# | 取引 | ペア | 現在値 | 数量 | 売買代金 | 数量 % | 時刻 | |||||
80457.1 | Binance | 13988.79527 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | $ 1,098,149,288.08 | 1741674066 | BTC/USDT | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 1 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_USDT | 37.9859660653 | 最近 |
90543.43 | Crypto.com | 6095.39002 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | $ 541,813,750.67 | 1741219080 | BTC/USDT | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 2 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USDT | 16.5517668953 | 5 日s 前 |
80458.4 | OKX | 5768.98713499 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | $ 452,643,183.56 | 1741674066 | BTC/USDT | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/BTC-USDT | USDT | 3 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/BTC-USDT | 15.6654340357 | 最近 |
80433.15 | Coinbase | 4063.66942713 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | US$ 319,268,689.13 | 1741674067 | BTC/USD | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USD | USD | 4 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USD | 11.0347178567 | 最近 |
90725.33 | Crypto.com | 2694.66449 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | US$ 239,593,896.36 | 1741219320 | BTC/USD | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USD | USD | 5 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USD | 7.3172444016 | 5 日s 前 |
80726 | Bitfinex | 674.4002297 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | US$ 52,969,207.28 | 1741674066 | BTC/USD | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD | USD | 6 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD | 1.83130453662 | 最近 |
80495.99 | DigiFinex | 581.2313921 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | $ 45,746,165.04 | 1741673668 | BTC/USDT | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/BTC | USDT | 7 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/BTC | 1.57830860415 | 7 分s 前 |
82085 | Bitstamp | 500.81824497 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | US$ 40,906,442.83 | 1741591897 | BTC/USD | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usd | USD | 8 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usd | 1.35995019522 | 23 時間s 前 |
80415.5 | Kraken | 426.42144288 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | US$ 33,478,043.79 | 1741674018 | XBT/USD | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USD | USD | 9 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USD | 1.15792890997 | 最近 |
74100 | Bitvavo | 398.79750916 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITV.png | € 28,855,793.09 | 1741674066 | BTC/EUR | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/BTC-EUR | EUR | 10 | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/BTC-EUR | 1.08291731757 | 最近 |
11898808 | bitFlyer | 335.43478462 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | ¥ 3,887,798,657.69 | 1741674066 | BTC/JPY | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/JPY | JPY | 11 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/JPY | 0.910858590734 | 最近 |
80379.79 | LBank | 210.1373 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | $ 16,514,025.97 | 1741674065 | BTC/USDT | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/btc/usdt | USDT | 12 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/btc/usdt | 0.570618712533 | 最近 |
74118.91 | Binance | 200.40158 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | € 14,581,912.32 | 1741674066 | BTC/EUR | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_EUR | EUR | 13 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_EUR | 0.544181787665 | 最近 |
80453.35 | Coinbase | 197.41200841 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | $ 15,499,679.33 | 1741674067 | BTC/USDT | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USDT | USDT | 14 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USDT | 0.536063735841 | 最近 |
79095.9 | Gemini | 166.05846435 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | US$ 13,565,473.63 | 1741649728 | BTC/USD | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCUSD | USD | 15 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCUSD | 0.450924548534 | 7 時間s 前 |
74115.91 | Coinbase | 139.80493497 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | € 10,149,984.98 | 1741674067 | BTC/EUR | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-EUR | EUR | 16 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-EUR | 0.379634229612 | 最近 |
74152.6 | Kraken | 85.45912802 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | € 6,179,114.36 | 1741674016 | XBT/EUR | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/EUR | EUR | 17 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/EUR | 0.232060550911 | 最近 |
74134 | Bitstamp | 78.32992063 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | € 5,679,317.87 | 1741674066 | BTC/EUR | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/eur | EUR | 18 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/eur | 0.212701497843 | 最近 |
62424.16 | Coinbase | 72.97684235 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | £ 4,441,136.84 | 1741674066 | BTC/GBP | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-GBP | GBP | 19 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-GBP | 0.198165446241 | 最近 |
79600.03 | HTX | 34.17276805 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | $ 2,690,903.34 | 1741674066 | BTC/USDT | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_usdt | USDT | 20 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_usdt | 0.0927946676215 | 最近 |
