So the question of the day, is posting the below, a promotion of the stock or simply a reposting of an actual factual SNPW, Jiangsu Green Energy Power Technology Co Ltd, and Australian government event that took place?
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Jun 14, 2024
After a long six month process the Clean Energy Council (CEC) issues approval for SUN PACIFIC POWER PTY LTD as an importer for the Australian Market for GEP PV Modules and Jiangsu Green Energy Power Technology Co Ltd
Just so there is no confusion in the future of what is promoting and what is simply reposting information provided directly from the sources..
It is amazing how easily confused an individual gets over some very simple thing.
An individual who has demonstrated that they have a high level of intelligence by creating over 30 different phony email address, over 30 difference phony VPN addresses and over 30 different aliases to successfully avoid unmasking...
Their confusion causes their to make such claims as "your big nonstop promo of the Australian "partnership" when all that "your" does is repost the information provided by the sources of that information.
GEP has partnered with Sun Pacific Power PTY Ltd to enter the Australian Market.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Jul 1, 2024
GEP has partnered with
Sun Pacific Power PTY Ltd to enter the Australian Market.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Jul 9, 2024
A.C.N. (Incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001)
Registered Office: NOOSA HEADS, QLD 4567
This is to Certify that SUN PACIFIC HOLDING CORP as shareholder
And all "your" ever stated regarding this relationship is, the lack of sales SNPW has produced during the its two year exclusive with GEP has not deterred GEP from expanding their relationship with SNPW to now include Australia .
A very factorial non promotional analysis of the information provided by the sources involved..
Please enlighten us Drugman, and make sure you provide your legal credentials..
Let Drugman enlighten you.with his legal credentials, common sense.
How exactly do the rest of us really know that the owner of over 30 different aliases, over 30 different dummy e-mails addresses and over 30 different dummy VPN's was notified or not of being subpoenaed?
It not like it would uncover a real identity anyway, now would it?
And it is not like information the poster provided to this board in the past has always been accurate either,isn't that right"
Let me be perfectly clear.on the topic!
I don't know if any subpoenas were issued,or not and while the company seems to care very deeply about unmasking the individuals they claimed caused Tortuous interference against them, I personally don't care at all..
The only thing that interest me is what the company does or doesn't do going forward the rest is just noise.
Because the Message Board is required by LAW to notify the User they're the subject of a subpoena, otherwise they'd be liable. Did you miss that part of your law school training?? LMFAO
And since this fake subpoena was supposedly issued over six months ago, where are the notifications and the subject legal actions? Not a single whiff of it. Also, what police jurisdiction would take a report from a stock scammer, exactly what laws were broken? Please enlighten us Drugman, and make sure you provide your legal credentials..
Oh wait, you don't have any!! ROFLMAO
Gauging by reality one would conclude regarding this particular matter that:
1. No subpoenas for tortuous interference were ever issued or
2. The subpoenas were quashed for lack of standing and/or evidence.
3. Email attached to the message board alias subpoenaed used a phony VPN, a TOR browsers and a phony e-mailed address.
Which seems the likely reason, if the SEC requires what a company post on X to be legal binding company information.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Oct 12, 2024
"To those asking: we've issued a subpoena to the message board based on emails, texts received, and filed a police report."
For the individuals who are making false claims , send us your information so we can cut to the chase and address your comments, stop the hiding.
The message board would be the one's subpoena, not the poster so how would you know if they were served or not?
You seem to be confused between what I think and what Campanella believes.
So what you're saying is Campanella can prove in a US court of law he had the funds in his account, a lease signed, and investment secured in hard commitment and not a bullshit
I make no such claims, I base an opinion from the facts before me, personally I have no idea if Tortuous interference occurred or not or whether funding was lost do to Tortuous interference.
The facts before me from a source I am told by the SEC to be a legal way for companies to communicate with their shareholders.X.
- funding was in it's final stages
- RS would not be necessary
- a claim of Tortuous Interference was made
- RS happen funding didn't
Facts before me from a shareholder from message boards that indicated maybe there was Tortuous inference
- I contacted GEP New Energy
- I told upper management of FoxEss China that I am investigating SNPW for Sec Fraud
- Me and my attorney called Don Moss
From these an others tweets and posts my opinion is formed, You and Campanella could both be lying for all I really know .
Based on direct word from the company they believe Tortuous interference occurred by the actions of two individuals. One would conclude that they would know if an action interfered with their business or not.
You make this statement "I for one would LOVE to see the proof that Campanella had the requirements to pass a Tortuous Interference claim."
Very simple way to find out just send him your contact info and we can finally see who is bluffing and who is not.
Again,as far as he subpoena I have no idea if any were issued or not, all I can tell you is that the company stated on X they were issued.
With your vast knowledge of Civil Law Drugman, you MUST know the standards of Tortious Interference then?
