BDMD: I'll say!!! (And all behind --- what you obviously already know by now --- having LUNCH with so-called "Heath Care Leaders", all of whom should be shot DEAD at every convention they have EVERYWHERE!!!! If they KNEW anything whatsoever about our Human Physiology, Genome, etc., then there would NOT be a "GERIATRICS" department in any hospital on this ignorant PLANET!!! And there's another department in every hospital, everywhere, which does NOT even display SIGNAGE for it --- namely, the CEMETERY Department, into which even our so-called most brilliant DOCTORS end-up!!!!!!)
PS: In any event, CONGRATS on your big score here, Boss!!! And belatedly, THANKS for the heads-up!!! (I was busy with FAMILY matters, again!)
BDMD: I petty point for sure, but I DID see this before your contact about it. HOWEVER, since I don't have iHub's 'PRIVATE MAIL' anymore, I could not search the entire iHub site for any posts about it. In any event, CONGRATS if you too grabbed this freak show early!!! (And don't forget, I'M the best CHART READER in our GALAXY, Dude!!!!)