AIM and Media Release 
27 September 2021 
DFS2 enhances scale and economics of the Toliara Project 
Key Points 
·      Increase in post-tax / pre-debt (real) NPV @ 10% discount rate to US$1.0 
billion, measured at FID 
·      Average revenue to cost of sales ratio of 3.5 
·      Increase of LOM free cash flow by 60% to US$5.9 billion, with first 10 
years averaging US$210 million pa 
·      Stage 2 scaled up to increase mining rates by 33% to 25Mtpa and 
increasing MSP production capacity by 47% 
·      The increased scale of the Toliara Project is underpinned by significant 
increases to the Ranobe Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates and the 
long-term supply-demand outlook for mineral sands: 
o  Ranobe Mineral Resources estimate has almost doubled to 2,580Mt at an 
average heavy mineral grade of 4.3% 
o  Ranobe Ore Reserves estimate increased to 904Mt at an average heavy mineral 
grade of 6.1%, a 45% increase in contained heavy mineral, supporting an initial 
mine life of 38 years 
·      Stage 1 capex cost, to establish a 13Mtpa mining processing operation, 
has increased by 18% to US$520 million, primarily due to cost escalation 
·      Stage 2 capex cost increase to US$137 million due to scale up of the 
operation to 25Mtpa mining rate 
·      Annual averages (excluding first and last partial operating years): 
o  Production of 960kt ilmenite (sulphate, slag and chloride), 66kt zircon and 
8kt rutile 
o  Revenue of US$317 million - 65% ilmenite, 32% zircon and 3% rutile 
o  Operating costs of US$77 million or US$90 million incl. a 4% government 
o  Non-operating costs of US$8 million (community, external affairs, marketing 
o  EBITDA of US$219 million, NPAT US$152 million 
o  Free cash flow of US$174 million 
African mineral sands producer and developer, Base Resources Limited (ASX & 
AIM: BSE) (Base Resources) is pleased to release the outcomes of its enhanced 
Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS2) for its Toliara Project in Madagascar.  The 
increased scale of DFS2 (from the 2019 DFS1) has delivered a substantial 
improvement in the forecast financial returns for the Toliara Project, 
including a post-tax/pre-debt (real) NPV10 of US$1.0 billion and an average 
revenue to cost of sales ratio of 3.5, over an initial 38-year mine life. 
[Note (1):  For further information refer to Base Resources' market 
announcement on 12 December 2019 "DFS reinforces Toliara Project's status as a 
world class mineral sands development" available at https:// 
Executive Director Operations and Development of Base Resources, Colin Bwye, 
"The true size and value of the Ranobe mineral sands deposit is only just 
beginning to reveal itself, as evidenced by the significant increase in the 
Ranobe Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates, with more expected to come 
once we can complete the mineralogy work required to incorporate the lower 
sandy unit which holds great potential.  Encouraged by this, and the expected 
future supply deficit in mineral sands markets, we have taken the opportunity 
to scale up the Toliara Project in DFS2." 
"The scaled-up project now supports average annual production of 960kt of 
ilmenite, 66kt of zircon and 8kt of rutile, with the first 10 years of stage 2 
operations materially higher at 1.2Mt of ilmenite and 82kt of zircon." 
"In addition, since the release of the 2019 DFS, significant effort has gone 
into optimising the mine plans and increasing the level of project engineering, 
as well as engaging with preferred suppliers to improve scope definition, 
giving greater confidence in the capital cost estimates and allowing a 
reduction in associated contingencies.  While the initial stage 1 capital cost 
estimate has increased by US$78 million to US$520 million, primarily driven by 
sector-wide cost escalation for capital development, the economics of the 
project have been substantially enhanced." 
Managing Director of Base Resources, Tim Carstens, said: 
"We are pleased to share the outcomes of our enhanced DFS2 which reaffirms our 
view that the Toliara Project is a world class mineral sands development 
"While capital costs have increased, the subsequent expansion in production has 
materially improved the financial performance of the project, with a 55% lift 
in forecast NPV and free cash flow generated of almost US$6 billion over the 
life of the project.  Importantly, and despite the increased development costs, 
the capital payback period is still only 4.5 years." 
"We have always firmly believed in the Toliara Project's potential to be a 
catalyst for growth in Madagascar, creating transformational opportunities for 
our communities, economic stimulus for the Toliara region and a flagship 
foreign investment for the government.  The increased scale of DFS2 enhances 
these opportunities for all stakeholders with the project now forecast to 
generate almost US$2.0 billion in direct government revenue and community 
development expenditure over the 38-year mine life." 
"We will be maintaining a high degree of engagement with the Government of 
Madagascar in seeking to secure fiscal terms and the lifting of the current 
suspension of on-ground activities as soon as possible.  We remain confident 
that acceptable terms can be secured that will support the development of the 
Toliara Project, delivering clear and compelling benefits to our host 
communities, the nation of Madagascar and our shareholders." 
Investment evaluation 
Set out below are the key financial and production outcomes from DFS2, compared 
against those from the 2019 DFS. 
                                       Unit          DFS2         DFS         Change 
NPV10 (discount rate of 10%), post US$ millions     1,008         652       55% higher 
tax, real 
NPV8 post tax, real*               US$ millions     1,385         910       52% higher 
NPV12 post tax, real*              US$ millions      733          461       59% higher 
NPV10 - TZMI Q2-2021 price         US$ millions      996          722#      38% higher 
forecast, post tax, real 
IRR                                      %           23.8         21.4      11% higher 
Initial (Stage 1) Capex            US$ millions      520          442         up 18% 
Construction time (Stage 1)           Months          27           26        +1 month 
Stage 2 Capex                      US$ millions      137           69         up 99% 
Capital Payback Period                 Years         4.5          4.3       +2 months 
(Stage 1 + 2) 
Production (ILM/RUT/ZIR)               kt pa        1,033         839       25% higher 
Life of mine (LOM)                     years          38           33        +5 years 
LOM Operating Costs +                US$/t ore       3.78         4.31      12% lower 
Royalty                                mined 
LOM Operating Costs +        (A)       US$/t          88           94        6% lower 
Royalty                              produced 
LOM Revenue                  (B)       US$/t         306          295       4% higher 
LOM Cash Margin             (B-A)      US$/t         218          201       8% higher 
LOM Revenue: Cost of Sales  (B/A)    Ratio : 1       3.5          3.2       10% higher 
LOM Free Cash Flow                 US$ millions     5,922        3,692      60% higher 
* Alternative NPV calculations are provided for illustrative and comparative 
purposes only.  Base Resources considers a 10% discount rate to be the most 
appropriate for evaluation purposes.  # Based on TZMI Q3 2019 price forecast. 
Updated mining and production profile 
Production            Life of Mine (LOM)        Stage 1#    Peak Stage 2#     Stage 2? 
Profile                                      Years 2 - 4.5   Years 6 - 15    Years 16+ 
                      Total     annual avg*   annual avg#     annual avg    annual avg? 
Ore mined (Mt)         904          23.9          12.6           25.1           25.1 
HM%                   6.1%          6.1%          9.4%           7.1%           5.4% 
HMC produced (Mt)     55.6          1.5           1.2            1.2            1.4 
Period (years)        38.4          37.0          3.5            10.0           23.0 
Produced (kt): 
Sulphate ilmenite    16,941         450           388            566            407 
Slag ilmenite         9,804         261           225            327            236 
Chloride ilmenite     9,371         249           215            313            225 
            Total    36,115         960           828           1,206           868 
Rutile                 283           8             6              9              7 
Zircon                2,468          66            56             82             60 
# excludes ramp up.  * Does not include the first and last years of operation 
as these are both partial operating years.  ? Does not include the last year of 
operation as this is a partial operating year. 
Further information about DFS2 
Included below is a section titled "Toliara Project Definitive Feasibility 
Study 2 - Summary Outcomes" which contains detailed information about DFS2 and 
its outcomes.  This information includes, as applicable, the material 
assumptions, underlying methodologies and detailed reasoning supporting and 
used to derive the financial and production outcomes and other forward-looking 
statements set out in this release (including above), such as the material 
price and operating cost assumptions.  Accordingly, this release should be read 
together with this information. 
Base Resources has concluded that it has a reasonable basis for providing the 
forward-looking statements set out in this release.  This includes a reasonable 
basis to expect that Base Resources will be able to fund development of the 
Toliara Project when required.  The Disclaimer & Important Notices sub-section 
below also applies to this release. 
Graphics and charts referenced in this release have been omitted.  A full PDF 
version of this release, including all graphics, is available from the 
Company's website:  www.baseresources.com.au. 
Toliara Project Definitive Feasibility Study 2 - Summary Outcomes 
Disclaimer & Important Notices 
Definitive Feasibility Study 2 
This document has been prepared by Base Resources.  The information included in 
this document relates to the outcomes of the Definitive Feasibility Study 2 for 
the Toliara Project (DFS2).  DFS2 is based on technical, economic and other 
conditions and information as at the date of this document, which may be 
subject to change.  Accordingly, the outcomes, conclusions and other 
information presented in this document should be viewed in this light. 
Information in this document should also be read in conjunction with other 
releases made by Base Resources to AIM. 
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates, production targets and forecast 
financial information 
This document contains estimated Mineral Resources, estimated Ore Reserves, 
production targets and forecast financial information for the Toliara Project. 
Save in the case of the estimates on a mineralised unit basis, the details 
included about the estimated Ranobe Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves have 
been extracted from Base Resources' market announcement titled "Updated Ranobe 
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates" dated 27 September 2021, 
available at https://baseresources.com.au/investors/.  Base Resources confirms 
that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the 
information included in this announcement, and that all material assumptions 
and technical parameters underpinning those estimates continue to apply and 
have not materially changed. 
The details included about the estimated Ranobe Mineral Resources on a 
mineralised unit basis are based on, and fairly represent, information and 
supporting documentation prepared by Mr Ian Reudavey. Mr Reudavey is a member 
of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.  Mr Reudavey is employed by Base 
Toliara, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Base Resources, does not hold securities 
in Base Resources and is not presently eligible to participate in Base 
Resources' long-term incentive plan and receive equity securities under that 
plan.  Mr Reudavey has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of 
mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity 
which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC 
Code and is considered a Qualified Person for the purposes of the AIM Rules for 
Companies.  Mr. Reudavey has reviewed this document and consents to the 
inclusion in this document of the Mineral Resources estimate on a mineralised 
unit basis and the supporting information in the form and context in which that 
information appears. 
The Ranobe Mineral Resources included in this document are reported inclusive 
of the Ranobe Ore Reserves. 
The estimated Ranobe Ore Reserves underpin the production targets and forecast 
financial information for the Toliara Project included in this document.  This 
Ore Reserves estimate has been prepared by Competent Persons in accordance with 
the requirements of the JORC Code.  The proportions of Probable and Proved Ore 
Reserves underpinning the production targets are set out in the sub-section 
titled "Geology - Ore Reserves".  The material assumptions on which the 
production targets and the forecast financial information derived from those 
targets included in this document are based are included in this document. 
Forward-looking statements 
Certain statements in or in connection with this document contain or comprise 
forward looking statements.  Such statements may include, but are not limited 
to, statements with regard to capital cost, operating cost, capacity, future 
production and available grades, forecast global supply, product prices, sales 
projections and financial performance and may be (but are not necessarily) 
identified by the use of phrases such as "will", "expect", "anticipate", 
"believe" and "envisage".  By their nature, forward looking statements involve 
risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances 
that will occur in the future and may be outside Base Resources' control. 
Accordingly, results could differ materially from those set out in the 
forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, changes in 
economic and market conditions, success of business and operating initiatives, 
changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, 
fluctuations in product prices and exchange rates and business and operational 
risk management.  Some risks that could impact Base Resources' ability to 
achieve the outcomes or results expressed or implied by such statements include 
those set out in the sub-section titled "Pre-FID and Post-FID Risks".  Subject 
to any continuing obligations under applicable law or relevant stock exchange 
listing rules, Base Resources undertakes no obligation to update publicly or 
release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or 
circumstances after today's date or to reflect the occurrence of 
unanticipated events. 
Not advice, not an offer and other 
Nothing in this document constitutes investment, legal or other advice.  You 
must not act on the basis of any matter contained in this document, but must 
make your own independent investigation and assessment of Base Resources and 
obtain any professional advice you require before making any investment 
decision based on your investment objectives and financial circumstances. 
This document does not constitute an offer, invitation, solicitation, advice or 
recommendation with respect to the issue, purchase or sale of any security in 
any jurisdiction.  In particular, this document does not constitute an offer to 
sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States or 
to any "US Person" (as defined in the US Securities Act of 1933).  This 
document may not be distributed or released in the United States or to, or for 
the account of, any US Person. 
No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, 
accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document (or any 
associated presentation, information or matters).  To the maximum extent 
permitted by law, Base Resources and its related bodies corporate and 
affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and 
advisers, disclaim any liability (including, without limitation, any liability 
arising from fault, negligence or negligent misstatement) for any direct or 
indirect loss or damage arising from any use or reliance on this document or 
its contents, including any error or omission from, or otherwise in connection 
with, it. 
A glossary of key terms used in this document is set out below. 
All references to currency ($ or US$) are to United States Dollars unless 
otherwise stated. 
Changes since DFS 
Rationale and overview of DFS2 
Since the release of the DFS in 2019, the Ranobe Mineral Resources and Ore 
Reserves estimates have substantially increased, which, when combined with the 
attractive long-term supply-demand outlook, have provided the opportunity to 
enhance the project value by increasing its scale. 
The project NPV10 (post-tax real) improves from US$652m in the DFS to US$1,008m 
in DFS2. The main factors contributing to this overall increase in value are: 
·    Ranobe Ore Reserves estimate increased to 904Mt at an average heavy 
mineral grade of 6.1%, a 45% increase in contained heavy mineral - extending 
initial mine life to 38 years. 
·    Increased scale and scope of Stage 2, lifting mining rates to 25Mt per 
annum (33% higher than DFS) and adding a further 47% to the MSP production 
capacity (to 220tph) to deliver average LOM annual production of 960kt ilmenite 
(sulphate, slag and chloride), 66kt zircon and 8kt rutile. 
·    Stage 1 capex increased to US$520m (up US$78m), primarily due to cost 
escalation, while the larger scale of Stage 2 is reflected in higher capex of 
US$137m (up US$68m). 
·    Updated Base Resources internal price forecasts and TZMI long term pricing 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a chart showing the key drivers of 
project NPV from DFS to DFS2. 
Side by side comparison - DFS2 to DFS 
DFS2 significantly improves the financial outcomes, despite increases in 
royalties and capital costs. 
·    55% increase in post-tax / pre-debt (real) NPV @ 10% discount rate to 
·    Average revenue to cost of sales ratio improves to 3.5. 
·    LOM free cash flow increased by 60% to US$5.9 billion, with first 10 years 
averaging US$210m per annum. 
·    Stage 1 capex cost, to establish a 13Mtpa mining and processing operation, 
increased to US$520m, primarily due to cost escalation. 
·    Stage 2 scaled up to increase mining rates by 33% to 25Mtpa and 
increasing MSP production capacity by 47% at a higher capex cost of US$137m. 
·    Increase in Malagasy government royalty to 4% in line with the proposed 
revised Mining Code. 
·    The increased scale of the Toliara Project is underpinned by significant 
increases to the Ranobe Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates and the 
attractive long-term supply-demand outlook for mineral sands. 
·    Annual averages (excluding first and last partial operating years): 
o  Production of 1,033kt (ilmenite 960kt) increased from 839kt (ilmenite 
o  Revenue US$317m - a 28% increase. 
o  Operating costs of US$90m (inclusive of 4% royalties) higher than DFS US$77m 
(inclusive of 2% royalties) due to increased scale of operation and royalties. 
o  EBITDA US$219m - 34% higher. 
o  Free cash flow US$174m - 32% higher. 
                                                        Unit       DFS2         DFS 
NPV10 (discount rate of 10%), post tax, real             US$          1,008         652 
IRR                                                       %            23.8        21.4 
Initial (Stage 1) capex                                  US$            520         442 
Construction period (Stage 1)                          Months            27          26 
Stage 2 capex                                            US$            137          69 
Construction period (Stage 2)                          Months            21          12 
Capital payback period (Stage 1 + 2)                    Years           4.5         4.3 
Life of mine                                            Years            38          33 
LOM operating costs + royalty                         US$/t ore        3.78        4.31 
LOM operating costs + royalty                 (A)       US$/t            88          94 
LOM revenue                                   (B)       US$/t           306         295 
LOM cash margin                               (B-A)     US$/t           218         201 
LOM revenue : cost of sales ratio             (B/A)   Ratio : 1         3.5         3.2 
LOM free cash flow                                       US$          5,922       3,692 
Source of change from DFS - Stage 1 capex 
Input cost escalation, scope changes and additional contingency bring the DFS2 
capex for Stage 1 to US$520m. 
