RNS No 5926b
29th September 1998

                          WATTS BLAKE BEARNE & CO PLC
                        INTERIM RESULTS TO 30 JUNE 1998
                                            1998            1997
Sales                                     #50.4m          #50.5m
Operating profit *                         #5.9m           #6.1m
Operating margin *                         11.8%           12.1%
Pre-tax profit *                           #5.2m           #5.5m
Earnings per share *                       15.7p           15.0p
Interim Dividend                            4.4p            4.4p
 * before exceptional costs relating to Southacre, Devon quarry extension
   #5.5m PTP had same foreign exchange rate applied; reported PTP is #4.6m
                Watts Blake Bearne, world leader in Ball Clays

*  Creditable results despite difficult trading conditions
*  Sales volume growth from major divisions in Europe, offset by slow
   first quarter in U.S.A. and impact of economic crisis in Asia
*  Sales up 5% at constant exchange rates
*  Strong cash flow; gearing reduced to 26% from 30% at last year end
*  Interest cover before exceptional costs 8 times (1997: 9.5 times)
*  US$55m debt placement successfully concluded; 7 times over-subscribed
*  Volumes from Devon Clays 7% up on last year, exports 11% higher on
   growth in European sanitaryware and tile markets
*  Growth in revenues and profits from German Division
*  New joint venture commenced in China (domestic sanitaryware, electro-
*  Investment increased in R & D
*  Board encouraged by start of second-half trading

Dr. Graham Lawson, Chief Executive,     Direct Line:  +44 (0) 1626 322 302
Dr. Michael Young, Finance Director,    Direct Line:  +44 (0) 1626 322 312
Tel: 0171 450 4440 (29th September 1998) until 12 noon
WBB switchboard: 01626 332 345          WBB Web site:  http://www.wbb.co.uk
Peter Binns, John Wade: Binns & Co - Tel: 0171 786 9600

A briefing for analysts is being held at 9:00am for 9:15am start today at The
Court Room, The Merchant Taylors' Hall, 30 Threadneedle Street, London EC2.

Editor's Note:
Watts  Blake  Bearne ("WBB") is the leading international ball clay  producer,
whose  operations are in the UK, Germany, Europe, the USA and the Asia-Pacific
region.   WBB  specialises in the supply of ball clays, kaolins  and  prepared
ceramic bodies to the ceramics and other industries worldwide.

Ball  Clay  is  a  relatively rare mineral, but is an  important  white-firing
plastic component in ceramics such as sanitaryware, tiles and tableware.


In  a  period of some turbulence in financial markets and many of the  world's
economies,  I am pleased to report, apart from exceptional costs  to  which  I
refer below, a solid and creditable result from your Company for the first six
months  of  1998.   Profit  before Taxation and  exceptional  costs  at  #5.2m
compares well with #5.5m for the first half of 1997, noting that it would have
equalled  last year had the same foreign exchange rates applied.  The reported
Profit  before  Taxation is #4.6m.  Earnings per share are 15.7p  (1997:15.0p)
excluding exceptional costs and 13.8p on a fully charged basis.

The  interim dividend is maintained at 4.4p per share.  The dividend  will  be
payable on 20th November 1998 to shareholders on the Register at the close  of
business on 9th October 1998.

In  the  light of strong cash flow in the first half-year, gearing has reduced
to  26%  from  30% at the last year-end (30 June 1997:22%) and interest  cover
before  exceptional costs is 8 times (1997:9.5 times).  The Balance Sheet  and
Cash  Flow  Statement  each  reflect the US $55m  debt  placement,  which  was
concluded  in  February and has already been referred to in  the  1997  Annual
Report.  In the Balance Sheet an amount of #5m due in December 1998 in respect
of  the second instalment for the purchase late last year of extensive mineral
reserves in Germany continues to be included under "Other Creditors".

