RNS Number : 7647U

Exova Group PLC

11 April 2016

11 April 2016


(the "Company")

Annual Report & Accounts 2015 and Notice of 2016 Annual General Meeting

Following release by the Company on 3 March 2016 of its preliminary results for the financial year ended 31 December 2015, the Company announces that it has today posted to shareholders the documents listed below:

-- the Annual Report & Accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2015 (the "2015 Annual Report & Accounts");

-- the Notice of the 2016 Annual General Meeting; and

-- the Form of Proxy for the 2016 Annual General Meeting.

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1, the Company has submitted copies of these documents to the Financial Conduct Authority via the National Storage Mechanism and they will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm.

Additional information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 6.3.5

The Company's preliminary results announcement on 3 March 2016 contained a management report as well as a condensed set of financial statements which were prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards. In compliance with DTR 6.3.5R, the following information is extracted from the 2015 Annual Report & Accounts and should be read in conjunction with the Company's preliminary results announcement for the year ended 31 December 2015 issued on 3 March 2016. Both documents are available at www.exova.com and together constitute the material required by DTR 6.3.5R to be communicated to the media in unedited full text through a Regulatory Information Service. This material is not a substitute for reading the 2015 Annual Report & Accounts in full.

1. Principal risks and uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties that could affect the Group are outlined below

 Operational risks 
 Risk                Description          Strategic           Possible            Mitigation 
                                           priorities          impact 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Health              The Group's          Focusing            Failure             Health and safety 
  and safety          work                 on the              to operate          is always the first 
                      environment          provision           safely              item on Board and 
                      presents             of technically      could               Executive Committee 
                      various              demanding           adversely           agendas. Overall 
                      potential            services.           impact              strategy and compliance 
                      risks                Managing            the Group's         is monitored by 
                      within               our laboratories    employees           the Group health 
                      our laboratories     efficiently.        or visitors,        and safety director 
                      and when                                 lead to             who reports to 
                      operating                                legal               the Group Technical 
                      on customers'                            action              Director. Clear 
                      premises.                                from regulators,    guidance is given 
                                                               reputational        on appropriate 
                                                               damage              procedures and 
                                                               or loss             maintenance of 
                                                               of customer         equipment, supported 
                                                               confidence.         by regular training, 
                                                                                   supervision and 
                                                                                   compliance audits. 
                                                                                   Bulletins are issued 
                                                                                   in response to 
                                                                                   any significant 
                                                                                   incidents which 
                                                                                   might have group-wide 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Reputational        The Group            Focusing            Loss of             A comprehensive 
  damage              relies               on the              existing            quality management 
                      on its               provision           or new              system is in place 
                      reputation           of technically      business.           which is regularly 
                      and being            demanding           Loss of             audited both internally 
                      awarded              services.           ability             and by external 
                      and retaining        Building            to service          accreditation bodies 
                      a wide               long-term           customer            and customer approval 
                      range                client              requirements        teams. 
                      of accreditations    relationships.      where               Employee technical 
                      and customer         Generating          accreditations      competence is maintained 
                      specific             organic             or customer         through mentoring 
                      approvals            revenue             specific            and training programmes. 
                      in order             growth.             approvals 
                      to provide                               are lost. 
                      its services.                            Reduced 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 People              The Group            Focusing            Inability           There is a comprehensive 
                      provides             on the              to meet             recruitment and 
                      specialised          provision           customer            ongoing evaluation 
                      technical            of technically      demand.             process supported 
                      services             demanding           Failure             by incentive plans 
                      and is               services.           to innovate         based on personal 
                      dependent            Building            and develop         and financial performance. 
                      on attracting        long-term           customer            A Technical Career 
                      and retaining        client              relationships.      Development Programme 
                      appropriately        relationships.                          is in place which 
                      qualified                                                    is designed to 
                      staff.                                                       develop and retain 
                                                                                   technical staff 
                                                                                   and support succession 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Global              The strength         Generating          A prolonged         Our business is 
  economic            of our               organic             economic            well diversified 
  and market          end markets          revenue             downturn            both geographically 
  conditions          is an                growth.             would               and by end user 
                      important            Extending           limit               markets and our 
                      driver               our service         our ability         focus on technically 
                      for growth.          range               to grow             demanding services 
                                           and the             the business        gives us some resilience. 
                                           global              in line             We engage regularly 
                                           reach               with our            with our customers 
                                           of our              strategic           to understand their 
                                           business.           plan.               plans and requirements 
                                                                                   which are recorded 
                                                                                   in our group-wide 
                                                                                   CRM system. This 
                                                                                   provides consolidated 