Escalation - US$59m 
·    US$44m observed escalation from DFS capex estimate to Q2-2021. 
·    US$15m forward looking escalation to the assumed FID in Q4-2022. 
Key scope changes since DFS completion - US$15m 
·    MSP storage shed concrete quantity update and increased marine costs. 
·    Schedule optimisation changes: 
o  Early works (site access road and camp earthworks) moved from Pre-FID to 
o  Haul road south design and establishment of quarry contract moved from 
Post-FID to Pre-FID. 
·    Provision for a new DMU for Stage 1 in lieu of the previously assumed 
refurbished Kwale Operations DMU. 
·    Changes to the MSP to avoid later re-work when throughput increases, 
including larger up-current classifier and HMC surge bin. 
·    Site access road upgraded to double lane to improve traffic control. 
·    Process plant optimisation savings including consolidation of wet 
·    FOREX exchange movements. 
Contingency - US$4m 
·    Contingency increase of US$4m, inclusive of escalation. However, overall 
proportion of contingency decreased from 10.5% (DFS) to 9.7% (DFS2) due to 
increased scope certainty from post-DFS work. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a chart showing the increased Stage 1 
capital cost estimate from DFS to DFS2. 
Progress since the DFS 
After the delivery of the DFS in November 2019, a significant amount of the 
front-end engineering design has been completed, preferred suppliers appointed 
for a number of key contract packages and lender due diligence well progressed. 
Progress made following the DFS 
·    Power (largest contract package) - finalised tender evaluation, selected 
the preferred contractor and commenced contract negotiations. 
·    Processing plants - finalised the Basis of Design documentation, updated 
all equipment specifications, datasheets and scopes of work for equipment 
packages ready to issue to vendors.  This facilitates early access to vendor 
data to allow detailed design and long lead fabrication to commence quickly 
following FID. 
·    Bridge and export facility piling (critical path contracts) - concluded 
tender process and selected preferred contractors and awarded design portion of 
bridge scope (hydrology, geotechnical and detailed design) for early 
·    Transport and logistics - confirmed shipping to port logistics, including 
a detailed review of container quantities and timing, and routes to project 
·    Accommodation - reviewed our manning requirements and strategy, resulting 
in shifting some pre-FID works associated with this to post FID. 
·    Ground water - updated the ground water model for DFS2 scale and finalise 
location of production and monitoring bores. 
·    Schedule - review, stress tested and optimised the overall delivery 
·    Mine planning - detailed review of mine path, DMU block sizes and shape 
resulted in less mine moves, more uptime, optimised production and HMC stock 
Lender due diligence 
·    Lenders' Independent Engineer (IE) and Independent Environmental and 
Social Consultant (IESC) engaged to undertake project due diligence. 
·    IE technical due diligence completed on the DFS, subject to a confirmatory 
site visit.  Due diligence involved an extensive technical audit and review of: 
o  Geology, Mining and Tailing; 
o  Mineral processing; 
o  Infrastructure - water, power, roads; 
o  Construction; 
o  Operational Management; 
o  Operating and capital costs; and 
o  Technical economic model. 
·    IESC have reviewed the project's environmental and social management 
systems against international best practice standards and prepared a 
preliminary gap analysis which will form the basis for the project's 
Environmental and Social Action Plan.  However, due to COVID-19 constraints, 
the field work required to complete their report has not yet been started. 
Enhanced Toliara Project - DFS2 
The world class Ranobe mineral sands deposit is located in south west 
Madagascar, 45km north of the regional port town of Toliara, 18km inland, 
approximately 640km southwest of Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. 
The Toliara Project 
·    The Toliara Project is based on the Ranobe deposit, located 45km north 
Toliara on a 125.4 km2 mining lease. 
·    The deposit comprises a single continuous body of mineralization 
approximately 20km long, 1.5 to 4.5km wide and 3m to 60m in thickness and 
situated immediately west of a prominent north-south escarpment.  The HM 
mineralisation (including ilmenite, rutile and zircon) extends from the 
·    Madagascar Resources NL (MRNL) started exploring for minerals in 
Madagascar in 1995 and discovered several zones of HM mineralisation. 
·    In 2003, Ticor Ltd (now Exxaro Resources) negotiated an option over the 
project.  Drilling occurred at Ranobe and Basibasy and a pre-feasibility study 
commenced on the Ranobe deposit.  Between 2005 and July 2009, a bankable 
feasibility study commenced, but was not completed (strategic focus shifted). 
·    MRNL, which became World Titanium Resources Limited (WTR) in 2011, engaged 
TZMI to undertake a comprehensive review of the project, resulting in a 
definitive engineering study being completed in September 2012. 
·    A concept to produce only an ilmenite and non-magnetic concentrate as the 
saleable product (at a time of weak overall market conditions) was developed. 
·    In early 2016, African Minerals and Exploration Development Fund II 
purchased a majority stake in WTR and increased the proposed project scale from 
a mining rate of 8Mtpa to 12.8Mtpa.  A definitive feasibility study was 
completed by external consultants, Hatch. 
·    Base Resources acquired the project in January 2018 and completed a 
concept study, the PFS, the DFS and DFS2. 
Introduction (cont.) 
Following acquisition in January 2018, the Toliara Project has been progressing 
through Base Resources' structured project development system - commencing with 
identifying conceptual value adding options and then progressively evaluating 
and selecting the best of those options to progress through to DFS stage. DFS2 
redefines the project scope to further enhance value by increasing the scale of 
Stage 2 and optimising the life of mine plan and associated production rates. 
·    Base Resources acquired the Kwale Mineral Sands Project in Kenya in 
mid-2010 and over the ensuing three years successfully funded, engineered, 
constructed, and commissioned the project. 
·    In late 2013, mining started at Kwale Operations and the final completion 
test was satisfied, and normal operations established by mid-2015. 
·    To fully capitalise on Base Resources' organisational capability, business 
model and financial platform built at Kwale, Base Resources had been seeking 
the right growth opportunity from which to drive shareholder value and, after 
extensive evaluation of many opportunities, acquired the Toliara Project in 
Madagascar in early 2018. 
·    The Toliara Project was identified by Base Resources as one of the premier 
mineral sands development opportunities in the world due to the size of the 
deposit, the consequent long mine life, its expansion potential, scope for 
operational scale up, technical simplicity and expected competitive positioning 
in the sector. 
·    Project development of the Toliara Project immediately started following a 
clearly defined Base Project Development System. 
·    The PFS, completed in March 2019, evaluated development options and 
selected the preferred development option to progress to the DFS.  A clear 
business case for the Toliara Project was confirmed. 
·    In December 2019, the DFS was completed.  It defined the project scope, 
how it will be implemented, and confirmed a requisite business case for future 
investment.  The Stage 1 mining rate was 12.6Mtpa, increasing to 18.6Mtpa in 
Stage 2. 
·    In September 2021, DFS2 was completed which increased the Stage 2 mining 
rate to 25Mtpa and the MSP feed rate from 150tph to 220tph as well as updating 
capital costs, operating costs and product pricing assumptions. 
Project description 
The Toliara Project will be implemented in two stages, with Stage 2 production 
commencing 4 years after Stage 1 completion.  Once the Government-imposed 
suspension is lifted and fiscal terms are agreed, an 11-month early works 
program is required to reach FID. 
On average, the Toliara Project is expected to deliver a combined 1,033ktpa 
chloride ilmenite, sulphate ilmenite, slag ilmenite, zircon and rutile over a 
predicted 38-year mine life based upon exploiting the estimated Ranobe Ore 
Stage 1 consists of engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning 
·    Heavy mobile equipment (HME). 
·    A dry mining unit (DMU). 
·    1,750tph wet concentrator plant (WCP). 
·    150tph mineral separation plant (MSP). 
·    Field services (pipes, pumps, powerlines, roads). 
·    Power generation facility. 
·    Borefield. 
·    Camp. 
·    Offices, laboratories and workshops. 
·    Haul/access road and bridge. 
·    Export facility storage shed, workshop and offices. 
·    Jetty, multi buoy mooring (MBM) facility and ship loader (located at 
Batterie Beach). 
Stage 2 production commences 4 years after Stage 1 mining commences. It will 
consist of the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of: 
·    A second DMU. 
·    A second 1,750tph WCP. 
·    Upgrading the MSP capacity from 150tph to 220tph. 
·    Additional HME. 
·    Upgrading the power plant capacity to accommodate increased process plants 
power demand. 
·    Additional boreholes to accommodate increased water demand. 
The haul road, bridge and export facility are not impacted by Stage 2. 
Located 45km north of the town of Toliara, the Ranobe deposit comprises five 
mineralised units. 
Deposit geology 
·    Upper sand unit (USU) - a well sorted, fine-grained, unconsolidated 
aeolian sand containing approximately 4% slime or clay (SL) and approximately 
5% HM.  The HM is primarily ilmenite, with secondary zircon and rutile. The USU 
can also contain a surface silt unit (SSU) within broad topographical drainage 
features, and another silty sand unit (USSU) at the base of the USU profile. 
·    Intermediate clay sand unit (ICSU) - a thin unit of high slime content 
with a dark red to orange brown sandy clay and clayey sand material averaging 
approximately 3% HM and 25% SL deposited in a low energy lagoonal environment. 
·    Lower sand unit (LSU) - orange brown to yellow brown medium grained quartz 
sand with variable mineralisation and moderately low slimes content.  The LSU 
is interpreted as a shallow marine or fluvial sediment that onlaps the 
limestone (LST) basement with HM primarily ilmenite and garnet, with 
secondary zircon. 
·    The deposit thickness generally increases to the west. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a stylised cross section of the 
mineralised units. 
Geology - tenure and drilling 
A Mining Lease exists over the entirety of the current Ranobe Mineral Resources 
·    The instrument providing tenure is Permis d'Exploitation 37242 (PDE 
37242), which is a mining lease under Malagasy law, issued to Base Toliara on 
23 October 2017. 
·    PDE 37242 expires on 20 March 2052 (40 years from 21 March 2012, being the 
date of grant of the original mining lease).  The lease may be renewed by 
increments of 20 years thereafter. 
·    PDE 37242 provides the right to extract and produce ilmenite, zircon, 
leucoxene, rutile, guano, basalt, and limestone. 
·    The Ranobe deposit has had five reverse circulation drilling exploration 
programs.  The first four were carried out by the previous owners of the 
project and the most recent was completed by Base Resources. 
·    All programs used Wallis Drilling to perform the drilling. 
·    Some drilling completed during 2019 are yet to be assayed and have the 
potential to enable the upgrade of Inferred Resources to Indicated Resources 
and expansion of the Mineral Resources estimate to the south. 
·    Further drilling is planned which is aimed at providing more definition to 
the encouraging results from the LSU in the northwest of the tenure area. 
Historical drilling 
Program       Company                                          # Holes         # Metres 
2001          Madagascar Resources NL                              121            3,074 
2003          Ticor/Kumba Resources (Exxaro) joint                 400            9,424 
2005          Ticor/Kumba Resources (Exxaro) joint                 288            6,135 
2012          WTR                                                  363            8,087 
2018-19       Base Resources                                       770           29,753 
Total                                                            1,942           56,473 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the historic drill 
hole summary. 
Geology - Mineral Resources 
Following a significant drill program completed in 2018 and 2019, the 
JORC-compliant Ranobe Mineral Resource has been updated to an estimated 2,580Mt 
at 4.3% HM, including 1,390Mt at 5.1% HM in the Measured and Indicated 
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates update completed 
Assays of 12,759 samples from a 29,753m drilling program completed during 2018 
- 2019 were utilized to update the Mineral Resources estimate.  A further 5,443 
samples from the drill program remain in Toliara awaiting export and analysis 
following the lifting of suspension. 
Ranobe Deposit Mineral Resources estimate as at           HM Assemblage as % of HM 
27 September 2021 
Category       Tonnes  HM     HM     SL     OS    ILM    RUT    LEUC    ZIR    MON    GARN 
                (Mt)  (Mt)   (%)    (%)    (%)    (%)    (%)     (%)    (%)    (%)     (%) 
Measured        597    36    6.1    4.3    0.2     74    1.0     1.0    5.9    1.9     2.2 
Indicated       793    35    4.4    7.1    0.5     71    1.0     1.0    5.9    1.9     3.6 
Inferred       1,190   39    3.3    9.7    0.6     69    1.0     1.0    5.8    2.0     4.3 
Total          2,580   111   4.3    7.7    0.4     71    1.0     1.0    5.9    2.0     3.4 
Table subject to rounding differences. Mineral Resources estimated at 1.5% HM 
cut off grade.  Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Ore Reserves. 
Ranobe Deposit Measured and Indicated Mineral             HM Assemblage as % of HM 
Resources estimate as at 27 September 2021^ 
Mineralised     M&I    HM     HM     SL     OS    ILM    RUT    LEUC    ZIR    MON    GARN 
Unit           Tonnes 
                (Mt)  (Mt)   (%)    (%)    (%)    (%)    (%)     (%)    (%)    (%)     (%) 
Upper sand     1,229   66    5.4    3.6    0.1     73    1.0     1.0    5.9    1.9     2.9 
Surface silt     12    0.5   4.2     18    0.6     71    1.0     0.9    5.8    2.0     4.1 
Upper silty      13    0.8   6.3     23    2.3     72    0.9     0.8    6.5    1.5     4.4 
sand unit 
Intermediate    136     4    3.0     24    2.0     68    1.2     1.1    6.1    2.2     3.4 
clay sand unit 
Total          1,390   71    5.1    5.9    0.3     72    1.0     1.0    5.9    1.9     2.9 
Table subject to rounding differences. Mineral Resources estimated at 1.5% HM 
cut off grade.  ^Refer to the Appendix for estimates of the individual 
categories for the mineralised units.  *Mineral Resources are reported 
inclusive of Ore Reserves. 
Geology - Ore Reserves 
DFS2 is underpinned by the JORC-compliant Ranobe Ore Reserves estimate of 904Mt 
at 6.1% HM, comprising the USU and SSU material only. 
·    Resource model was optimised to generate pit shells via industry standard 
Lerch Grossman algorithm using Base Resources internally forecast product 
pricing, DFS test-work derived mineral recoveries and DFS derived operating 
·    Building on the DFS work, ten pit shells (71% to 80% of revenue) were 
scheduled at high level and input into the DFS financial model to select the 
optimum pit. 
·    The 74% of revenue shell was selected based on a better match of HMC 
production with MSP design throughput of 150 tph (Stage 1) and 220 tph (Stage 
2), financial metrics (weighted towards NPV and revenue to cost of sales ratio) 
and mine life expansion from DFS.  This shell was subject to preliminary mine 
planning and scheduled in detail for financial modelling. 
·    Additional optimisation and mine planning work will occur during FEED and 
the implementation phase. 
Ranobe Ore Reserves estimate as at 27 September 2021     HM Assemblage as a % of HM^ 
Category     Tonnes    HM      HM      SL      OS      ILM      RUT     LEUC*     ZIR 
              (Mt)    (Mt)     (%)     (%)     (%)     (%)      (%)      (%)      (%) 
Proved         433     30      6.9     3.8     0.1      75      1.0      1.0      6.0 
Probable       472     25      5.3     3.9     0.2      72      1.0      1.0      5.8 
Total          904     55      6.1     3.8     0.1      73      1.0      1.0      5.9 
Table subject to rounding differences.  ^ Monazite and Garnet excluded from the 
Ore Reserves estimate because PE 37242 does not currently provide the right to 
exploit these products.  *Recovered Leucoxene will be split between Rutile and 
Chloride Ilmenite products depending on product specification requirements. 
Geology - exploration opportunity 
Additional high grade mineralisation discovered in the NW sector of the LSU in 
2019 has not been included in the current Ranobe Mineral Resource estimate, due 
to insufficient mineralogy work having been completed. This mineralisation has 
the potential to add significant additional value to the Project. 
·    During the 2019 drill program significant heavy mineral intercepts were 
identified in the Lower Sandy Unit (LSU) in the NW sector. 
·    These intercepts are within the Toliara Projects mining lease. 
