RNS Number : 1389X

Driver Group plc

17 February 2017


("Driver" or "the Group")

Preliminary Results (unaudited)

For the Year to 30 September 2016

Driver provides specialist commercial & dispute resolution

Services to the construction and engineering industries

Financial Highlights

   --      Revenue and profits in line with guidance given in pre-close trading update of 14 September 
   --      Revenue up 21% to GBP58.3m (2015: GBP48.0m) 

o Second half revenue up 13% to GBP30.4m (2015: GBP26.8m)

   --      Underlying* operating loss of GBP0.2m (2015: Profit GBP1.2m) 

o Second half underlying* operating profit of GBP1.2m (2015: GBP1.6m)

o Second half result absorbs GBP0.5m bad debt provision for "AMEA"

-- Underlying* loss before taxation of GBP0.4m (2015: Profit GBP1.1m) and reported loss before taxation of GBP5.3m (2015: GBP1.9m)

   --      Net borrowings GBP9.9m at end September (2015: GBP2.5m) 

Operational Highlights

   --      Group Board changes 

o Gordon Wilkinson appointed Chief Executive Officer in March 2016

o Hugh Cawley appointed Chief Financial Officer in September 2016

o Bob Laslett resigned as Non-Executive Director in June 2016

-- Strategy refreshed and clearly articulated, focusing on the Group's traditional and proven areas of expertise, claims and dispute resolution and expert witness support services

                   --      Overhead and administrative savings of GBP1.3m (annualised) implemented in the second half 
                   --      Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa ('AMEA') 

o Regional oil & gas disputes team established in Singapore

o H2 revenue up 26% on prior year period led by organic growth in UAE, Oman and Singapore

                   --      Europe & Americas ('EuAm') 

o H2 revenue up 6% on prior year period led by organic growth across the regions disputes services and growth from the Paris office opened in April 2015

Start to new financial year

-- First 4 months of new financial year comfortably ahead (by GBP1.1m at an underlying* profit before tax level) of prior year and ahead of internal forecasts

-- Equity fundraising announced today intended to reduce the Group's outstanding borrowings and provide the financial flexibility necessary to support the next phase of the turnaround.

* Underlying figures are stated before the share-based payment costs, exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets

**Net (borrowings) / cash consists of cash and cash equivalents, bank loans and finance leases

Gordon Wilkinson, Chief Executive of Driver Group said:

"The proposed fundraise announced today is intended to provide the necessary level of refinancing to normalise the capital structure of the business. On completion this additional financing will provide a solid platform on which to effect the remainder of the board's recovery plan and to capitalise on the current opportunities available to the business"

  Driver Group plc 
   Gordon Wilkinson, Group       +44 (0) 7964 518095 
   Chief Executive               Email: gordon.wilkinson@driver-group.com 
                                 +44 (0) 7971 469975 
   Hugh Cawley, CFO              Email: hugh.cawley@driver-group.com 
  N+1 Singer (Nominated 
   Adviser & Broker) 
   Sandy Fraser 
   James White 
   Alex Laughton-Scott          +44 (0)20 7496 3000 



The past year has been one of enormous change across the whole of the Driver Group. The first half saw a significant increase in revenue but this was not accompanied by commensurate profits as the costs of the increased headcount within the "AMEA" region in particular outweighed new client assignments, and we experienced some delay in securing new opportunities. The loss declared at the half year was clearly unacceptable. Significant change was needed to improve the prospects of the Group and action needed to be taken decisively and effectively. While much remains to be done the changes implemented saw a new management team under Gordon Wilkinson take charge and introduce a radical overhaul of every part of our business resulting in a second half which demonstrated a marked improvement. The underlying* loss before tax of GBP1.5m in the first half was reduced to an underlying* loss before tax of GBP0.4m for the full year to 30 September 2016 and a clear strategy for the businesses has been articulated and is being executed. The business in the UK and Europe showed excellent progress, particularly in the disputes and claims business, enhancing its reputation as a leading supplier of expert witnesses and in particular strengthening the Diales brand. Our ambition now is to turn underlying profits into actual and sustainable profits and your Board is confident that this can be achieved over time.

Financial results

Revenue for the year was GBP58.3m (2015: GBP48.0m) and underlying* operating loss before tax was GBP0.2m (2015: profit GBP1.2m). The underlying* loss per share was 1.0p (2015: earnings of 3.2p). The reported loss before taxation was GBP5.3m (2015: GBP1.9m), after exceptional items relating to severance payments of GBP1.4m (2015: GBP0.5m), impairment of goodwill GBP1.4m (2015: GBPnil), acquisition and integration costs of GBP0.6m (2015: GBP1.6m), restructuring costs of GBP0.2m (2015: GBPnil), a share based payment charge of GBP1.1m (2015: GBP0.5m) and amortisation of intangible assets of GBP0.2m (2015: GBP0.2m).

