16 January 2025
The information contained within this announcement is deemed
by the Company to constitute inside information under the UK Market
Abuse Regulations. Upon the publication of this announcement via a
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considered to be in the public domain.
Global Petroleum Limited
or "the Company")
Ground Gravity Data Confirms
Significant IRGS-Style Mineralisation Potential at Juno
Final ground gravity data received for the Juno
Analysis confirms a significantly large residual gravity
Large gravity response spatially aligns with prominent
magnetic feature at Juno
Alignment is typical signature of IRGS style mineralisation
as per Havieron copper gold deposit.
Global Petroleum Limited (LSE AIM: GBP) is
pleased to announce the delivery of final data for ground gravity
for the Juno Project in Western Australia, further to its
announcement on 25 November 2024. Analysis of the gravity data has
confirmed a significant residual gravity response at Juno, aligning
with the prominent magnetic feature previously identified. This
critical alignment represents a typical signature of Intrusion
Related Gold System (IRGS) mineralisation, analogous to the
Havieron deposit model, which has delivered exceptional gold-copper
results in the Paterson Province of Western
Ground gravity data was collected over the
central north of the Juno Project area from late November to mid
December 2024. A total of 1400 ground gravity observations were
taken at station spacings of 400m x 200m, and 200m x 200m where
added resolution was required. Post processing and imaging of the
gravity data was completed during late December 2024 and early
January 2025. Delivered products include high resolution raw and
residual gravity data.
It is encouraging that the newly acquired 2024
ground gravity data has successfully confirmed the gravity response
that was initially suggested by the historic work from the 1990s.
Importantly, the Company's recent detailed and spatially
accurate gravity work has successfully identified a significant
residual gravity response that is coincident with the large
magnetic response at Juno (Figure 1). The residual gravity response
covers an area of approximately 4km x 2km (8sq kms) with a peak
amplitude of 2mgal. The magnetic feature covers an area of
approximately 5km x 2km (10sq kms) with a peak response of +1000nT.
Coincident magnetic and gravity response of this size and
amplitudes is consistent with IRGS and IOCG (Iron Oxide
Copper-Gold) type deposits. The Company is targeting IRGS type
mineralisation at Juno.
By comparison, Havieron, a large IRGS gold and
copper deposit (+8Moz gold equivalent) located in the north of
Western Australia, displays a 1km x 1km (1 sq km) magnetic response
with a coincident gravity response peaking at 0.5mgal. The
intensity of the gravity response at Juno is more elevated than
Havieron, and the footprint of the coincident response at Juno is
several times larger which illustrates the significant size of the
opportunity at Juno.

Figure 1 - Juno Aeromagnetics and Ground
Several historic exploration holes have been
attempted at Juno since the mid 1990s to the early 2000s (Figure
2). Several holes targeted the large Juno magnetic feature but
failed to reach the target depth due to limited capacity drilling
equipment. Modern drilling equipment has the ability to overcome
these earlier shortcomings, and advanced modelling of detailed
subsurface geophysical data provides accurate 3D models for
efficient drill targeting.

Figure 2 - Juno Project Aeromagnetics (image)
with Residual Ground Gravity (contour) and historic
Global's Joint Venture Partner Callum Baxter
will utilise the same world class team he used for Havieron to
conduct further ongoing work at Juno which will include
unconstrained and forward modelling of the Company's detailed
magnetic and gravity data along with ground based electrical
geophysical surveys to detect subsurface conductive material.
Models derived from these data sets will enable enhanced targeting
of drillholes in advance of the Company's initial drilling
programme at Juno.
Callum Baxter,
Global's joint venture partner commented:
is very exciting to have confirmed a significant and intense
gravity response coincident with the large magnetic feature at
Juno. This response is consistent with IRGS type mineralisation, as
we found at Havieron. The coincident magnetic and gravity response
at Juno has a very large footprint of several square kilometres
which reflects the substantial size of the opportunity. I am
looking forward to further work programmes at Juno and pleased that
we continue to advance the project."
Omar Ahmad,
CEO of Global Petroleum Limited, commented:
"Global are thrilled to share this incredibly encouraging and
positive news with our shareholders. The similarities between Juno
Project and the substantial discovery at Havieron are truly
compelling. We will continue to expedite the work to prepare and
target drill-ready sites. The initial signs from the
Juno Project are showing the promising signs we were expecting, and
the potential continues to increase with every new piece of data
sheer scale of Juno is very compelling, and as a board, we are
pleased to have shown full conviction in bringing this asset into
the company alongside our esteemed partner Callum
Competent Person - The information in
this announcement relating to the project is deemed to be a true
representation of the exploration results. Mr Steven Andrew Milner
has sufficient experience, to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2012 Edition of the Joint Ore Reserves Committee
(JORC) "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Steven is a member of the
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (M.Aus.lMM
#109255), is employed as a consultant with Austwide Mining Title
Management Pty Ltd and is a graduate of Durham University and has
over 40 years of experience in exploration and mining in Australia,
Zimbabwe and Namibia. Steven is a Director of Mineral Search Pty
further information please visit: www.globalpetroleum.com.au or
Global Petroleum Limited
Hamza Choudhry, CFO and Executive
SPARK Advisory Partners Limited (Nominated
+44 (0) 20 3368 3555
Andrew Emmott, Jade
Markets (Joint Broker)
+44 (0) 20 3003 8632
Capital Limited
+44 (0) 14 8341
Nick Emerson
Tavistock (Financial PR & IR)
+44 (0) 20 7920 3150
Simon Hudson / Nick
This announcement has been issued by
and is the sole responsibility of the Company.