·    Further drilling, and subsequent resource definition, targeting high-grade 
LSU zones in the NW sector will be completed as access to site becomes 
·    Higher garnet levels are evident in the LSU mineral assemblage and initial 
indications suggest that it is suitable to produce an 80 mesh product for the 
waterjet and blast markets. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the location of the 
significant results from the 2019 drill program. 
For further information in relation to the drill results set out above, refer 
to Base Resources' announcement on 21 January 2020 "Toliara Project drill 
assays reveal significant high-grade mineralisation" available at https:// 
baseresources.com.au/investors/announcements. Base Resources confirms that it 
is not aware of any new information that materially affects the information 
included in that announcement. 
The selected mining method is conventional dozer-fed DMU with in-pit tailings 
deposition, enabling a short 3 to 4-year cycle from initial land clearing to 
final rehabilitation. 
Planned mining activity cycle 
·    Scrub clearing - removal of trees and scrub by bulldozers, excavators and 
dump trucks.  Stockpiled for community use or mulching. 
·    Topsoil stripping - using bulldozers, excavators, and dump trucks, topsoil 
is stockpiled for later rehabilitation or directly replaced onto rehabilitation 
areas.  The aim is to preserve seed viability by minimizing time in stockpile. 
·    Mining - utilizing D11 bulldozers, in 200m x 100m blocks, into the DMU 
with some excavator assistance.  Run of mine feed (ROM) enters the DMU through 
a grizzly (400mm screen), passes up the DMU conveyor which discharges through a 
slurry chute onto a 4mm screen.  The screen undersize is pumped to the WCP. 
Oversize is disposed of in the pit void. 
·    Coarse tailing - Quartz sand separated by the WCP is pumped, initially to 
an out of pit storage facility and later to the mining pit void where a 
moveable tails stacker de-waters the slurry.  Water is recovered and pumped 
back to the WCP.  Sand is stacked to a height approximating the planned 
finished surface level and then formed into fine tails evaporation ponds by 
·    Fine tailing - Flocculated clay tailings from the thickener at the WCP is 
pumped to the evaporation ponds built on coarse tails.  Initially, until enough 
coarse tails area is available, some ponds will be constructed on ore and the 
dried tails removed to allow subsequent mining.  The tails ponds will be filled 
to a depth of 1.5m and, when dry, the clay will be 0.4m thick.  An 
alternative co-disposal methodology (directly mixing fine and coarse tailings 
prior to deposition) using technology developed at Kwale will be evaluated 
during the FEED stage. 
·    Landform reconstruction and topsoil return - The desiccated fine tails are 
worked by bulldozer into the coarse tails to make a nominal 2m thick water 
retention layer at the surface, graded into final landform and topsoil replaced 
on top using front-end loader (FEL), dump truck and dozer or grader.  The area 
will then be ready for rehabilitation. 
·    The process from scrub clearing to final rehabilitation is expected to 
take 3 to 4 years. 
Mining life cycle 
The selected mining method is conventional dozer-fed dry mining with in-pit 
tailings deposition, enabling a short 3 to 4-year cycle from initial land 
clearing to final rehabilitation. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the mining life 
Optimisation of mine path 
A detailed review of the Stage 1 mine path has been completed to incorporate 
the latest Ore Reserves and identified mining optimisation opportunities 
enabling an improved and more stable production profile. 
The review included all mining areas and associated schedules that encompass 
Stage 1.  The schedule is similar to the DFS Stage 1 mine path but has been 
further optimised to maintain heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) production to 
meet MSP design capacity whilst remaining within the optimal 2km pumping radius 
of the WCP. 
Operational maximum throughputs for Stage 1 are consistent with the DFS: 
·    Dry Mining Unit - 1,750tph. 
·    WCP - 1,750tph. 
·    MSP - 150tph. 
Three main areas were optimised and modelled to improve Stage 1: 
·    Pit design & optimisation - a change from the spherical pit shape 
contemplated in the DFS to a more traditional rectangular pit shape. 
·    Pre-mining earth works - reduced starter pit requirements, scope and cost 
as well as optimised associated schedules. 
·    Revised mine path - optimised to balance ore grade, WCP/MSP commissioning 
schedule, HMC stocks and final product production. 
The optimisation process decreased the planned off-path mining tonnes (truck 
and shovel) by 60% and reduced the number of DMU moves by 40% over the life of 
Stage 1.  This optimisation has also enabled mining of additional high-grade 
tonnes at the northern limit of the WCP pumping radius of WCP1. 
Further mine planning optimisation opportunities around the time usage model, 
WCP and starter pit locations have been identified and will be reviewed during 
Mining schedule 
Mining will utilise D11 bulldozers feeding into a DMU to deliver 12.8Mtpa to 
the WCP in the first 4.25 years before increasing to 25Mtpa with the addition 
of a second DMU and WCP for the remainder of the mine life. 
Mining schedule 
·    Stage 1: 0 - 4.25 years - Single DMU and WCP, a fleet of two operating D11 
bulldozers mining at a combined rate of 1,750tph.  Mining of high-grade ore 
averaging 9.1% HM. 
·    Stage 2: 4.25 - 38 years - Additional DMU, D11 bulldozers and WCP 
operating at 1,750tph.  Combined mining rate of 3,500tph, total D11 fleet of 
four operating units.  Average ore grade of 6.1% HM. 
·    To maintain acceptable overland pumping distances, WCP1 moves in years 12 
and 23 and WCP2 in year 23. 
Water abstraction 
·    Stage 1: 526m3 per hour. 
·    Stage 2: 976m3 per hour. 
·    Approved bore-field abstraction: 886m3 per hour.  The approval to increase 
abstraction rates will be applied for prior to the commencement of Stage 2. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the Stage 1 and 2 
mining blocks. 
Tailings schedule 
The tailings management plan allows creation of viable final landforms for 
rehabilitation approximately 18-24 months after mining. 
The tailings management plan is: 
·    Initially tailings will be stored out-of-pit tailing until sufficient pit 
void is available after 15 months of mining. 
·    A second out-of-pit tailing storage is required to service the first nine 
months of operation at the second location of WCP1 (Year 12). 
·    Subsequent WCP1 and WCP2 locations will use remnant pit voids for their 
initial tailings. 
·    Generally, coarse tailings will fill pit voids created 6-12 months 
·    Coarse tailings will be used to form evaporation ponds for fine tailings 
·    Initial fine tailing areas will be created on ore, and the dry tailings 
removed prior to mining. 
·    Fine tailings will normally fill evaporation ponds created on coarse 
·    Landform restoration will take place when fine tailings have dried and 
been reincorporated into upper layer of coarse tailings. 
·    Topsoil will be placed on reinstated landform, approximately 18-24 months 
after mining. 
·    Co-disposal of coarse and fine tails together to create a mix of clay and 
sand that reflects in-situ levels and promotes regrowth of native vegetation 
will be further developed and tested at Kwale before being refined during the 
initial 15 months of the Toliara operation when ex-pit tails storage is 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the coarse tails 
placement sequence. 
Metallurgical testwork and flowsheet design 
The DFS metallurgical testwork program, using full scale spirals, was the basis 
of the WCP flowsheet design and resultant design mineral recoveries. 
·    In early 2018, Base Resources generated three bulk samples (low grade - 
4.8% HM, medium grade - 8.2% HM, high grade - 10.5% HM) to represent a range of 
ore grades on which to base the WCP design. 
·    Base Resources' mineralogy methodology, MinModel, was adapted for the 
Ranobe deposit and used to calculate WCP performance during the testwork. 
·    A three-stage spiral wet gravity circuit was tested on the low, medium and 
high-grade bulk samples using a combination of MG12 and VHG spirals.  The 
testwork was performed by Mineral Technologies in Brisbane. 
·    The testwork results were modelled using industry proven programs to 
optimise the flowsheet design, mass balance and resultant performance metrics. 
·    Bulk HMC samples were generated from each HM grade test as feed for MSP 
testwork and market sample generation. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for graphics showing the location of the 
bulk testwork samples and WCP flowsheet. 
Metallurgical testwork and flowsheet design (cont.) 
DFS metallurgical testwork program, using full plant scale separation 
equipment, was the basis of the MSP flowsheet design and confirmed the mineral 
recoveries and final product qualities. 
·    Three feed samples representing HMC from low, medium and high-grade ore 
generated from WCP testwork were used as feed for MSP flowsheet development 
testing.  The testwork conducted by IHC Robbins provided final product samples 
for marketing and established mineral recoveries and final product grades. 
·    The ability to produce varying ratios of three ilmenite products, 
sulphate, slag and chloride grades from the full range of HMC feedstock to 
match market conditions was confirmed and built into the process design. 
·    A comprehensive and iterative series of tests were completed to establish 
flowsheets for each processing stage consistent with the design intent: 
o  Feed preparation - removal of coarse and fine quartz using wet gravity 
o  Ilmenite circuit - produce three ilmenite products under varying ore types 
and generate a non-magnetic stream, using magnetic and electrostatic 
o  Wet non-magnetics circuit - remove residual quartz to enable efficient 
rutile separation using wet gravity separation. 
o  Rutile circuit - produce a rutile product and a non-conductor zircon stream 
using electrostatic and magnetic separation. 
o  Dry zircon circuit - remove Fe and Ti contaminants to produce a standard 
zircon product using electrostatic and magnetic separation. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the MSP flowsheet. 
Product recoveries 
An extensive suite of testwork was undertaken that provides a sound basis for 
product recovery estimation. 
·    Testwork on each of the low, medium and high-grade bulk samples was used 
to generate a model (Mineral Technologies) from which the WCP recoveries 
(ilmenite, rutile and zircon) were estimated. 
·    High-grade scenario recoveries were assumed and then further reduced (for 
ilmenite, rutile and zircon) by 1.5% to allow for the reality of plant 
operations often running at sub-optimal conditions. 
·    Insufficient data and accuracy was available for leucoxene recovery 
estimation using the Minmod mineralogy method and the Mineral Technologies WCP 
simulation.  This was calculated based on the non-mag TiO? recovery. 
WCP Recoveries 
                         Low Grade    Medium Grade   High Grade       Avg    DFS Design 
                               Ore             Ore          Ore 
Rutile                        97.1            95.8         93.8      95.6          92.3 
Zircon                        98.5            98.6         98.7      98.6          97.2 
Ilmenite                      97.1            96.6         96.4      96.7          94.9 
Leucoxene                     85.0            80.0         70.0      78.3          75.0 
% HM in HMC                   91.0            91.0         91.0      91.0          91.0 
·    Ilmenite recovery - derived from the MSP testwork and calculated on a 
circuit-by-circuit basis, an average total recovery (from three bulk samples 
processed) of 94.4% was established. 
·    The proportion of each ilmenite product produced (sulphate, slag and 
chloride) used testwork results adjusted for product quality targets using a 
mathematical model with interpolation algorithms.  The quality targets and 
splits were optimised for NPV. The design accommodated a range of potential 
ilmenite splits. 
·    Zircon recovery - derived from the MSP testwork, a recovery was calculated 
on a circuit-by-circuit basis to give an overall zircon recovery of 79.4%. 
·    Rutile recovery - derived from the MSP testwork and calculated on a 
circuit-by-circuit basis, giving an average total recovery (from three bulk 
samples processed) of 54.1%. 
·    Leucoxene is recovered to a HiTi stream which is redirected to both rutile 
and ilmenite products. 
·    Leucoxene recovery - derived from the MSP testwork, a leucoxene recovery 
of 23.2% was calculated that is distributed to ilmenite and rutile, 79% and 21% 
respectively.  This increases the ilmenite and rutile total recoveries to 94.6% 
and 58.4% respectively. 
MSP Recoveries 
                                                   Base    Leucoxene re-distributed 
Ilmenite                                           94.4                        94.6 
Zircon                                             79.4                        79.4 
Rutile                                             54.1                        58.4 
Leucoxene                                          23.2                           0 
Ilmenite Splits 
Ilmenite                                       Proportion %                Target %TiO2 
Sulphate Ilmenite                                      47.0                        48.5 
Slag Ilmenite                                          27.2                        50.5 
Chloride Ilmenite                                      25.8                        57.0 
Process engineering - dry mining unit 
The processing plants design for Stage 1 includes a DMU, 1,750tph WCP, 150tph 
MSP, water circuit, tails disposal and electrical reticulation.  Stage 2 
includes a second DMU, 1,750tph WCP and upgrade of the MSP to 220tph. 
Dry mining unit 
·    Piacentini & Son will be commissioned to supply a new DMU for Stage 1, 
similar to the existing unit at Kwale Operations. The existing Kwale Operations 
unit will be refurbished and shipped to Madagascar for the Stage 2 upgrade in 
year 4. 
·    A 4mm screen will be installed on the DMU hopper to remove all +4mm 
material in the mining area. 
·    The DMU pump will be supported by ROM booster pumps to pump ore to the WCP 
from the DMU when the distance between the two plants is greater than 800m. 
·    Each DMU is designed to be relocatable (using Caterpillar D11 bulldozers), 
which is anticipated to be every 2-4 weeks. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the mining process 
Process engineering - wet concentrator plant 
Both 1750tph WCP's are simple but robust 3-stage spiral plant designs based on 
bulk sample testwork programs conducted at Mineral Technologies metallurgical 
facilities and caters for the range of heavy mineral grades within the Ranobe 
Wet concentrator plant 
·    The flowsheet developed uses proven spiral technology to produce a HMC 
grade above 90% HM. 
·    De-sliming cyclone and thickening circuit designed for wide range of ore 
clay content. 
·    A constant density surge tank provides a one-hour buffer between the DMU 
and WCP. 
·    MG12 spirals, operating at 2.5tph per start, used in rougher and scavenger 
stages minimises footprint and simplifies the design, reducing pumping costs 
and power requirements. 
·    The cleaner spirals are twin start VHG operating at 1.5tph per start. 
·    Cross launders have been incorporated in the design to simplify material 
flow and reduce the number of gravity launders by 75%. 
·    HMC will be pumped to the MSP from each WCP. 
·    Tailings are pumped back to the mine void as back fill with water 
recovered to minimise make up water required from the borefield. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the WCP flowsheet. 
Process engineering - mineral separation plant 
Extensive design optimisation was undertaken to balance plant availability (by 
reducing number of drives), operating costs and capital costs. 
Mineral separation plant 
·    Stage 1 feed rate of 150tph, decoupled from the mining operation by a HMC 
stockpile which buffers changing ore grades and differing plant run times. 
·    The MSP will be upgraded to 220tph in year 4 as part of Stage 2.  A larger 
dryer, belt filter, HMC surge bin, screen and UCC will be included as part of 
Stage 1 to minimise overall combined Stage 1 & 2 project capex and downtime 
during the Stage 2 upgrade. 
·    The MSP location is fixed for the life of mine.  It is a 50m tall 
building with multiple machine floors to reduce operating cost (by utilising 
gravity to reduce materials handling equipment and drives). 
·    Final products will be stored in 1,000t bins (350t for rutile). Additional 
site storage is provided for the three ilmenite products (two week's 
·    Tails from the MSP are pumped back to the WCP to be disposed with the main 
tails lines. 
·    The ilmenite circuit design incorporates the facility to isolate a single 
machine for cleaning and maintenance. 
·    Fresh raw water will be used where necessary to ensure product quality. 
·    All incoming and outgoing streams throughout the plant are automatically 
sampled, including dry stream analysers on the zircon and rutile circuits. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for graphics showing the MSP flowsheet and 
a 3D render of the stage 1 and stage 2 MSP. 
Design progression 
The plant design progressed substantially during the DFS.  Further engineering 
development occurred during DFS2 in preparation for detailed design following 
·    Majority of the power requirements are in overland pumping.  Pipe loop 
testwork has been undertaken to determine the optimum pumping velocities. 
·    Site high voltage reticulation is at 11kV. 
·    Switchrooms, electrical equipment rooms and field skid switchrooms are 
modular pre-fabricated buildings with main equipment pre-installed to minimise 
construction time. 
·    Site wide power distribution system is well developed, with a significant 
effort put into power consumption on a year by year basis, matching the mine 
plan and pumping requirements. 
·    High degree of integration across multiple sites (power plant, DMU, WCP 
and MSP) to enable efficient operation. 
·    Modelling and sizing of plant cabling requirements well developed (cable 
·    Completed lighting study with lux level modelling and selection of optimal 
luminary locations. 
Control systems 
·    Fully automated and supported by instruments measuring density, flow, 
level, temperature, tonnage etc. 
·    Completed datasheet sets for all instrumentation packages. 
·    Operating and control philosophy developed for control system design. 
·    The operator interface system is typical of supervisory control and data 
acquisition (SCADA) systems.  The SCADA monitors and controls instruments in 
the plant through a programmable logic controller. 