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                                                                                   visibility of future 
                                                                                   revenues and allows 
                                                                                   us to plan capacity 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 UK withdrawal       The UK               Building            Loss of             Close monitoring 
  from                business             long-term           revenue             of developments 
  the EU              trades               client              due to              and engagement 
                      within               relationships.      changes             with representative 
                      the EU               Generating          in standards        bodies to respond 
                      and assesses         organic             or legislation      accordingly. 
                      whether              revenue             impacting           Ability to utilise 
                      products             growth.             our ability         laboratory network 
                      meet                                     to provide          in other EU locations. 
                      European                                 certain 
                      standards.                               services 
                      In addition                              that can 
                      the UK                                   only be 
                      sits                                     provided 
                      on various                               from an 
                      committees                               EU member. 
                      that                                     Additional 
                      determine                                import 
                      future                                   and export 
                      standards                                costs. 
                      and methods 
                      of testing. 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Business            The business         Managing            Lack of             Business continuity 
  infrastructure      depends              our laboratories    operational         plans are in place 
                      on its               efficiently.        capacity            across the Group 
                      laboratory                               could               and our substantial 
                      network                                  affect              laboratory network 
                      to service                               our ability         often allows work 
                      customers'                               to service          to be transferred 
                      needs.                                   existing            to alternative 
                                                               customers           sites. 
                                                               and win 
                                                               new business. 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 IT systems          The business         Managing            Lack of             Global Information 
                      depends              our laboratories    timely              Security policy 
                      on the               efficiently.        information         in place. 
                      effective            Building            could               Disaster recovery 
                      operation            long-term           affect              plans in place 
                      of global            client              our ability         across the network. 
                      IT systems           relationships.      to service          Continual review 
                      for its                                  customer            and improvement 
                      key business                             requirements        of cyber defences. 
                      processes.                               and make 
                                                               good business 
                                                               from loss 
                                                               of systems 
                                                               or data. 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Acquisitions        The process          Extending           Failure             We have a well 
                      of identifying,      our service         to deliver          developed screening 
                      acquiring            range               expected            process to ensure 
                      and integrating      and the             results             that potential 
                      new businesses       global              due to              acquisitions meet 
                      is fundamental       reach               poor acquisition    the criteria in 
                      to our               of our              selection.          our strategic plans 
                      overall              business.           Unforeseen          for market penetration 
                      growth               Managing            liabilities         and geographical 
                      plan.                our laboratories    arising             expansion and our 
                                           efficiently.        from failure        target returns 
                                                               to understand       on investment. 
                                                               business            Thorough due diligence 
                                                               risks               is carried out 
                                                               fully               by our in-house 
                                                               during              experts supplemented 
                                                               due diligence.      by the use of specialist 
                                                               Reduced             advisers. Appropriate 
                                                               financial           legal protection 
                                                               performance         is included in 
                                                               arising             the purchase contract. 
                                                               from poor           Detailed integration 
                                                               integration         plans are approved 
                                                               of acquired         prior to completion 
                                                               businesses.         and are closely 
                                                                                   monitored in line 
                                                                                   with an agreed 
------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Legal and regulatory risks 
 Litigation        The Group's            Building            Reputational        We have a process 
                    operations             long-term           damage              for monitoring 
                    are subject            client              leading             compliance with 
                    to wide-ranging        relationships.      to customer         laws and regulations 
                    laws and               Managing            loss and            and internal Group 
                    regulations            our laboratories    brand               procedures and 
                    including              efficiently.        damage.             reporting any significant 
                    business                                   Diversion           deviations to the 
                    conduct,                                   of management       Board. We also 
                    employment,                                time away           monitor changes 
                    environmental                              from the            in regulations 
                    and health                                 operation           and communicate 
                    and safety                                 of the              these as appropriate. 
                    legislation.                               business.           We have clear delegation 
                    There is                                   Penalties           of authority for 
                    also exposure                              for breaching       business decisions 
                    to contractual                             contracts,          and detailed training 
                    risk.                                      laws or             is provided on 

