RNS No 3037h
12th November 1997

Contact:  Colin Cooke

          Mark Abrahams
          Chief Executive

          Telephone:     0171 282 8000 until 12.00pm
                         Thereafter: 01482 668111

                         Fenner PLC
   Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 August 1997

                     Financial Highlights
                                              1997      1996
                                              #000      #000
     Turnover                              266,663   258,603
     Operating profit before
      exceptional items                     23,035    20,173
     Capital expenditure                    18,812    10,334
     Earnings per share
      - before exceptional items             14.73p    12.93p
      - after exceptional items              12.22p     5.59p
     Dividends per share                      5.30p     5.00p

*    Results  highlight  year  of  record  profits,  increased
     dividends,    strong   balance   sheet   and   profitable

*    Organic  investment  programmes, coupled  with  strategic
     acquisitions strongly position the Group in growth areas;

*    Confident outlook for the future.

                     Extracts From The
                     Chairman's Statement

     A  year  of  record  profits,  increased  dividends,
     strong  financing and profitable investment.  Growth
     of  our reinforced polymers businesses is continuing
     and our outlook is confident.

Turnover, profits and dividends
Following my letter to shareholders in May indicating improved
performance,  I am once again pleased to be able  to  make  my
report  for  the full year against a background of achievement
and  improvement throughout our operations.  1996/7  has  been
characterised  by  both organic growth and  acquisition  on  a
scale  which  repositions the Group  and  which  enhances  its
prospects for future development.

Despite currency translation impacts and the disposal of  non-
core operations, the Group's turnover increased to #267m (1996
#259m)  with a particularly notable performance being achieved
by  the  enlarged Conveyor Belting Division.  Group  operating
profit before acquisition restructuring costs increased by 14%
to  #23.0m (1996 #20.2m) which represents a record achievement
for the Group.

Group  profit  before  tax increased by 48%  to  #18.5m  (1996
#12.5m),  the highest in the Group's history.  After  tax  and
minority  interests this leaves pre exceptional  earnings  per
share at 14.73p representing an increase over 1996 of 14%.

Against this background of continued improvement, the Board is
recommending  a  final dividend of 3.50p (1996 3.30p),  which,
when  taken together with the interim dividend of 1.80p  (1996
1.70p)  gives a total for the year of 5.30p (1996  5.00p)  and
maintains our dividend cover at in excess of two times.

The   acquisition  of  Scandura  for  #46.7m  (including  debt
assumed)  was  financed through #13m of  new  equity  and  the
remainder from the raising of U.S.$75m of 10 year, fixed  rate
debt  from the U.S. Private Placement market.  This,  together
with goodwill write-offs, has increased our gearing to 60%  at
the  year end.  Although higher than recent levels experienced
by  the  Group,  our interest cover for the  current  year  is
expected to remain firmly within acceptable levels.

Record levels of investment
Significant  organic  investment  programmes  have   continued
during the year to strengthen our technology in the reinforced
polymer  businesses (Advanced Engineered Products and Conveyor

Taken  together with our corporate acquisitions, most  notably
that  of  Scandura Holdings Inc., our total capital investment
in operating activities for the year was a record #71.6m.

Divisional trading
The  performances of those of our divisions in which  we  have
invested heavily over the past three years continue to justify
our  confidence  in  the future direction  of  our  reinforced
polymer  businesses.  Both our Conveyor Belting  and  Advanced
Engineered Products Divisions are bringing a sharper focus  to
our  Group as their respective performance grows in  terms  of
both turnover and profitability.

The  success  of  our reinforced polymer businesses  has  been
complemented by another year of satisfactory trading from  our
Fluid Power and Power Transmission Divisions.

                                 Turnover  on sales
     Year ended 31 August 1997         #m         %
     Advanced Engineered Products    61.9      13.5
     Conveyor Belting                56.8      10.2
     Fluid Power                     46.2      10.0
     Power Transmission             105.4       6.5
     Inter-segment sales             (3.6)        -

Following  the  Scandura acquisition in  June  this  year  the
reinforced  polymer businesses now account for  over  half  of
Group turnover and two thirds of Group operating profit.

