NEWS RELEASE | 29 January
Shallow, thick zones of lithium and
rubidium mineralisation intersected in drilling at Conchas
Berkeley Energia Limited
(Berkeley or the Company) is pleased to announce the
results of the recent reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling program
completed at the Conchas Project (Conchas or the Project), as part of its ongoing
exploration initiative targeting critical minerals within the
Company's ground holding in western Spain.
Assay results returned for all 33 RC
holes completed in the drill program
Results demonstrate shallow, thick zones of lithium and rubidium
mineralisation, hosted within a muscovitic leucogranite,
intersected in all holes
Drill intercepts include:
14m @ 0.95% Li2O &
0.39% Rb2O (from 40m)
18m @ 0.55% Li2O &
0.23% Rb2O (from surface)
61m @ 0.50% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O (from surface)
27m @ 0.44% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O (from surface)
56m @ 0.48% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O (from surface)
Samples collected from an additional
three diamond holes completed in the drill program have been sent
for preliminary metallurgical test work with results anticipated in
the current quarter
Next steps include 3D modelling of
the drilling data and completion of the preliminary metallurgical
test work program
Rubidium is a critical raw material
for advanced technology and industrial applications used in key
sectors including defence and military, aerospace, communications,
medical and renewable energy
USA and Japan have both classified
rubidium as a Critical Mineral due to its strategic importance and
growing demand in high tech applications
Berkeley Director, Mr Robert Behets,
"The results of drilling program at Conchas are very
encouraging as they have confirmed the presence of shallow, thick
zones of lithium and rubidium mineralisation at the Project. The
presence and fairly consistent grades of rubidium, a high value
critical metal used in various high-tech applications in key
sectors including defence, military and communications, is of
particular interest.
The next key step in advancing the Project is conducting
preliminary test work on samples from the diamond drilling at
Conchas to provide an initial assessment of the metallurgical
characteristics of the multi-commodity mineralisation. This test
work program is underway, with the results anticipated in the
current quarter."
Classification: 2.2 This announcement contains inside
further information please contact:
Acting Managing
Chief Operating Officer
+61 8 9322
+34 923 193
Critical Minerals Exploration Initiative in
Berkeley continues to advance its
exploration initiative targeting lithium, rubidium, tin, tantalum,
niobium, tungsten, and other battery and critical metals, within
the Company's existing tenements in western Spain. The exploration
initiative does not form part of the Company's main undertaking
being the development of the Salamanca Project.
Conchas Project
The Investigation Permit
(IP) Conchas is located in
the very western part of the Salamanca province, close to the
Portuguese border (Figure 1). The tenement covers an area of
~31km2 in the western part of the Ciudad Rodrigo Basin
and is largely covered by Cenozoic aged sediments. Only the
north-western part of the tenement is uncovered and dominated by
the Guarda Batholith intrusion. The tenement hosts a number of
sites where small-scale historical tin and tungsten mining was
undertaken. In addition, several mineral occurrences (tin,
tungsten, titanium, lithium) have been identified during historical
mapping and stream sediment sampling programs.

Figure 1: IP Conchas
Location Plans and Geology / Drill Hole Location
Billiton PLC undertook exploration
on the IP Conchas between 1981 and 1983, with a focus on tin and
tantalum (lithium, rubidium and other elements were not taken into
account). Billiton's work programs comprised regional and detailed
geological mapping, geochemistry, trenching and limited
Soil sampling programs completed by
Berkeley in the northern and central portions of the tenement
during 2021 (200m by 200m) and 2022 (100m by 100m) defined a
tin-lithium anomaly covering approximately 1.1km by 0.7km which
correlated with a mapped aplo-pegmatitic leucogranite.
Based on the results of the soil
sampling programs and information gleaned from a review of the
available historical data, a small initial drilling program was
implemented in 2022 to test the tin-lithium anomaly.
The drill program comprised five
broad spaced reverse circulation (RC) holes for a total of 282m.