Net borrowings at the year-end were slightly higher than expected, at GBP9.9m (2015: GBP2.5m), reflecting the losses, the costs of severance payments, and of the acquisition of Initiate Consulting Limited ('Initiate') and the increase in working capital requirements associated with the growth of the business. The deleveraging of the balance sheet is, of course, the principal reason for the additional equity injection. The Company has today announced the placing conditionally to raise GBP8.0 million before expenses (the "Placing") with up to a further GBP0.5 million to be raised by way of an Open Offer to existing shareholders at not less than 35 pence per share (the "Issue Price"), alongside new term debt facilities of an initial GBP8.0 million, comprising a GBP5.0 million term debt facility and a revolving credit facility of a further GBP3.0 million, which will become effective and drawable upon completion of the Placing.


Given the trading results the Board do not recommend the payment of a dividend for 2016 (2015: final 1.05p; full year 1.65p).


The strategy of your Board is to concentrate on those areas where we excel, in claims and dispute resolution, with the objective of consolidating the Group's position as one of the pre-eminent firms in its areas of expertise. Whilst this may not deliver dramatic revenue growth in the near term it ought to result in a healthy and stable business, generating attractive returns for shareholders.


As announced with the Interims, Dave Webster retired as CEO and assumed a non-executive role. Dave was replaced by Gordon Wilkinson, previously Chief Operating Officer of Initiate in March of this year. Bob Laslett resigned as a non-executive director at the beginning of June, and Damien McDonald stepped down to pursue other opportunities with effect from 30 September to be replaced by Hugh Cawley as Chief Financial Officer. As Dave Webster now steps down altogether, we welcome the appointment of John Horgan as a non-executive director who I am sure will be a significant asset to the Board in the future. I believe we now have a balanced and experienced Board well able to deliver the Group's recovery and growth strategy.

I should like to place on record our thanks to the retiring members of the Board for their service and dedication and to wish them well in their future endeavours.


The first four months of this current financial year have shown a marked improvement compared with the equivalent period in the previous year, with underlying* profit before tax improving by GBP1.1m and ahead of internal forecasts. While it is always difficult to predict volumes in a professional services business such as ours your Board is confident that the company will continue to take out unnecessary costs, improve margins and refine our areas of operation both geographically and intellectually. Gordon Wilkinson as CEO and Mark Wheeler as Global COO have led this recovery and I am enormously grateful to them both and through them to all our staff for the enormous effort they have put in to reforming our business in challenging times. With this strategy of increasing our concentration on the higher margin claims and disputes markets now so clearly articulated and once the financial structure of the business is again back on a solid base following the equity raise now in process, I believe that shareholders, staff and other stakeholders can look forward to the future with renewed confidence.

Steven Norris

Non-Executive Chairman

* Underlying figures are stated before the share-based payment costs, exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets

**Net (borrowings) / cash consists of cash and cash equivalents, bank loans and finance leases



Having taken on the role of Group Chief Executive in March 2016, I was in no doubt of the significant challenges that lay ahead and the major rebuilding exercise required to return the business to a sustainable and profitable business model. Despite impressive revenue growth in recent years, we had failed to effectively manage our cost base and cash collections, ultimately leading to an underlying* loss before tax of GBP1.5m in the first half of the financial year.

There were a number of immediate challenges to address:

The first priority was clearly to adjust the cost base, which presented opportunities for reduction as it had been put in place to support a planned steep increase in both revenue and profit. Actions taken resulted in an annualised overhead cost saving of GBP1.3m.

In parallel the Group strategy for growth and diversification was closely scrutinised, and a decision made to move away from providing a high volume of low margin work in a wide number of construction related activities. Instead, the focus was returned to the Group's core business offering of construction claims, dispute resolution, and the provision of expert witness services. These core services have consistently been the Group's most profitable services, with gross margins of between 25% and 40%, varying from region to region. We also focussed on the development and strengthening of the Diales brand, which has proved hugely successful with our clients.

Our cash collection had become less effective, especially in some of our more challenging markets. Immediate steps were taken to improve our cash position and put in place new processes to improve our on-going cash collection.

The final step in the repositioning process was to appoint a predominately new leadership team and structure which was both streamlined, and could provide consistent global leadership and direction. This led to the recruitment of Hugh Cawley as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Damien McDonald, who has now left the business. The appointment of Mark Wheeler as Global Chief Operating Officer in September 2016, completed the leadership team and gave us the ability to drive a strategy of global integration focussed on delivering excellence in all that we do and achieving sustainable and profitable success.

The financial year 2015-16 was undoubtedly a challenging one, with H1 being particularly disappointing. However H2 saw the Group return to profit at an underlying* level with trading stabilised, and an underlying* loss before tax for the year of GBP0.4m (2015: GBP1.1m profit), a creditable recovery on the H1 underlying* loss before tax of GBP1.5m.

On behalf of the Board I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for their efforts and loyalty throughout a very challenging 2016.

Financial performance

Revenue grew by 21% to GBP58.3m (2015: GBP48.0m). Gross Margin increased by GBP1.1m to GBP11.7m (2015: GBP10.6m).


A significant proportion of the revenue generated in AMEA came from the Middle East market. This market continues to be highly competitive, and the payment terms available have created a significant challenge for the business in collecting its debts. Our overall bad debt provision in 2016 was increased significantly to GBP1.4m (2015: GBP0.5m) owing to a number of Middle East contracts being written down. Moving forward we will take a more stringent approach to our bad debt provisions.