The  new  year  has  started  with  performances  in  all  our
operations continuing in line with expectations.  Some of  our
markets  are  still  experiencing slower growth  although  the
buoyancy in North America appears to be continuing.  UK mining
demand levels in the immediate future are not yet certain.  We
believe,  however,  that  the global spread  of  the  Conveyor
Belting Division will enable us to meet our growth objectives.

The  Group's businesses have continued to show the  degree  of
resilience  and progress consistent with both our position  in
our   chosen  markets  and  the  manufacturing  and  technical
expertise associated with our products.

Taking  the Group as a whole, we look forward to the  rest  of
the year with confidence.

Colin Cooke  Chairman

Group Profit and Loss Account
for the financial year ended 31 August 1997

                                 1997                   1996
                Before  Excep-         Before Excep-
                excep-  tional         excep- tional
                tional   items         tional  items
                 items (note3)  Total   items(note3)   Total
           Note   #000    #000   #000    #000   #000    #000

 operations    246,661       -246,661 258,603      - 258,603
Acquisitions    20,002       - 20,002       -      -       -
                 -----   -----  -----  ------  -----   -----
              2266,663       -266,663 258,603      - 258,603
Cost of
  sales       (179,169)(1,202)(180,371)(171,077)(4,604)(175,681)
                 -----   -----  -----  ------  -----   -----
Gross profit    87,494 (1,202) 86,292  87,526 (4,604) 82,922
 costs         (36,263)  (233)(36,496)(37,613)  (268)(37,881)
 expenses      (28,196)(1,551)(29,747)(29,740)(1,261)(31,001)
                 -----   -----  -----  ------  -----   -----
   operations   21,652      -  21,652  20,173 (6,133) 14,040 
Acquisitions     1,383 (2,986) (1,603)      -      -       -
                 -----   -----         ------  -----
              2 23,035 (2,986) 20,049  20,173(6,133)  14,040
                ======  ======         ====== ======
Income from
 interest in
 undertaking                      654                    546
Loss on sale and
 termination of
 operations   4                  (20)                  (850)
                                -----                  -----
Profit on ordinary
 activities before
 interest                      20,683                 13,736
Interest payable
 less receivable               (2,173)                (1,258)
                                -----                  -----
Profit on ordinary
 activities before
 taxation                      18,510                 12,478
Taxation on
 profit on
 activities   5                (6,309)                (6,664)
                                -----                  -----
Profit on ordinary
 activities after
 taxation                      12,201                  5,814
Minority equity
 interests                       (607)                  (641)
                                -----                  -----
Profit for
 the year                      11,594                  5,173
Dividends      6               (5,251)                (4,637)
                                -----                    -----
Retained profit for
 the year                       6,343                    536
                               ======                 ======
Retained by
Fenner PLC and
 undertakings                   6,012                    237
 undertaking                      331                    299
                                -----                  -----
                                6,343                    536
                                =====                  =====
Earnings per
Before exceptional
 items        7                 14.73p                12.93p
                               ======                 ======
After exceptional
 items        7                 12.22p                 5.59p
                               ======                 ======

The  sale  and termination of operations during the year  have
not  had  a  material effect on the nature and  focus  of  the
Group.   As a result, the turnover and operating profit  noted
above   are   reported  as  deriving  solely  from  continuing

Group Balance Sheet
at 31 August 1997

                                              1997      1996
                                              #000      #000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                               64        71
Tangible assets                             73,631    49,442
Investments                                  3,555     3,373
                                             -----     -----
                                            77,250    52,886
                                             -----     -----
Current assets
Stocks                                      59,660    52,902
Debtors                                     70,475    51,185
Cash at bank and in hand                    54,593    45,709
                                             -----     -----
                                           184,728   149,796
Creditors - Amounts falling due
 within one year                          (86,493)  (67,810)
                                             -----     -----
Net current assets                          98,235    81,986
                                             -----     -----
Total assets less current
 liabilities                               175,485   134,872
Creditors - Amounts falling due after
 more than one year                       (87,823)  (39,475)
Provisions for liabilities
 and charges                              (16,623)  (13,762)
                                             -----     -----
Net assets                                  71,039    81,635
                                             =====     =====