Anomalous results for lithium (Li), tin (Sn), rubidium (Rb), cesium
(Cs), niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) obtained from multi-element
analysis of drill samples were reported in April 2023,
demonstrating Conchas' exploration potential for several critical
and strategic raw materials included in the European Commission's
Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA). The drill results included 25m @
0.56% Li2O and 0.22% Rb2O from surface
The occurrence of these six elements
is observed to be largely associated with a sub-horizontal
muscovitic leucogranite unit that locally outcrops at surface. The
muscovitic leucogranite has a mapped extent of approximately 2km
(in a NE-SW orientation) by 1.2km (on average in a NW-SE
orientation) (Figure 1) and varies in thickness from 7m to over
170m in the drill holes (Figure 2).
A number of mineralogical studies
have been undertaken to determine the mineral species present and
understand their characteristics and properties. Results of these
studies indicate the mineralised muscovitic leucogranite is
composed mainly of plagioclase (average content of 55%) and quartz
(average content of 25%), with potassium feldspar, muscovite mica,
and Li-mica making up remainder of the rock. The samples have an
average Li-mica content of 3%.
2024 Drilling
A follow-up RC and diamond core
drilling program focused on improving confidence in the geology,
continuity, and grade distribution of the zone of multi-element
mineralisation was completed in late 2024. The drilling program
comprised 33 RC holes for 1,857m drilled on a 100m by 100m grid,
with depths ranging from 16m to a maximum of 169m. In addition,
three diamond core holes for 230m were drilled to collect samples
for metallurgical test work purposes.
All drill holes intersected
muscovitic leucogranite hosted mineralisation, confirming and
improving upon the results obtained in the 2022 drilling campaign.
Select intercepts include:
Hole No.
Down Hole
From Depth
(Down Hole)
27m @
0.44% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O
14m @
0.95% Li2O &
0.39% Rb2O
55m @
0.31% Li2O &
0.18% Rb2O
@ 0.50% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O
18m @
0.55% Li2O &
0.23% Rb2O
56m @
0.48% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O
19m @
0.35% Li2O &
0.21% Rb2O
All intersections returned from the
RC drill holes, along with the details of the collar positions,
drilling orientations and depths, are summarised in Appendix
A. Details of the collar positions,
drilling orientations and depths of the diamond drill holes are
summarised in Appendix B.
Based on geological logging of all
drill holes and the assay results returned from the RC holes, the
following observations were made regarding geology, continuity, and
grade distribution:
· the
mineralised muscovite leucogranite is very homogeneous in terms of
· the
distribution of Rb mineralisation is the most consistent among all
anomalous elements within the zone of mineralisation.
· there
is a strong positive correlation between Li and Rb grades, which
may be associated with the varying presence of micas
· there
is a positive correlation between Nb and Ta grades, which appears
to be associated with the presence of columbo-tantalite and/or
· the
southern zone of mineralisation contains the highest grades
overall, with individual assay values exceeding 2.5%
Li2O. In this area, all holes penetrated the host
muscovitic leucogranite and ended in the underlying regional
granite (Figure 2).
· In the
northeast, the muscovite leucogranite is significantly thicker
(>169m in CCR020) and all holes returned Rb2O grades
exceeding 1,000ppm (Figure 3) however, Li2O grades are
lower than in the south and northwest areas.
· None
of the northeastern most holes reached the underlying regional
granite, suggesting a potential feeder zone
· Drilling in the northwest recorded the highest grades of both
Li2O and Rb2O, as well as the highest grades
of other elements.
Surface geological mapping was also
conducted as part of the recent exploration activities. Based on
field observations, the surface area occupied by the muscovitic
leucogranite is greater than indicated by historical mapping, which
when combined with the drilling results, expands the scale of the
host unit.

Figure 2: IP Conchas
4,492,225 North Cross Section

Figure 3: IP Conchas
4,492,925 North Cross Section
Next Steps
Representative samples obtained from
the three diamond core holes drilled in the 2024 program have been
sent to the Oviedo School of Mines' laboratory for preliminary
metallurgical test work.
