Exactly! This takes time. Also, do not rule out a BO. That web conference was meant for the entire world and especially for the business community. I would not be surprised to see a BO offer before any up list. This is what I have been praying for. May the Force be with us. After that web conference, I am convinced that ten dollars will be the floor. I would be shocked if a BO occurred, and the price was not at least ten bucks. That makes today's prices dirt cheap, yet folks are selling. Go figure, and GO KBLB!
Trainer.....I look at it this way. Kim has a lot on his plate right now. He will not begin releasing any of the good news until he is ready. That means until he feels comfortable with the amount of SS he has. The biggest mistake any OTC CEO can make is to up list without enough product. This is how many OTC companies go bankrupt. They just cannot meet the demand of their products, and they go bust.
Do you think there will be any demand for our SS? It will be through the roof, meaning Kim needs the silk and tons of it. So, I predicted this year would start off slowly. However, at some point, things will turn around very quickly, and when it does, I plan on being here. I have bought 200,000 more shares in the low nines over the last few weeks.
I tell everyone to load up now before the news begins. That is exactly what I have been doing. Sit back; be patient; enjoy the ride. IT IS COMING!
Just think though, whenever they announce the current batch has been completed, it will be a major relief after going through what we did years ago when it took months for them to tell us what really happened. I’m really looking forward to a report on, I think it is Batch 5 now, being the biggest and most successful batch of cocoons ever. It will provide us all with some comfort to know how production is continuing, and we are all hungry to know that everything is still progressing forward successfully. I do have a tiny nervous pit in my stomach though due to thinking about what happened many years ago this time even though I know KBLB is now producing silk like never before. I just want that assurance that everything is still going great. A nice announcement will make that tiny pit go away in a flash. I assume I’m not the only one who is thinking about it the longer we move into 2025 without a production update. Plus I don’t want to have to eat a silkworm on April 1st. I need to remind myself:
In response to:
Another week into 2025 and No production news…. Go Figure….
"Your relentless need to call the Kings contract a "failure""
its called a desire to be factual and should try it sometime...
" while ignoring Kings’ blatant failure to fulfill their funding obligation is peak deflection, intellectual dishonesty, or outright trolling—take your pick."
the contract required the Kings group to fund the necessary r/d to get kblb to a point where they could produce commercially? might want to re-read the contract because kblb was already supposed to be ready for commercialization...turns out they werent...and four years later they STILL were not...
" Ignoring the dual responsibilities of a joint venture"
the Kings were ready to fulfill their obligation...but first, kblb had to perform THEIR obligations, which they failed to do...
"dismissing the MASSIVE progress KBLB made as a result of those challenges isn’t just misleading, it’s laughably transparent."
i did not dismiss anything...kblb has progressed...but they also failed to perform as required in the contract...
"pretending every hurdle is a failure"
the contract wasnt a "hurdle" was a promise to provide product and they failed to do that...
Yeah, don't read the contract. A "joint venture" is one-sided? This beating the "failure" horse is so foolish. Invest in a company who has progressed the advancement of Spider Silk like no other and will be the first to bring it to full-scale, SUSTAINABLE, Commercialization, but, call every progressive step a "failure" along the way. Have at it. SMH
“If one agrees to purchase something but can't come up with the money to purchase that something, and they are under contract to do so, the other party set to produce for that contract cannot reasonably be labeled a 'failure' for not fulfilling their end of the agreement.”
This is true, but it has NOTHING to do with the Kblb and Kings contract…kim himself stated that Kblb was unable to produce a quality, consistent product that met his standards for commercialization…he eventually got rid of GSS altogether…and he spent the next few years trying to solve the various problems…it was not until Dr Kumar arrived that real progress was made…
The idea that the problem was that the kings didn’t have the money to pay for the product is utterly ridiculous…
Kim thought he was ready to mass produce when he signed that contract…he wasn’t…and 4 years later the contract expired without one cent being made by anyone…
That is a failure…and no matter how you try to convolute the situation and pretend it was someone else’s fault, kim himself has already admitted his failure in that contract…so I’m not really sure why you are on this crusade to save someone who has already admitted his failure…
Trying to place the blame on the kings is foolish nonsense…
“ "Failure?" Not until we see the end result of the relationship. Let's consider it a "Work in Progress."
The JV was a 5 yr commitment…the contract was 4 yrs…that was so a new contract could be negotiated and the JV extended…it was not done in anticipation of failure…lol
Bottom line, the JV remains in effect and the contract ended in failure…
Talk about a twisted reality! The Army contract was a cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) agreement, which you properly point out. But, you failed to point out that CPFF contracts aren’t about guaranteed deliverables like ordering off a menu—they’re about funding research and development in uncharted territory. The Army was fully aware they were investing in an exploratory project with inherent challenges. That’s why the contract reimbursed costs and included a fixed fee for KBLB’s efforts, not for a guaranteed pile of shoot packs or 100 kilograms of silk on a strict timeline.
