Aagh has established mature high-tech projects with solid earnings expectations, such as Cardio Spectrum Diagnostic System, the world’s 4th generation stethoscopes, proton beam device for cancer treatment, stem cell factors, skin stem cells, hair follicle stem cells, cardiac muscle stem cells, biopharmaceuticals, and dietary supplement products with significant beneficial results, etc. Since it has established its research and development, consulting, operation and management teams, Aagh has an organizational structure fully meeting the requirements of United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Aagh has signed or plans to sign merger and acquisition agreements with 6 to 8 enterprises in America and China. With considerable corporate earnings to be realized upon due diligence and acquisition, Aagh can fully satisfy performance requirements for NASDAQ main board listing. AAGH stocks which were originally scheduled to be listed on main board in 3 to 5 years are expected to be listed on NASDAQ main board in two years. An ahead of the curve opportunity as of right now. A sniff of the above drove stock to .95 within last year, when all becomes public, PPS will make investors very happy.
$AAGH America Great Health (OTC:AAGH) entered into an Advisory Committee Member Consulting Agreement with Iden Michael Borkin
Press Release | 12/29/2021
On December 10, 2021, America Great Health (the "Company") entered into an Advisory Committee Member Consulting Agreement with Iden Michael Borkin (the "Consultant"). Pursuant to the Agreement, Consultant is to provide advisory services, as a member to the Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors of the Company, including without limitation, assisting the Company in finding and hiring expert consultants familiar with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Aagh entered into an agreement with Brilliant Health Care Limited, both parties will establish a joint venture in China for the purpose of promoting and developing stem cell related products, R&D, production and sales Brilliant shall transfer its patented technology with an estimated value of 29.8 to the joint venture. A second acquisition, the Purcell Group, a leading anti-aging force in the field of cell regeneration. Purcell also has a CBD product that will be marketed. China is where the US was after WW 2., 1/6 of the worlds population just coming into the middleclass. Expected to be uplisted to NASDAQ in 2/3 years. Ground floor to invest. Take a close look. went to .95 after announcement dropped back to .13/14 . Once all other acquisitions are disclosed, stockholders will be very satisfied.
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