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                     25,555    23,188
Share premium account                          249       148
Revaluation reserve                          6,960     8,145
Other reserve                                1,716    20,958
Profit and loss account                     30,294    24,271
Associated undertaking                       2,383     2,177
                                             -----     -----
Shareholders' funds
 - Equity Interest                          67,157    78,887
Minority equity interests                    3,882     2,748
                                             -----     -----
Total funds employed                        71,039    81,635
                                            ======    ======

Group Cash Flow Statement
for the financial year ended 31 August 1997

                                      1997           1996
                                 #000    #000   #000    #000

Operating activities                   23,395         18,603

Returns on investments and
 servicing of finance
Interest received               2,008          1,443
Interest paid                 (4,014)        (1,715)
Interest element of finance
 lease rental payments           (26)           (39)
Dividend received from
 associated undertaking            87             86
Dividends paid to minority
 shareholders                   (270)          (285)
                                -----          -----
Net cash outflow from returns
 on investments and servicing
 of finance                           (2,215)          (510)

Taxation                              (6,661)        (5,724)

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed
 assets (net of grant
 receipts)                   (18,812)        (10,334)
Sale of tangible fixed
 assets                           830            727
                                -----         ------
Net cash outflow on
 capital expenditure                 (17,982)        (9,607)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary
 undertakings                (40,248)        (5,505)
Sale of subsidiary
 undertakings                   6,137            870
                                -----         ------
Net cash outflow on
 acquisitions and disposals          (34,111)        (4,635)

Equity dividends paid                 (4,734)        (4,348)

Issue of ordinary share
 capital                          149            234
Finance lease repayments        (139)          (158)
Repayment of long and medium
 term borrowings              (3,026)        (18,623)
New long and medium term
 borrowings                    52,308         41,693
                                -----          -----
Net cash inflow from
 financing                             49,292         23,146
                                        -----          -----
Increase in net cash                    6,984         16,925
                                        =====          =====

Reconciliation of Net Debt
for the financial year ended 31 August 1997

                                              1997      1996
                                              #000      #000

Increase in net cash                         6,984    16,925
Increase in loans and
 finance leases                           (49,143)  (22,912)
                                             -----     -----
Increase in net debt resulting
 from cash flows                          (42,159)   (5,987)
Loans and finance leases
 acquired with subsidiaries                  (581)         -
Inception of finance leases                    (7)      (16)
Effect of foreign exchange
 rate changes                                3,940     (321)
                                             -----     -----
Increase in net debt                      (38,807)   (6,324)
Opening net debt                           (1,533)     4,791
                                             -----     -----
Closing net debt                          (40,340)   (1,533)
                                             =====     =====
Gearing (Closing net debt/
 Shareholders' funds)                        60.1%      1.9%
                                             =====     =====

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the financial year ended 31 August 1997

                                              1997      1996
                                              #000      #000

1 September 1996                            78,887    86,478

Profit for the year                         11,594     5,173
Dividends                                  (5,251)   (4,637)
New share capital subscribed                12,796       234
Goodwill written off                      (29,491)   (5,750)
Goodwill written back on
 disposal of subsidiaries                     (79)       121
Unrealised deficit on
 revaluation of properties                   (139)     (662)
Currency translation differences
 on foreign currency net investments       (1,160)   (2,070)
                                             -----     -----
Net reduction in
 shareholders' funds                      (11,730)   (7,591)
                                             -----     -----
31 August 1997                              67,157    78,887
                                             =====     =====


1.   Basis of preparation

      The preliminary announcement, which was approved by  the
Board  on 12 November 1997, has been prepared on the basis  of
the accounting policies as set out in the 1996 Annual Report.

      The profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow
statement are abridged from the Group's full accounts on which
the  auditors,  Price  Waterhouse, have given  an  unqualified
opinion which did not include a statement under section 237(2)
or  237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.  The statutory  accounts
will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course.