The metallurgical testwork program
has been designed to assess the potential recovery of Li, Rb and
the other elements of economic interest, and will comprise crushing
and grinding (bond index calculation), gravity (jigs, shaking
tables and multi gravity separator), high intensity wet and dry
magnetic separation on the concentrates, froth flotation, and
characterisation of the samples.
3D modelling of the drilling data
will also be undertaken to refine the geological interpretation and
assess volumes, average grades and grade distributions for the Li
and Rb mineralisation at different cut-offs.
Rubidium is a critical raw material
with growing significance in advanced technology and industrial
applications, including in the defence and military, aerospace,
communications, biomedical and renewable energy sectors.
Its unique properties make it
indispensable for producing special crystals used in night-vision
equipment and fibre-optic telecommunications systems. Other
applications include precision timekeeping in atomic clocks, which
are vital for global positioning systems (GPS), telecommunications, and space
Rubidium compounds play a key role
in the production of specialty glasses, cutting-edge electronics,
radiation detection devices and medical imaging technologies,
ensuring their relevance across multiple high-growth
Specialty glasses, currently the
largest market for rubidium, are utilised in night vision equipment
and fibre-optic telecommunications systems. Rubidium carbonate is
used as an additive to these types of glass, lowering electrical
conductivity and improving stability and durability.
Rubidium's photo-emissive properties
lead to its application in motion-sensor devices, night-vision
devices, photoelectric cells, and photomultiplier tubes. These
applications highlight its importance in advanced electronic
devices, particularly in sectors requiring precision and
Its application in photocells, which
convert light into electric currents, is significant. These
photocells are primarily used as sensors to regulate lighting in
buildings, showcasing rubidium's role in energy-efficient
Rubidium-based atomic clocks are
used in military communication systems, navigation equipment, and
precision-guided weapons. The increasing focus on defence
modernisation and the need for secure and reliable communication
systems are expected to drive the demand for rubidium in the
military sector.
Rubidium is also increasingly used
as a key component in advanced batteries, particularly in the
development of high-energy-density batteries for electric vehicles
and renewable energy applications.
Global production of rubidium is
limited, with no rubidium production recorded globally outside of
China in 2023.
Due to its strategic importance and
growing demand in high-tech applications used in key industry
sectors, the United States of America and Japan have both
classified rubidium as a Critical Mineral, essential to their
economic or national security, and with a supply chain vulnerable
to disruption.
Competent Persons
The information in this report that relates to Exploration
Results is based on, and fairly represents, information compiled by
Mr Enrique Martínez, a Competent Person who is a Member of the
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Martínez is
Berkeley's Geology Manager and a holder of shares and options in
Berkeley. Mr Martínez has sufficient experience which is relevant
to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to
qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the
'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Martínez consents to the inclusion
in the report of the matters based on his information in the form
and context in which it appears.
Forward Looking
Statements regarding plans with respect to Berkeley's mineral
properties are forward-looking statements. There can be no
assurance that Berkeley's plans for development of its mineral
properties will proceed as currently expected. There can also be no
assurance that Berkeley will be able to confirm the presence of
additional mineral deposits, that any mineralisation will prove to
be economic or that a mine will successfully be developed on any of
Berkeley mineral properties. These forward-looking statements are
based on Berkeley's expectations and beliefs concerning future
events. Forward looking statements are necessarily subject to
risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside
the control of Berkeley, which could cause actual results to differ
materially from such statements. Berkeley makes no undertaking to
subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made
in this announcement, to reflect the circumstances or events after
the date of that report.
1 www.mordorintelligence.com/es/industry-reports/rubidium-market
2 www.straitsresearch.com/report/rubidium-market
3 www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/rubidium-market-27298
4 U.S Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January
2024 - Rubidium
5 www.usgs.gov/news/national-news-release/us-geological-survey-releases-2022-list-critical-minerals
The information contained within this announcement is deemed
by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under
the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 as it forms part of
UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act
2018 ('MAR'). Upon the publication of this announcement via
Regulatory Information Service ('RIS'), this inside information is
now considered to be in the public domain.