80433.2 | Gate.io | 27.13479 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | $ 2,154,114.93 | 1741673507 | BTC/USDT | https://gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 21 | https://gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT | 0.0736833438645 | 9 分s 前 |
80511.6 | Kucoin | 21.09463641 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | $ 1,673,692.90 | 1741673661 | BTC/USDT | https://trade.kucoin.com/BTC-USDT | USDT | 22 | https://trade.kucoin.com/BTC-USDT | 0.0572815690961 | 7 分s 前 |
80371.23 | EXMO | 20.81998695 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | $ 1,635,200.95 | 1741673984 | BTC/USDT | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USDT | USDT | 23 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USDT | 0.0565357704147 | 最近 |
82888.8 | EXMO | 17.06880109 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | US$ 1,376,925.29 | 1741673985 | BTC/USD | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USD | USD | 24 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USD | 0.0463495881143 | 最近 |
62440.2 | Kraken | 7.98901073 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | £ 482,784.72 | 1741674017 | XBT/GBP | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/GBP | GBP | 25 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/GBP | 0.0216938116991 | 最近 |
80415 | Bitstamp | 5.76326859 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | $ 451,386.68 | 1741674067 | BTC/USDT | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usdt | USDT | 26 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usdt | 0.0156499055751 | 最近 |
62464 | Bitstamp | 3.82566771 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | £ 232,578.14 | 1741674067 | BTC/GBP | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/gbp | GBP | 27 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/gbp | 0.0103884345295 | 最近 |
80803.68 | Upbit | 3.17667648 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | $ 249,711.06 | 1741673805 | BTC/USDT | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-BTC | USDT | 28 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-BTC | 0.00862612702814 | 最近 |
74233.46 | EXMO | 2.97786483 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | € 216,509.97 | 1741673985 | BTC/EUR | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_EUR | EUR | 29 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_EUR | 0.00808626262635 | 最近 |
74097 | Bitfinex | 2.04888132 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | € 147,033.19 | 1741674063 | BTC/EUR | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:EUR | EUR | 30 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:EUR | 0.00556364824784 | 最近 |
63719.34 | EXMO | 0.3677 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | £ 23,107.49 | 1741673986 | BTC/GBP | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_GBP | GBP | 31 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_GBP | 0.000998473381919 | 最近 |
75325.62 | Gemini | 0.3035289 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | € 22,850.38 | 1741635160 | BTC/EUR | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCEUR | EUR | 32 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCEUR | 0.000824219546623 | 11 時間s 前 |
62475.44 | Gemini | 0.23358153 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | £ 14,825.66 | 1741635623 | BTC/GBP | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCGBP | GBP | 33 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCGBP | 0.000634280500987 | 11 時間s 前 |
96845.39 | Mercatox | 0.02238634 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/MRTX.png | $ 2,144.18 | 1733386232 | BTC/USDT | https://mercatox.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | USDT | 34 | https://mercatox.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | 6.07891341001E-5 | 3 月s 前 |
62409 | Bitfinex | 0.01826065 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | £ 1,115.70 | 1741674065 | BTC/GBP | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:GBP | GBP | 35 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:GBP | 4.95860020711E-5 | 最近 |
11858100 | Kraken | 0.01163879 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | ¥ 135,748.18 | 1741674018 | XBT/JPY | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/JPY | JPY | 36 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/JPY | 3.16046288081E-5 | 最近 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | € - | BTC/EUR | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-BTC | EUR | 37 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-BTC | 0 | - | |||
12276000 | Bitfinex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | ¥ 0.00000000 | 1741674066 | BTC/JPY | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:JPY | JPY | 38 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:JPY | 0 | 最近 |
SouthXchange | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/SOTX.png | $ - | BTC/USDT | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/BTC/USDT | USDT | 39 | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/BTC/USDT | 0 | - | |||
92000 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1741674039 | BTC/GBP | https://cex.io/btc-gbp | GBP | 40 | https://cex.io/btc-gbp | 0 | 最近 |
79943 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1741674039 | BTC/USDT | https://cex.io/btc-usdt | USDT | 41 | https://cex.io/btc-usdt | 0 | 最近 |
35986.75 | Binance | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1741651346 | BTC/GBP | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_GBP | GBP | 42 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_GBP | 0 | 6 時間s 前 |
81000 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | € 0.00000000 | 1741670794 | BTC/EUR | https://cex.io/btc-eur | EUR | 43 | https://cex.io/btc-eur | 0 | 55 分s 前 |