Shareholders  will be aware that our UK Division's application  for  a  quarry
extension  was called into Public Inquiry in 1997.  At the end  of  August  it
became  apparent  that  independent experts advising us had  misinterpreted  a
crucial  piece of data relating to the behaviour of river flows.  As a result,
management  decided to withdraw the application.  We are currently engaged  on
the urgent preparation of a re-submission.  Costs relating to the first design
have accordingly been written off against the first half-year profits and  are
treated  as exceptional.  Otherwise, the pattern shown in the Group  Profit  &
Loss  Account portrays encouraging sales volume growth for our major divisions
in  Europe,  offset  by  a slow first quarter in USA and  the  impact  of  the
economic crisis in Asia.

Management continues to pursue opportunities for new ventures, consistent with
its  strategy outlined in the 1997 Annual Report.  It is the nature of today's
global  ceramics  market that such developments are more likely  to  arise  in
developing  regions  of  the world, such as Asia, South  America  and  Eastern
Europe.   We  recognise the potential risks that this strategy  involves.   We
believe,  however, that the balance management brings between  entrepreneurial
zeal and financial control will favour success and add long-term value to your

We are encouraged by the way second half trading has started.  Results for the
full  year, however, will also inevitably be affected by the exceptional costs
noted here.

I conclude by congratulating management and all employees throughout the Group
on  their fine effort in producing a result, which, apart from matters outside
their  control,  was  most satisfactory for the first half  of  1998  and  was
achieved despite difficult trading conditions.

Michael Beckett


The  stability of the Group's results, exceptional costs apart, is not only  a
credit  during  a  period  of worldwide volatility in financial  markets,  but
reflects  the energetic development of the business which management continues
to pursue.

The  exceptional  costs  relate to the first design of  our  Southacre  quarry
extension  in  Devon  which,  because of a misinterpretation  by  one  of  our
external  experts  of  data  concerning water  flows  in  the  proposed  river
diversion,  we  decided  to  abandon.  This decision  was  taken  because  our
confidence  that this scheme would now meet our high standards  of  ecological
and  environmental performance had been lowered significantly.   The  specific
clays  we  seek to gain from the quarry extension remain important to  our  UK
Division  and  we  have already commenced work on a new  design.   Inevitably,
implementation of this key project will be delayed, possibly by two years, but
we have sufficient reserves to maintain security of supply to our customers in
the meantime.

Measured  in  local currency, sales growth has been achieved in all  Divisions
except those in the UK and the USA.  Like other international groups, however,
we  are affected by Sterling's continued strength, which has translated growth
in  underlying  operating profit into a slightly lower value compared  to  the
first half of 1997.  Our operating  margin has inevitably been affected by the
economic crisis in Asia, which impacts not only our businesses located in that
region, but also important export sales of speciality clays, particularly from
the  UK.  Operating margin is also tempered by product mix changes, especially
in  the  UK  and Germany, the impact of which has been neutralised by  prudent
cost  management.   It should not be inferred, therefore,  from  our  reported
operating  margin  (before  exceptional  costs)  of  11.8%  (1997:12.1%)  that
management  has  eased its pressure on cost control; this is emphatically  not

Our  core  UK Division, WBB Devon Clays, recorded a profit (before exceptional
costs)  just  3.5%  below the 1997 level, mainly due  to  loss  of  high-value
business in Asia.  In the Pacific Clays Division, our established ventures  in
Thailand and Indonesia continue to operate profitably having secured  much  of
the business lost in the region by Devon Clays.  However, reduced customer
off-take  and  the depreciation of local currencies have resulted in a
significant overall  reduction  in profit derived by the Group from its 
business  in  the region.  Despite the downturn in Asian sales, volumes from
Devon Clays were 7% ahead  of last year, with exports 11% higher due to
encouraging growth in  the European sanitaryware and tile markets.  The
strength of Sterling continues to maintain pressure on prices.  Good progress
has been made in the sale of  non-clay products from Devon, with sales
significantly ahead of last year's level.