Appendix A: Summary of Significant RC Drill

Cut-off >500ppm Rb2O, minimum width 2m
Downhole intervals approximate true widths of
Appendix B: Details of Diamond Drill

Appendix C: JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
(Criteria in this section apply to
all succeeding sections.)
JORC Code explanation
Nature and quality of sampling (eg cut channels, random chips,
or specific specialised industry standard measurement tools
appropriate to the minerals under investigation, such as down hole
gamma sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc). These examples
should not be taken as limiting the broad meaning of
Berkeley reverse circulation (RC)
drill samples are collected over 1m intervals. All samples are
placed into individually labelled, consecutively numbered sample
bags. The RC samples obtained are considered representative of the
material drilled.
The Diamond Drill (DD) core has not
been sampled for analysis. The primary purpose of the obtained core
is to facilitate metallurgical testwork.
The selected core intervals have
been cut in half, with one half placed into individually labelled
bags numbered by the metre, while the other half will remain in the
core boxes for future reference. The DD samples obtained are
considered representative of the material drilled.
Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample
representivity and the appropriate calibration of any measurement
tools or systems used.
Field duplicate and blanks samples
are inserted into the sample stream to assess the variability of
mineralisation. Approximately 13% of all samples relate to quality
control. In addition, the laboratories undertake their own
duplicate sampling as part of their internal QA/QC
Examination of the QA/QC sample data
to date indicates satisfactory performance of field sampling
protocols and assay laboratories providing acceptable levels of
precision and accuracy.
The survey of drill hole collar
locations has been completed by a qualified surveyor using standard
differential GPS (DGPS) equipment achieving sub decimetre accuracy
in horizontal and vertical position.
Down-hole surveys have been
completed for 34 of the 36 holes drilled in the 2024 campaign.
Down-hole surveys for the final drill holes, along with the 5 holes
drilled during the 2022 campaign (which could not be performed at
the time due to poor ground conditions), will be conducted in the
coming weeks. The down-hole survey was conducted by the drilling
contractor using the REFLEX EZ-TRAC tool.
Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that are
Material to the Public Report. In cases where 'industry standard'
work has been done this would be relatively simple (eg 'reverse
circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples from which 3 kg
was pulverised to produce a 30 g charge for fire assay'). In other
cases more explanation may be required, such as where there is
coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems. Unusual
commodities or mineralisation types (eg submarine nodules) may
warrant disclosure of detailed information.
RC drill samples are collected over
1m intervals. The entire sample is placed in a properly named and
numbered plastic bag. Samples are manually homogenised before being
split using a three-tier riffle splitter to provide an approximate
3-5kg sample. Wet samples are split using a cone and quarter
method. This phase of sample preparation is conducted in the field,
and the resultant ~3-5kg samples are then transported to the
Berkeley warehouse.
Samples are further split using
a one tier riffle
splitter such that 0.7-1kg samples are sent to the preparation
laboratories of ALS (Seville, Spain) and analytical laboratory of
ALS (Loughrea, Ireland). Samples are dried, fine crushed down to
70% below 2mm, split to obtain 250g and pulverised with at least
85% of the sample passing 75µm. 10g of sample is used for 51
elements analysis by ICP-MS method with results corrected for
spectral inter-element interferences.
Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole hammer,
rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc) and details (eg core
diameter, triple or standard tube, depth of diamond tails,
face-sampling bit or other type, whether core is oriented and if
so, by what method, etc).
Drilling comprised RC drilling using
a 140mm diameter face sampling hammer and DDH using PQ (85.40mm
core diameter), T101 (82.60mm core diameter), and HQ (63.50mm core
diameter) diamond coring drill bits.
During PQ drilling, the wire-line
system was utilised, and the core was oriented using the REFLEX ACT
III tool in the first 31.40m of the initial DD hole. Subsequently,
it was decided to use the conventional system using T101 drilling
due to the challenging ground conditions in terms of hardness. This
system did not allow for core orientation. HQ diameter was only
used in the first DD drill hole for the final 9.50m.