2.   Segmental information

                                                profit before
                                    Turnover  exceptional items
                                 1997    1996   1997    1996
                                 #000    #000   #000    #000

Advanced Engineered Products   61,853  66,053  8,370   8,261
Conveyor Belting               56,826  40,197  5,775   3,050
Fluid Power                    46,198  47,270  4,640   4,018
Power Transmission            105,428 112,724  6,801   7,351
Common costs                        -       -(2,551) (2,507)
Inter-segment sales           (3,642) (7,641)      -       -
                                -----   -----  -----   -----
                              266,663 258,603 23,035  20,173
                                -----   -----  -----   -----

3.   Exceptional items
                                                1997    1996
                                                #000    #000
Restructuring and relocation of
 the UK polymer businesses
 following the acquisition of
 W A Thatcher Limited and
 Cromwell Rubber Company Limited                   -   5,133
Global restructuring of the
 Conveyor Belting Division
 following the acquisition of
 Scandura Holdings Inc.                        2,986       -
Restructuring of the UK conveyor
 belting business following
 the acquisition of the conveyor
 belting business of T&N PLC                       -   1,000
                                               -----   -----
                                               2,986   6,133
                                               =====   =====

The  exceptional  charge principally comprises  #1,243,000  of
asset write-down, demolition and related costs, and #1,050,000
of  plant and personnel relocation costs.  Whilst the costs of
the  restructuring will impact several of the Conveyor Belting
Division's  operations, the full cost has  been  allocated  to
Acquisitions on the basis that the restructuring results  from
a  review  of  the Division's global operations arising  as  a
direct  consequence of the integration of the  acquisition  of
Scandura Inc.

The  tax  credit  in respect of exceptional items  amounts  to
#418,000 (1996 #125,000).

4.   Loss on sale and termination of operations

Loss  on termination of non-core
 manufacturing operations                     1,622      726
Profit on sale of operations                 (1,602)     124
                                               -----   -----
                                                  20     850
                                               =====   =====

The  tax credit in respect of the loss on sale and termination
of operations amounts to #202,000 (1996 #75,000).

5.   Taxation on profit on ordinary activities
                                                1997    1996
                                                #000    #000
The charge based on the profit for
 the year comprises

United Kingdom                                 1,553   1,193
Overseas                                       4,756   5,471
                                              ------  ------
                                               6,309   6,664
                                              ======  ======

6.   Dividends
                                                1997    1996
                                                #000    #000
Ordinary shares
Dividend paid - interim
 1.80p (1996 1.70p)                            1,673   1,576
Dividend proposed - final
 3.50p (1996 3.30p)                            3,578   3,061
                                               -----   -----
                                               5,251   4,637
                                              ======  ======

If  approved,  the  final dividend of 3.50p  per  share  (1996
3.30p) will be paid on 19 January 1998 to shareholders on  the
register on 12 December 1997.  The interim dividend was  paid,
and it is intended that the final dividend will be paid, as  a
Foreign  Income Dividend.  UK income tax at the lower rate  is
deemed  to  have been paid in respect of these  dividends  but
will not be recoverable by the shareholders.

7.   Earnings per share

In  view of the significance of the exceptional costs and loss
on  sale  and termination of operations in the year  ended  31
August 1997, the directors consider it appropriate to disclose
earnings  per  share calculated both before  and  after  these

Profit on ordinary activities
 attributable to Fenner PLC                   11,594   5,173
Exceptional items plus
 loss on sale and termination
 of operations                                 3,006   6,983
Attributable taxation                          (620)   (200)
                                               -----   -----
Earnings for the year before
 exceptional items and loss on sale
 and termination of operations                13,980  11,956
                                              ======  ======

                                              Number  Number
Weighted average number of
 ordinary shares in issue
 during the year                          94,876,504 92,471,852

Earnings per share                             Pence   Pence
Before exceptional items                       14.73   12.93
After exceptional items                        12.22    5.59
                                              ======  ======



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