The pps is where it's at now, because the company previously announced it expected its Q4 net income was less than what analysts had projected, as far as I can tell.
Then the company oversold below analysts' new price targets, which were set following the company's expected earnings announcement in late August.
As far as I can tell the OS has increased only from 63.59 mil
to 67.88 mil.
You can call the TA directly, if you want to confirm that and also get the current A/S.
If you do, post the info here, if you wouldn't mind.
Re: LNUX Not Being Allowed to Trade Online with Etrade
Note: must be read from bottom up for chronological order
Sat, 15 Sep 2007 13:56:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: "William Buckley"
Subject: Re: LNUX Not Being Allowed to Trade Online with Etrade
To: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Thank you, Ali.
Have a nice weekend!
xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx wrote:
Thanks for letting me know. We will look into it.
-----Original Message-----
From: William Buckley
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 11:52:17
Subject: LNUX Not Being Allowed to Trade Online with Etrade
Dear Mr. Jenab,
I wanted to inform you that Etrade brokerage has not been allowing LNUX to trade online.
They refuse to clarify the reasoning for their action, although they allow much smaller, non-reporting (pinksheet) companies to trade freely through Etrades online platform.
Given their sheer size in Etrade's securities accounts throughout the U.S. and internationally, this is undoubtedly is inhibiting the trading and liquidity of LNUX and contributes to an undesirable image among an unknown number of potential investors.
The below link is to my correspondence with Etrade regarding this matter:
If there is anything you could do to correct this matter, it may be beneficial for LNUX.
Bill Buckley
SourceForge (LNUX) Shareholder
Inquiry into ETrade Not Allowing Online Orders for LNUX....
and their nonsensical reply:
Note: Must be read from bottom up for chronological order.
From: E*TRADE Customer Service
Sent: September 14, 2007 X:XX PM ET
Subject: Trading & Investing
Topic: Execution Status/Trade Inquiry
Dear Mr. Buckley,
Thank you for your email about LNUX. We apologize, however, we cannot provide details as to why the security is unable to be traded online at this time. This is a descision that comes from E*Trade's own back office and is not necessarily a direct reflection on the company's stock you are trading and details are not provided to customer service representatives.
We are more than happy to accommodate your order over the phone at no extra charge and you can get straight through to a broker any time during the market session at 1-888-388-2900.
I hope this information has been helpful. Please let us know if we've addressed your questions and concerns satisfactorily by taking a 30-second survey at the following web address:
As always, thank you for choosing E*TRADE FINANCIAL for your investing, banking and lending needs. We encourage you to continue using the Help Center for any assistance in the future. You are also welcome to call us at 1-888-388-2900 between 7AM and 12AM EST, seven days a week. International customers please dial +1-678-624-6210.
Christopher Anderson
Financial Services Representative
Power E*TRADE Customer Service
E*TRADE Financial
Dear Sir/Madam:
1.) Please explain clearly why the trading desk is inhibiting the trading and liquidiy of LNUX by forcing Etrade cusotmers to place orders over the phone.
The answer in the last email is unequivocal nonsense given the fact that ETrade allows online trading for unreporting pink sheet companies.
2.) Also the below question still wasn't answered.
>From what date were trades for for LNUX online prohibited?<
Please answer it.
Best Regards,
Bill Buckley
------Previous Message------
From :E*Trade Customer Service
Sent :Sep 14, 2007 XX:XX AM ET
Subject :Trading & Investing
Dear Mr.Buckley,
Thank you for your message regarding your brokerage account XXXX-XXXX and your inquiry on LNUX orders. I do apologize for the inconvenience that this matter caused you. Our trading desk review all the stocks on the markets and for some securities such as LNUX , they prefer our customers gives us a call and place the roder through a broker over the phone. There is no time frame when you will be able to place the order from website or from one of our trading platforms. Please be advised that when you place orders for this security over the phone with the broker, there will be no additional charges. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to send us another secure message or give us a call from 1-888-388-2900 or you can call me directly at the number listed below my signature.
I hope this information has been helpful. Please let us know if we've addressed your questions and concerns satisfactorily by taking a 30-second survey at the following web address:
As always, thank you for choosing E*TRADE FINANCIAL for your investing, banking and lending needs. We encourage you to continue using the Help Center for any assistance in the future. You are also welcome to call us at 1-888-388-2900 between 7AM and 12AM EST, seven days a week. International customers please dial +1-678-624-6210.
Ahmet Urtan
Senior Financial Services Representative
Elite Services Team 1
E*TRADE FINANCIAL. We keep challenging the ordinary to help investors BE E*TRAORDINARY.
w 678-319-7400-2234353
M-F 9am-6pm EST
Dear Sir/Madam:
Please explain
1.) Why LNUX is not allowed to be traded online with ETtrade?
>Orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time.<
2.) From what date were trades for for LNUX online prohibited?
3.) When might LNUX be allowed to trade online again through ETrade accounts?
Best Regards,
Bill Buckley
Excerpts from Earnings Call Transcript
SourceForge F4Q07 (Qtr End 7/31/07) Earnings Call Transcript
Regarding Summer Seasonality Impact:
Neal Doshi – ThinkEquity
The first question I have, going back to the media side and expanding on what Denny asked, is this an industry-wide phenomenon that we are seeing in terms of slowdown in technology advertising? I know CNet announced that they had noticed a slowdown on PC advertising as well.
Ali Jenab (Chief Exec. Officer, Pres)
.... I can tell you the last two weeks we have seen a dramatic shift back to the higher activity level.
Joe Maxa - Dougherty & Co.
You indicated the activity level has picked up drastically in the last couple of weeks. How does your pipeline look for the rest of the quarter at this point? Suggesting that you have higher levels would suggest maybe your media should be a little higher than what you guided to.
Ali Jenab
All I can tell you is last quarter we had a huge book of done business when we walked in the quarter, and then we didn't close well going into the end of the quarter. This quarter is exactly opposite of that.
Douglas Whitman - Whitman Capital
You are very conservative guy. It sounds like things are going in the direction that you hope they would be.
Ali Jenab
Yes, right now it is going in the direction that we hoped...
Welcome to LNUX board!
LNUX looks set to move higher after drop from $3.50+ to current
low $2 range.
Analyst, Stanford Research, initiated coverage LNUX, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2007, with a 'BUY' rating and 'target price' set @ $4.