RC drill holes were drilled with a
vertical dip. DDH are angled ranging from -40 to -70
Drill sample
Method of recording and assessing core and chip sample
recoveries and results assessed.
Berkeley RC drill samples are
collected over 1m intervals through a cyclone. Plastic sample bags
are strapped to the cyclone to maximise sample recovery. Individual
sample bags are not weighed to assess sample recovery, but a visual
inspection is made by the Company geologist to ensure all samples
are of approximately equivalent size. Overall sample recoveries in
excess of 90% were typically recorded in mineralised zones, which
is considered acceptable.
DD core was obtained in intervals
between 0.10m and 3m, with a recovery rate exceeding 95%, which is
considered acceptable.
Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure
representative nature of the samples.
The RC drilling rig utilised
suitably sized compressors to ensure dry samples were possible.
Plastic sample bags are strapped to the cyclone to maximise sample
recovery. Sample logs record whether the sample is dry, moist or
When the drill holes pass through
zones with a significant water inflow, the sample bags are pierced
to release the amount of water from the cyclone. In this operation,
a part of the finest fraction is lost, resulting in a poorer
recovery. Future studies will be undertaken to determine whether
the loss of fines influences the grade. However, no material grade
variation was observed across mineralised intervals that went from
dry to wet in this drilling campaign.
The DD drilling rigs used face
discharge bits to ensure a low contact between the rock and
drilling fluids, minimising ore washing.
Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery and
grade and whether sample bias may have occurred due to preferential
loss/gain of fine/coarse material.
There is no current known
relationship between sample recovery and grade. The RC and DD
sample recoveries are of an acceptable level and no bias is
expected from any sample losses.
Whether core and chip samples have been geologically and
geotechnically logged to a level of detail to support appropriate
Mineral Resource estimation, mining studies and metallurgical
Berkeley geological logging of RC
chip samples included recording descriptions of lithology,
weathering, alteration and mineralisation.
Logging of DD core included
recording descriptions of lithology, age, colour, oxidation,
mineralisation, alteration, weathering, structures, textures, grain
size and mineralogy.
Geotechnical logging of DD core
included recording descriptions of integrity (recovery and RQD),
materials (lithology, rock strength and depth oxide staining),
structures (type, angle, contact type, infill,
Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in nature. Core
(or costean, channel, etc.) photography.
Geological logging is qualitative in
Berkeley RC samples and chip trays
are photographed.
All DD core boxes were
The total length and percentage of the relevant intersections
All RC and DD drill holes are logged
in full by Company geologists.
core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter, half or all core
The purpose of the obtained core is
to conduct metallurgical testing. 5m intervals of each DD core were
sent for metallurgical testing. They have been cut in half using a
water saw, with care taken to ensure minimal ore loss. One half was
placed into individually labelled bags numbered by metre, while the
other half will remain in the core boxes for future
and sample
non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary split, etc and
whether sampled wet or dry.
Berkeley RC drill samples were
collected at 1m intervals. RC intervals were sampled by splitting
dry samples in the core shed to 3-5kg using three
tier riffle splitter and
further split to 0.7-1kg using a one tier riffle splitter. Wet
samples were split using a cone and quarter method.
For all sample types, the nature, quality and appropriateness
of the sample preparation technique.
RC drill samples were sent to ALS
laboratory (Seville, Spain) for preparation and analysis. Samples
were dried, fine crushed down to 70% below 2mm and pulverised with
at least 85% of the sample passing 75µm. 10g of sample was used for
multi element analysis by ICP-MS method. This method is considered
appropriate for this style of mineralisation.
DD core samples were sent to Oviedo
University (Asturias, Spain) for metallurgical testworks including
crushing, milling, gravimetry, magnetic separation and
Quality control procedures adopted for all sub-sampling stages
to maximise representivity of samples.