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                                                               regulations.        key areas of risk 
                                                                                   e.g. contract negotiation. 
                                                                                   We carry insurance 
                                                                                   against all standard 
                                                                                   risk categories. 
----------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Business          The activities         Building            Reputational        Our business activities 
  integrity         of the                 long-term           damage              are conducted in 
  and ethics        business               client              leading             multiple jurisdictions 
                    are governed           relationships.      to customer         and are exposed 
                    by various             Generating          loss and            to a wide range 
                    ethical                organic             brand               of business practices. 
                    requirements           revenue             damage.             We have a strong 
                    including              growth.             Diversion           Group culture of 
                    anti-corruption        Extending           of management       integrity and ethical 
                    and bribery            our service         time away           behaviour to ensure 
                    laws, competition      range               from the            a consistent approach 
                    laws and               and the             operation           regardless of local 
                    trade sanctions.       global              of the              custom. 
                                           reach               business.           We have group-wide 
                                           of our              Penalties           policies covering 
                                           business.           for breaching       ethical conduct 
                                                               laws or             and regular training 
                                                               regulations.        is provided backed 
                                                                                   up by external 
                                                                                   legal and professional 
                                                                                   support where required. 
                                                                                   We encourage reporting 
                                                                                   of any concerns 
                                                                                   about wrongdoing 
                                                                                   or impropriety 
                                                                                   and have a whistleblowing 
                                                                                   service managed 
                                                                                   by a third party. 
----------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Financial risks 
 Financial         The Group              Managing            Significant         The Group has a 
  irregularity      could suffer           our laboratories    financial           well established 
                    financial              efficiently.        irregularity        system of operational 
                    loss either                                could               and financial controls 
                    through                                    lead to             including documented 
                    misappropriation                           loss of             procedures and 
                    of assets                                  confidence          delegation of authorities 
                    or the                                     by key              supported by a 
                    misrepresentation                          stakeholders        co-sourced internal 
                    of financial                               and reputational    audit function. 
                    results.                                   damage 
                                                               to the 
                                                               This might 
                                                               our financial 
                                                               and ability 
                                                               to raise 
                                                               and could 
                                                               the share 
----------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Treasury          The Group              Generating          Volatile            Borrowings are 
                    is exposed             organic             financial           maintained in appropriate 
                    to currency,           revenue             performance         currencies to partially 
                    liquidity              growth.             arising             hedge foreign exchange 
                    and credit             Managing            from translation    risk on overseas 
                    risks.                 our laboratories    of overseas         earnings. We are 
                                           efficiently.        results.            exposed to limited 
                                                               Financial           transactional risk 
                                                               penalties           as most costs and 
                                                               and reputational    revenues are matched 
                                                               damage              in the same currencies. 
                                                               arising             Forecast cash flows 
                                                               from breach         are regularly reviewed 
                                                               of banking          to ensure that 
                                                               covenants.          sufficient committed 
                                                               Financial           borrowing facilities 
                                                               loss from           are in place. 
                                                               inappropriate       Credit risk is 
                                                               use of              actively monitored 
                                                               financial           and is mitigated 
                                                               instruments         by the wide spread 
                                                               or failure          of our customer 
                                                               to collect          base. 
----------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ---------------------------- 

Viability Statement

The Directors confirm that they have a reasonable expectation that the Group will continue to operate and meet its liabilities, as they fall due, for the next three years to December 2018. The Directors' assessment has been made with reference to the resilience of the Group and its strong financial position, the Group's strategy, the Board's risk appetite and the Group's principal risks and how these are managed, as described in this Strategic Report.

The Group has a broad spread of customers across different geographical areas and market sectors and a high level of customer retention and repeat business. The Group is also supported by strong operational cash flows.

The assessment period of three years has been chosen as it is consistent with the Board's annual review of the Group's three year rolling strategic plan. This review covers the prospects for each business, assumptions regarding entry into new markets and geographies, future growth rates and performance of the business. A robust financial model of the Group has been built and the metrics for the Group's KPIs have been reviewed for the assessment period. These metrics are also subject to sensitivity analysis which includes flexing a number of these assumptions, namely, future organic revenue growth, operating margins and operational cash flow. This is supplemented by an overlay of assumptions on the future level of inorganic growth from acquisitions. The results of flexing these assumptions, both individually and in aggregate, are used to determine whether additional bank facilities will be required during this period.