The implementation of our previous strategic plan had led to a significant increase in headcount across the AMEA region. Steps have been taken to ensure our headcount is more closely aligned with our ability to secure and deliver profitable work.

Despite the downturn in the Oil & Gas sector in the year, the region saw an increase in the number of appointments on commissions, particularly in Asia Pacific. We are optimistic that this trend will continue.

The market in Hong Kong has been challenging, and whilst there was no growth for the Group, trading was steady and we remain confident that we can be a major player in the marketplace.

The Australian market was very difficult in FY 2015-16 and as such we significantly reduced our costs to stabilise trading.

Europe and Americas

The UK continued to operate in a strong and consistent manner. Following the outcome of the Brexit vote in June, the UK construction market dipped briefly but has now recovered and is showing signs of growth in 2017 and beyond. The UK Government announced an additional GBP23bn of capital spend on innovation and infrastructure over the next five years; the third runway at Heathrow was approved; and construction of HS2 will start next year.

The UK has developed into a centre of excellence for testimony and dispute resolution expertise. 2016 saw the number of our Diales experts increase, from only 13 four years ago, to close to 40, half of whom are based in the UK. We are winning more expert work around the globe, typically with healthy gross margins of up to 40%.

The Netherlands and Germany have been effectively run as one business following leadership changes in 2014-15. The offices service Northern Europe predominantly in offshore and heavy engineering. Both have had a good year, with the Netherlands achieving record breaking revenue and profit levels for the year as a whole.

Although still in its infancy, our France business is performing well. In its first 18 months the office has expanded to a team of 10, and there are significant opportunities to grow the business further. We have a dominant position and unique offering in the French market that should facilitate continued growth and opportunities to develop markets in Central and South America, as well as parts of French speaking Africa and Canada.

After a strong first year in 2015 for our Canadian business, 2016 has been somewhat more difficult owing to a number of commissions taking longer than expected to start.

At the end of year we changed the leadership team which had a positive effect and is starting to produce results.


Initiate was acquired in December 2014, and performed broadly in line with expectations throughout 2016 financial year. During this financial year Initiate has continued to provide project delivery and project management services to the infrastructure sector. Strong relationships with the existing client base have served as a solid base for the business, particularly in Network Rail, Transport for London and Heathrow.

During the year a review of the management team's progress in extending these services to the Middle East region took place. A decision was made to discontinue this intended expansion due to a high level of local competition in a well-established marketplace that did not provide opportunity for increased margin. The Initiate brand is now firmly focused on the UK infrastructure market, where its core strengths lie. The business's consulting revenues have reduced in Q4 from GBP1.5m in 2015 to GBP1.3m in 2016. The board has subsequently determined from a review of the market for such businesses that an impairment was required against the carrying amount of goodwill (note 5) for both this business and Driver Project Services of some GBP1.4m.

The outlook for Initiate, however, remains reasonable with recent post-Brexit decisions for Hinkley, HS2, and in particular Heathrow, where Initiate is well placed to capitalise on the planned expansion.


The outlook for the Group's core global business in the construction claims, dispute resolution, and expert witness markets remains strong. The Driver Trett brand is ranked among the top three global leaders in this niche section. Our highly-regarded pool of experts/specialists have an excellent reputation in the industry and strong links to the world's leading law firms.

Whilst the Group had a very disappointing period in H1 of 2016, we have taken decisive action in the restructuring of the leadership team with an emphasis firmly on profit and cash generation. Significant cost savings have already been implemented in H2, and we are seeing the benefits of a reduced cost base in re-building our margin.

Although the business has been through a difficult time in 2016 much of the substantial investment made in attracting new talent and achieving a truly global reach leaves the Group well placed to deliver a significantly improved performance in the next financial year and beyond.

With the Group now operating as one global business, rather than by region, under one Chief Operating Officer, we can ensure that our clients get the right people/team with the right expertise, and in the right location.

Gordon Wilkinson

Chief Executive Officer

* Underlying figures are stated before the share-based payment costs, exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets


Overview of the year

The financial key performance indicators for the Group are revenue, operating profit and profit before tax, all of which ultimately reflect the effects of the key influence of chargeable staff utilisation. We also monitor underlying* operating profit and underlying* profit before tax as we believe that these measures better reflect the underlying, replicable results of the Group. The poor results for the first half year, in which the Group lost GBP1.5 million at underlying* profit before tax level contrasted markedly with the second half in which the Group returned to profit, though not sufficient wholly to counteract the losses of the first half. In terms of revenue, this was another year of substantial growth, up 21% to GBP58.3m from GBP48.0m, whereas underlying* profit before tax fell from a profit of GBP1.1m in the prior year to a loss of GBP0.4m. There were also substantial exceptional costs recognised in the year of GBP3.6m (2015: GBP2.2m), reflecting principally severance costs incurred of GBP1.4m (2015: GBP0.5m) in an effort to control overheads particularly, in dismantling the central team which had been assembled in the UAE. With the appointment of the Global COO, such a team was no longer necessary. Other significant exceptional costs were the recognition of impairment in the value of the UK project management businesses of GBP1.4m (2015: GBPnil); and the amortisation of deferred consideration of GBP0.6m (2015: GBP1.6m) relating to the acquisition of Initiate at the end of 2014. Other costs excluded from underlying* profit before tax comprised share-based payments of GBP1.1m (2015: GBP0.5m). The increased cost in the year has been largely due to the acceleration of the share options charge relating to employee