And what did KBLB do with those funds? They used the contract monies to:
—Develop their own laboratory, breaking free from dependency on Notre Dame’s facilities. This was a pivotal step in ensuring KBLB’s independence and scalability. As we can see in their progress timeline.
—Develop nearly pure spider silk from their own lab. This achievement aligns directly with the Army’s request to ‘develop a thread stronger than anything currently available.’ In other words, the contract achieved exactly what it was intended to—advancing the technology.
You twist standard contract adjustments, like the Army withholding funds for work not completed, into some punitive measure. That’s not how CPFF contracts work. Adjustments are normal, expected, and reflective of the nature of experimental R&D agreements. The Army didn’t withdraw funds out of anger—they did it because the project was still in development, and the funds were allocated based on progress, not final deliverables.
These advancements continue to shape KBLB’s progress today, paving the way for commercialization and scalability. Your narrative, on the other hand, is deliberately crafted to sensationalize and mislead, ignoring the complexities of innovation and the tangible progress KBLB has made.
the kings promised to market and promote the product once kblb provided them with that product...providing the product HAD to occur first...and that never happened...its as simple as that...
Go read the contract again. That's not what is stated. But, I get that's how one wants it to appear when trying to push this "KBLB failure" point.
My point...
If one agrees to purchase something but can't come up with the money to purchase that something, and they are under contract to do so, the other party set to produce for that contract cannot reasonably be labeled a 'failure' for not fulfilling their end of the agreement. The blame lies with the party who failed to meet their contractual obligation to secure funding. In this case, Kings agreed to raise the necessary money but didn’t deliver. Without the required financing in place, production for that contract becomes a moot point.
Calling KBLB a failure for not producing under these circumstances is not only ignorant of how contracts work but also blatantly unfair. If Kings couldn’t uphold their end, there’s no valid basis to claim that KBLB failed to uphold theirs.
Now that some can see a flip side to the contract, logic shows that both parties mutually agreed to honor their 5-year commitment to the relationship and modify accordingly when both parties are "ready." Ready for what? We'll, the launch of their joint venture. Thankfully, the business side of things was factored into the contract! They must've known how things might have changed along the way. Looking back, it's easy to see the path forward. "Failure?" Not until we see the end result of the relationship. Let's consider it a "Work in Progress."
"However, all will quickly be forgiven and forgotten if and when he sells product. 2025 will either be the year he redeems himself or he finally puts the nail in his own coffin imo"
yup...thats what i think hope is that the financing will only involve a minimum amount of the form of warrants...we should be able to get a decent rate on a loan now...but if we have to wait until tonnage and revenue, thats fine also...we have time...but the sooner we get the cash, the faster we can expand...and the sooner that happens, the better...
what i dont want to see is a deal that is all dilution involving 75-100 mil shares...all dilution is fine if we are around .40-.50 pps or more...if we are around .75 then kim should go for $15 mil cash...
no telling how things will go...there are so many variables that depend on so many if's and's and but's...whatever happens, ill be happy as long as the pps is rising in a long term uptrend...
Reality isn’t swayed by your echo chamber. Contracts are two-way streets, progress isn’t linear, and your ‘credibility’ argument is just your coping mechanism for not grasping the fundamentals of business.
And just because a former troll, who now straddles the fence because they’re ‘invested’ instead of trading, decides to side with you, doesn’t mean a thing. Their wobbly endorsement doesn’t make your argument any more valid—it just proves reality doesn’t bend to opinions, especially uninformed ones.
I agree with you, Mojo about the failure, but you are not trying to hurt the stock price, gimme is imo and the argument has become tiresome.
There would be no argument if the Kim apologist could just admit the obvious. Or just stop arguing it. But he is like you, who thinks things posted on here effect the share price. So he feels compelled to argue the point no matter how far fetched or stupid his realty is.
I chuckle everytime someone complains about shorters or MM's manipulating the share price. Then it's the posters slamming the share price down.
I have some news for you. The person who has effected the share price the most and in the negative way is the CEO. With his stupid uplist plan, lack of follow thru, far to many missed timelines and vague statements.
I thought he had changed his ways when the picture of the hank was released but he slowly went back to his old habits.
The CEO is the one you should be taking your frustrations out on. Not anonymous posters on a tiny insignificant message board.
No one on this board has the power to affect the pps with their comments…
The pps will do what it will do until kim announces tonnage and customers, sales and revenue…and when that happens, NO ONE will be able to stop the rise in pps…
Until then, there will be malcontents and snivelers who will post horseshit like “nothing burgers” who get then get congratulated by their same kind…
They will all slink away, change their alias and infect some other stock board…that’s just how it is…
Speaking of slinking away, anyone heard from truth lately?…