Ideal Power Inc NASDAQ: IPWR
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Industrials : Electrical Equipment | Small Cap ValueCompany profile
Ideal Power, Inc. is focused on the development and commercialization of its Bidirectional, bipolar junction TRANsistor (B-TRAN) solid-state switch technology. The Company is engaged in the development of its bidirectional power switches, creating energy control solutions for electric vehicle, electric vehicle charging, renewable energy, energy storage, uninterruptible power supply (UPS)/ data center, solid-state circuit breaker and other industrial and military applications. B-TRAN is a double-sided bidirectional alternative circuit (AC) switch that delivers performance improvements over conventional power semiconductors. The Company's B-TRAN modules reduce conduction and switching losses, complexity of thermal management and operating costs in medium voltage AC power switching and control circuitry.
Ideal Power Signs B-TRAN(TM) Sampling Agreement for Electric Vehicle Charging Application
8:30 am ET July 27, 2021 (Globe Newswire)
Ideal Power Inc. (Nasdaq: IPWR), pioneering the development and commercialization of highly efficient and broadly patented B-TRAN(TM) bi-directional power switches, today announced that an electric vehicle (EV) charger provider will be sampling B-TRAN(TM) devices for its innovative portable and modular EV charging system currently under development. This represents Ideal Power's second sampling agreement in the EV space and its first in the 2.1 million unit global EV charging station market. This market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 47% to 30.8 million units by the end of 2027 as governments phase out fossil fuel vehicles from the market and make infrastructure investments to meet the growing demand for EV charging stations to support the adoption of EVs.
The EV charging provider's offering will combine a DC fast charger with a swappable battery system and a modular design to allow for scaling of the solution, and targets both on-demand fast charging and roadside assistance to eliminate charging anxiety. EV charging applications can benefit from the advantages that B-TRAN(TM) has to offer over conventional IGBT switches; greater efficiency, bi-directionality, smaller size and reduced thermal management. However, these features are critically important to mobile EV charging systems with battery storage.
"We are seeing a variety of innovative products and business models to support the buildout of the EV charging infrastructure and their need for smaller, lower operating cost solutions," stated Dan Brdar, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ideal Power. "We look forward to collaborating with several EV charging companies that want to take advantage of the benefits of B-TRAN(TM), including its inherent bi-directionality, for their mobile, stationary, vehicle-to-grid enabled and buffer storage and/or solar paired EV charging solutions."
B-TRAN(TM)'s key benefit of improved efficiency is expected to result in in faster EV charging, smaller thermal management systems and OEM solutions, lower costs to consumers and higher margins for fast charger owners. Additionally, if EV charging systems are paired with buffer storage, the round-trip charge efficiency improvement is even more significant, potentially further reducing charging cost as time of use and/or peak damage charges from the local utility company, which may represent up to 50% of the electricity bill for a commercial installation, can be mitigated.
Ideal Power's patented semiconductor power switch, the Bi-directional Bipolar Junction Transistor, or B-TRAN(TM), reduces power losses by 50% or more over conventional power switches, depending on the application. B-TRAN(TM)'s higher efficiency results in less heat being generated and therefore significantly lower thermal management requirements, requiring significantly smaller surface area to dissipate heat and giving rise to potentially smaller OEM products. B-TRAN(TM) offers the industry's only symmetric bi-directional operation, reducing the number of components required for application by 75% as compared to a conventional bi-directional switch utilizing IGBTs and diodes. This highly efficient and unique symmetric operation provides a strong competitive advantage in bi-directional applications, which are growing rapidly as transportation electrifies and power generation shifts to renewable energy coupled with energy storage.
“We are excited to make the first of what we expect to be several announcements for the evaluation and potential adoption of B-TRAN™ for electric vehicle applications,” stated Dan Brdar, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ideal Power. “Based on our discussions with large global automobile manufacturers and their Tier 1 suppliers, we believe B-TRAN™ can have a meaningful impact on the drivetrain efficiency and range of electric vehicles and potentially enable more economic and efficient new drivetrain architectures. As B-TRAN™ can offer substantial performance improvements over conventional power semiconductors in applications across many sectors, we are also engaged in ongoing engineering sampling discussions with power equipment manufacturers, both large and small, in renewable energy, data centers and other industrial and utility applications.”
$IPWR This is a very simple overview of what is the next move for IPWR.
REVERSE SPLIT -> As you can see, IPWR had a reverse split on 20 AUG 2019. A reverse split is mostly an accounting trick that company isn't any more valuable than it was before the reverse split. Typically, reverse splits are done from a position of weakness which significantly reduces the share price and threatens the company's viability as an exchange traded stock.
RESISTANCE -> IPWR has shown a very strong roof which prevents the price from going up. Resistance in technical analysis is a price level that a rising stock can’t seem to overcome.
DOWN TREND -> It also has started a very strong downtrend, the same pattern on Sep-Aug 2019.
RSI OVERBOUGHT -> the implication is that buying has pushed the price too far up and a reaction, called a price pullback, is expected.
By keeping all these facts in mind, it is your time to make a logical (NOT emotional) decision.
Wish you all the best in trading
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. WTF? This is the last company I invest in with amazing tech but clowns running the company. I see the patterns so easily now (and I saw it here too), but I was seduced by the amazing IP, the size of market, and the potential, but without a strong management team, good tech goes nowhere. Always.
They utterly failed to commercialize their innovative PPSA technology, worth hundreds of millions in the right hands, and with BTRAN seem to be clinging to the government/military relationships they had when they started the business. The have the next transistor. If positioned correctly, shipped units of this device should number in the billions over the next decade. Management lacks the experience, connections, or resolve to market properly and sell it. Brdar was CEO before Bell, now back at the helm why? Only because Lon is getting old. How about some fresh blood? Bring in some pedigree and make something out of this could-be-amazing-but-never-seems-to-progress company.
I'm so far in the red on my position that I won't bother selling at all... this is either gonna be a $bn company in 5 years, or bankrupt with the IP sold for a song.
News: $IPWR Ideal Power to Present at the 12th Annual LD Micro Main Event on December 11, 2019
AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ideal Power Inc. (NASDAQ: IPWR), pioneering the development and commercialization of highly efficient and broadly patented B-TRAN™ bi-directional power switches, has been invited to present at the 12th Annual LD Micro Main E...
In case you are interested IPWR - Ideal Power to Present at the 12th Annual LD Micro Main Event on December 11, 2019
News: $IPWR CE+T Energy Solutions Acquires Ideal Power's Power Conversion Business Unit and Technology
AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ideal Power Inc. (NASDAQ: IPWR), pioneering the development and commercialization of highly efficient and broadly patented B-TRAN™ bi-directional power switches, has sold its Power Conversion Systems business and Power Packet Swit...
Read the whole news IPWR - CE+T Energy Solutions Acquires Ideal Power's Power Conversion Business Unit and Technology