88000 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1741670800 | BTC/USD | https://cex.io/btc-usd | USD | 44 | https://cex.io/btc-usd | 0 | 54 分s 前 |
82730.14 | bitFlyer | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1741674062 | BTC/USD | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/USD | USD | 45 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/USD | 0 | 最近 |
Kraken | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | $ - | XBT/USDT | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USDT | USDT | 46 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USDT | 0 | - | |||
23560.85 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | € 0.00000000 | 1741651331 | BTC/EUR | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_eur | EUR | 47 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_eur | 0 | 6 時間s 前 |
54455.3 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1741651331 | BTC/GBP | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_gbp | GBP | 48 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_gbp | 0 | 6 時間s 前 |
91333.4 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | € 0.00000000 | 1740787320 | BTC/EUR | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/EUR | EUR | 49 | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/EUR | 0 | 10 日s 前 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | $ - | BTC/USDT | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-BTC | USDT | 50 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-BTC | 0 | - | |||
95202.98 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1740787320 | BTC/USDT | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | USDT | 51 | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | 0 | 10 日s 前 |
78876.19 | HitBTC | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1741651320 | BTC/USD | https://hitbtc.com/BTC-to-USD | USD | 52 | https://hitbtc.com/BTC-to-USD | 0 | 6 時間s 前 |
16838.2 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1741673700 | BTC/USDT | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/BTC_USDT | USDT | 53 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/BTC_USDT | 0 | 6 分s 前 |
86509.72 | LATOKEN | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1741566956 | BTC/USDT | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/BTC-USDT | USDT | 54 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/BTC-USDT | 0 | 1 日 前 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | US$ - | BTC/USD | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-BTC | USD | 55 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-BTC | 0 | - |
Date | Price | 前日比 | 前日比 % | 安値 | 高値 | 平均出来高 | |
1 | 85962.52 | -5492.8 | -6.3897614914 | 77389 | 92817.29 | 20548.6114053 | CX |
4 | 97446.75 | -16977.03 | -17.4218534738 | 77389 | 99517.52 | 16423.9896999 | CX |
12 | 106007.96 | -25538.24 | -24.0908701573 | 77389 | 109356 | 16214.8396957 | CX |
26 | 57623.15 | 22846.57 | 39.648249011 | 55534.41 | 109356 | 16605.7833277 | CX |
52 | 68942.59 | 11527.13 | 16.7198969461 | 49050.01 | 109356 | 16423.0496912 | CX |
156 | 39336.13 | 41133.59 | 104.569488661 | 15500 | 109356 | 20402.7454986 | CX |
260 | 7881.5 | 72588.22 | 920.994988264 | 3596 | 109356 | 22370.1921847 | CX |
The one that started the cryptocurrency revolution. Bitcoin was the first electronic currency with a trust-less decentralised ledger. Bitcoin is open-source: its design is public and nobody owns or controls Bitcoin.
BTC ニュース
Didn't the SEC say the opposite? Didn't the SEC say Bitcoin is NOT a security? Judges are wrong a lot though when it comes to "stock stuff". They seem to always rule in ways that disempower retail. I say cryptos ARE securities, especially when they are used to raise money for a company and pay...
Didn't the SEC say the opposite? Didn't the SEC say Bitcoin is NOT a security? Judges are wrong a lot though when it comes to "stock stuff". They seem to always rule in ways that disempower retail. I say cryptos ARE securities, especially when they are used to raise money for a company and pay salaries like XRP/Ripple.
Bitcoin doesn't directly raise money for any one particular company, but it IS a security, while XRP raises money just for Ripple and it's execs, yet it is NOT a security? The whole argument that XRP is making to the SEC is that it is NOT a security. Please explain.
Regarding Pumps and Dumps have you been invested in the stock market for some time? Securities go up and down, they are manipulated, thats the game, long/short. Crypto's are just a new security being manipulated by the deep pocket people. Bitcoin is No different, buckle up
Why would anybody think this would be a good currency when they pump it up and down and the pump and dumpers steal trillion dollars from investors every other time it runs? How could you use it to buy anything when it's worth a dollar one week and a quarter the next? They're manipulated and...
Why would anybody think this would be a good currency when they pump it up and down and the pump and dumpers steal trillion dollars from investors every other time it runs? How could you use it to buy anything when it's worth a dollar one week and a quarter the next? They're manipulated and steal billions over and over again. There's no regulation and these scammers behind these things and have stolen billions if not trillions from investors . This is the BIGGEST PUMP AND DUMP SCAM ever and it's got a whole lot of dirty billionaires and government corruption behind it. The only time to get in one of these things is when they're .0000000001. That way you can't lose. The winners are the billionaires pumping them and pulling out leaving you wet and nasty.