options that were replaced by long term incentive plans designed to help align staff motivation with the interests of shareholders and the amortisation of acquired intangibles of GBP0.2m (2015: GBP0.2m) associated with the Initiate acquisition. Utilisation across the whole business during the year averaged out at 71% (2015: 76%), including the first half of the year when it dropped to 69% (2015: 74%). The financial results for 2016 clearly reflected this excess of unproductive headcount.

After a net interest charge of GBP0.2m (2015: GBP0.1m) the underlying* loss before tax was GBP0.4m (2015: profit of GBP1.1m) and the reported loss before tax was GBP5.3m (2015: loss GBP1.9m).

The Europe & Americas business segment revenue grew again this year, by GBP0.7m to GBP22.9m although underlying* operating profit reduced by GBP0.2m to GBP1.9m; exceptional costs of GBP0.5m (2015: GBP0.1m), reduced profit for the year to GBP1.4m (2015: GBP2.0m).

The Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa segment revenue increased by GBP9.1m to GBP29.4m, whilst underlying* operating profit turned negative from a profit of GBP0.8m to a loss of GBP1.1m. This deterioration can be attributed to the decision to recruit extensively with the aim of growing revenue, in advance of winning the business for which the staff would be required. After exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets of GBP0.5m (2015: GBP0.5m) the operating loss increased to GBP1.6m (2015: profit GBP0.2m).

Initiate, acquired in December 2014, reported revenue of GBP5.9m (2015:GBP5.4m) and an underlying* operating loss of GBP0.1m (2015: profit of GBP0.4m). After exceptional items of GBP1.6m and amortisation of intangibles of GBP0.2m, the operating loss was GBP1.8m (2015: GBP1.4m).

Corporate costs have been allocated more fully to the business segments in 2016 in order to better reflect the benefits accruing to the segments from the support activities reflected in the corporate costs. Unallocated costs remaining at the underlying level amounted to GBP1.0m in 2016 (2015: GBP2.1m). After a share option cost of GBP1.1m (2015: GBP0.5m) and exceptional costs of GBP0.9m (2015: GBPnil) the reported unallocated costs were GBP3.3m (2015: GBP2.7m). These segmental results for the year are disclosed in note 3.


The Group showed a tax credit of GBP0.1m (2015: charge GBP0.1m). The tax charge includes the effects of expenses not deductible for tax purposes and losses made in countries where the effective tax rate is nil, consequently, the effective tax rate for the year was negative 2% (2015: 5%).

Earnings per share

Underlying* earnings per share were minus 1.0 pence (2015: 3.2 pence). The basic loss per share was 16.8 pence (2015: loss per share 6.5 pence).

Cash flow

There was a cash outflow from operations before changes in Working Capital of GBP1.6m (2015: GBP0.7m). This reflected the reported loss for the year of GBP5.3m (2015: profit of GBP1.8m) before depreciation and amortisation of GBP0.7m (2015: GBP0.6m) and the share based payment charge of GBP1.1m (2015: GBP0.5m). The outflow from increased receivables of GBP4.2m (2015: GBP3.0m) resulting from the growth in revenue in the second half of the year was offset slightly by an inflow from increased payables of GBP0.4m (2015: GBP2.9m). Net tax paid in the year was GBP0.1m (2015: GBP0.5m).

There was a net cash outflow from investing activities of GBP0.7m (2015: GBP0.8m) principally consisting of net capital spend of GBP0.7m (2015: GBP0.5m). There were no costs of acquisition in 2016 (2015: GBP0.3m).

Net cashflow from financing activities was an inflow of GBP3.1m (2015: GBP1.7m). This included net proceeds from borrowings of GBP4.2m (2015: GBP1.9m), offset by the repurchase of share options of GBP0.4m (2015: GBPnil), a dividend paid of GBP0.3m (2015: GBP0.5m), interest paid of GBP0.2m (2015: GBP0.1m) and repayment of borrowings of GBP0.1m (2015: GBPnil). The prior year, 2015, also benefited from the proceeds from sale of shares of GBP0.4m.

The Company had net borrowings at the end of the year of GBP9.9m compared to GBP2.5m at 30 September 2015.


The Directors do not propose the payment of a dividend for the year (2015: a final dividend of 1.05 pence per share at a cost of GBP320,000).

