Lincang, Yunnan province, August 2012:
Lincang, Yunnan province, August 2013:
Simao, Yunnan province, August 2012:
Simao, Yunnan province, August 2013:
45 dead, 1.6 mln affected in Yunnan floods
Precipitation in the province is expected to reach between 100 and 150 mm from Sunday to Monday, the NMC forecasted.
The problem is that only about 35% of MW are based in Yunnan, with the remainder in Fujian & Zhejiang. Tariffs paid for electricity are much lower in Yunnan & the grid is not as effective. Pray for a wet September in Fujian & Zhejiang to salvage the quarter.
Of course, compared to HK & China listed peers, this one is seriously undervalued & some tariff increases in Yunnan are way overdue.
Weather tracker up and running. Q2 not quite on track with 2012 but seems at or above historical averages in Yunnan, Zhejiang, and Fujian.
This one has been vetted by Geo, survived a proxy battle for control, and trades at huge discount to comparable Asian listed names.
There will come a time when tariffs will increase for Yunnan, grid will be upgraded, and climate change-related patterns will put an end to this drought in a big way.
It is a Dam Fine Asset Play indeed but always the potential to get even finer from a buying standpoint.
CHC - Dear Valued Client,
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used to trade foreign stocks in the U.S. markets. An ADR
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I went short at $2.73 this morning, as I can only LOL at the recent monster run-up because they sold an asset for $43 million. Well heck, they owe close to $300 million, so they sold the asset so they wouldn't have to immediately close the doors. That's NOT good news folks. This is a Chinese company that is (get this) dependant on rainfall. LOL. Their expected EPS for this year is .09 (LOL), but a negative -.05 for next year, assuming they even make it that long. The stock just saw a massive run upward on nothing good whatsoever other than stupid lemmings buying into the management change forced by large American shareholder who's stuck with a monster loss. Anyways, have a great day and I'm short as of this morning at $2.73
Fujiwara possibilities for Fujian & Zhejiang:
In the coming 10 days, the two typhoons will bring torrential rain and gales to Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces and Shanghai, with the maximum precipitation volume reaching 300 millimeters, according to the weather forecast released by weather.com.cn on Friday.