90%
against a return of 24.91% for the MSCI World Index (Net).

Since the launch on December the 6th 1996 the Company's net asset value has
appreciated by 44.19%. 

The Board considers this to be a good result and a strong endorsement of the
multi-manager approach. The Board feels this is particularly the case given
the low volatility that the portfolio has exhibited in the face of what could
best be described as turbulent market conditions that have occurred since

In the latter half of the twelve months period the Board, following approval
given by the shareholders, gave instructions to draw down on the facility from
Royal Bank of Canada.  This should enable the company to enhance the net asset
value of the shares still further whilst continuing to offer very low
volatility of returns.

At the EGM held on the 26th August 1999, the shareholders approved the change
of name of the Company to reflect more realistically its investment strategy.
After much deliberation the Board now believes that a further change to the
Company's name would be appropriate.  Following consultation with its
advisors, the Board would like to propose at the Annual General Meeting a
resolution to change the name of the Company to Alternative Investment
Strategies Limited.

Whilst the Board has immense respect for the Finsbury name and fully intends
to pursue an ongoing relationship with the Close Brothers' group of companies,
it considers that the proposed shortened name will emphasise the Company's
independent management structure, and reaffirm its commitment to the
innovative investment policies that have enabled it successfully to grow its
net asset value with such a low level of volatility.

The Board remains confident that the Company's portfolio is invested with
quality managers who have the talent and experience to achieve the Company's
aim of superior returns with low volatility.  We therefore recommend that
shareholders vote in favour of the resolution that the Company should continue
for a further two year period.

Michael Sheehan Chairman
14 January 2000
(Formerly Finsbury International Hedge Investment Company Limited)

Balance Sheet                                                        
as at 31 October 1999                                                        
                                     1999                            1998     
                                  USD'000                         USD'000     
Fixed Asset Investments                                                       
Financial Investments              83,670                          56,453     
Current Assets                                                        
Debtors                               167                             109     
Cash at Bank                          340                           6,342     
                                      507                            6,451    
Loan                               (6,779)                              -     
Amounts falling due within one year
                                     (381)                            (238)   

                                   (7,160)                            (238)   
Net current (liabilities)/assets   (6,653)                            6,213   
                                   77,017                            62,666   
Capital and reserves                                                        
Called up share capital                55                                55   
Share premium                      53,269                            53,269   
Other reserves:                                                        
    Capital reserve - realised      3,267                             2,420   
    Capital reserve - unrealised   22,044                             7,697   
Revenue reserve                    (1,618)                             (775)  
                                   77,017                            62,666   
Total shareholders' funds are attributable to:                                
Equity shareholders                77,017                            62,666   
Net asset value per ordinary share USD13.90                        USD11.31   
(Formerly Finsbury International Hedge Investment Company Limited)
Statement of Total Return
(Incorporating the revenue account for the year ended 31 October 1999) 
                  Revenue    Capital    Total    Revenue    Capital     Total
                     1999       1999     1999       1998       1998      1998 
                   USD'000    USD'000  USD'000    USD'000    USD'000  USD'000 
Gains on investments    -     16,150   16,150          -        194       194
Income                370        -        370        345          -       345 
Investment management 
fee                  (736)     (956)   (1,692)      (683)       824       141
Other expenses       (426)         -     (426)      (284)         -      (284)
Net return before 
finance costs        (792)    15,194    14,402       (622)     1,018      396
Interest payable 
and similar charges   (51)         -      (51)           -         -        -
Return on ordinary
activities for
the financial period (843)    15,194    14,351       (622)      1,018     396
Transfer from/ (to)
reserves              843    (15,194)  (14,351)       622      (1,018)   (396)
Return per ordinary 
share USD           (0.15)      2.74      2.59      (0.11)       0.18    0.07
(Formerly Finsbury International Hedge Investment Company Limited)

These accounts are not statutory accounts. Statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 October 1998 have been delivered to the Guernsey Financial Services
Commission and received an audit report which was unqualified.

Close Fund Services Limited - Secretary

17 January 2000



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