On behalf of the Board

Hugh Cawley

Chief Financial Officer

* Underlying figures are stated before the share-based payment costs, exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets

   30 SEPTEMBER 2016 
                                             Notes    Unaudited 
                                                           2016         2015 
                                                         GBP000       GBP000 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
  REVENUE                                      2         58,261       47,950 
  Cost of Sales                                        (46,579)     (37,380) 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
  GROSS PROFIT                                           11,682       10,570 
  Administrative expenses                              (17,010)     (12,508) 
  Other operating income                                    197          170 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
  Underlying* operating (loss)/profit                     (208)        1,155 
  Exceptional items                            5        (3,559)      (2,173) 
  Share-based payment charges 
   and associated costs                       19        (1,141)        (510) 
  Amortisation of intangible 
   assets                                     13          (223)        (240) 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
  OPERATING LOSS                             2, 4       (5,131)      (1,768) 
  Finance income                                             14            9 
  Finance costs                                6          (231)        (104) 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
    LOSS BEFORE TAXATION                        2       (5,348)      (1,863) 
  Tax expense                                  7            115         (96) 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
    LOSS FOR THE YEAR                                   (5,233)      (1,959) 
-----------------------------------------  -------  -----------  ----------- 
    Loss attributable to non-controlling 
    interests from continuing                               (3)            - 
  Loss attributable to equity 
   shareholders of the parent 
   from continuing operations                           (5,230)      (1,959) 
                                                        (5,233)      (1,959) 
    Basic loss per share attributable 
    to equity shareholders of 
    the parent (pence)                         10       (16.8)p       (6.5)p 


                                                                             Notes     Unaudited 
                                                                                            2016       2015 
                                                                                          GBP000     GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------  --------- 
    LOSS FOR THE YEAR                                                                    (5,233)    (1,959) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
  Other comprehensive income: 
  Items that could subsequently be reclassified to the Income Statement: 
  Exchange differences on translating foreign operations                                    (49)       (79) 
===================================================================================  ===========  ========= 
  OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR NET OF TAX                                        (49)       (79) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
  TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR                                                (5,282)    (2,038) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
  Total comprehensive income attributable to: 
  Owners of the parent                                                                   (5,279)    (2,038) 
  Non-controlling interest                                                                   (3)          - 
=========================================================================  ========  ===========  ========= 
                                                                                         (5,282)    (2,038) 
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 


                                         Unaudited               Restated* 
                                            2016                    2015 
                                     GBP000      GBP000     GBP000      GBP000 
--------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
  Goodwill                            3,456                  4,838 
  Property, plant and equipment       2,927                  2,676 
  Intangible assets                     621                    842 
  Deferred tax asset                     21                     35 
                                  ---------              --------- 
                                                  7,025                  8,391 
  Trade and other receivables        20,346                 16,537 
  Derivative financial 
   asset                                454                     17 
  Cash and cash equivalents             555                  1,111 
                                  ---------              --------- 
                                                 21,355                 17,665 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  TOTAL ASSETS                                   28,380                 26,056 
  Borrowings                        (3,352)                  (479) 
  Trade and other payables          (8,593)                (9,384) 
  Derivative financial 
   liability                        (1,395)                  (153) 
  Current tax payable                  (49)                  (209) 
                                  ---------              --------- 
                                               (13,389)               (10,225) 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  Borrowings                        (7,110)                (3,100) 
  Deferred tax liabilities            (301)                  (352) 
  Trade and other payables                -                  (317) 
                                  ---------              --------- 
                                                (7,411)                (3,769) 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  TOTAL LIABILITIES                            (20,800)               (13,994) 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  NET ASSETS                                      7,580                 12,062 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  Share capital                                     127                    125 
  Share premium                                   3,453                  3,095 
  Merger reserve                                  1,702                  3,102 
  Currency reserve                                (441)                  (392) 
  Capital redemption reserve                         18                     18 
  Retained earnings                               2,829                  6,219 
  Own shares                                      (107)                  (107) 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                      7,581                 12,060 
  NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST                          (1)                      2 
                                             ----------             ---------- 
  TOTAL EQUITY                                    7,580                 12,062 
                                             ----------  ---------  ---------- 

**Restated to reflect the reallocation of GBP1,609,000 from the share premium account to the merger reserve in relation to shares issued as part of the consideration for the purchase of initiate Consulting Ltd in December 2014. The amount is equal to the difference between the fair value on issue and the nominal value.


                                                   2016        2015 
                                                 GBP000      GBP000 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  Loss for the year                             (5,233)     (1,959) 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  Adjustments for: 
     Depreciation                                   503         357 
     Amortisation                                   223         240 
     Impairment of goodwill                       1,400           - 
     Exchange adjustments                           249         (5) 
     Finance income                                (14)         (9) 
     Finance expense                                231         104 
     Tax (credit)/expense                         (115)          96 
     Equity settled share-based payment 
      charge                                      1,141         510 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
   IN WORKING CAPITAL AND PROVISIONS            (1,615)       (666) 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  Increase in trade and other receivables       (4,184)     (2,968) 
  Increase in trade and other payables              434       2,865 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  CASH USED IN OPERATIONS                       (5,365)       (769) 
  Tax paid                                         (98)       (491) 
   ACTIVITIES                                   (5,463)     (1,260) 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  Interest received                                  14           9 
  Acquisition of property, plant 
   and equipment                                  (728)       (532) 
  Acquisition of intangible assets                    -        (41) 
  Acquisition of subsidiary net 
   of cash acquired                                   -       (344) 
  Proceeds from the disposal of 
   property, plant & equipment                        -          80 
   ACTIVITIES                                     (714)       (828) 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  Interest paid                                   (231)       (104) 
  Repayment of borrowings                          (91)        (33) 
  Proceeds of borrowings                          4,162       1,926 
  Repurchase of share options                     (462)           - 
  Proceeds from sale of shares                        -         401 
  Dividends paid to equity shareholders 
   of the parent                                  (320)       (505) 
  Payment of dividends to non controlling 
   interests                                          -        (10) 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
   ACTIVITIES                                     3,058       1,675 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  Net decrease in cash and cash 
   equivalents                                  (3,119)       (413) 
  Effect of foreign exchange on 
   cash and cash equivalents                      (249)           5 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 
   start of period                                  694       1,102 
                                            -----------  ---------- 
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT OF PERIOD                                (2,674)         694 
                                            -----------  ---------- 


