Ya Schwab is a pain in the ass to navigate and doesn't have the passive income tools TDA had. If you click on "account" then "investment income" it will show you all of your positions. They show year dates, 2023 2024 and Next 12 months. Scroll down to ETF's and Close End funds
The headers should read; Symbol, Quantity, Price, Market Value, Total Income 2023, Received Income YTD, Est Income Remain 2024, this is where you have to use the margin to scroll to the right revealing Total Est Income 2024 and Estimated Income next 12 months
It will show you what they anticipate your dividends will be based on the amount of shares you own and who will pay the most on each position.
For me the highest payers in 2025 are AIYY paying $20,773.48, AMDY paying $23,413.02, TSLY $17,284.26
I have 10 dividend paying positions, as you can see these 3 positions will pay me in excess of $60,000 annually