DFS / DFS2 design deliverables produced 
·    Scope of work documents and firm pricing received from vendors for all 
mechanical equipment in the processing plant. 
·    Mechanical equipment list [3]. 
·    Electrical load list. 
·    Piping & instrumentation diagrams [110]. 
·    Processing plant 3D models, including piping, instrumentation, pipe racks, 
cable trays and valves. 
·    Process design criteria, flowsheets and mass balances [18]. 
·    Site layouts, general arrangements and sections [71]. 
·    Standard drawings for electrical, structural, instrumentation, civil, 
mechanical & piping [68]. 
·    General specifications. 
·    Tender reviews on mechanical equipment. 
·    Preliminary platework drawings for vendor pricing [186]. 
·    Single line electrical diagrams [28]. 
·    Valve schedule and piping material take off. 
·    Instrument list and datasheets [25]. 
·    Detailed structural calculations and material take-offs. 
·    Detailed pump calculations for all slurry and water lines. 
·    Fire protection and fire detection system equipment schedules. 
Marketing - product quality 
The quality of Toliara Project products ensure they are suitable for a wide 
range of applications. 
The following three ilmenite products to be produced with qualities that 
specifically target different ilmenite markets. 
·    Sulphate Ilmenite 
Of similar quality to Kwale Operations' ilmenite which is widely consumed in 
the global sulphate pigment industry. 
·    Slag Ilmenite 
A higher TiO2 (>50%) makes this ilmenite attractive to chloride slag producers 
where elevated Fe2O3 has no detriment.  An option exists to re-blend it with 
sulphate ilmenite and have more volume targeting either the sulphate pigment 
market (albeit with a higher Fe2O3 specification than the sulphate ilmenite 
stream) or the slag market (albeit with lower TiO2 than the slag ilmenite 
·    Chloride Ilmenite 
A typical 57.0% TiO2 ilmenite.  Optimises revenue while producing a product 
that suits direct feed chloride pigment production as well as chloride slag and 
synthetic rutile production. 
Processing plant design flexibility and testwork confirms that the split 
between the ilmenite products and qualities can be adjusted within 
specification constraints to respond to ore variations and market requirements. 
Final Product Typical Specifications 
%                     Kwale            Sulphate           Slag           Chloride 
                     Ilmenite          Ilmenite         Ilmenite         Ilmenite 
                     Typical           Typical          Typical           Typical 
TiO2                   48.3              48.5             50.5             57.0 
Cr2O3                  0.09              0.08             0.08             0.10 
ZrO2                   0.12              0.02             0.04             0.03 
CaO                    0.02              0.01             0.03             0.02 
MgO                    0.7               0.6              0.4               0.3 
MnO                    0.6               0.8              1.0               1.5 
Fe2O3                  20.4              21.0             27.5             30.5 
FeO                    27.6              26.8             16.0              6.0 
P2O5                   0.02              0.02             0.07             0.06 
Nb2O5                  0.06              0.12             0.15             0.20 
V2O5                   0.23              0.24             0.23             0.22 
SiO2                   0.7               0.6              1.2               1.0 
Al2O3                  0.6               0.5              1.0               0.9 
U+Th (ppm)              55                40               85               148 
Marketing - product quality 
A very good standard grade zircon product and a rutile product suitable for all 
end use sectors. 
·    A very good standard grade zircon product will be produced. 
·    The quality is acceptable to all key end use sectors, particularly in 
%                               Kwale Standard Zircon             Toliara Zircon 
                                       Typical                       Typical 
ZrO2+HfO2                                65.8                          65.6 
TiO2                                     0.14                          0.09 
Fe2O3                                    0.12                          0.12 
SiO2                                     32.4                          32.9 
Al2O3                                    1.15                          0.89 
U+Th (ppm)                               400                           550 
·    Rutile very similar to Kwale Operations' rutile, suitable for chloride 
pigment, titanium metal and welding consumables, will be produced. 
·    A TiO2 of 95.0% can be produced (with a potential option drop to a minimum 
of 93% if significant recovery benefits can be achieved). 
%                                    Kwale Rutile                Toliara Rutile 
                                       Typical                       Typical 
TiO2                                     95.5                         95.0 
Cr2O3                                    0.22                         0.15 
ZrO2                                     0.64                         0.84 
CaO                                      0.02                        < 0.01 
MgO                                      0.05                         0.01 
MnO                                      0.03                         0.01 
Fe2O3                                    1.08                          0.8 
P2O5                                     0.02                         0.03 
Nb2O5                                    0.28                         0.47 
V2O5                                     0.61                         0.59 
SiO2                                     0.8                           1.1 
Al2O3                                    0.4                           0.6 
U+Th (ppm)                                53                           240 
Existing infrastructure required for the development of the Toliara Project is 
limited.  The project scope addresses this through building a dedicated product 
haulage and access road, bridge, export facility, hybrid power plant, bore 
field for water supply and a permanent camp. 
Existing infrastructure 
·    Toliara has an existing container port able to accommodate coastal 
vessels, an airport with scheduled domestic and international flights and good 
mobile and data communications. 
·    The RN9 national route, although upgraded and sealed during the last few 
years, is not suitable for oversize and heavy construction loads or road train 
product haulage.  The existing bridge over the Fiherenana river also has 
limited capacity. 
·    There is no electrical power grid in the vicinity of the mine.  Power 
supply at Toliara is limited and unreliable and currently not adequate for the 
new export facility site, although plans are in place to upgrade the local 
generation facility by addition of solar power. 
·    There is limited existing accommodation in Toliara for the anticipated 
non-local construction and operations personnel requirements. 
·    There are no suitable sewage treatment facilities in the area but there is 
a solid waste recycling plant some 10kms north of Toliara. 
·    Toliara has a diesel bulk storage facility at the port with limited HFO 
storage capacity that is shared amongst four distributors. 
·    A new 45km long, sealed, dedicated, haul and permanent access road will be 
constructed, including a new 630m long concrete bridge over the Fiherenana 
river.  Provision is made for several community crossing points as well as an 
underpass at the RN9 crossing.  The bridge will be designed to withstand 1: 
100-year floods. 
·    A staged development approach includes: 
o  Upgrading of existing Ranobe road for early process plant contractors' 
access through the RN9 immediately after FID. 
o  Construction of the northern section of the haul road in conjunction with 
upgrading the PK24 road to facilitate movement of heavier WCP / MSP mechanical 
equipment.  This route avoids populated villages along the RN9 north of PK24. 
o  Construction completion of the southern haul road section to the export 
facility in time for first product export. 
o  Contractor access to the export facility will be constructed pre-FID to 
provide the piling contractor access immediately on FID. 
Infrastructure (cont.) 
Comprehensive groundwater modelling has confirmed suitable quantities of water 
can be abstracted from an aquifer without adverse community or environmental 
impacts.  Detailed, binding offers have been received for bulk power supply. 
·    Ground water modelling (Knight Piesold) has confirmed the ability to 
sustainably source the required make-up water for the Stage 2 (25Mtpa) mining 
rate from four borefields within the mining permit area, consisting of nine 
operating (5 for Stage 1 and 4 for Stage 2) and two standby 30l/s boreholes. 
·    Permits are in place for abstraction of 889 m³/hr of raw water but will 
require renewal after lifting of suspension as they expire in Q4 2022.  The 
estimated raw water requirement for Stage 1 is 526 m³/hr and Stage 2 is 972 m3/ 
hr.  Further regulatory approval is required for the increased Stage 2 
abstraction and will be progressed prior to Stage 2 development. 
·    Drilling of 3 production boreholes to enable step testing and refinement 
of the groundwater model is planned during the pre-FID phase and monitoring 
bores for baseline and operational purposes will be installed. 
·    Power for the mine site will be "self-supplied" by Base Toliara, with the 
generation facility to be constructed by an IPP who will in turn operate and 
maintain that facility on Base Toliara's behalf. 
·    Power generation will be based on a hybrid HFO, solar photovoltaics (PV) 
and battery storage system located near the MSP.  The design aims to maximise 
solar contribution to reduce CO2 emissions. 
·    Stage 1 installed power is 23.5MW with a maximum demand of 15.1MW with an 
average usage of 10.5MW.  Stage 2 will increase installed power to 35MW with a 
maximum demand of 24MW and an average usage of 15.2MW. 
·    Export facility power will be self-generated using high speed diesel 
generators with a small contribution from solar PV. 
Accommodation camp 
·    An accommodation camp of 272 rooms (converted to 511 beds with shared 
rooms) will be constructed to accommodate the peak construction workforce. 219 
rooms are required for operational workforce leaving 53 surplus rooms. 
·    The 53 surplus rooms are sufficient to accommodate Stage 2 construction 
and operations workforce. 
·    National labour and off-site contractors will be housed in the local 
communities. Local workforce will be bused in daily. 
Infrastructure (cont.) 
Full bridge simulations have confirmed the operability of the multi-buoy 
mooring berth for vessels in a wide range of operating and environmental 
conditions up to Panamax class (partially loaded to 68kt).  Typically, Ultramax 
vessels (loaded to 63kt) will be used during operations.  Stage 1 ship loading 
will occur 14-17 times per year while ship loading at Stage 2 peak production 
will occur up to 26 times per year. 
Mine complex 
·    Provision has been made for fencing, security, offices, workshops, 
laboratories, stores, change houses, ablution blocks, control rooms, 
weighbridge, clinics and first aid facilities, water storage dams and tanks, 
fuel storage facilities, firefighting systems, storm water management and 
landscaping.  No additional infrastructure will be required for Stage 2. 
Waste treatment 
·    A sewage treatment plant (STP) will be constructed at the mine complex and 
serve the process plant, mine complex buildings and accommodation camp. 
Conservancy tanks will be utilised at remote sites such as the export facility 
and sewage transported to the STP for treatment.  No additional infrastructure 
required for Stage 2. 
Product haulage 
·    Up to a maximum of 1,303kt of product will be hauled annually from the 
mine to the export facility by a transport contractor utilising 90t triple 
trailer road trains operating 13 hours per day on a seven days a week basis. 
Export facility 
·    An export facility at Batterie Beach will include a storage shed for 135kt 
of ilmenite, 10kt rutile, with a separate shed to store 17kt of zircon.  At the 
MSP, an additional 38kt of product storage will be provided during Stage 1. 
For Stage 2, the MSP storage capacity will be increased to 75kt. 
·    Ground improvement (rigid inclusion piles) required for the shed 
·    A 550m long jetty with pipe conveyor and fixed ship loader will load 
Panamax vessels (loaded up to 68kt) or Ultramax vessels (loaded up to 63kt) 
moored on a multi-buoy mooring berth.  No additional infrastructure is required 
for Stage 2. 
·    A charter contract will be placed for a fully crewed tug with minimum 
bollard pull of 40 ton and a mooring line handling vessel for the operations 
Marketing - pricing 
Product pricing forecasts through to 2030 are derived from Base Resources' 
internal supply/demand analysis before transitioning to TZMI's long term 
inducement prices from 2035. 
Over the short term, Base Resources' supply forecast is generally aligned with 
TZMI's five year outlook for existing producers, but Base Resources forms its 
own view on the anticipated timing of new brownfield and greenfield projects 
coming into production. 
Base Resources' medium to long term supply forecast is based on its internal 
view of future production from existing operations as well as new brownfield 
and greenfield projects.  For each new project forecast to commence production 
in the future, Base Resources considers the stage of development, estimated 
economics, mine life, applicable risks and the forecast market supply gap to 
determine a likely start-up date. 
DFS2 forecast product prices 
·    Base Resources' internal price forecast for each product is used until 
·    From 2035 prices are assumed to be the long-term inducement prices, as 
forecast by TZMI, re-based to 2021 real.  The exception to this is chloride 
ilmenite, which is derived from Base Resources' internal long-term outlook 
specific to the chloride ilmenite sector and a pricing structure that is more 
consistent with traditional practice within that sector. 
·    Prices transition between 2030 and 2035 in a straight line. 
·    All forecast prices are FOB, real 2021, after adjusting for expected 
product quality. 
Base Resources' internal supply/demand analysis and price forecast methodology 
Base Resources' internal price forecast is derived from continuous supply and 
demand analysis.  In broad terms, when a supply deficit is forecast, prices are 
predicted to trend upwards and when a supply surplus is forecast, prices are 
predicated to trend downwards.  However, the direction and extent of forecast 
price movements also take into consideration: 
·    Industry inventory levels relative to levels considered to be normal. 
·    Estimated "floor" and "ceiling" prices derived from historical precedents, 
for example, where low price levels would threaten the economic viability of 
many producers or excessively high prices encourage product substitution to 
take significant effect. 
·    The anticipated behaviour of key suppliers actively managing production to 
support prices. 
Base Resources' internal supply and demand analysis utilises historical 
production and consumption data.  Base Resources' forecast product demand 
utilises TZMI's five year demand outlook before transitioning to a steady 
annual growth rate, generally consistent with global GDP growth forecasts, 
adjusted for product specific considerations where applicable. 
Product Prices               Average          Average          From           LOM 
USD/t (FOB)                2025 - 2030       2031-2034         2035         Average 
Sulphate ilmenite              $187            $197            $189           $189 
Slag ilmenite                  $196            $207            $199           $199 
Chloride ilmenite              $254            $281            $285           $278 
Rutile                        $1,369          $1,259          $1,117         $1,185 
Zircon                        $1,628          $1,573          $1,496         $1,532 
Marketing outlook - sulphate TiO2 feedstock 
A future sulphate feedstock supply deficit is forecast, providing robust 
support for the development of the Toliara Project. 
Sulphate and slag ilmenite 
·    Longer term there is an anticipated emerging supply gap assumed to be 
partially filled by the Toliara Project and other new greenfield projects. 
·    Medium term outlook subject to high cost "swing" supply (concentrates and 
Vietnam).  Prices in the range of US$190 to US$230 are generally required to 
stimulate and/or sustain swing supply. 
·    Upside demand for sulphate ilmenite is likely given the extent of the 
deficit in the chloride feedstock market which will lead to increased sulphate 
pigment production (to fill the shortage from feedstock-constrained chloride 
pigment) and/or new chloride slag capacity to fill the chloride feedstock 
deficit (which will use sulphate ilmenite as feed). 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the sulphate feedstock 
Marketing outlook - chloride TiO2 feedstock 
A future chloride feedstock supply deficit is forecast, providing robust 
support for the development of the Toliara Project. 
Chloride ilmenite and rutile 
·    Substantial anticipated deficits for chloride pigment feedstocks support a 
positive outlook for rutile and chloride ilmenite from the Toliara Project. 
·    Chloride ilmenite is a unique feedstock within the overall chloride 
feedstock sector which has its own dynamics - see below. 
·    Rutile is a preferred high-grade feedstock for chloride pigment production 
and the relatively small quantities produced from the Toliara Project will be 
easily absorbed. 
·    The longer-term supply deficit should either: 
o  stimulate further chloride slag production which will result in higher 
demand for sulphate ilmenite suitable as a feedstock for chloride slag; or 
o  constrain chloride pigment production (lack of feedstock availability) which 
would result in more sulphate pigment being produced and more demand for 
sulphate ilmenite. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the chloride feedstock 
Marketing outlook - chloride ilmenite 
The forecast chloride ilmenite supply deficit is more significant than overall 
chloride feedstocks, providing a source of high value for the development of 
the Toliara Project. 
Chloride ilmenite 
·    Stage 1 production of chloride ilmenite will add  20% to global supply in 
a market that is forecast to be in substantial deficit, ensuring production is 
easily absorbed. 
·    Demand for chloride ilmenite is driven by pigment, synthetic rutile and 
chloride slag production.  Pigment expansions in recent years and an increased 
focus on external sourcing of chloride ilmenite for chloride slag and synthetic 
rutile production suggests that actual demand for chloride ilmenite now exceeds 
historic peak consumption levels and will continue to increase into the 
·    Availability of chloride ilmenite supply has historically constrained 
consumption, with end users able to consume significantly higher volumes. 
Chloride ilmenite consumers from each end use sector have expressed concern 
over the significant deficit of this specific titanium mineral in coming years. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the low grade chloride 
feedstock outlook. 
Marketing outlook - zircon 
A future zircon supply deficit is forecast, providing robust support for the 
development of the Toliara Project. 
Market outlook - zircon 
·    Significant new supply is needed from new supply to meet projected zircon 
·    There is limited opportunity of "swing" supply from concentrates to manage 
this in the medium term. 
·    Over the long term there are forecast to be growing shortages. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the zircon outlook. 