2016: Unaudited *Restated

                       Share       Share       Merger           Other     Retained        Own                        interest        Total 
                     capital     premium      reserve     reserves(2)     earnings     shares     Total(1)             GBP000       Equity 
                      GBP000      GBP000       GBP000          GBP000       GBP000     GBP000       GBP000                          GBP000 
   2014                  111       2,702        1,493           (295)        8,173      (107)       12,077                 12       12,089 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
  Loss for 
   the year                -           -            -               -      (1,959)          -      (1,959)                  -      (1,959) 
   for the 
   year                    -           -            -            (79)            -          -         (79)                  -         (79) 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
   for the 
   year                    -           -            -            (79)      (1,959)          -      (2,038)                  -      (2,038) 
  Dividends                -           -            -               -        (505)          -        (505)               (10)        (515) 
   payment                 -           -            -               -          510          -          510                  -          510 
   of share 
   capital                 8         393            -               -            -          -          401                  -          401 
   as part 
   of the 
   in a business 
   combination             6           -        1,609               -            -          -        1,615                  -        1,615 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
   AT 30 
   2015                  125       3,095        3,102           (374)        6,219      (107)       12,060                  2       12,062 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
  Loss for 
   the year                -           -            -               -      (5,230)          -      (5,230)                (3)      (5,233) 
   for the 
   year                    -           -            -            (49)            -          -         (49)                  -         (49) 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
   for the 
   year                    -           -            -            (49)      (5,230)          -      (5,279)                (3)      (5,282) 
  Dividends                -           -            -               -        (320)          -        (320)                  -        (320) 
   payment                 -           -            -               -        1,141          -        1,141                  -        1,141 
   on impairment 
   of goodwill             -           -      (1,400)               -        1,400          -            -                  -            - 
   of share 
   capital                 2         358            -               -            -          -          360                  -          360 
   of share 
   options                 -           -            -               -        (381)          -        (381)                  -        (381) 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
   AT 30 
   2016                  127       3,453        1,702           (423)        2,829      (107)        7,581                (1)        7,580 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
   (1)    Total equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent 

(2) 'Other reserves' combines the translation reserve and capital redemption reserve. The movement in the current and prior year relates to the translation of foreign currency equity balances and foreign currency non-monetary items.

*Restated to reflect the reallocation of GBP1,609,000 from the share premium account to the merger reserve in relation to shares issued as part of the consideration for the purchase of initiate Consulting Ltd in December 2014. The amount is equal to the difference between the fair value on issue and the nominal value.


1. These Preliminary Results have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and the IFRS Interpretation Committee (IFRIC) interpretations as endorsed by the European Union. The financial information set out in these Preliminary Results does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2016 or the year ended 30 September 2015 but is derived from those accounts. These preliminary results have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements of Driver Group plc for the year ended 30 September 2015 which will be consistent with those in the Annual Report and Financial Statements of Driver Group plc for the year ended 30 September 2016 when finalised.

The Directors have prepared cashflow forecasts for a period of 48 months from the date of releasing these financial statements which show that the Group will have sufficient funds to continue and therefore that the going concern basis of preparation is appropriate. However, a key assumption within these forecasts is the receipt of GBP8m from an equity placing and new banking facilities of GBP8m. The Company has today announced the Placing conditionally to raise GBP8.0 million before expenses with up to a further GBP0.5 million to be raised by way of an Open Offer to existing shareholders at the Issue Price, alongside new term debt facilities of an initial GBP8.0 million, comprising a GBP5.0 million term debt facility and a revolving credit facility of a further GBP3.0 million, which will become effective and drawable upon completion of the Placing.

The Company's existing top-up facility of GBP2.0 million is due to expire in April 2017 and whilst the Directors are confident that the equity placing will be successful, should it fail to be approved by Shareholders at the General Meeting of the Company to be convened on 9 March 2017 (or not proceed for any other reason) the Company would be obliged to enter into negotiations with its bankers for the extension of its existing facilities or the arrangement of new facilities either with its existing bank or with a new lender(s). Whilst the Directors are confident that its existing bankers would engage in constructive negotiations following a request for a facility extension or renewal, there is nonetheless no guarantee that the Company would be able to arrange suitable alternative bank financing prior to expiry of the existing facilities.