For short terms I agree. But like fairy dust or Spanish Fly it does not exist either. It's imaginary value like beanie babies.
Bitcoin going down below $79,000. It is down more than 25% and falling into the $78,000 range and falling faster. Bitcoin may see some stability around $48,000.
You have to be high in these kind of markets. Who knows what bitcoin‘s going to do day to day year to year. I just hold bitcoin I don’t sell it if it goes down it goes down. it’ll come back up. republicans are no good for markets. Trump could crush bitcoin all the way down under $1000. oh well, I...
You have to be high in these kind of markets. Who knows what bitcoin‘s going to do day to day year to year. I just hold bitcoin I don’t sell it if it goes down it goes down. it’ll come back up. republicans are no good for markets. Trump could crush bitcoin all the way down under $1000. oh well, I bought them for nothing.$120,000 target.✊😎stock market could be in a 10 year downfall🦨🌳😶🌫️😮💨🫱🎣 going fishing and smoking some weed
lol $1.3 trillion missing from crypto market cap. is the crypto market cap being hacked right now. that’s a lot of money to be missing. does Lefty have that much where they can take out over $1.3 trillion out of the market cap just to sabotage cryptocurrency and Trump. Them people will do anything...
lol $1.3 trillion missing from crypto market cap. is the crypto market cap being hacked right now. that’s a lot of money to be missing. does Lefty have that much where they can take out over $1.3 trillion out of the market cap just to sabotage cryptocurrency and Trump. Them people will do anything to stop Trump.
Oh it's just the tariffs, that's all. S&P XRP XRP Bitcoin melting, etc. Baby Give It Up . Do Or Die
日付 | 終値 | 前日比 | 前日比 % | 始値 | 高値 | 安値 | 出来高 |
1741650600 | 78873.61 | -1 | -1.98 | 80737.68 | 84033.66 | 77389 | 24203 |
1741564200 | 80469.66 | -5 | -6.54 | 86103.61 | 86480 | 80000 | 9926 |
1741477800 | 86097.31 | -623.54 | -0.72 | 86641.06 | 86863.38 | 85200 | 3859 |
1741391400 | 86720.85 | -3 | -3.68 | 89985.78 | 91280 | 84608.27 | 46193 |
1741305000 | 90032.21 | -753.76 | -0.83 | 90735.07 | 92817.29 | 87790.5 | 16395 |
1741218600 | 90785.97 | 3 | 3.93 | 87119.03 | 91000 | 86329.22 | 17630 |
1741132200 | 87352.61 | 986.7 | 1.14 | 85962.52 | 88977.27 | 81532.38 | 25632 |
1741045800 | 86365.91 | -7 | -8.36 | 94069.39 | 94227.26 | 85007.01 | 42378 |
1740959400 | 94243.23 | 8 | 9.77 | 86000.98 | 95128.88 | 85003.35 | 19021 |
1740873000 | 85856.05 | 1 | 1.65 | 84210.01 | 86534.96 | 83772.54 | 8632 |
1740786600 | 84458.72 | -142.38 | -0.17 | 84700.43 | 85116.19 | 78167.81 | 32591 |
1740700200 | 84601.1 | 769.61 | 0.92 | 84361.45 | 86993.87 | 82554.11 | 19842 |
1740613800 | 83831.49 | -4 | -5.54 | 88488.4 | 89305.68 | 82111.12 | 24894 |
1740527400 | 88744.25 | -2 | -3.20 | 91893.3 | 92549.99 | 85836.18 | 32886 |
1740441000 | 91678.96 | -4 | -4.63 | 96273.16 | 96515.41 | 91575 | 16002 |