Campanella must PROVE he suffered financial or economical hardship as a DIRECT result of the interference. Meaning he would have to prove for example, someone calling Don Moss to verify the visit was indeed for "site planning", and not just a photo op, DIRECTLY interfered with the site being not closed.
So what you're saying is Campanella can prove in a US court of law he had the funds in his account, a lease signed, and investment secured in hard commitment and not a bullshit LOI, and ONLY calls from concerned shareholders to Don Moss caused the whole deal to go bad.
With your vast knowledge of the law Drugman, you should definitely help Campanella sue shareholders for interference, I for one would LOVE to see the proof that Campanella had the requirements to pass a Tortious Ineterference claim. LMFAO!!!
And how's that subpoena coming along, did it get lost in the mail again?? Hahahaaa
Let's get real.
First, Campanella has no intention of filing criminal charges against anyone, he does want the identities of certain individuals so that he can SUE them for Tortuous Interference.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Oct 12, 2024
"To those asking: we've issued a subpoena to the message board based on emails, texts received, and filed a police report."
For the individuals who are making false claims , send us your information so we can cut to the chase and address your comments, stop the hiding.
I am not sure if the subpoenas were sent or not , but even if they were it most likely wouldn't help in unmasking them as these individuals all use VPN'S, and TOR browsers to avoid detection.which allows them to create multiple aliases on a given message board.
And since the action against SNPW was Civil not Criminal law enforcement which has the ability to unmask them will not get involved.
If any criminal charges are filed it will be from outside SNPW (Moss and the Kentucky law firm) and frankly I don't believe they think it is worth the effort and treating it like a childish prank.
Second,As an objective poster I will give credit where credit is due. Currently concerning the state of the company the needle is pointing in your direction for accuracy , No filings since 6/24 and the last X of substance was 8/24.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Aug 7, 2024
We've updated our website to reflect the warranty changes available to our Australian market solar panels.
Check it out: http://sunpacificpower.com
Third if this is accurate
Sun Pacific Holding Corp
Sep 13, 2024
"Focusing on the positive, not the noise. We know what we're building and are partnering with strong allies to make a difference. Onward
and the company does emerge with something significant then it can be concluded that the Tortuous Interference did catastrophic damage that resulted in the company being forced to do the 4000 to 1 reverse split from losing the funding.
If the company ends up doing nothing in the end you will get the satisfaction that your scam call was right on.
68.9% of that is invested into bitcoin and ethereum if you take a look at bitcoin dominance on CMC. Not to mention the other large "blue chip" coins like Solana, Tether, XRP, BNB, stable coins etc. Those assets aren't necessarily a "gamble" investment that of which can run 10, 20, 100x like shitcoins and otc penny tickers. I'm not saying that you're wrong and the younger crowd is entering crypto, I'd agree with that. However I'm sure you understand how crypto seasons work. Bull run crypto is the shit, bear and everyone runs. The market will ALWAYS chase a green chart. Whether that's in scratchmybackcoin or an OTC ticker is irrelevant. Crypto mass adoption has not occurred yet. How many people do you know that are even capable of setting up a wallet, protecting a seed phrase, transferring from fiat to crypto via an exchange, transferring that to a another hot wallet capable of trading particular alts, profiting from said alts, swapping back to an acceptable currency of your exchange of choice and converting profits back to fiat all the while taking into account tax implications? It's not a streamlined process yet... For me personally I don't know many that are capable. I do however know many people that can set up an account on Charles Schwab and seamlessly trade. Blah blah blah I'm rambling here but you seem to be alluding to it's the end for OTC tickers and I disagree. Attention and volume constantly seeking the green candle wherever it may be. Fun to chat. 🍻
Let’s admit it - the penny stock market is out of favor. In favor, crypto. The stinky pinkies with reverse splits, dilution, quarterly reports etc are falling out of favor to the crypto market.
My opinion, it’s hard for a solar company with a recent reverse splits, one that is delinquent in filings, one that reported zero revenue in the last two reporting periods etc to compete with the alternate crypto.
My happens.
It would seem more plausible to believe the programs are dead if there is nothing to update in 6-12 months plus. If so, just state they are dead or shelved. If not, update where the projects stand. Agree.
Many penny stocks go into long periods of silence and do a lot of business building behind the scenes and emerge far far stronger then before they entered the quiet time. Show zero signs of this with snpw.
Curious if you follow the same philosophy the same way of all the penny stocks you follow. (if you follow pennies? The history of optimism followed by failures or the fading away of potential optimism puts snpw in a different classification for me.
Two simple principles I discovered over the decades
1) Failures does not guarantee it is a scam, sometimes it is just failure do to lack of funding, real world events effects or incompetence.
2) Long silence does mean certain death
Rehashing old material over and over again and asking questions on a message site is not going to create answers to those questions,
I learned the best place to get REAL ANSWERS to your questions is contacting the source, yet you refuse to?. It’s bad practice to call a company requesting non public information. It’s incumbent upon the company to provide transparency to preclude such calls.