Should the above not take place, in view of the inherent uncertainty around the alternative courses of action available to the Directors, the going concern basis on which these financial statements have been prepared may prove to be inappropriate. If the auditors were to be asked to issue an audit report today it is likely their report would be unqualified, but would draw attention to the going concern uncertainties by way of emphasis without qualifying their report. In circumstances where the going concern basis is inappropriate, adjustments are likely to have to be made to the net assets shown in these financial statements to reduce assets to their more immediately recoverable amounts, to reclassify fixed assets and creditors due after more than one year to current assets and current liabilities and to provide for further liabilities that may arise.

Group statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2015 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for the year ended 30 September 2016 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The audit on the 2016 accounts is not yet complete. BDO LLP have reported on the 2015 accounts. Their report was unqualified, did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and did not contain statements under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

   2.         Earnings per share 
                                                                 2016          2015 
                                                               GBP000        GBP000 
                                                         ------------  ------------ 
  Loss for the financial year attributable 
   to equity shareholders                                     (5,230)       (1,959) 
  Share-based payment charges and 
   associated costs                                             1,141           510 
  Exceptionals (note 4)                                         3,559         2,173 
  Amortisation of intangible assets                               223           240 
                                                         ============  ============ 
  Adjusted (loss)/profit for the year 
   before share-based payments, amortisation 
   of intangible assets and exceptional 
   items                                                        (307)           964 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Weighted average number of shares: 
        *    Ordinary shares in issue                      31,251,190    30,401,519 
        *    Shares held by EBT                             (596,677)     (596,677) 
        *    Vested options with nominal consideration        426,017       272,997 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Basic weighted average number of 
   shares                                                  31,080,530    30,077,839 
  Effect of Employee share options                          1,590,610     2,149,588 
  Diluted weighted average number 
   of shares                                               32,671,140    32,227,427 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Basic loss per share                                        (16.8)p        (6.5)p 
  Adjusted (loss)/earnings per share 
   before share-based payments, amortisation 
   of intangible assets and exceptional 
   items                                                       (1.0)p          3.2p 
   3.    Segmental Analysis 


For management purposes, the Group is organised into three operating divisions: EuAm (Europe & Americas), AMEA (APAC, Middle East & Africa) and Initiate. These divisions are the basis on which the Group is structured and managed, based on its geographic structure. In EuAm and AMEA the key service provisions are: quantity surveying, planning / programming, quantum and planning experts, dispute avoidance / resolution, litigation support, contract administration and commercial advice / management. In Initiate the key service provisions are capital investment consultancy providing development, project and contracting management services to the infrastructure market in the UK.

Segment information about these reportable segments is presented below.

Year ended 30 September 2016


                                Europe         East 
                                     &     & Africa     Initiate    Eliminations     Unallocated(1)    Consolidated 
                              Americas       GBP000       GBP000          GBP000             GBP000          GBP000 
                           -----------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
    Total external 
    revenue                     22,945       29,440        5,876               -                  -          58,261 
  Total inter-segment 
   revenue                         532           80            -           (612)                  -               - 
=========================  ===========  ===========  ===========  ==============  =================  ============== 
  Total revenue                 23,477       29,520        5,876           (612)                  -          58,261 
-------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   profit/(loss)                 1,916      (1,089)         (52)               -                  -             775 
   expenses(1)                       -            -            -               -              (983)           (983) 
   payment charge                    -            -            -               -            (1,141)         (1,141) 
   items (note 
   4)                            (535)        (504)      (1,600)               -              (920)         (3,559) 
   of intangible 
   assets                            -         (27)        (196)               -                  -           (223) 
-------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   profit/(loss)                 1,381      (1,620)      (1,848)               -            (3,044)         (5,131) 
  Finance income                     -            -            -               -                 14              14 
  Finance expense                    -            -            -               -              (231)           (231) 
-------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   before taxation               1,381      (1,620)      (1,848)               -            (3,261)         (5,348) 
  Taxation                           -            -            -               -                115             115 
                           -----------  -----------  -----------  -------------- 
   for the year                  1,381      (1,620)      (1,848)               -            (3,146)         (5,233) 
-------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
             Non current 
              assets             5,642          742          490               -                151           7,025 
              assets             9,955       14,779          908               -              2,738          28,380 
  Capital additions(2)              70          547            4               -                107             728 
   and amortisation                118          291          197               -                120             726 
-------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 (1) Unallocated costs represent Directors' remuneration, 
  administration staff, corporate head office costs 
  and expenses associated with AIM. 
  (2) Capital additions comprise additions to property, 
  plant and equipment including additions resulting 
  from acquisitions through business combinations. 
   No client had revenue of 10% or more of 
   the Group's revenue in the year to 30 September 