Routine sample preparation and
analyses of RC samples were carried out by ALS, who operates an
independent sample preparation laboratory in Seville (Spain) and an
analytical laboratory in Loughrea (Ireland). QA/QC procedures
involve the use of duplicates which are inserted into sample
batches at a frequency of approximately 15%.
Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is representative
of the in situ material collected, including for instance results
for field duplicate/second-half sampling.
Duplicate splits of RC samples are
taken every 10m down hole within the sampled intervals. The results
from these duplicates generally show acceptable
Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain size of the
material being sampled.
Sample sizes are well in excess of
standard industry requirements.
Quality of assay data and
laboratory tests
The nature, quality and appropriateness of the assaying and
laboratory procedures used and whether the technique is considered
partial or total.
All samples were routinely assayed
by ALS for 51 elements using ICP-MS method. This analytical method
reports total content for each element.
For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF
instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining the analysis
including instrument make and model, reading times, calibrations
factors applied and their derivation, etc.
No geophysical down hole tools have
been used.
Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg standards,
blanks, duplicates, external laboratory checks) and whether
acceptable levels of accuracy (ie lack of bias) and precision have
been established.
Duplicate samples and blanks were
regularly inserted into the sample stream by Berkeley, with
approximately 13% of all samples related to quality control. The
external laboratory used also maintain their own process of QA/QC
utilising standards, pulp repeats, sample duplicates and
The review of the Berkeley quality
control samples, along with the QA/QC reports from the external
laboratory, has indicated no issues with sample preparation,
acceptable levels of accuracy and precision, and no bias present in
the analytical datasets.
Verification of sampling and
The verification of significant intersections by either
independent or alternative company personnel.
Reported significant intersections
have been checked and verified by Senior Geological
The use of twinned holes.
No twinned holes were drilled for
the current exploration stage.
Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures, data
verification, data storage (physical and electronic)
All primary data was recorded in
templates designed by Berkeley. Assay data from the external
laboratory is received in spreadsheets and downloaded directly into
an Access Database managed by the Company. Data is entered into
controlled excel templates for validation. The validated data is
then loaded into a password secured relational database by a
designated Company geologist. Daily backups of all digital data are
undertaken. These procedures are documented in the Berkeley
Technical Procedures and Protocols manual.
Discuss any adjustment to assay data.
Lithium (ppm) assays received from
the external laboratory are converted to Li2O (ppm)
using the stoichiometric factor of 2.153 and then passed to
Rubidium (ppm) assays are converted
to Rb2O (ppm) using the stoichiometric factor of 1.094
and then passed to percentage.
Tin (ppm) assays are converted to
SnO2 (ppm) using the stoichiometric factor of 1.270 and
then passed to percentage.
Beryllium (ppm) assays are converted
to BeO (ppm) using the stoichiometric factor of 2.775 and then
passed to percentage.
Cesium (ppm) assays are converted to
Cs2O (ppm) using the stoichiometric factor of 1.060 and
then passed to percentage.
Niobium (ppm) assays are converted
to Nb2O5 (ppm) using the stoichiometric
factor of 1.431 and then passed to percentage.
Tantalum (ppm) assays are converted
to Ta2O5 (ppm) using the stoichiometric
factor of 1.221 and then passed to percentage.
Location of data
Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill holes
(collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine workings and other
locations used in Mineral Resource estimation.
The survey of drill hole collar
locations has been completed by a qualified surveyor using standard
differential GPS (DGPS) equipment achieving sub decimetre accuracy
in horizontal and vertical position.
Down-hole surveys have been
completed for 34 of the 36 holes drilled in the 2024 campaign.
Down-hole surveys for the final drill holes, along with the 5 holes
drilled during the 2022 campaign (which could not be performed at
the time due to poor ground conditions), will be conducted in the
coming weeks. The down-hole survey was conducted by the drilling
contractor using the REFLEX EZ-TRAC tool.
Specification of the grid system used.
The grid system is ETRS 1989 UTM
Zone 29N.
