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Eclipse Vct (ECL)

Eclipse Vct
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:LSE:ECL
2015/10/0123 : 44UK RegulatoryOctopus Eclipse VCT Octopus Eclipse Vct Plc : Total Voting RightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2015/09/3023 : 27UK RegulatoryOctopus Eclipse VCT Octopus Eclipse Vct Plc : Issue Of EquityLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2015/09/2301 : 06UK RegulatoryOctopus Eclipse VCT Octopus Eclipse Vct Plc : Transaction In Own Shares And Total Voting RightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2015/09/1822 : 52UK RegulatoryOctopus Eclipse VCT Octopus Eclipse Vct Plc : Transaction In Own Shares And Total Voting RightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2015/09/0801 : 45UK RegulatoryOctopus Eclipse VCT Octopus Eclipse Vct Plc : Total Voting RightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2010/01/1122 : 13PR Newswire (US)AvidBiotics and Ecolab Working to Develop New Technology Targeting Food Safety in MeatNYSE:ECL
2009/10/2722 : 37Dow Jones NewsEcolab 3Q Earnings Rise 15% On Higher Margins, Fewer ChargesNYSE:ECLEcolab Inc.
2009/07/2822 : 57Dow Jones NewsEcolab 2Q Net Drops 29% On Charges, 2008 GainNYSE:ECLEcolab Inc.
2009/04/2822 : 48Dow Jones NewsEcolab 1Q Net Skids 44% On Revenue WeaknessNYSE:ECLEcolab Inc.
2009/02/1300 : 39Dow Jones NewsEcolab 4Q Net Falls 29% Amid Write-Down; Gives Weak ViewNYSE:ECLEcolab Inc.
2009/01/1508 : 05Dow Jones NewsEcolab To Cut 4% Of Work Force; Backs 2008, 2009 ViewNYSE:ECLEcolab Inc.
2008/12/0200 : 58UK RegulatoryTotal voting rightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/12/0200 : 44UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/2902 : 35UK RegulatoryTotal voting rightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/2902 : 21UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/1803 : 14UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/1723 : 28UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/1300 : 46UK RegulatoryChange of NameLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/1116 : 02UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/0720 : 34UK RegulatoryChange of Name and Results of AGMLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/11/0101 : 19UK RegulatoryTotal voting rightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/10/2022 : 18UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/10/1018 : 55UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/10/0923 : 43UK RegulatoryAnnual Information UpdateLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/10/0201 : 41UK RegulatoryInterim Management StatementLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/09/3022 : 53UK RegulatoryFinal ResultsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/06/3023 : 33UK RegulatoryTotal voting rightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/06/2417 : 54UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/05/3101 : 47UK RegulatoryTotal voting rightsLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
2008/05/3101 : 25UK RegulatoryTransaction in Own SharesLSE:ECLEclipse Vct
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:LSE:ECL