Implementation strategy 
The Toliara Project is a "greenfields" mineral sands project that will be 
constructed on a remote site in a developing country with limited construction 
resources. The delivery approach addresses this, incorporating Base Resources' 
experience in delivering and operating Kwale Operations. 
Toliara Project implementation objectives 
That the wider industry will see the delivery of the Toliara Project as the 
best reference project to emulate: 
·    It has been delivered safely, on time, on budget and environmentally 
·    It is making a real and sustainable positive difference to the surrounding 
people and communities. 
·    A new standard has been reached in terms of incorporating an optimum 
balance between innovation, low capital cost and risk. 
·    Design and delivery have ensured the facilities are effectively operated, 
maintained and quickly ramped up to the requisite production efficiencies and 
·    People and companies who are part of the delivery feel they have been part 
of an outstanding success and experience. 
A number of factors drive the implementation strategy 
·    Complex scope (mineral sands) and long life requires continual owners 
input to ensure an enduring, fit for purpose and world class design is 
·    Remoteness of the project and the country risk limits the appeal of "lump 
sum" contracts (to a limited contractor market for complex processing plants) 
making this approach high cost with minimal increase in delivery certainty. 
·    Government and community engagement and approval processes are more 
effectively conducted by Base Resources due to the complexity, risk, and 
existing/future relationships. 
·    Utilising Base Resources' knowledge gained through the Kwale project 
delivery and operation. 
·    Outsourcing or fixed price contracts where Base Resources doesn't have the 
requisite knowledge (power) or competitive value is tied to a contractor's 
unique methods or capability (marine and power). 
The broad delivery approach is as follows 
·    Mining - Owner Implementation. 
·    Processing plants and field services - EPCM. 
·    Infrastructure - EPCM. 
·    Fiherenana bridge - EPC. 
·    Jetty, shiploader and marine infrastructure - EPC. 
·    Power - "self-supplied" by Base Toliara, with the generation facility to 
be constructed by an Independent Power Provider (IPP) that will operate and 
maintain that facility on Base Toliara's behalf. 
Implementation strategy (cont.) 
The delivery of the Toliara Project will follow Base Resources' proven project 
development system and standards. 
Project development phases 
Base Resources has followed its proven project development system and standards 
for the concept, pre-feasibility and definitive feasibility study phases.  This 
was achieved by retaining engineering companies and key staff from PFS through 
DFS, and now DFS2.  Subject to performance and cost, this is intended to carry 
through into implementation. 
Pre-FID works program 
·    Following lifting of the on-the-ground suspension (LOS), 11 months will be 
required to complete the necessary work before FID can be achieved.  This work 
includes community engagement, permitting and environmental approvals, land 
acquisition, funding and geotechnical investigations, engineering and 
contractor procurement for key packages. 
·    The pre-FID work aims to de-risk the overall implementation schedule by 
progressing engineering designs and selecting preferred contractors to start 
construction of the camp, export facility shed piling, haul road, bridge, jetty 
and power plant as soon as practical after FID.  The project implementation 
plan will be updated during this period. 
Final investment decision 
·    The Board will consider the DFS2, forecast market conditions and funding 
availability in order to make the FID. 
Implementation phase 
·    Planned in two stages: 
o  Stage 1 includes DMU1, WCP1, MSP, haul road, bridge, export facility and all 
associated infrastructure and is scheduled over 27 months from FID. 
o  Stage 2 comprises the construction DMU2, WCP2 and MSP upgrade over a 21 
month period, delivered 4.25 years after Stage 1 implementation ends. 
Transport and logistics 
·    An experienced logistics contractor will be engaged to manage freight 
forwarding, customs clearance and organise road transport to site. 
Stage                           Commence         Finish        Duration        Cost 
                                                               (months)       (US$m) 
Assumed LOS                      Jan-22             -              -            - 
Pre-FID                          Dec-17          Dec-22           60           194* 
Stage 1 FID                      Dec-22             -              -            - 
Stage 1 Implementation           Jan-23          Mar-25           27           520 
Stage 2 Studies / FEED           Nov-25          Mar-27           17            2 
Stage 2 FID                      Mar-27             -              -            - 
Stage 2 Implementation           Apr-27          Dec-28           21           137 
*$149m spend up to LOS and US$45m required from LOS to FID 
Construction workforce 
The construction effort will be spread over a wide geographic area covering the 
MSP, WCP, mine infrastructure, road, bridge and export facility.  These works 
will be performed by multiple civil, structural mechanical & piping (SMP), 
electrical & instrumentation (EI) and marine contractors, with a workforce 
peaking at 2,150. 
·    Peak workforce of 2,150 personnel excluding Base Resources operational, 
community, environmental and administration personnel. 
·    Up to 800 skilled contractor personnel and 1,350 unskilled local workers 
will be on site during the 27-month construction period. 
·    The accommodation camp facilities will be completed early and are sized to 
cater for the non-local workforce and supervisory staff working on the process 
plant site facilities. 
·    Local Toliara people and contractors working on facilities other than the 
process plant site construction activities, will be accommodated in Toliara and 
local towns. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a chart showing the Stage 1 
construction manning levels. 
Operational workforce 
A detailed manning ramp-up plan has been developed to estimate the requirements 
for the operational phase.  For Stage 1, a total of 690 employees is forecast 
for mining and WCP start-up at September 2024, increasing to 731 by February 
2026, prior to commencement of Stage 2 construction. 
·    It is anticipated that the total operations workforce at the commencement 
of mining in September 2024 will be 690 employees, rising to 731 employees by 
February 2026 and will remain stable until the commencement of Stage 2 
operations.  Of these, it is expected that 60 employees will be expatriate at 
start up, reducing to 49 employees by the start of Stage 2 operations.  The 
remainder of the employees and contractors will be Malagasy, primarily from the 
Toliara region. 
·    Accommodation objectives balance several factors including community 
impact, benefits to the community, availability of accommodation, fit-for-work 
standards and the attraction and retention of capability.  On-site camp 
accommodation is planned for expatriate fly-in fly-out, shift workers on night 
shift, emergency response teams, apprentices, clinicians, on-call tradespeople 
and consultants. 
·    Malagasy employees from outside the Toliara region are expected to 
relocate to the surrounding communities and transported to work daily. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a chart showing the operations manning 
ramp-up levels. 
Operational management and readiness 
Early capability and capacity building programs were initiated to develop 
Toliara regional skills in semi-skilled, skilled and professional categories 
prior to the operational phase. 
Operating and construction readiness 
The complete range of skills required to commission, start up and operate the 
Toliara Project are not readily available in the Toliara region.  While there 
are many skills available and people with diverse academic qualifications, 
these need to be augmented with: 
·    Specific mining and processing training and work experience in order to 
reach acceptable capacity and capability for the needs of the project. 
·    Use of expatriate employees in key technical and managerial positions 
during early operational phases. 
In accordance with the Labour, Recruitment and Influx Management Plan (LRIMP), 
a comprehensive early capacity building program commenced in early 2019: 
·    Registration of over 7,000 local people for traineeships. 
·    Over 2,000 people progressed through a selection process to finalise the 
selection of over 500 people to train in a variety of skill sets. 
·    Construction and operational traineeships in trades, equipment operation, 
maritime operations and computing, combined with English literacy, numeracy and 
leadership training have been completed.  The first group of 24 apprentices 
have successfully completed internationally recognised trade qualifications 
whilst on secondment at the Kwale Operations.  Further to this, the early 
selection of 17 Malagasy nationals for the graduate program is complete. 
Training programs will resume prior to and throughout the construction period. 
·    Monitoring of employee performance during construction will provide a 
basis for operational phase training and employment. 
Management systems 
·    Health and safety systems address the relative inexperience of locals 
working in the mining industry. 
·    Administrative systems are computer based and integrate with existing Base 
Resources applications. 
·    Maintenance systems reflect the need for the operations to be 
self-sufficient due to remoteness. 
Workforce skills and training 
The required construction and operational skills are not readily available in 
the Toliara region.  Base Toliara has implemented strategies to maximise the 
availability of skills for the implementation and operational phases of the 
Toliara Project. 
To ensure the required skills are available, Base Toliara has planned and is 
·    A system of preferential recruitment, agreed with community stakeholders, 
where skills are sourced locally where available, and then from progressively 
further afield in Madagascar and internationally, where they are not available 
in Toliara.  This arrangement is embodied in the LRIMP. 
·    Training for trades apprentices and professional graduates from 
Madagascar, at Base Resources' Kwale Operations in Kenya, through the national 
and in-house training programmes. 
·    Community capacity-building and training to develop local construction and 
other work skills. 
Following a registration and screening process, over 7,000 applicants from the 
project area have registered for employment and training opportunities.  Over 
500 of these have completed Base Resources' construction readiness training 
courses in mobile equipment operation, construction "wet trades", and other 
work skills. 
Contractors from outside the local area will utilise their existing management, 
supervisory and specialist personnel to the extent allowable.  Procedures are 
in place to support contractor access to the Base Resources registration 
database for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled local labour, and to assist 
contractor recruitment of additional skilled personnel from outside Toliara if 
Inductions and training will be used to prepare construction workers for shift 
work during construction which will serve as an introduction to the long-term 
shift work required for operations. 
For maximum effectiveness, leadership positions relating to local functions 
such as community and government relations will be held by a Malagasy 
national.  To date, three senior positions in this area (General Manager 
External Affairs, Manager Community Relations and Manager Government Relations) 
have been successfully sourced. 
Operational management and readiness (cont.) 
Operating philosophy 
The majority of the operation functions will be owned and operated by Base 
Functions outside Base Resources' experience or where financial benefits accrue 
will be outsourced allowing focus on core activities: 
·    Mining - owner operator. 
·    Processing - owner operator. 
·    Administration - owner operator. 
·    Product transportation - contractor. 
·    Export facility operation (land) - owner operator. 
·    Export facility operation (marine) - contractor. 
·    Power - "self-supplied" by Base Toliara, with the generation facility to 
be constructed by an IPP that will operate and maintain that facility on Base 
Toliara's behalf. 
·    Laboratory services - owner operator. 
·    Camp services - contractor. 
Internal candidates have been identified for key operational positions: 
·    General Manager Operations. 
·    Manager Human Resources. 
·    Manager Finance & Administration. 
·    Manager Environment. 
Stakeholder engagement 
Stakeholder mapping 
Analysis of the various stakeholders' ability to influence Toliara Project 
development provides an understanding of the potential for persons, 
organisations and institutions to play a supportive or disruptive role in 
development of the Toliara Project. 
Base Resources has been able to form an understanding of the "on ground" 
situation in the Toliara area through its own stakeholder mapping in 
conjunction with initial stakeholder mapping performed during the Environmental 
and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study by the previous owners (WTR). 
Consultation process 
Community consultation programs have commenced but are currently on hold due to 
the Government-imposed suspension of activities.  These programs are intended 
to improve information sharing and bring communities and other stakeholders 
closer to the Toliara Project.  An overview of the Community Stakeholder 
Engagement Plan process and participants is as follows: 
·    The Regional Coordination Committee (SCRC in French) was established by 
the Government to manage stakeholder engagement during WTR project ownership. 
 It comprises 45 members and is intended to sit monthly to discuss progress, 
grievances and give feedback.  The Governor (the senior most administrative 
position in the region) is the Chairman.  Its current function remains focused 
on high-level communication and information sharing amongst regional players. 
·    The Resettlement Working Groups (RWG), one for the mine site and another 
representing communities along the haul road and at the export facility site, 
are committees that bring together communities that will be subject to the 
resettlement requirements of the Toliara Project, enabling them to participate 
in the decision-making process and provide input into how to achieve positive 
outcomes for the process.  These committees comprise community representatives 
that will be directly affected by resettlement and relevant government agencies 
and local administrators that have a participatory role in delivering positive 
resettlement outcomes aligned to IFC Performance Standard 5 - Involuntary 
·    Community Liaison Committees (PLL in French) are the main stakeholder and 
communication link between communities outside the Toliara Project's footprint. 
 The PLL will be formed once the RWG process is well established.  The PLL 
committees are intended to be very mobile, reaching out to remote areas to 
establish trust with local communities and avoid issues of information 
distribution shortcomings which can be a result of closed-door static 
committees.  Each village will have a representative in a PLL to enhance the 
community's ability to share information amongst themselves. 
Land acquisition 
Foreign controlled companies are not permitted to own land in Madagascar but 
can obtain surface rights through a lease arrangement with the Government. 
A high-level overview of the process of obtaining surface rights being employed 
by Base Resources is as follows: 
·    Establish title/ownership of land - only a small number of land parcels 
required have an existing formal title (106 of 1,041), the rest are held 
through customary interests.  This stage has been completed. 
·    Agree/determine the land value.  There are two options to do this: 
o  Compulsory acquisition of land through the DUP process.  Currently on hold 
pending the lifting of suspension following which the Evaluation and 
Compensation Committee (CAE) will finalise field work required and negotiate 
o  Private treaty negotiations direct with landowners is permitted under the 
Mining Code. Currently on hold pending the lifting of suspension and completion 
of CAE's negotiations. 
·    As Base Toliara cannot own land, it will fund the Government (on the basis 
of values determined above once the process is completed) to: 
o  acquire land titles where available; or 
o  acquire the customary interests where no land title exists. 
·    Where the Government acquires customary or privately owned interests 
through compulsory acquisition, a title must be created for that land in the 
name of the State. 
·    Base Toliara will then negotiate a lease with the Government for the 
surface rights to the land held by the Government as required for the project. 
A total of 20 households associated with Base Toliara employees working at the 
exploration camp, and residing nearby on the mine site, were forcibly removed 
by a group of people opposed to the Toliara Project.  Base Toliara supported 
them to return to Benetse, their village of origin, and constructed temporary 
accommodation and provided materials to replace lost belongings.  They remain 
listed as subject to physical relocation and will receive full compensation and 
relocation benefits in compliance with IFC Standards after preparation of the 
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) once the consultation process can begin again in 
collaboration with the RWGs. 
The DUP process does not extend to dealing with livelihood replacement, the 
relocation of tombs and other requirements under IFC Standards which Base 
Resources seeks to comply with through the RAP.  These additional steps will 
involve the RWGs and run in parallel to ensure legal and IFC compliance.  The 
Livelihood Replacement Plan has been completed and will be further refined 
through consultation with affected stakeholders once engagement activities can 
resume.  The tombs relocation program was about one third complete prior to the 
suspension of activities. 
Land acquisition - DUP process 
Compulsory acquisition of land can be achieved through the DUP process. 
An overview of the DUP process: 
·    The process commences with public notification of the intention to 
undertake compulsory acquisition.  This has been completed. 
·    Those affected are given 30 days to register their interest.  This has 
been completed. 
·    Following registration, the DUP Decree is issued and land parcel 
identification and socio-economic studies are undertaken.  The DUP Decree for 
the haul road and export facility was issued on 15 April 2018 and the mine site 
issued on 19 July 2018. 
·    A list of land interests is prepared and posted in the community for a 
30-day public review period.  This has been completed. 
·    Following a review process, the issuance of the Act of Transferability 
confirms land parcels impacted by the Toliara Project.  The applications for 
the Acts must be submitted within 12 months of issuance of the DUP Decree or it 
expires.  This has been completed. 
·    Concurrently, the CAE is established to manage the final steps.  The CAE 
is responsible for confirming the eligibility of landowners of each of the 
parcels listed and the evaluation of any associated private assets such as 
structures and crops.  Following this, negotiation of compensation rates is 
undertaken, culminating in agreed amounts for the various assets involved.  The 
CAE has been established for the Toliara Project land acquisition and 
eligibility and values have been determined subject to field confirmations 
which are now awaiting lifting of the suspension. 
·    Once compensation amounts are finalised, the CAE will advise Base 
Resources of the total cost of compensation. 
·    Following payment of the compensation amount to the Government, the 
compulsory acquisition is finalised by transfer of land title to the 
Community development, employment and local content 
Community development 
Base Resources recognises the significance community development plays in 
building positive relationships and ensuring locals benefit from development of 
the mineral resource. 
The approach is focused in specific areas of development: 
·    The health sector. 
·    Education programs. 
·    Community infrastructure. 
·    Livelihood enhancement projects. 
A Community Development Management Plan will be developed in consultation with 
affected communities, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and regional 
authorities to align outputs with stakeholder priorities and local development 
Funding for community development activities is by way of: 
·    Distribution of 70% of mineral royalties by legislative requirement to 
communities in the region affected by the Toliara Project. 
·    Planned annual community development expenditure of US$3m by Base 
Resources from commencement of operations is now assumed in the modelling. 