In  the USA, markets were poor during the first quarter, a legacy of inventory
reduction  by some customers, although these have now picked up in  line  with
our  expectations.   It is pleasing to note significant production  and  sales
success  in our newly constituted Eastern Europe Division through its Ukranian
joint  venture  as  well  as  continuing growth in revenues  from  our  German
Division following the purchase of key mineral reserves in Germany at the  end
of last year.

Real  price  increases remain difficult to achieve.  I am pleased  to  report,
however,   that  prudent  cost  management  has  resulted  in   gross   margin
improvements  in most of the Divisions.  Shareholders are aware  that  a  high
proportion  of  our  direct costs are fixed in nature, so  margins  have  also
improved  as  a result of the sales volume increases achieved in a  number  of
operations throughout the Group.

Despite  the demands of our investment in developing our strategic  technology
base  and the embryonic divisions in Asia and Eastern Europe, overheads across
the  Group  have  been  strictly controlled.  We have,  in  this  first  half,
incurred  pre-operational expenses in relation to our newest joint venture  in
China,  which  has now commenced production for plant trials in  the  domestic
sanitaryware and electro-porcelain sectors.

Following  the successful debt placement initiative we completed in  February,
we  have  both ready funds and financial capacity to conclude negotiations  in
bringing suitable target acquisitions and further joint ventures into the  WBB
Group.  I am pleased to advise that interest earned on our surplus funds  more
than covers its servicing cost thus relieving the pressure on making important
purchases  in unwarranted haste.  The interest charge in the Profit  and  Loss
Account reflects higher levels of net borrowing which have largely arisen from
the purchase of German mineral reserves in December last year.

We  continue to pursue our strategy for long term profitable growth.   We  are
determined  to source and market world-class clay minerals to both  developing
and  mature centres of population using the excellent resources that  underpin
WBB:  its people, minerals, technical know-how and financial capacity.  I look
forward  to  reporting to you continued success in this quest  in  our  Annual
Report next year.

Graham Lawson
Chief Executive


                                             Six months ended          Year to
                                          30.06.98      30.06.97      31.12.97
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000
                                          Unaudited     Unaudited

United Kingdom                              4,894         4,904         9,809
Germany                                     8,727         8,478        16,361
Rest of Europe                             25,143        23,140        45,950
North America                               5,858         6,801        12,755
Rest of World                               5,763         7,200        13,862
                                        _________     _________      ________
                                           50,385        50,523        98,737
Operating Costs                           (44,446)      (44,417)      (85,802)
                                        _________    _________      _________
Operating Profit                            5,939         6,106        12,935
Exceptional Costs                   1        (640)            -             -
                                        _________     _________     _________
Profit on Ordinary activities                                                 
   before interest                           5,299         6,106       12,935
Net Interest                                  (739)         (638)      (1,295)
                                         _________    _________     _________
Profit on Ordinary Activities                                                 
  before Taxation                           4,560         5,468        11,640

Tax on Profit on Ordinary                                                     
  Activities                               (1,710)      (2,297)        (4,428)
                                         _________    _________     _________
Profit on Ordinary Activities                                                 
  after Taxation                            2,850         3,171         7,212

Minority Interests                             47          (24)          (156)
Dividends                                    (929)        (926)        (3,719)
                                        _________    _________      _________
Balance Retained                            1,968         2,221         3,337
                                         ========      ========      ========

Earnings per ordinary share                                                   
Including exceptional costs
Basic                               4        13.8p         15.0p        33.5p
Fully diluted                                13.4p         14.5p        33.1p

Earnings per ordinary share                                                   
Excluding exceptional costs
Basic                                        15.7p         15.0p        33.5p
Fully diluted                                15.3p         14.5p        33.1p

Dividend per Ordinary Share         3         4.4p          4.4p        17.6p


                                       6 Months      6 Months     12 Months
                                           1998          1997          1997
                                      Unaudited     Unaudited              
Profit for the financial year             2,897         3,147         7,056