Year ended 30 September 2015

                                Europe        East 
                                     &    & Africa     initiate    Eliminations     Unallocated(1)    Consolidated 
                              Americas      GBP000       GBP000          GBP000             GBP000          GBP000 
                           -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
    Total external 
    revenue                     22,243      20,333        5,374               -                  -          47,950 
  Total inter-segment 
   revenue                         508         200            -           (708)                  -               - 
=========================  ===========  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ============== 
  Total revenue                 22,751      20,533        5,374           (708)                  -          47,950 
-------------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   profit/(loss)                 2,087         781          399               -                  -           3,267 
   expenses(1)                       -           -            -               -            (2,112)         (2,112) 
   payment charge                    -           -            -               -              (510)           (510) 
   items (note 
   4)                             (81)       (460)      (1,617)               -               (15)         (2,173) 
   of intangible 
   assets                            -        (77)        (163)               -                  -           (240) 
-------------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   profit/(loss)                 2,006         244      (1,381)               -            (2,637)         (1,768) 
  Finance income                     -           -            -               -                  9               9 
  Finance expense                    -           -            -               -              (104)           (104) 
-------------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   before taxation               2,006         244      (1,381)               -            (2,732)         (1,863) 
  Taxation                           -           -            -               -               (96)            (96) 
                           -----------  ----------  -----------  -------------- 
   for the year                  2,006         244      (1,381)               -            (2,828)         (1,959) 
-------------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
             Non current 
              assets             7,556         471            2               -                362           8,391 
              assets            13,335      10,744          577               -              1,400          26,056 
  Capital additions(2)             111         333            -               -                 70             514 
   and amortisation                105         208          163               -                121             597 
-------------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 (1) Unallocated costs represent Directors' remuneration, 
  administration staff, corporate head office costs 
  and expenses associated with AIM. 
  (2) Capital additions comprise additions to property, 
  plant and equipment including additions resulting 
  from acquisitions through business combinations. 
   No client had revenue of 10% or more of 
   the Group's revenue in the year to 30 September 

Geographical information:

                           External revenue 
                                by location 
                               of customers 
                           2016        2015 
                         GBP000      GBP000 
                    -----------  ---------- 
  UK                     20,713      21,413 
  UAE                     8,724       7,040 
  Oman                    6,270       4,306 
  South Africa            3,347       4,894 
  Netherlands             2,699       1,381 
  South Korea             1,939         226 
  France                  1,740         356 
  Singapore               1,689         405 
  Qatar                   1,678       1,650 
  Saudi Arabia            1,481           - 
  Malaysia                1,330         654 
  Germany                 1,272       1,174 
  Hong Kong               1,123         648 
  Kuwait                    967         748 
  Australia                 924       1,006 
  Belgium                   624         236 
  Canada                    540         511 
  United States             367           - 
  China                     205           7 
  Azerbaijan                 75         576 
  Other countries           554         719 
                         58,261      47,950 
                    -----------  ---------- 
   4.    Exceptional Items 
                                             2016        2015 
                                           GBP000      GBP000 
                                      -----------  ---------- 
  Severance costs (1)                       1,385         526 
  Acquisition and integration costs 
   (2)                                        620       1,647 
  Restructuring costs (3)                     154           - 
  Impairment of Goodwill (note 5)           1,400           - 
                                      ===========  ========== 
                                            3,559       2,173 
                                      -----------  ---------- 

(1) Severance costs include redundancy, ex-gratia, other discretionary payments and associated legal costs.

(2) Acquisition and integration costs include contingent consideration being a cost of GBP0.6m (2015: GBP1.5m) in respect of deferred consideration dependent on future employment, legal and professional fees associated with the acquisition of Initiate and office restructuring costs.

(3) Restructuring costs include bank charges and legal and professional fees in relation to the requirement of an additional banking facility.

   5.    Goodwill 

The group is required to test, on an annual basis, whether goodwill has suffered any impairment. The recoverable amount is determined based on value in use calculations. The use of this method required the estimation of future cash flows and the determination of a discount rate in order to calculate the present value of the cash flows.

As discussed in the Chief Executive Officer's review, a decision was made to discontinue the intended expansion of the project delivery and project management services, into the Middle East region. Consequently and in addition to the reduced revenues of the UK project management businesses (Initiate and Driver Project Services) the recoverable amount of these cash generating units ('CGU's') was insufficient to cover the carrying value of the total net assets, resulting in an impairment charge totalling GBP1.4m being recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.

A 1% increase in the discount rate would reduce the recoverable amount of the Initiate CGU by approximately GBP0.001 million and the Driver Project Services CGU by GBP0.11 million

A 2% reduction in the annual revenue would reduce the recoverable amount Initiate CGU by approximately GBP0.064 million and the Driver Project Services CGU by GBP0.11 million

The carrying amount of goodwill is allocated to the cash generating units (CGU's) as follows;

   Driver Project Services Ltd            GBP1,918,000 
   Initiate Consulting Ltd                  GBP487,000 
   Trett Ltd                                        GBP1,050,000 

The key assumptions used in the value in use calculations are as follows;

          Gross margin        -           13.5% - 34% 
   Growth rate          -           2% 
   Discount rate        -           18% (pre-tax) 
   6.    Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements 

Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be available on the Group's website (www.driver-group.com) when completed and will be sent to the shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available to the public, free of charge, at the Group's office, Driver House, 4 St Crispin Way, Haslingden, Lancashire, BB4 4PW.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 17, 2017 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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