·    An upfront community development fund of US$10m is now assumed to be 
established prior to the commencement of operations. 
Affected communities will be prioritised for employment during both the 
construction and operations stages.  To facilitate this, community training 
programs have commenced.  Though not all who participate in this training will 
be employed, it will give people, particularly youth and women, valuable skills 
to secure employment elsewhere. 
Base Resources has developed the LRIMP which has been approved for use by the 
Committee for Transparency in Recruitment, a regional committee set up to 
oversee the Toliara Project recruitment process.  The LRIMP identifies job 
seekers and prioritises them based on impact (i.e. if they were resettled) and 
their proximity to the Toliara Project.  A lower priority is assigned to those 
living further away. 
This system is also a commitment under the ESIA approval process outlining the 
need for both skills development and local employment prioritisation as 
mitigation for social impacts. 
Local content 
The procurement of goods and services from local organisations creates benefits 
through direct and indirect job creation and helping to build the local 
economy.  Local businesses will be given training on Base Resources minimum 
standards to prepare them for tendering and possible selection as a supplier or 
Environmental setting 
Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and is recognised as one of the 
world's top ten hotspots for biodiversity, owing to its unique biota and the 
high degree of threat to its natural habitats. 
It is estimated that there are about 10,000 plant species on the island. Of 
these, 80% or more occur nowhere else.  Human settlement commenced in 
Madagascar 2,000 years ago and has resulted in the clearing of much of the 
island's forest habitats. 
Madagascar is globally important in terms of its biodiversity and is within the 
Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot as designated by 
Conservation International.  Despite considerable biological interest, 
knowledge of the flora and faunal biodiversity in the region is still hampered 
by unresolved taxonomic problems and poor sampling. 
The Toliara Project area falls into the Madagascar Spiny Thicket Ecoregion, 
which is divided into succulent woodlands and Madagascar spiny thickets. The 
total size of the ecoregion is 124,000km2, falling into the deserts and 
succulent shrublands habitat type of Madagascar and is classified as a 
Critically Endangered region. 
The spiny thicket is exceptional in this regard, with 95% of all plant species, 
and 48% of the genera occurring in the ecoregion endemic to Madagascar.  The 
thicket is dominated by members of the endemic Didiereaceae family. 
Fauna is also important for this region, with Madagascar and the Spiny Thicket 
Ecoregion exhibiting high levels of endemicity.  The conservation of forested 
habitats is a priority as they are subject to the greatest threats (slash-burn 
agriculture and charcoal production).  There are few protected areas covering 
the ecoregion with very little known about the biodiversity and ecology of the 
Reserves protect approximately 3% of the region, leaving the rest susceptible 
to degradation.  The main threats include charcoal production, logging for 
construction, grazing of domestic animals (primarily zebu cattle, but also 
goats) and agriculture.  Invasive plant species also cause a loss of habitat, 
as does illegal collecting of endemic and endangered species for commercial 
A rare opportunity to make a significant contribution to conservation 
The environmental setting of the Toliara Project within a Biodiversity Hotspot 
and one of the ecoregions of the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands supporting 
a rich fauna and flora with high levels of endemism presents a significant 
opportunity for Base Resources to make a meaningful contribution to the 
region's biodiversity and conservation efforts through: 
·    Targeted environmental programs. 
·    Collaboration with conservation partners - government environmental 
departments, research institutions, NGOs and communities. 
·    Collaborations with regional, national and international researchers such 
as Missouri Botanical Garden, Flora & Faunal International, Reef Doctor and the 
African Butterfly Research Institute. 
Environment (cont.) 
Regulatory framework 
·    Environment Permit No 55-15/MEEMF/ONE/DG/PE is granted and valid. 
·    Approved Plan de Gestion Environnementale (PGE) (an environmental 
management plan) in place. 
·    Office National Pour l'Environement (ONE), the Malagasy environmental 
management authority, have advised that subsequent amendments to the Toliara 
Project should be made through an updated PGE and the Construction and 
Operations Plan de Gestion Environnementale Spécifique (PGES') - see below. 
·    The Construction PGES', prepared during FEED and submitted to ONE three 
months prior to commencement of construction, will present project changes to 
·    Operational PGES' will be prepared and submitted to ONE three months prior 
to commencement of operations. 
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment documentation 
A number of ESIAs have been prepared and approved over the years for the 
Toliara Project, with the principal documents being: 
·    2005-2006: Scoping Report prepared and submitted to ONE. 
·    2006-2007: Specialist studies conducted, not submitted to ONE. 
·    2012: Revised Scoping Report submitted to ONE for public review. 
·    2012-2014: Specialist assessments redone, detailed ESIA completed and 
submitted to ONE. 
·    2015: PGE issued by ONE together with the Environmental Permit. 
·    2017: Addendum ESIA submitted to ONE. PGE Addendum 1 issued by ONE. 
Base Resources is committed to international best practice 
The Toliara Project will develop and operate a comprehensive Environmental and 
Social Management System (ESMS) to meet the requirements of Base Resources' 
policies, Malagasy legislation and international best practice, including the 
Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Group's 
Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines. 
Environmental and Social Management System 
·    ESMS will give effect to Base Resources' commitments. 
·    ESMS based on a 'Plan-Do-Check-Act' business performance improvement cycle 
utilising risk and impact assessments as a key tool. 
·    ESMS components will include: 
o  Update of the PGE to reflect name change and Project changes. 
o  Summary ESIA to consolidate ESIAs and reflect Project changes. 
o  PGES' for construction, operational and decommissioning phases for 
submission to ONE three months before the start of associated activities. 
o  Construction phase, operational phase and decommissioning phase ESMPs. 
o  Baseline studies - update of previous studies, new studies and modelling. 
o  Comprehensive environmental monitoring program, including ecological 
o  Environmental programs to support Base Resources' commitment to improving 
biodiversity, promoting conservation and sustainability, including an 
indigenous tree nursery to research propagation methods of the region's unique 
flora, establishment of biodiversity corridors and offset and reforestation 
Government and political 
Madagascar is a country with a heightened degree of political risk, with a 
history of regular events of instability, most recently with the political 
crisis in 2009.  Madagascar does not have a history of civil war and most of 
its troubles are characterised by political paralysis rather than widespread 
The Presidential elections concluded in December 2018 were relatively free from 
social unrest, regarded as materially free and fair and the result met with 
general acceptance, including by the key opposition candidates.  Consequently, 
the President can be considered to have a clear mandate and there is an 
expectation of a period of relative political stability.  The presidential term 
is five years. 
Government engagement 
The President has expressed support for development of the Toliara Project both 
during the late-2018 election campaign and subsequently.  This, combined with 
statements from key advisers, is considered to represent a genuine support for 
the Project's development. 
A structured and intensive stakeholder engagement strategy has been focused on 
establishing and building relationships with the relevant national and local 
government authorities as well as key influencers who can contribute to a 
lobbying coalition in shaping the Government's policy in relation to mining 
and, more specifically, its disposition towards the Toliara Project. 
Proposed changes to the mining regime 
The national government has documented its desire to implement a "new vision 
for mining" and is undertaking a consultation process with key stakeholders as 
it develops its mining policy.  While the scope and timing for any changes to 
the mining regime remain uncertain, key aspects being considered for reform 
·    Taxes applicable to mining projects, including concessions applicable 
large-scale mining. 
·    Securing Government free carried interest in mining projects. 
·    An increase in royalty rates. 
·    Increased mining company contribution to regional development, 
specifically aligned to the Government's development priorities (e.g. roads, 
power access, food security). 
An intensive, coordinated and broad-based lobbying campaign is ongoing to 
ensure that the Government makes informed decisions on policy and implements 
them in a way that does not render the Toliara Project, as well as the wider 
mining sector in Madagascar, unviable.  Separately, Base Resources is engaged 
in direct discussions with the Government seeking to agree the fiscal regime 
that will apply to the Toliara Project, which will allow the project to proceed 
independent of any reform to the mining regime.  While an acceptable outcome 
should be achievable, the risk remains significant. 
Applicable legal regime 
The legal system in Madagascar is based upon the French civil law system.  This 
is a codified legal system based on the Napoleonic model.  As in all civil law 
systems, statute law (which is contained in a series of codes) has the greatest 
importance.  In contrast with common law systems, the doctrine of precedent 
(jurisprudence) has little weight. 
Mining law 
The Code Minier or Mining Code and the Large Mining Investment Law (LGIM) (and 
their implementing decrees) are the main pieces of legislation that govern the 
mining sector in Madagascar. 
Under the Mining Code, Madagascar is divided into squares of 625m. Only one 
permit exists per square. 
Mining permits are administered by the Bureau de Cadastre Minier de Madagascar, 
the Madagascar Mining Registry.  It operates on a first-come, first-served 
basis.  The system operates in a generally reliable, stable fashion and the 
risk of outright expropriation is considered low. 
A royalty is payable to the Government based on the value of the product 
extracted.  The Mining Code currently prescribes the rate as 2% of the value of 
the first sale. 
Environmental laws 
Any entity wishing to perform exploration activities is required to obtain an 
environmental authorisation, and any entity wishing to perform exploitation 
activities is required to obtain an environmental permit. 
Land laws 
There is a system of land registration in Madagascar.  Land that is registered 
is recorded in the books at the land registry.  The Topographic Service holds 
an official plan drawn up by a surveyor, showing the boundaries of the land. 
In practice, regional land registries (including the one in Toliara) are 
largely paper-based and often incomplete. 
Foreign controlled entities are not entitled to own land in Madagascar. 
Instead, occupation of land by foreign entities is typically through a long 
term lease (with a maximum term of 99-years). 
LGIM explained 
The Large Mining Investment Law, or LGIM, which was drafted with the assistance 
of the World Bank and is intended to create a beneficial legal and financial 
platform to attract investment in the mining sector. 
To date, only the Ambatovy project has been certified as eligible under the 
Eligibility certification requires submission of environmental authorisations, 
obtaining of exploration or exploitation permits, and certification of the 
investment plan, including evidence that the proposed investment will exceed 
MGA50 billion (approximately US$15m). 
Key benefits of the LGIM 
·    Guaranteed stability of taxes and custom duties, and no restrictions on 
the sale of mining products. 
·    Entitlement to use foreign currencies and hold foreign bank accounts. 
·    Beneficial tax regime, including VAT exemptions. 
·    Beneficial customs regime. 
·    Protections from expropriation. 
·    Access to international arbitration for the resolution of disputes with 
The process after submission is generally expected to take five months from the 
date of application (potentially more) depending on the number of documents or 
clarifications required by the Government.  Generally, the LGIM eligibility 
period runs from the date of LGIM certification until expiry of the mining 
permit granted to the permit holder.  For the Toliara Project, the eligibility 
period would be expected to end on 20 March 2052, to coincide with the end of 
the initial term of PE 37242. 
LGIM eligibility certification (or equivalent legal and financial stability 
regime) is considered a pre-requisite for successful funding of the Project. 
Base Resources filed its application for eligibility certification under the 
LGIM in August 2020, based on the outcomes of the DFS, however this application 
has not progressed as a result of the Government's suspension of the Project's 
activities and pending agreement on the fiscal terms that will apply to the 
Project.  Base Resources is confident that the Toliara Project satisfies the 
criteria for eligibility certification under the LGIM and expects timely 
consideration of its application once fiscal terms are agreed and the 
Government's suspension of the Project's activities is lifted. 
Progress with fiscal terms negotiations 
In November 2019, the Government of Madagascar required Base Toliara to suspend 
on-the-ground activity on the Toliara Project.  Activity remains suspended as 
Base Resources continues to engage with the Government in relation to the 
fiscal terms applicable to the Toliara Project and lifting of the on-the-ground 
Negotiations of fiscal terms with the Government of Madagascar 
·    Base Resources is engaged in direct discussions with the Government 
seeking to agree the fiscal regime that will apply to the Toliara Project. 
 Progress is being made and Base Resources remains confident that an acceptable 
outcome is achievable, however the timing for reaching an agreement, and the 
precise terms of that agreement, remain uncertain. 
·    Upon agreeing the fiscal regime, the intent is for those terms to be 
secured through eligibility certification under the LGIM, a convention, or 
another mechanism that achieves an acceptable level of legal and fiscal 
·    Base Resources lodged its LGIM eligibility certification application with 
the Government in August 2020, supported by the outcomes of the DFS.  However, 
this application has not progressed pending agreement on fiscal terms and LOS. 
Suspension and COVID-19 
·    With the Government suspension of activity, continuing international 
travel restrictions and broader COVID-19 measures and impacts both in 
Madagascar and globally, the FID to proceed with development of the Toliara 
Project has been delayed. 
·    Once fiscal terms are agreed, it is expected that there will be a LOS. 
There will be approximately 11 months' work to complete prior to FID following 
the LOS.  This work includes finalising financing, obtaining LGIM eligibility 
certification (or similar legal and fiscal stability), completing the land 
acquisition process and concluding major construction contracts. 
·    Consequently, in order to achieve the assumed FID in December 2022, the 
LOS would need to be secured by the end of January 2022. 
Activities planned upon LOS 
·    Community engagement to allow access for geotechnical investigations. 
·    Land acquisition processes. 
·    Obtaining the LGIM eligibility certification or comparable legal and 
fiscal stability arrangements. 
·    Securing of required statutory construction approvals and permits at the 
local, regional and national government levels. 
·    Conducting environmental baseline studies and monitoring and securing 
required environmental construction approvals. 
·    Negotiation and verification of indicative offtake terms with customers 
and finalising term sheets with offtake partners. 
·    Completion of project funding, including JV partner negotiations. 
·    Early works - water drilling, quarry investigations and building of 
contractor access roads. 
·    Concluding major construction contracts. 
Key approvals - Project Development 
Key Approval                       Notes 
Export facility 
MoU                                Provides the mechanism for land to be incorporated 
                                   into the export facility site 
Permission                         Agreement to allow construction and operation of the 
                                   export facility site 
Design and construction approvals, 
and issue of construction permit 
Land acquisition (export facility, road and mine site) 
Private contracts and agreement    Used to acquire private rights, where possible 
Land decree classifying lands as   Act of Transferability (acte de classement) to be 
State public domain                issued by way of decree 
Government lease                   Long term lease over government land (Domaine privé 
                                   de l'Etat) in favour of Base Toliara.  Applies to 
                                   haulage road and mine site 
Haulage road 
MoU                                Establishes the basis for the construction and use of 
                                   the haulage route 
Design and construction approvals 
Design and construction 
approvals, and issue of 
construction permit 
Borehole construction and water 
Mine construction 
Design and construction 
approvals, and issue of 
construction permit 
Borehole construction and water 
Authorisation to operate the      Applies to larger facilities (over 500kW for thermal, 
power facility (Autoproduction    hydraulic and solar installations, and over 1MW for 
authorisation)                    biomass installations, geothermal, wind or waste 
Environmental impact assessment   Environmental impact assessment issued and approved 
approval                          through issuance of PGE. 
Environmental permit              Environmental permit issued 
Large mining law 
Large Mining Investment Law       Provides financial and legal stability regime for 
(LGIM) certification              large scale mining investments, favourable customs 
                                  regime, guaranteed foreign exchange rights and certain 
                                  tax benefits 
Capital cost 
Stage 1 capital cost is estimated at US$520m (accuracy +10%/-5%) based on 
definitive engineering designs, tendered pricing, budget quotes and escalation 
allowance. Stage 2 capital cost is US$137m. 
·    The Capital Cost Estimate (CCE) reflects the maturity of the design and is 
based on engineering layout and design drawings, equipment lists or general 
arrangement layouts and prices have been derived from a combination of the 
following sources: 
o  42% from project specific tenders (marine, export facility shed piling, 
bridge, IPP, drilling and equipment), 50% from project specific budget 
quotations, 7% estimated or built-up rates and 1% factored from similar works. 
·    Approx. 25-30% of engineering has been completed, underpinning a CCE 
accuracy of +10 to -5%. 
·    An extensive Tender and BQR process was conducted for major contract 
packages to establish unit rates that reflect the market conditions in 
Madagascar. Firm quotes were received (Q4-2019) for all major mechanical / 
electrical equipment vendor packages and over 90% of the CCE is supported by 
pricing sourced from reputable suppliers and contractors. 
·    The onshore piling, offshore marine facility and bridge costs were 
obtained via a tender process supported by post-tender technical and commercial 
clarification meetings. 