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This review and analysis also considers the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group, as described on pages 10 to 12 and the potential impact these risks would have on the Group's business model, future performance, solvency and liquidity over the assessment period. The Board considers that the diverse nature of the market sectors and geographies in which the Group operates acts significantly to mitigate the impact any of these risks might have on the Group.

2. Related party transactions

The following statements regarding related party transactions are set out on pages 126 to 127 of the 2015 Annual Report & Accounts. The following is extracted in full and unedited form from the 2015 Annual Report & Accounts.

During the year the Group entered into certain transactions with related parties. Details of these transactions are as follows:

Income statement

                                                     Group          Company 
----------------------------------  -----  ----------------  --------------- 
                                              2015     2014     2015    2014 
                                    Notes     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm    GBPm 
----------------------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
Management fee to private 
 equity investor                                 -      0.2        -       - 
----------------------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
Termination of consultancy 
 agreement fee to private 
 equity investor                                 -      1.0        -       - 
----------------------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
Finance costs on loan from 
 parent undertaking                 8            -      8.1        -       - 
----------------------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
Preference share dividend           8            -      1.0        -       - 
----------------------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
Dividend received from subsidiary 
 undertaking                                     -        -    120.0       - 
----------------------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ 

Balance at 31 December

----------------------------      ---  ---  -----  ----- 
Amounts due from subsidiary 
 undertakings                 16    -    -  122.0  101.1 
----------------------------      ---  ---  -----  ----- 
----------------------------      ---  ---  -----  ----- 
Termination of consultancy 
 agreement fee to private 
 equity investor                  1.0  1.0    1.0    1.0 
----------------------------      ---  ---  -----  ----- 
Amounts due to subsidiary 
 undertakings                       -    -   14.3      - 
----------------------------      ---  ---  -----  ----- 

Key management compensation

                                            Group            Company 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                      2015    2014      2015     2014 
                                      GBPm    GBPm      GBPm     GBPm 
---------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  ------- 
Salaries and short-term benefits       3.3     2.7       0.9      0.8 
---------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  ------- 
Post employment benefits               0.3     0.3       0.1      0.1 
---------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  ------- 
Termination benefits                   0.1     0.2         -        - 
---------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  ------- 
Share-based payments                   0.2     2.9       0.1      1.7 
---------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  ------- 
                                       3.9     6.1       1.1      2.6 
---------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  ------- 

Key management comprises members of the executive team. The executive team is responsible for the day to day running of the Group, and comprises the CEO, CFO, managing directors and group functional directors.

The Group holds equity interests of less than 51% in the following companies:

                                       % shareholding 
-------------------------------------  -------------- 
Exova (Qatar) LLC                               24.5% 
-------------------------------------  -------------- 
Al Futtaim Exova LLC                            49.0% 
-------------------------------------  -------------- 
Exova Warringtonfire Middle East LLC            49.0% 
-------------------------------------  -------------- 
Exova Saudi Arabia Ltd                          50.0% 
-------------------------------------  -------------- 
Exova Warringtonfire LLC                        49.0% 
-------------------------------------  -------------- 

Exova (Qatar) LLC approved and paid a dividend of GBP1.1m (QAR 6,000,000) (2014: GBP1.1m QAR: 6,000,000) to its shareholders.

The Group is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the equity interests and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the equity interests. Based on this, the Directors have determined that the Group has control over these equity interests and therefore consolidates them within the financial statements.

