Kool Aid Man
It's the address for attorney Rudolph "Rudy" A. Palombi Jr--mouthpiece for another of Park's "joke" real estate schemes as reported here-- Trenton councilman slams redeveloper’s pitch as a ‘joke’
By Isaac Avilucea | The Trentonian
PUBLISHED: June 17, 2022 at 4:18 PM EDT
TRENTON – A redeveloper looking to bring a manufacturing plant to the capital city was written off as a “joke” by a city legislator who demanded to know whether company leaders were already lining the campaign coffers of council members.
East Ward Councilman Joe Harrison asked members of CIG Partners Limited (Park's EB-5 visa investment partner..the same EB-5 program Trump just called a "scam" which he intends to replace with a "$5 million Golden Visa" scheme) on Thursday whether they donated to the political campaigns of any sitting legislators who listened to a 20-minute pitch on how company bigwigs hope to turn the historic and vacant Roebling Block II into a bustling manufacturing plant.
City officials said they received five proposals for the empty building, CIG Partners among them.
The company claimed to have already secured letters of intent from two unnamed Korean companies interested in opening up a “self-contained urban industrial campus” in the capital city, said Kyle Barnett (John Park's PPE SOLUTIONS GROUP counterfeit face mask scam partner), one of the presenters who laid out CIG Partners’ vision.
He and others with the firm denied having donated to any legislator ahead of the meeting, which was brokered by Rudolph Palombi, an attorney who represented ex-mayoral candidate Paul Perez in a 2018 fight to unseat the former Mercer County Board of Elections chairwoman.
The goal, Barnett said, is to bring a “21st century economic engine” to the city focused on creating “jobs, jobs, jobs” for residents.
The company claimed it’ll bring between 400 to 500 new jobs to Trenton if the city accepts a $1 million offer for the building.
Company bigwigs admitted they can’t secure financial backing from investors without an agreement in place with the city. They anticipate construction would take more than two years to complete.
The Trentonian reached out to Palombi for more information about CIG Partners after an online search of the company turned up scant information about its mission and stakeholders.
The city couldn’t immediately provide a copy of the company’s proposal for Roebling Block II, which was the site of a failed attempted marriage with fiberoptics firm Princetel.
The lot has stood empty since that deal blew up, helping sour the relationship between Mayor Reed Gusciora and the governing body.
The council has since tried wresting control of redevelopment from the housing and economic redevelopment department.
Legislators sued Gusciora, claiming he blocked an application to the Local Finance Board needed for the city to establish a new redevelopment authority.
That served as the contentious backdrop for CIG Partners’ presentation, which was marred by chaos and technical difficulties.
One of the main speakers couldn’t log into the virtual meeting until the end of the presentation.
And company principals struggled to answer questions from council redevelopment attorney John Hoffman about how much the project would cost, how it would be financed and when construction would begin and end at the site.
At the end of the pitch, Councilwoman Marge Caldwell-Wilson had to ask what types of products the Korean-based companies would produce at the plant.
A company official said the companies would pump out parts for air filters along with beauty products extracted from mushrooms.
Council President Kathy McBride quickly shut down the presentation once Harrison asked about political donations.
Harrison said Friday that he wasn’t sold on CIG’s proposal and looked forward to hearing ideas from the four other redevelopers that responded to the city’s solicitation for proposals.
“I still know nothing about this company,” he said. “I’m concerned this is a backroom deal. I thought it was a joke. I thought it was embarrassing.”
https://www.trentonian.com/2022/06/17/trenton-councilman-slams-redevelopers-pitch-as-a-joke/ More on Palombi's meddling in NJ politics
Palombi is named as being on the "board of directors and legal advisor" for JP3E along with Diego Baez as CEO (page 3). There's also a new entity named --at least to me-- called JP ACQUISITION LLC. A free beer to anyone who can turn up corporate info on it tied to Park/ JP3E
Kool Aid Man
Pastor Park's audit promise--"JP 3E Holdings, Inc., formerly Spooz Inc., will become a Fully Reporting Company, Retaining Accell Audit & Compliance, PA in pursuit of Uplisting... This is the first step toward achieving its goal of uplisting >first< to the OTCQB. Accell...is a market leader in the delivery of SEC audit services to small and mid-cap publicly traded clients ,” stated John K. Park, CEO and Chairman of Spooz, Inc
“We understand the importance of becoming an SEC filing company with audited financials. We are expecting to deliver substantial numbers for Revenues and Net Income. Having audited financials will add an extra layer of credibility that’s needed in today’s market,” .... The financials for 2022 and 2023 have been prepared to accelerate the audit....
https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2024/03/21/2850397/0/en/SPZI-JP-3E-Holdings-Inc-Retains-Accell-Audit-Compliance-PA-to-Audit-the-Financial-Statements.html That was last March. Lest anyone forget--- For companies listed on OTCQX and OTCQB, audited financial statements are a mandatory part of maintaining their listing, while OTC Pink Sheets companies have more flexibility. Companies aiming to be listed on the OTCQX or OTCQB tiers are required to provide audited financial statements. https://www.dimovaudit.com/pink-sheet-audits-a-simple-guide-for-otcqx-otcqb-and-otc-pink-sheets No audited FY2024 financials= No "uplisting first to OTCQB"
No audit means the financials are hearsay until proven otherwise.