·    The DFS CCE completed in December 2019 was updated in Q2-2021 for: 
o  Escalation, including additional owners labour costs, reflecting the DFS2 
revised FID timing. The cost escalation estimate has been derived from data 
collected from various African projects and forward-looking views from 5 
different sources. 
o  Applicable foreign exchange rates - 71% of CCE is USD based, 14% ZAR, 12% 
AUD and 3% EUR. 
o  Contingency provision reduced to 9.7% (down from 10.6%) due to the increased 
scope certainty following de-risking and optimisation work completed since DFS 
·    Owner's costs were developed from Kwale Operations experience and the 
planned production ramp up. 
Capital Cost Estimate (US$m)                                           Stage 1  Stage 2 
Mining (including HME and DMU)                                              39       20 
Process Plants                                                             110       67 
Infrastructure (Camp, roads, bridge, power, water, buildings)               86        8 
Product Storage & Export Facility                                           82        - 
Professional Services (EPCM's, Vendor Reps, Specialists Consultants)        32        6 
Owner's costs (see further breakdown in table below)                        66        6 
Sub total                                                                  415      107 
Escalation (14.2% and 16.0%)                                                59       17 
Contingency (9.7% and 10.5%)                                                46       13 
Total Project Capital Costs                                                520      137 
Owner's Costs Estimate (US$m)                                         Stage 1 
Integrated Management Team - Labour & Expenses                           12.7 
Initial Clearing for mining, TSF & Starter Pit                            1.4 
Camp operating (based on Kwale + US$2m fuel)                              5.8 
Spares, tools and 1st fills                                               8.0 
In-country operations (community, environment, external affairs,         32.9 
operations team, finance, admin) 
Light Vehicles                                                            2.0 
1% customs stamp duty on value of imports                                 1.1 
Plant Mobile Equipment                                                    2.6 
Total Owner's Cost                                                       66.4 
Project Development expenditure timeline 
Pre-FID expenditure of US$195m includes acquisition costs, feasibility studies, 
land compensation, construction early works and in-country operating costs. 
 Early works expenditure on a number of work packages will result in a fast 
ramp up of construction following an FID and allow construction to meet phased 
operational implementation and ramp-ups in line with critical path items.  FID 
is assumed to be Q4 2022. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the anticipated pre-FID 
and post-FID expenditure. 
Operating costs 
Operating costs have been derived from first principles and experience gained 
at Kwale Operations, incorporating local Malagasy cost inputs where 
Operating cost    LOM   US$m   US$/t    US$/t                    Comments 
category         Total   per   mined1 produced1 
                 US$m  annum1 
Power             720    19     0.79    18.2    Power is based on a solar hybrid solution 
                                                using HFO as a primary fuel source and a 
                                                small amount of supplementary diesel. 
                                                Assumes a HFO price of  US$0.63/L, which 
                                                results in an average power price of 
Maintenance       602    16     0.67    15.5    Maintenance is based on Kwale experience 
                                                and scaled where appropriate. 
Labour -          159     4     0.16     3.8    Operations reach 60 expats in early years, 
expatriates                                     before dropping to 17 after 6 years and 
                                                reaching a steady state of 8 expatriate 
                                                senior managers from 2033 onwards. 
Labour -          276     7     0.30     6.9    Excluding contractors and corporate staff, 
nationals                                       operations commence with 631 national 
                                                employees, before peaking at 820 in 2033 
                                                following completion of the Stage 2 and 
                                                transition of managerial roles. 
Fuel - drying     259     7     0.29     6.6    Diesel usage for the MSP drying process is 
                                                based on Kwale experience and a delivered 
                                                diesel fuel price of US$0.85/L. 
Fuel - mobile     161     4     0.18     4.1    Equipment fuel burn rates are from Kwale 
equipment                                       experience, and a delivered diesel fuel 
                                                price is US$0.85/L. 
Product           342     9     0.38     8.7    Bulk transport to the export facility 
transport &                                     estimated at US$3.45/t plus US$0.60/t for 
export facility                                 free issue diesel. Marine operations will 
rates                                           be contracted to a chartering service at 
                                                US$2.4M per annum. Port of Toliara export 
                                                rates are estimated at US$2/t shipped, 
                                                plus annual lease costs of US$0.7M. 
Flocculant        14      1     0.02     0.4    Flocculant usage between 0.08 and 0.12kg/t 
                                                slime at cost of US$2.85/kg. 
Other operating   410    11     0.44    10.3    Other fixed operating costs, including 
costs                                           insurance, camp management, security 
                                                contractors and training. 
Total operating  2,943   77     3.22    74.5 
Royalties         475    13     0.53    12.3    Government royalty rate of 4%. 
Total operating  3,419   90     3.75    86.7 
costs (incl. 
1 Annual averages, excludes first and last partial operating years 
Unit operating cost per tonne produced 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the LOM unit operating 
cost per tonne produced. 
A comprehensive strategy has been developed for the key contracts that will be 
required to obtain FID, construct the project or operate the assets. 
·    Maintain project knowledge through continuing successful relationships 
with customers and key engineering and construction contractors. 
·    Selecting contract delivery models (e.g. EPC, EPCM, build own operate and 
transfer, supply, services) with a combination of bespoke and standard FIDIC 
terms and conditions to provide optimum benefit/risk balance. 
·    Consolidate contract packaging to optimise contractor overhead costs. 
·    In addition to commercial terms, all implementation and operating 
contracts will include clauses related to Toliara Project specific objectives 
such as labour recruitment, remuneration, health, safety and environmental 
Key FEED/early works agreements 
·    Mineral Technologies and Lycopodium Alliance (joint venture) appointed as 
an EPCM contractor for the FEED and Early Works program. 
·    Marine consultant, PRDW, appointed to provide technical support on the 
export facility FEED work. 
·    Zutari and Johnson, Winter & Slattery appointed to support during power 
tender evaluation and Power Agreement negotiations. 
·    Zutari appointed to support roads design and contractor procurement. 
·    Colas Madagascar appointed to conduct river hydrology, geotechnical 
investigations and preliminary design for the Fiherenana bridge. 
·    Fugro and Subtech appointed to conduct marine geotechnical investigations 
and Seismic Survey. 
·    Wave International appointed to provide support for project controls. 
·    Early Works construction packages will be awarded to a mixture of first 
tier and local contractors on re-measurable rates contracts. 
Key implementation contracts to be finalised during FEED subject to FID 
·    EPCM Contract for EPCM services. 
·    Marine EPC Contract including the marine works, ship loader and jetty 
conveyor contract.  Contract based on FIDIC Yellow Book conditions. 
·    Fiherenana River Bridge EPC Contract based on FIDIC Yellow Book 
·    Export Facility Piling Contract based on FIDIC Red Book conditions. 
·    Haul Road North Construction Contract based on FIDIC Red Book conditions. 
·    Haul Road South and Export Facility  Bulk Earthworks Construction Contract 
based on FIDIC Red Book conditions. 
·    Ranobe Road and Processing Plants Bulk Earthworks Construction Contracts 
based on FIDIC Red Book conditions. 
·    Accommodation Design and Construction Contract based on FIDIC Red Book 
conditions for the design and construction of the balance of the camp. 
·    Bespoke contract for power. 
Contracts (cont.) 
A comprehensive strategy has been developed for the key contracts that will be 
required to obtain FID, construct the project or operate the assets. 
Key implementation contracts to be finalised after FID 
·    Civil construction contracts based on FIDIC Red Book conditions.  One 
contract at the mine site and one at the export facility.  EPCM manage supply 
and logistics of the "free issued" reinforcing steel. 
·    SMP installation contracts based on FIDIC Red Book conditions.  Two 
contracts at the mine site and one at the export facility.  EPCM manage supply 
and logistics of the "free issued" materials and equipment. 
·    Electrical and instrumentation installation contracts based on FIDIC Red 
Book conditions.  Two contracts at the mine site and one at the export 
facility.  EPCM manage supply and logistics of the "free issued" materials and 
·    Bespoke contract for supply chain and logistics management. 
Key operations contracts to be negotiated during FEED subject to FID 
·    Fuel supply contract. 
·    Camp operations contract. 
·    Communications contract. 
Key operations contracts to be negotiated post FID 
·    Marine operations contract (tug and line boat) will be fully chartered. 
Tendering to commence at FID. 
·    Product haulage contract.  Tendering for a five-year contract will 
commence with prequalified contractors after FID.  Base Toliara will supply 
fuel on a flow-through basis. 
Offtake agreements 
Base Resources has provided potential customers with product samples and aims 
to leverage its market reputation and existing customer base to secure offtake 
agreements or final term sheets, prior to FID, that will support project 
funding activities. 
Owner operate 
During the DFS, an owner operate approach was selected for mining and 
laboratory services. 
Mining and production profile 
Production Profile      Life of Mine (LOM)        Stage 1#    Peak Stage 2#     Stage 2? 
                                               Years 2 - 4.5   Years 6 - 15     Year 16+ 
                        Total     annual avg*    annual avg     annual avg     annual avg 
Ore mined (Mt)           904          23.9          12.6           25.1           25.1 
HM%                      6.1%         6.1%          9.4%           7.1%           5.4% 
HMC produced (Mt)        55.6         1.5           1.2            1.8            1.4 
Period                   38.4         37.0          3.5            10.0           23.0 
Produced (kt): 
Sulphate ilmenite       16,941        450           388            566            407 
Slag ilmenite           9,804         261           225            327            236 
Chloride ilmenite       9,371         249           215            313            225 
      Total ilmenite    36,115        960           828           1,206           868 
Rutile                   283           8             6              9              7 
Zircon                  2,468          66            56             82             60 
# excludes ramp up.  * Does not include the first and last partial operating 
years.  ? Does not include the last partial operating year. 
Mining and production profile (cont.) 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the LOM mining and 
production profile. 
Financial performance profile 
Financial Profile        Life of Mine (LOM)       Stage 1#    Peak Stage 2#   Stage 2? 
                                                Years 2 - 4.5 Years 6 - 15    Year 16+ 
                         Total     annual avg*   annual avg    annual avg    annual avg 
Ore mined (Mt)            904          23.9         12.6          25.1          25.1 
Total production (kt)    38,866       1,033          889          1,298          935 
Revenue - Total         $11,899m      $317m         $265m         $402m         $286m 
Operating Costs -       $3,419m        $90m         $80m          $97m          $87m 
EBITDA                  $8,163m       $219m         $176m         $297m         $190m 
Free Cash Flow          $5,922m       $174m         $117m         $241m         $151m 
Revenue - per tonne       $306         $306         $298          $310          $306 
Operating Costs^ -       $3.78        $3.75         $6.38         $3.87         $3.49 
per tonne mined 
Operating Costs^ -        $88          $87           $90           $75           $94 
per tonne produced 
Cash Margin               $218         $220         $207          $235          $212 
Revenue : Cost of         3.5          3.5           3.3           4.1           3.3 
sales ratio 
# excludes ramp up.  * Does not include the first and last partial operating 
years.  ? Does not include the last partial operating year. ^ Operating costs 
include royalties. 
Project cash flows (excludes funding) 
Strong operating cash flows result in capital payback (for both stage 1 and 2 
capex) occurring after four and half years of operation. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the LOM project cash 
NPV sensitivities 
NPV Sensitivities - Post tax / Pre debt, 10% discount rate, US$m 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a an NPV sensitivities "tornado" chart. 
Pre-FID expenditure 
Pre-FID expenditure of US$42.3m is required from October 2021 to FID in 
December 2022. 
In-country operating activities will ramp up when the suspension is lifted and 
US$20.9m is forecast to maintain and support external affairs, community 
initiatives, baseline studies, training and administrative activities. 
The Project Development Pre-FID forecast of US$12.2m includes cost for: 
·    Integrated Management Team - Base Resources team for design management, 
project controls and contracts development. 
·    Front End Engineering and Design: 
o  Engineering design to "Issue for Tender" status for bulk earthworks, 
accommodation camp, haul road and the Ranobe access road.  Detailed design for 
processing plants and Fiherenana bridge. 
o  Consultancy services for marine, power, geotechnical, ground water 
investigations and piling. 
o  Procurement to allow contract award for the bridge, marine, piling, roads 
and bulk earthworks. 
·    Geotech/borehole investigation and drilling: 
o  Geotechnical drilling for the haul road, marine works and bridge. 
o  Production water borehole drilling. 
·    Early works construction: 
o  Toliara Port bridge upgrade. 
o  Quarry mining and stockpiling contract. 
Toliara Pre-FID Cost                                              Forecast (LOS to FID) 
Labour costs                                                                        6.4 
Security contractors                                                                2.4 
External consultants                                                                2.7 
Environmental studies & programmes                                                  1.3 
Community programmes                                                                2.4 
Travel & accommodation                                                              1.2 
OHS & training                                                                      0.3 
Public & investor relations                                                         1.1 
Employee overheads                                                                  0.4 
Other                                                                               2.7 
Toliara in-country operating activities                                            20.9 
Land acquisition costs                                                              9.2 
Project Development (FEED / EW) cost                                               12.2 
Total Toliara pre-FID cost                                                         42.3 
Toliara Project FEED / EW cost (US$m)                             Forecast (LOS to FID) 
Integrated Management Team                                                          3.2 
Front End Engineering and Design                                                    3.7 
Geotech/borehole investigation and drilling                                         2.6 
Early works construction                                                            2.7 
Total PD cost                                                                      12.2 
Funding update 
Base Resources does not have the financial capacity to internally fund the 
project development on its own.  External funding in the form of some 
combination of debt, JV interest and/or equity will be required to supplement 
Base Resources' internally generated cashflow. 
Funding for the Toliara Project can be broken down into three elements: 
1.      Deferred acquisition consideration of US$17m payable to the Project's 
prior owners on receiving LGIM certification ($7m) and on FID ($10m). 
2.      Pre-FID funding (October 2021 to December 2022) of US$42.3m to advance 
the Project, comprising in-country operating activities ($20.9m), land 
acquisition ($9.2m) and project development cost ($12.2m). 
3.      Construction and operational start-up funding of US$700m (increased 
from US$595m in the DFS), consisting of: 
·    Capex of US$520m. 
·    Working capital of US$124m, including an estimated US$55m for VAT (legally 
refundable but assumed for this funding analysis to not be recovered until 
operating year 5). 
·    Debt establishment and servicing during construction of US$51m (based on 
the funding mix assumed below). 
It is anticipated that the deferred acquisition consideration and pre-FID costs 
will be funded internally from cash generated by Kwale Operations. 
The ultimate funding mix for construction and start-up will be determined prior 
to FID and will be dependent on Base Resources' internally generated cashflow 
position and forecasts for the construction and ramp-up period, market outlook, 
debt availability and cost, and scope of any strategic joint venture at the 
time.  For the purposes of the funding analysis, the following assumptions have 
been made for the US$700m of construction and start-up funding: 
·    40% equity contribution - US$280m sourced from some combination of cash 
generated from Kwale Operations, equity contributions from a joint venture 
participant (in conjunction with substantial offtake arrangements) and/or a 
capital raising.  Additionally, successful negotiation of a targeted VAT 
exemption, or timely refunds, could reduce the overall funding requirement by 
up to US$55m and contribute to reducing the required equity funding. 
·    60% debt facility - US$420m sourced from commercial banks, DFIs and export 
credit agencies. 
Financial modelling confirms the Project's ability to comfortably support this 
debt load. 
On the basis of the project economics established by the DFS2 (in particular 
free cash flow generation), the robust market outlook for mineral sands 
products (refer Marketing analysis), Base Resources' sound financial position 
(net cash and cash generation from Kwale Operations), track record of 
successfully developing, operationalising and repaying financing on a similar 
project (Kwale Operations), prior success in capital raisings as and when 
required (including for the acquisition of the Toliara Project in early 2018) 
and preliminary work already undertaken in relation to debt and JV 
participation, Base Resources' considers that there is a reasonable basis that 
development of the Toliara Project can be successfully funded. 
During the DFS, a comprehensive risk review was completed.  The risk outcomes 
have been continuously reviewed and updated to capture new risks and track risk 
mitigation activities to ensure all information remains current and relevant. 
The risks presented in DFS2, reflect the Toliara Project risk profile as at 
Q3-2021.  86 project risks are captured of which 47 had an initial risk rating 
of "high" or "extreme", reduced to 12 risks after factoring in mitigations. 
Risk classification 
·    A qualitative rating is applied to each risk or opportunity based on a 
likelihood and impact matrix. 
·    Each risk is given an initial risk rating and, where risk mitigations are 
identified, a residual risk rating. 
·    All risks with ratings of high or extreme undergo a high-level review by 
management to ensure the rating is appropriate, followed by a moderation 
·    Risks are generally classified as high or extreme if there is both a 
reasonable (or higher) likelihood of occurrence and the consequence of such an 
occurrence is serious (or worse). 
