Wellington Market Company plc

                        ("Wellington" or "the Company")

          Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2013

Chairman's Statement

After some years of disappointing results I am very pleased to report a
considerable improvement in our fortunes for the year to 31st December 2013,
with an after tax profit of £262,000 giving earnings of 4.37p per ordinary

There were four main reasons for this better performance: relative stability in
our core markets, successful renegotiations with a number of our landlords/JV
partners, a useful reduction in administrative expenses, and a significant
reduction in net bank interest following the offsetting receipt of Hedging
Redress compensation from our bank.

During 2013 we continued the process of closing small unprofitable markets and
selling certain investment properties thus further reducing our bank
borrowings.  I am pleased to say that relationships with our bankers remain
cordial and we continue to operate within our agreed facilities.

As was recently announced we have signed a facilities management contract for
us to operate Shepherd's Bush Market on behalf of owners Orion; this is an area
of our activities which we very much hope to develop.  On behalf of your Board
I would like to congratulate our Executive team and indeed all our employees
for this much improved picture and performance.

Lord Lee of Trafford DL FCA


28 March 2014

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

at 31 December 2013

                                                    2013                 2012
                                                   £'000                £'000

Turnover - continuing operations                   6,200                6,932

Cost of sales                                    (5,077)              (5,729)

                                               ---------            ---------

Gross profit                                       1,123                1,203

Administrative expenses

- impairment of tangible fixed assets                  -                (167)

- other administrative expenses                    (730)                (803)

- other income                                        34                    -

                                              ----------           ----------

                                                   (696)                (970)

Operating profit

Operating profit before impairment of                427                  400
tangible and intangible fixed assets

Impairment of tangible and intangible fixed            -                (167)

Operating Profit                                     427                  233

(Loss)/profit on sale of business and fixed         (24)                   27

Interest receivable                                   97                    2

Interest payable                                   (224)                (273)

                                              ----------           ----------

Profit/(loss)on ordinary activities before           276                 (11)

Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities         (14)                 (29)

                                              ----------          -----------

Profit/(loss)on ordinary activities after            262                 (40)

Minority interests                                  (14)                 (11)

                                              ----------          -----------

Profit/(loss) for the financial year                 248                 (51)

                                               =========            =========

Profit/(loss)per ordinary share                    4.37p              (0.67)p

                                               =========           ==========

Diluted earningsprofit/(loss)per ordinary share    4.37p              (0.67)p

                                               =========            =========

All of the activities of the Group are classified as continuing.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

at 31 December 2013

                                                    2013                  2012
                                                   £'000                 £'000

Fixed assets

Intangible assets

- positive goodwill and other intangible             126                   151

- negative goodwill                                 (55)                 (112)

Tangible assets                                    8,274                 9,378

                                             -----------           -----------

                                                   8,345                 9,417

                                             -----------           -----------

Current assets

Stocks                                                 9                     9

Debtors: amounts falling due within one              920                   640

Debtors: amounts falling due after more               31                    33
than one year

Cash at bank and in hand                              20                    97

                                             -----------           -----------

                                                     980                   779

Creditors: amounts falling due within            (1,801)               (2,513)
one year

                                             -----------           -----------

Net current liabilities                            (821)               (1,734)

                                             -----------           -----------

Total assets less current liabilities              7,524                 7,683

Creditors: amounts falling due after more        (3,893)               (4,241)
than one year

Provisions for liabilities                         (180)                 (231)

                                             -----------           -----------

Net assets                                         3,451              3,211

                                            ============          ============

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                            3,000                 3,000

Share premium account                                250                   250

Revaluation reserve                                  882                   920

Share based payment reserve                           73                    57

Profit and loss account                            (799)               (1,047)

                                              ----------            ----------

Equity shareholders' funds                         3,406                 3,180

Equity minority interest                              45                    31

                                              ----------            ----------

Total shareholders' funds                          3,451                 3,211

                                            ============           ============


 1. The calculation of earnings per share for the 12 months to 31st December
    2013 is based on the weighted average number of shares throughout the
    period of 5,999,449 (2012:5,999,449).

 2. A preference share dividend of 1.5875 pence per share was paid on the 30th
    June 2013 and the 31st December 2013.

 3. In common with many companies, the current economic conditions create
    uncertainty with regards to trading, cashflows and the availability of

The Group is funded by an overdraft facility and bank loans, which have been
substantially reduced over the past couple of years, primarily through property
sales. The overdraft was recently renewed on 7 March 2014, being £300k until 31
May 2014 and then reducing to £100k thereafter until 31 March 2015. In
addition, the group have secured an additional 12 month loan of £200k from
April 2014.

The Group has prepared forecasts to 31 March 2015 which show that the Group
will be able to operate within its bank facilities. The directors aim to repay
the overdraft through further property sales which are not reflected in the

Accordingly, after making enquiries, including the preparation of forecasts and
discussions with the Group's bankers regarding the renewal of the overdraft and
extension of the loan facilities, the directors have formed a judgement that,
at the time of approving the financial statements, there is a reasonable
expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue
in operational existence for a period of 12 months following the date the
financial statements are approved. For this reason, the directors continue to
prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis.

 4. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's nor
    Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31st December 2012 and
    31st December 2013 but is derived from them. The auditors have reported on
    the statutory accounts for both financial years. Their reports were
    unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(1) to (4) of
    the Companies Act 2006.

 5. The annual report to shareholders will be sent to all shareholders during
    the week commencing 21st April 2014 and will also be available then on the
    Company's website www.wellingtonmarkets.co.uk.

The directors of the issuer (Wellington Market Company plc) accept
responsibility for this announcement.

Copyright h 28 PR Newswire

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