Currency translation differences                                           
on foreign currency net investments      (1,161)       (2,241)       (4,375)
                                       _________    _________     _________
                                          1,736           906         2,681
                                       _________     _________     _________
                                       6 Months      6 Months     12 Months
                                           1998          1997          1997
                            Notes     Unaudited     Unaudited
Cash flow from operating                                                   
  activities                    2         8,627         8,400        16,553
                                      _________     _________     _________
Returns on investments                                                     
and servicing of finance
Interest received                           268           128           320
Interest paid                            (1,007)         (765)       (1,615)
Preference dividend                          (3)           (3)           (6)
Dividend paid to a                                                         
minority shareholder in  
a subsidiary                                  -             -           (15)
                                      _________     _________     _________

                                          (742)         (640)       (1,316)
                                      _________     _________     _________
Taxation paid                           (1,132)       (1,834)       (4,882)
                                      _________     _________     _________
Capital expenditure                                                        
Purchase of tangible                  
fixed assets                            (4,381)       (2,654)      (10,435)
Purchase of intangible                    
fixed assets                              (175)            -           (29)
Sale of tangible fixed                     
assets                                     219            81           837
assets                                _________     _________     _________
                                        (4,337)       (2,573)       (9,627)
                                      _________     _________     _________
Acquisitions                               (53)             -             -
                                      _________     _________     _________
Equity dividends paid                         -             -       (3,407)
                                      _________     _________     _________
Cash inflow/(outflow)                                                      
before financing                          2,363         3,353       (2,679)
Financing issue of                         
shares                                       11           273           286
increase in borrowings                    7,560         2,901         3,066
                                      _________     _________     _________
Increase in cash in                       
period                                    9,934         6,527           673
                                        ========      ========      ========
Reconciliation of net                                                      
cash flow to movement in 
net borrowings
Increase in cash in                      
period                                    9,934         6,527           673
Cash inflow from                                                           
increase in borrowings                   (7,560)       (2,901)       (3,066)
                                       _________     _________     _________
Change in net borrowings                                                   
resulting in cash flows                   2,374         3,626       (2,393)
Translation difference                      297           178           562
                                      _________     _________     _________
Movement in net                                                            
borrowings in period                      2,671         3,804       (1,831)
Opening net borrowings                  (22,387)      (20,556)      (20,556)
                                      _________     _________     _________
Closing net borrowings                 (19,716)      (16,752)      (22,387)
                                       ========      ========      ========


                                       30.06.98      30.06.97      31.12.97
                                          #'000         #'000         #'000
                                      Unaudited     Unaudited              
Fixed Assets                                                               
Intangible assets                           226            30            45
Tangible assets                          90,554        84,142        91,886
Investments                               1,052         1,415         1,017
                                      _________     _________     _________
                                         91,832        85,587        92,948
                                      _________     _________     _________
Current Assets                                                             
Stocks                                    8,691         7,482         9,504
Trade Debtors                            21,404        20,061        19,164
Other Debtors                             5,532         4,129         4,240
Cash at bank and in hand                 13,852        10,490         4,014
                                      _________      ________     _________
                                         49,479        42,162        36,922
Amounts falling due within                                                 
one year
Borrowings                                 (145)      (5,398)       (5,294)
Other Creditors                         (22,331)     (15,728)      (19,924)
                                       _________    _________     _________
Net Current Assets                       27,003        21,036        11,704
                                      _________     _________     _________
Total assets less current               
liabilities                             118,835       106,623       104,652
Amounts falling due after more                                             
 than one year
Borrowings                              (33,423)      (21,844)     (21,107)
Other Creditors                             (33)         (176)        (144)
Provisions for liabilities and                                             
charges                                  (9,225)       (8,811)      (8,195)
                                       _________     _________    _________
Total Net Assets                         76,154        75,792        75,206
                                       _________     _________     _________
Capital and Reserves                                                       
Called up share capital                   5,408         5,389         5,407
Reserves                                 69,916        70,119        69,109
                                      _________     _________     _________
Total Shareholders' funds                75,324        75,508        74,516
Minority interests                          830           284           690
                                      _________     _________     _________
                                         76,154        75,792        75,206
                                      _________     _________     _________
Net Borrowings                           19,716        16,752        22,387
As a percentage of shareholders'                                           
funds                                       26%           22%           30%


1. Exceptional Costs

 Exceptional  costs refer to the first design, now withdrawn, for  a  proposed
 quarry extension in the UK with associated river diversion.

2. Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Operating Cash Flows

                                    6 Months      6 Months     12 Months
                                        1998          1997          1997
                                   Unaudited     Unaudited
Operating profit                       5,939         6,106        12,935
Exceptional costs                       (640)            -             -
                                   _________     _________     _________
Profit on Ordinary Activities          5,299         6,106        12,935
Depreciation                           4,076         4,188         7,453
Profit on disposal of fixed   
assets                                   (53)          (69)         (201)
Share of profit of associated                                            
undertaking                              (38)         (108)         (369)
Increase in other provisions                                             
and deferred income                    1,179           932          (136)
Decrease/(Increase) in stocks            672           594        (1,557)
Increase in debtors                   (2,672)       (1,615)       (1,347)
Increase/(Decrease) in                
creditors                                164        (1,628)        (225)
                                    _________    _________     _________
Net cash inflow from operating                                          
activities                             8,627         8,400        16,553
                                   _________     _________     _________

3. Dividends Proposed

 The  dividend  will be payable on 20th November 1998 to shareholders  on  the
 Register at the close of business on 9th October 1998.

4. Earnings per Ordinary Share

 The  earnings per ordinary share have been calculated on Group Profit  (after
 tax,  minority  interests,  preference dividends and  exceptional  costs)  of
 #2,894m  (1997: #3,144m) and on a weighted average of issued ordinary  shares
 of 21,044,501 (1997: 21,024,024).
 The fully diluted earnings per share are calculated on a weighted average  of
 21,616,929 shares (1997: 21,634,975).
 On  the  face  of the Group Profit and Loss Account, earnings per  share  are
 shown  both including and excluding exceptional costs.  The Directors believe
 that  for  1998  the  calculation  for  earnings  per  share  excluding   the
 exceptional  costs  together with the associated tax relief  gives  the  most
 appropriate measure of the underlying earnings capacity of the Group.

5. Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

                  1998 Half-year        1997 Half-year         1997 Year-end
                 Average      As at    Average      As at    Average  Year end
                           30.06.98              30.06.97
Deutschmark         3.00       3.02       2.77       2.89       2.85      2.96
US Dollar           1.66       1.66       1.63       1.66       1.64      1.64
Escudo            307.12     309.00     278.55     291.72     288.38    302.64
French Franc       10.06      10.12       9.34       9.73       9.58      9.90
Dutch Guilder       3.38       3.40       3.11       3.25       3.21      3.34
Italian Lira    2,958.68   2,967.36   2,739.73   2,824.86   2,808.99  2,906.98
Hryvna              3.38       3.45       2.88       2.94       2.98      3.12
Dollar              2.74       2.88       2.33       2.38       2.45      2.78
Hong Kong          
Dollar             12.82      12.89      12.65      12.88      12.69     12.72
Rupiah         17,274.14  25,000.00   3,937.01   4,048.58   4,816.19  7,708.79
Thai Baht          70.88      70.49      42.08      43.01      52.71     78.99

 If  the  average  exchange rates extant for the half-year in  1997  had  been
 applicable in 1998, turnover would have been approximately #52.9m and  profit
 before taxation approximately #5.5m.

 6.   The  interim results are unaudited.  The financial information does  not
 amount  to  full  accounts      within the  meaning  of  section  20  of  the
 Companies  Act 1985 (as amended).  Full accounts for the year to 31  December
 1997  with an unqualified audit report have been filed with the Registrar  of

Further copies of the Interim Statement are available from:

The Company Secretary
Park House, Courtenay Park
Newton Abbot  TQ12 4PS
Telephone: +44(0) 1626 332345 Fax: +44(0)1626 332344



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