·    A number of factors are considered when assessing likely consequence, 
including impact on finances, environment, personal safety, company reputation, 
legal or regulatory implications, operating continuity and strategic 
·    Risks have been classified as pre-FID, post-FID (or applicable to both) 
and operational to identify those that need to be addressed prior to FID or 
during implementation.  Of the 86 risks identified, there were 22 pre-FID 
risks, 38 post-FID and 26 risks relevant to both pre-FID and post-FID periods. 
·    Operational risks are captured in the knowledge management system for use 
in commissioning and operations. 
·    No material changes to the captured risks are expected during the period 
up to FID. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graph showing the initial and 
residual Project risks across each of the classifications. 
Pre-FID and Post-FID risks 
There are 22 pre-FID risks identified, 14 of which have an initial risk rating 
of high or extreme - following mitigations these reduced to one extreme and 
five high residual risks.  There are 26 risks identified that apply to both 
pre-FID and post-FID periods, 13 of which have an initial risk rating of high 
or extreme - following mitigations this reduces to three high residual risks. 
38 post-FID risks have been identified, 20 of which have an initial risk rating 
of high or extreme - following mitigations this reduces to three high residual 
Pre-FID risks 
Government and legal risks 
·    DFS2 project valuation assumes higher royalty rates than the current 
regulatory obligation.  However, any change to the mining regime through action 
on the government's "new vision for mining" and associated Mining Code review 
could increase this further.  Any changes to royalties, contribution to 
regional development or possible free carried government interest will impact 
economics and potential fundability of the Toliara Project.  Depending on the 
magnitude of the change, this may cause project delay, possibly for an extended 
period or indefinitely. (Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: extreme). 
·    Project delay associated with obtaining remaining required approvals from 
the various regulatory bodies. (Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: 
·    Engagement with the Government to obtain support continues.  Lifting of 
the suspension is linked to reaching agreement with Government on fiscal terms, 
which is ongoing. (Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: high). 
·    The Project may not be certified as eligible under LGIM, or there may be a 
significant delay in obtaining certification.  A LGIM application, based on the 
DFS, has been submitted and engagement with Government continues. (Initial 
rating: extreme -> Residual rating: high). 
·    Land acquisition at the Ranobe mine site is not finalised in time for 
construction activities to commence. (Initial rating: high -> Residual rating: 
Funding risks 
·    Inability to secure sufficient long-term take-or-pay product offtake 
agreements with customers of good standing to satisfy traditional debt funding 
requirements. (Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: high). 
Pre-FID and Post FID risks 
Health and safety risks 
·    A fatality or serious injury during construction. (Initial rating: extreme 
-> Residual rating: high). 
Community risks 
·    Project delay caused by local political interference and/or civil unrest. 
(Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: high). 
Delays caused by COVID-19 pandemic. 
·    COVID-19 has caused upheaval globally with significant impact on 
businesses with markets slowing down which could result in delayed funding, 
loss of preferred contractors due to economic strains, closed borders and 
potential unforeseen new laws. (Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: 
Post FID risks 
Marketing risks 
·    Inability to form a strategic offtake relationship with target integrated 
slag/pigment producers on acceptable terms. (Initial rating: high -> Residual 
rating: high). 
Government and legal risks 
·    VAT incurred during the project construction phase ($55m) is not refunded 
or significantly delayed by GoM. (Initial rating: extreme -> Residual rating: 
17 significant opportunities were identified in the DFS that could add value to 
the project.  High potential opportunities are centered around Mineral Resource 
and Ore Reserves, mine optimisation, environmental enhancement, community 
development, implementation scheduling and exploitation of the deposit's 
significant rare earth content. 
Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves Opportunities 
·    Increasing the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates through 
additional drilling.  The present Mineral Resources estimate remains open to 
the west and does not include the deep mineralised Lower Sand Unit (LSU). 
Mine Planning and Optimisation 
·    Mine planning design review has been completed that demonstrated improved 
productivity and allowed for increased equipment utilisation.  Further 
optimisation opportunities with regard to productivity, mined grade and product 
mix will be continually reviewed over the life-of-mine.  Adopting Co-Disposal 
Tailings methodology will eliminate the need to construct a solar pond for 
slimes disposal as all slimes will be mixed with sand tails prior to disposal. 
Environmental Opportunities 
·    Through the implementation of effective conservation programs, knowledge 
and practices may improve species propagation, and may eventually lead to 
species being removed from the critically endangered list.  While not impacting 
on project net present value, this would enhance the Project's contribution to 
regional and national betterment and Base Resources' reputation and strength of 
licence to operate. 
Community Opportunities 
·    Engagement and positive interaction with the local community facilitated 
by the early skills training program, placement of block manufacture and early 
works contracts may provide a good foundation to build relationships prior to 
commencement of the mine, export facility and process plants. 
Implementation Schedule Opportunities 
·    Reducing the implementation duration provides earlier project cashflow and 
improve project net present value by US$6m for every month the construction 
duration is shorter.  All options to improve the schedule will be considered 
during further FEED work. 
Rare Earths 
·    The 2021 Ranobe Mineral Resources estimate heavy mineral contains 2.0% 
monazite, which, given the grade and size of the deposit, represents a 
significant potential source of Rare Earth Oxides that will be investigated in 
future studies. 
Toliara Project indicative timeline 
Planned FID has been delayed due to COVID travel restrictions and the 
suspension of on-ground activities. Once fiscal terms are agreed and this 
suspension is lifted, there will be approximately 11 months' work to complete 
prior to FID, including finalising financing, completing the land acquisition 
process and concluding major construction contracts. Some resumption of 
international travel will also be required to complete a significant portion of 
this work. We maintain readiness to accelerate progress when conditions 
support. For the purposes of the DFS2, FID is assumed to be end December 2022. 
Refer to the full PDF version of this release (available from the Company's 
website:  www.baseresources.com.au) for a graphic showing the proposed Project 
timeline pre and post-FID. 
Glossary and appendices 
  Term                 Meaning 
  $ or US$ or USD      United States Dollars 
  Al2O3                Aluminum oxide 
  Base Toliara         Base Toliara SARL, Base Resources' wholly owned Malagasy 
                       operating subsidiary 
  Base Resources or    Base Resources Limited (ABN 88 125 546 910) 
  the Company 
  BQR                  Budget quotation request 
  CAE                  Evaluation and Compensation Committee 
  CaO                  Calcium oxide 
  Capex                Capital expenditure 
  Ce                   Cerium 
  Competent Person     The JORC Code requires that a Competent Person be a Member or 
                       Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 
                       of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, or of a 
                       'Recognised Professional Organisation'.  A Competent Person 
                       must have a minimum of five years' experience working with the 
                       style of mineralisation or type of deposit under consideration 
                       and relevant to the activity which that person is undertaking. 
  Cr2O3                Chromium (III) oxide 
  DFI                  Development finance institution 
  DFS                  2019 definitive feasibility study for the Toliara Project, the 
                       results of which were announced on 12 December 2019 
  DFS2                 2021 definitive feasibility study, the results of which are set 
                       out in this document 
  DMU                  Dry mining unit 
  DUP                  Compulsory acquisition of land through the process called 
                       Declaration of Public Utility 
  Dy                   Dysprosium 
EPC                    Engineer-procure-construct 
EPCM                   Engineer-procure-construct-manage 
ESIA                   Environmental and social impact assessment 
ESMS                   Environmental and social management system 
FEED                   Front end engineering development 
FEL                    Front end loader 
Fe                     Iron 
FeO                    Iron oxide 
Fe2O3                  Iron (III) oxide 
FID                    Financial investment decision by the Board of Base Resources to 
                       commence construction of the Toliara Project 
FIDIC                  International Federation of Consulting Engineers 
FOB                    Free on board 
FY                     Financial year. 1 July to 30 June. 
GARN                   Garnet 
GoM or Government      Government of Madagascar 
HFO                    Heavy fuel oil 
HiTi                   High grade leucoxene 
HM                     Heavy mineral 
HMC                    Heavy mineral concentrate 
ICSU                   Intermediate clay sand unit 
IFC                    International finance corporation 
ILM                    Ilmenite 
Indicated Mineral      An Indicated Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource 
Resource               for which quantity, grade (or quality), densities, shape and 
                       physical characteristics are estimated with sufficient confidence 
                       to allow the application of Modifying Factors in sufficient 
                       detail to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic 
                       viability of the deposit 
Inferred Mineral       An Inferred Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource 
Resource               for which quantity and grade (or quality) are estimated on the 
                       basis of limited geological evidence and sampling. Geological 
                       evidence is sufficient to imply but not verify geological and 
                       grade (or quality) continuity. It is based on exploration, 
                       sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate 
                       techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, 
                       workings and drill holes 
IPP                    Independent power producer 
IRR                    Internal rate of return 
JORC                   The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, 
                       Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 2012 Edition, as published by 
                       the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of 
                       Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and 
                       Minerals Council of Australia. 
JV                     Joint venture 
kt                     Thousand tonnes 
kV                     Kilovolts 
Kwale Operations       Base Resources' mineral sands operations in Kwale county, Kenya 
kWhr                   Kilo watt hour 
La                     Lanthanum 
LEUC                   Leucoxene 
LGIM                   Large Mining Investment Law 
LOM                    Life of mine 
LOS                    Lifting of the on-the-ground suspension 
LRIMP                 Labour, recruitment and influx management plan 
LSU                   Lower sand unit 
LST                   Limestone 
M&I                   Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource 
Measured Mineral      A Measured Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource 
Resource              for which quantity, grade (or quality), densities, shape, and 
                      physical characteristics are estimated with confidence 
                      sufficient to allow the application of Modifying Factors to 
                      support detailed mine planning and final evaluation of the 
                      economic viability of the deposit 
MG12 spirals          A new high-performance spiral separator from Mineral 
MgO                   Magnesium oxide 
Mineral Resource      Mineral Resources are a concentration or occurrence of solid 
                      material of economic interest in or on the Earth's crust in 
                      such form, grade (or quality), and quantity that there are 
                      reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. The 
                      location, quantity, grade (or quality), continuity and other 
                      geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, 
                      estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and 
                      knowledge, including sampling.  Mineral Resources are 
                      sub-divided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into 
                      Inferred, Indicated and Measured categories 
Minmod                A company developed mineralogy modelling technique, it 
                      comprises an XRF analysis of the magnetic and non-magnetic 
                      fractions of each composite or sample, the results from which 
                      are then back-calculated to determine in-ground mineralogy. 
MnO                   Manganese oxide 
MON                   Monazite 
MRNL                  Madagascar Resources NL 
MSP                   Mineral separation plant 
Mt                    Million tonnes 
Mtpa                  Million tonnes per annum 
MW                    Megawatt 
Nb2O5                 Niobium pentoxide 
Nd                    Neodymium 
NGO                   Non-governmental organisation 
NPV                   Net present value 
ONE                   Office National Pour l'Environement 
Ore Reserves          Ore Reserves are the economically mineable part of Measured and 
                      /or Indicated Mineral Resources. Ore Reserves are sub-divided 
                      in order of increasing confidence into Probable and Proved 
OS                    Oversize 
P2O5                  Phosphorus pentoxide 
PE 37242              Base Toliara's Permis D'Exploitation 37242, which is a mining 
                      lease under Malagasy law 
PFS                   Pre-feasibility study for the Toliara Project, the results of 
                      which were announced on 21 March 2019 
Pr                    Praseodymium 
Probable Ore Reserves The economically mineable part of an Indicated, and in some 
                      circumstances, a Measured Mineral Resource. The confidence in 
                      the Modifying Factors applying to a Probable Ore Reserve is 
                      lower than that applying to a Proved Ore Reserve. 
Proved Ore Reserves   The economically mineable part of a Measured Mineral Resource. 
                      A Proved Ore Reserve implies a high degree of confidence in the 
                      Modifying Factors. 
ROM                   Run of mine 
RUT                   Rutile 
RWG                   Resettlement working groups 
SiO2                  Silicon dioxide 
SL                    Slime or clay 
SMP                   Structural mechanical and pipework 
Solar PV              Solar photovoltaic system 
SSU                   Surficial silt unit 
t                     Metric tonne 
Tb                    Terbium 
TiO2                  Titanium dioxide 
Ti                    Titanium 
Toliara Project or    The mineral sands development project, based on the Ranobe 
Project               deposit, located in south west Madagascar, 45km north of the 
                      regional port town of Toliara 
TSF                   Tailings storage facility 
tph                   Tonnes per hour 
TZMI                  TZ Minerals International. An independent consulting group. 
WCP                   Wet concentration plant 
WTR                   World Titanium Resources Limited 
UCC                   Up current classifier 
USU                   Upper sand unit 
USSU                  Upper silty sand unit 
U + Th                Uranium and thorium 
V2O5                  Vanadium pentoxide 
VAT                   Value added tax 
ZIR                   Zircon 
ZrO2+HfO2             Zirconium and hafnium 
Appendix - Mineral Resources by Zone 
Ranobe Deposit Mineral Resources estimate as at 27         HM Assemblage as % of HM 
September 2021 
Zone           Category  Tonnes   HM   HM   SL   OS  ILM  RUT  LEUC  ZIR    MON    GARN 
                          (Mt)   (Mt) (%)  (%)  (%)  (%)  (%)   (%)  (%)    (%)     (%) 
USU Upper Sand Measured    575    36  6.2  3.7  0.1   74  1.0   1.0  5.9    1.9     2.2 
               Indicated   654    30  4.6  3.6  0.2   71  1.0   1.0  5.9    1.9     3.6 
               Inferred    820    27  3.3  2.8  0.1   69  1.0   1.0  5.8    2.0     4.5 
               Total USU  2,040   93  4.5  3.3  0.1   72  1.0   1.0  5.9    1.9     3.3 
SSU Surface    Measured     4    0.2  5.2   21  0.4   73  1.1   0.8  5.9    2.0     4.0 
Silt Unit 
               Indicated    8    0.3  3.7   16  0.7   69  0.8   1.0  5.7    2.0     4.2 
               Inferred     6    0.2  3.0   18  0.4   70  0.7   1.0  7.7    1.7     4.7 
               Total SSU   18    0.7  3.8   18  0.5   71  0.9   0.9  6.3    1.9     4.3 
USSU Upper     Indicated   13    0.8  6.3   23  2.3   72  0.9   0.8  6.5    1.5     4.4 
Silty Sand 
Unit           Inferred    10    0.7  6.6   26  0.7   73  0.8   0.8  6.4    1.6     4.8 
               Total       23    1.5  6.4   25  1.6   72  0.8   0.8  6.5    1.6     4.6 
ICSU           Measured    18    0.5  3.0   23  3.0   68  1.3   1.2  6.4    2.2     2.3 
Clay Sand Unit Indicated   118   3.6  3.0   24  1.8   68  1.1   1.1  6.1    2.2     3.5 
               Inferred    354    11  3.2   25  1.8   69  1.0   1.0  5.8    2.1     3.8 
               Total       490    15  3.2   25  1.8   69  1.1   1.1  5.9    2.1     3.7 
               Grand      2,580  111  4.3  7.7  0.4   71  1.0   1.0  5.9    2.0     3.4 
Table subject to rounding differences. Mineral Resources estimated at 1.5% HM 
cut off grade.  *Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Ore Reserves. 
For further information contact: 
James Fuller, Manager Communications and Investor  UK Media Relations 
Base Resources                                     Tavistock Communications 
Tel: +61 (8) 9413 7426                             Jos Simson and Gareth Tredway 
Mobile: +61 (0) 488 093 763                        Tel: +44 (0) 207 920 3150 
Email: jfuller@baseresources.com.au 
About Base Resources 
Base Resources is an Australian based, African focused, mineral sands producer 
and developer with a track record of project delivery and operational 
performance.  The company operates the established Kwale Operations in Kenya 
and is developing the Toliara Project in Madagascar.  Base Resources is an ASX 
and AIM listed company.  Further details about Base Resources are available at 
Level 3, 46 Colin Street 
West Perth, Western Australia, 6005 
Email:  info@baseresources.com.au 
Phone: +61 (0)8 9413 7400 
Fax: +61 (0)8 9322 8912 
RFC Ambrian Limited 
Stephen Allen 
Phone: +61 (0)8 9480 2500 
Matthew Armitt / Detlir Elezi 
Phone: +44 20 3207 7800 
Canaccord Genuity 
Raj Khatri / James Asensio / Patrick Dolaghan 
Phone: +44 20 7523 8000 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 27, 2021 03:12 ET (07:12 GMT)

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