The Group has interests in joint venture arrangements in the following companies:

                                 Principal       Group 
                                     place   ownership 
Name                           of business    interest                       Held by 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
                                      Hong                         BM TRADA Overseas 
BM TRADA (HK) Limited                 Kong         70%                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
BM TRADA RKCA Certifications                                       BM TRADA Overseas 
 Private Limited                     India         50%                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
FIRA - CMA Testing                    Hong                         BM TRADA Overseas 
 Services Limited                     Kong         50%                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
                                                                   BM TRADA Overseas 
BM TRADA Cyprus Limited             Cyprus         50%                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
Standardt BM TRADA                                                 BM TRADA Overseas 
 Belgelendirme AS                   Turkey         50%                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
                                                                   BM TRADA Overseas 
BM TRADA Latvija                    Latvia         50%                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
BM TRADA RKCA Lanka                    Sri         50% 
 Certifications (Private)            Lanka              BM TRADA RKCA Certifications 
 Limited                                                             Private Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
BM TRADA Suomi OY                  Finland         50%              BM TRADA Latvija 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
BM TRADA Eesti Ou                  Estonia         50%              BM TRADA Latvija 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
BM TRADA Deutschland 
 GmbH                              Germany         50%              BM TRADA Latvija 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
BM TRADA Lietuva                 Lithuania         50%              BM TRADA Latvija 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 
Tianjin C-Kai BM TRADA               China         40%        BM TRADA Certification 
 Certification Company                                                       Limited 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------- 

3. Directors statement of responsibilities

The following statement is repeated here solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5. This statement relates to and is extracted from page 73 of the 2015 Annual Report & Accounts and is signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by Ian El-Mokadem, Chief Executive Officer and Philip Marshall, Chief Financial Officer. Responsibility is for the full 2015 Annual Report & Accounts and not the extracted information presented in this announcement or the full year results announcement.

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law, the Directors are required to prepare the Group and Company financial statements for each financial year in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

Under Company law the Directors must not approve the Group and Company financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and Company and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period. In preparing the Group and Company financial statements the Directors are required to:

-- present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Group and Company;

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-- select suitable accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and then apply them consistently;

-- present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

   --     make judgements that are reasonable; 

-- provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRSs as adopted by the European Union is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the Group's financial position and financial performance; and

-- state whether the Group and Company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Group and Company transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and Company and enable them to ensure that the Group and Company financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group and Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are also responsible for preparing the Directors' Report, the Directors' Remuneration Report, Strategic Report and the Corporate Governance Statement in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and applicable regulations, including the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of accounts may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Directors' responsibility statement

Each of the Directors, as at the date of this report, confirms to the best of their knowledge that:

-- the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the Group; and

-- the Strategic Report and the Report of Directors include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

The Strategic Report contains certain forward-looking statements providing additional information to shareholders to assess the potential for the Group strategies to succeed. Such statements are made by the Directors in good faith, based on the information available to them up to the date of their approval of this report, and should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties underlying forward-looking information.

Neither the Company nor the Directors accept any liability to any person in relation to the Annual Report & Accounts except to the extent that such liability could arise under English law. Accordingly, any liability to a person who has demonstrated reliance on any untrue or misleading statement or omission shall be determined in accordance with Section 90A and Schedule 10A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

4. Substantial shareholding

As at 31 March 2016, being the latest practicable date prior to release of this announcement, the Company had been notified, in accordance with DTR 5, of the following major shareholdings in the ordinary share capital of the Company:

 Name                            Ordinary share   % of Capital 
                               at 31 March 2016 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Tabasco B.V.                       135,045,958         53.94% 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Mubadala Development 
  Company PJSC                       18,946,042          7.57% 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Fidelity Management 
  & Research (US)                    12,989,901          5.18% 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 T. Rowe Price                        9,634,121          3.85% 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 First Pacific Advisors               8,288,981          3.31% 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Aberdeen Asset Management 
  Limited                             8,098,382          3.23% 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 

For further information please contact:

Neil MacLennan

General Counsel & Company Secretary

Exova Group plc

Telephone: +44 (0) 131 333 8053

About Exova

Exova is one of the world's leading laboratory-based testing groups, trusted by organisations to test and advise on the safety, quality and performance of their products and operations. Headquartered in Edinburgh, UK, Exova operates 145 laboratories and offices in 32 countries and employs around 4,500 people throughout Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and Asia/Asia Pacific.

Exova's capabilities help to extend asset life, bring predictability to applications, and shorten the time to market for customers' products, processes and materials. With over 90 years' experience, Exova specialises in testing across a number of key sectors from health sciences to aerospace, transportation, oil and gas, fire and construction.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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April 11, 2016 04:43 ET (08:43 GMT)

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