Quality and adequacy of topographic control.
Topographic control is based on a
digital terrain model with sub metric accuracy sourced from the
Spanish Geographical Institute (Instituto Geográfico Nacional) and
is verified through detailed drill hole collar surveys by a
qualified surveyor using a DGPS.
Data spacing and
Data spacing for reporting of Exploration
The objective of this drilling
campaign was to check the results of previous exploration works
which were based on soil sampling, geological mapping, and five RC
holes drilled in 2022. The results reported in 2023 relate to three
sections with a drill hole (CCR004) common to all of them, with two
or three holes on each section, with plan distances between drill
holes from 130m to 570m.
In the 2024 campaign, the drill
holes have been positioned around the four drill holes with the
highest grades from the 2022 campaign, at distances of
approximately 100m from the central hole and 70m between each hole.
In some areas, the distance between drill holes is as close as 25m,
allowing for the assessment of variability over short
The DD drill holes have been
positioned with the objective of obtaining representative samples
for metallurgical testworks from the three areas currently deemed
most significant within the orebody.
Whether the data spacing and distribution is sufficient to
establish the degree of geological and grade continuity appropriate
for the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s)
and classifications applied.
The data spacing is deemed
sufficient to infer geological and grade continuity in the surveyed
area, with the objective of establishing at least Inferred
Whether sample compositing has been applied.
No compositing of RC samples has
been undertaken.
Orientation of data in
relation to geological structure
Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased sampling
of possible structures and the extent to which this is known,
considering the deposit type.
The muscovitic leucogranite which
hosts the mineralisation is ~2km by ~1.2km in area. The mineralised
zone is interpreted to be sub-horizontal following the regional
plutonic tendency, with the potential for one or more feeder zones
(i.e. based on geological logging, there are indications that drill
holes in two areas have not reached the base of
the relationship between the drilling orientation and the
orientation of key mineralised structures is considered to have
introduced a sampling bias, this should be assessed and reported if
All RC drill holes are vertical and
perpendicular to the interpreted mineralised body. Due to the
interpreted sub-horizontal nature of the mineralisation, no
sampling bias is considered to have been introduced by the
orientation of the drilling and the thicknesses are considered
Core orientation was only possible
in drill hole CCD007 from 6m to 31.40m. Two fracture sets were
identified. The dominant set is sub-horizontal, while the secondary
set dips at approximately 35º to the southwest. Other possible
discontinuities, such as contacts or veins, were not encountered
within the core orientation interval.
The measures taken to ensure sample
Chain of custody is managed by
Berkeley. Following initial splitting in the field, the resultant
~3-5kg sub-samples were transported from the drill site by Company
vehicle to a logging core shed where samples are prepared for
dispatch. Samples are sent directly from the core shed to the
laboratory using a certified courier. Samples are included in
cardboard boxes conveniently closed and strapped to prevent its
opening. The samples are taken directly from the Berkeley facility
to the external laboratory. Sample submission forms are sent in
paper form with the samples, as well as electronically to the
laboratory. Reconciliation of samples occurs prior to commencement
of sample preparation for assaying.
Audits or
The results of any audits or reviews of sampling techniques
and data.
Sampling techniques and procedures,
as well as QA/QC data, are reviewed internally on an ongoing basis.
These reviews have concluded that the sampling and analytical
results are to industry standards.
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration
(Criteria listed in the preceding
section also apply to this section.)
JORC Code explanation
Mineral tenement and land
tenure status
Type, reference name/number, location and ownership including
agreements or material issues with third parties such as joint
ventures, partnerships, overriding royalties, native title
interests, historical sites, wilderness or national park and
environmental settings.
The Conchas Prospect lies on the
Conchas I Investigation Permit 6930 which is 100% owned by Berkeley
Minera España, S. L., a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkeley Energia
The Conchas I Investigation Permit
was originally granted in October 2020 for an initial three-year
term. An extension of the Investigation Permit for a second
three-year term (from October 2023) was granted in June
No historical sites, wilderness or
national parks are located within Permit. The Conchas Prospect is
located adjacent to the village of Fuentes de Oñoro and close to
the border with Portugal.