1740354600 | 96134.02 | -470.07 | -0.49 | 96522.52 | 96679.93 | 95243.91 | 4345 |
1740268200 | 96604.09 | 435.59 | 0.45 | 96029.3 | 96982.52 | 95767.95 | 8216 |
1740181800 | 96168.5 | -2 | -2.29 | 98315 | 99517.52 | 94721.92 | 20704 |
1740095400 | 98426.8 | 1 | 1.87 | 96618.64 | 98768.54 | 96419.07 | 12598 |
1740009000 | 96616.59 | 1 | 1.32 | 95528.9 | 96880 | 95000.01 | 8637 |
1739922600 | 95355.09 | -420.13 | -0.44 | 95862.38 | 96730 | 93333 | 13331 |
1739836200 | 95775.22 | -378.57 | -0.39 | 96144.1 | 97050.64 | 95200 | 5177 |
1739749800 | 96153.79 | -1 | -1.44 | 97605.31 | 97738.22 | 96057.68 | 2658 |
1739663400 | 97558.39 | 113.88 | 0.12 | 97395.13 | 97997.85 | 97225.01 | 2050 |
1739577000 | 97444.51 | 882.5 | 0.91 | 96679.63 | 98890.11 | 96268.56 | 9666 |
1739490600 | 96562.01 | -1 | -1.12 | 97694.48 | 98100 | 95220 | 8149 |
1739404200 | 97655.59 | 1 | 1.96 | 95805.04 | 98119.98 | 94066.92 | 10961 |
1739317800 | 95780.83 | -1 | -1.62 | 97446.75 | 98500 | 94831.07 | 13284 |
1739231400 | 97356.22 | 945.72 | 0.98 | 96608.61 | 98367.23 | 95257.2 | 11453 |
1739145000 | 96410.5 | -164.55 | -0.17 | 96489.9 | 97342.28 | 94730.67 | 4625 |
1739058600 | 96575.05 | 121.17 | 0.13 | 96442.5 | 96919.05 | 95682.33 | 3659 |
1738972200 | 96453.88 | 7.82 | 0.01 | 96712.24 | 100235.79 | 95614.96 | 14767 |
1738885800 | 96446.06 | -61.64 | -0.06 | 96620.48 | 99182.15 | 95674.96 | 11432 |
1738799400 | 96507.7 | -1 | -1.50 | 97899.99 | 99230.49 | 96161.01 | 11252 |
1738713000 | 97980 | -3 | -3.52 | 101573.8 | 101812.23 | 96145.76 | 24781 |
1738626600 | 101558.92 | 4 | 4.18 | 97538.5 | 102599.85 | 91260 | 46813 |
1738540200 | 97479.77 | -3 | -3.32 | 100504.94 | 101459.84 | 96179 | 12010 |
1738453800 | 100827.25 | -1 | -1.48 | 102302.41 | 102781.65 | 100250 | 4453 |
1738367400 | 102340.79 | -2 | -2.47 | 104816.34 | 106090 | 101506 | 15647 |
1738281000 | 104932.5 | 1 | 1.08 | 103725.62 | 106484.77 | 103289.74 | 15128 |
1738194600 | 103815.61 | 2 | 2.63 | 101318.32 | 104829.64 | 101275.6 | 13122 |
1738108200 | 101158.38 | -715.24 | -0.70 | 102313.11 | 103770.85 | 100213.8 | 16900 |
1738021800 | 101873.62 | -1 | -1.14 | 104667.9 | 104667.9 | 97777 | 38963 |
1737935400 | 103044.94 | -1 | -1.74 | 104826.37 | 105478.8 | 102646.74 | 5480 |
1737849000 | 104866.41 | 110.63 | 0.11 | 104798.67 | 105294 | 104104 | 4315 |
1737762600 | 104755.78 | 732.4 | 0.70 | 103835.33 | 107200 | 102751.92 | 15095 |
1737676200 | 104023.38 | 223.38 | 0.22 | 103600.47 | 106870.87 | 101200.01 | 28380 |
1737589800 | 103800 | -2 | -1.99 | 106132.23 | 106431.34 | 103100 | 12345 |
1737503400 | 105909.87 | 3 | 3.72 | 101640.76 | 107291.1 | 100017.49 | 38027 |
1737417000 | 102112.69 | 465.72 | 0.46 | 106900 | 109356 | 99460.67 | 33830 |
1737330600 | 101646.97 | -2 | -2.57 | 104335.91 | 106314.44 | 99529.01 | 14651 |
1737244200 | 104327.96 | 109.59 | 0.11 | 104151.7 | 104933.15 | 102233.45 | 9536 |
1737157800 | 104218.37 | 4 | 4.17 | 99966.53 | 105970 | 99937.81 | 24459 |
1737071400 | 100041.71 | -131.14 | -0.13 | 100513.67 | 100828.44 | 97277.58 | 14267 |
1736985000 | 100172.85 | 3 | 3.75 | 96494.18 | 100716.45 | 96400 | 15780 |
1736898600 | 96550.7 | 2 | 2.38 | 94469.86 | 97353.29 | 94311.36 | 19803 |
1736812200 | 94306.94 | -123.88 | -0.13 | 94572.06 | 95900 | 89713.25 | 25561 |
1736725800 | 94430.82 | -152.38 | -0.16 | 94557.14 | 95383.84 | 93670.3 | 2684 |
1736639400 | 94583.2 | -155.43 | -0.16 | 94692.7 | 94983.65 | 93804.05 | 4759 |
1736553000 | 94738.63 | 2 | 2.65 | 92523.5 | 95862.92 | 92209.25 | 23788 |
1736466600 | 92289.62 | -2 | -2.97 | 94979.98 | 95363.26 | 91187 | 12058 |
1736380200 | 95111.55 | -1 | -1.83 | 96827.52 | 97254.35 | 92500 | 16512 |
1736293800 | 96888.92 | -5 | -5.23 | 102195 | 102735.99 | 96105.11 | 24918 |
1736207400 | 102235.95 | 3 | 3.84 | 98479 | 102500 | 97900 | 22480 |
1736121000 | 98459.92 | 210.42 | 0.21 | 98177.44 | 98814 | 97250 | 2957 |
1736034600 | 98249.5 | 177.6 | 0.18 | 98151.78 | 98761.02 | 97516.65 | 3354 |
1735948200 | 98071.9 | 1 | 1.29 | 96937.86 | 98969.92 | 96016.63 | 13906 |
1735861800 | 96821.89 | 2 | 2.53 | 94342.79 | 97776.99 | 94177 | 16559 |
1735775400 | 94435.58 | 1 | 1.17 | 93455.87 | 94960.91 | 92743.63 | 7798 |
1735689000 | 93344.69 | 788.73 | 0.85 | 92618.16 | 96148.94 | 91887.13 | 18485 |
1735602600 | 92555.96 | -1 | -1.18 | 93378.01 | 94910.48 | 91271.19 | 25524 |
1735516200 | 93660.99 | -1 | -1.59 | 95080.01 | 95149 | 92841.48 | 4522 |
1735429800 | 95171.05 | 865.18 | 0.92 | 94271.75 | 95534.17 | 94002.72 | 3724 |
1735343400 | 94305.87 | -1 | -1.47 | 95696.2 | 97340.47 | 93234.31 | 16367 |
1735257000 | 95712.26 | -3 | -3.49 | 99600 | 99887 | 95083.93 | 13269 |
1735170600 | 99173.43 | 634.17 | 0.64 | 98528.1 | 99472 | 97557.48 | 6194 |
1735084200 | 98539.26 | 3 | 4.10 | 94666.33 | 99444 | 93426.25 | 21453 |
1734997800 | 94660.41 | -565.26 | -0.59 | 95050 | 96430.08 | 92360.91 | 25763 |
1734911400 | 95225.67 | -1 | -1.93 | 97010.76 | 97387.98 | 94182.98 | 7176 |
1734825000 | 97102.83 | -504.7 | -0.52 | 97688.23 | 99596.57 | 96368 | 8396 |
1734738600 | 97607.53 | -191.32 | -0.20 | 97491.91 | 98132.47 | 92115.66 | 24493 |
1734652200 | 97798.85 | -2 | -2.33 | 100448.3 | 102796.22 | 95539.67 | 25338 |
1734565800 | 100135.72 | -6 | -5.69 | 106114.74 | 106528.13 | 100080 | 22483 |
1734479400 | 106174.47 | 148.89 | 0.14 | 106007.96 | 108388.88 | 105337.97 | 20655 |
1734393000 | 106025.58 | 1 | 1.21 | 104335.55 | 107857.79 | 103289.21 | 26004 |
1734306600 | 104755.98 | 3 | 3.32 | 101430.22 | 105100 | 101221.34 | 9508 |
1734220200 | 101394.28 | 103.8 | 0.10 | 101444.82 | 102650 | 100600 | 4945 |
1734133800 | 101290.48 | 1 | 1.27 | 100036 | 101959.13 | 99220.81 | 13792 |
1734047400 | 100018.66 | -1 | -1.25 | 101151.3 | 102595 | 99298.39 | 16468 |
1733961000 | 101288.17 | 4 | 4.76 | 96638.43 | 101984.98 | 95722.79 | 24042 |