The security of the tenure held at the time of reporting along
with any known impediments to obtaining a licence to operate in the
Tenure in the form of an
Investigation Permit has been granted and is considered secure.
There are no known impediments to obtaining a licence to operate in
this area.
Exploration done by other
Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other
Mining in the area goes back to the
WWII years when, in an artisanal manner, tin and tungsten were
obtained by means of surface excavations and washed by
Modern exploration at Conchas I was
carried out by Billiton PLC between 1981 and 1983. The
investigation was focused on tin and tantalum, with lithium,
rubidium etc. not taken into account. Billiton carried out several
exploration work programs which resulted in a regional geological
map and another detailed geological map, a
leucogranite bottom isopach map, geochemistry with 85 test pits,
trenches and 20 direct circulation drill holes, and sectional
interpretations of the different magmatic facies.
SIEMCALSA (Mining Investigation and
Exploration Society of Castilla y León, S.A.) within the European
Union project POCTEP, summarized the Billiton data, making a review
of the land and a chip sampling (14 samples) of the types of rocks
existing in the area. Mineralogical and metallogenetic studies of
samples were carried out at the Universities of León (Spain) and
Porto (Portugal) however, Berkeley has not yet obtained access to
these reports/results.
Only public domain historical data
has been obtained by Berkeley.
Deposit type, geological setting and style of
Around the 70% of the permit area is
filled by the Cenozoic cover and, only in the NW, the Fuentes de
Oñoro granite can be found. Cenozoic materials have Oligocene
Granites make up the Vilar
Formoso-Fuentes de Oñoro area, which in turn belongs to the Guarda
Batholith whose origin is associated with the Hercynian orogeny.
Regionally, coarse to very coarse-grained granodiorites and
porphyritic granites are found, porphyritic and with a considerable
amount of biotite, arranged subparallel to the edge of the
batholith and commonly considered as edge facies.
The monzogranite facies is the one
with the greatest superficial development and constitutes
approximately 50% of the outcropping granites. They are two-mica
granites, with a predominance of biotite, fine to coarse grain size
and sometimes porphyry, although the potassium feldspar
megacrystals do not reach the size of those of the previous edge
Aplogranites constitute the
mineralised facies of aplo-pegmatitic leucogranites. This occurs in
the vicinity of Fuentes de Oñoro and in front of the Portuguese
town of Poço Velho. Preliminary mineralogy studies indicate the
lithium, rubidium and cesium occurs in micas classified as
intermediate between muscovite and zinnwaldite.
It also presents a millimeter
mineralisation of cassiterite, and columbo-tantalite distributed
homogeneously throughout its surface. Cassiterite normally occurs
in angular and heterometric crystals of between 10μm and 1mm.
Tantalum and niobium occur in the form of columbo-tantalite, both
in isolated crystals and in inclusions within the
Drill hole
summary of all information material to the understanding of the
exploration results including a tabulation of the following
information for all Material drill holes:
o easting and northing of the
drill hole collar
o elevation or RL (Reduced
Level - elevation above sea level in metres) of the drill hole
o dip and azimuth of the
o down hole length and
interception depth
o hole
Details of all reported drill holes
are provided in Appendix A of this release.
the exclusion of this information is justified on the basis that
the information is not Material and this exclusion does not detract
from the understanding of the report, the Competent Person should
clearly explain why this is the case.
At the time of reporting, all drill
holes from the 2024 campaign have been logged, sampled, and
Data aggregation
reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging techniques,
maximum and/or minimum grade truncations (eg cutting of high
grades) and cut-off grades are usually Material and should be
Reported drill intersections are
based on chemical assay data and are calculated using a 500ppm
Rb2O cut-off, no high grade cut, and may include up to
2m of internal dilution.
Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths of high
grade results and longer lengths of low grade results, the
procedure used for such aggregation should be stated and some
typical examples of such aggregations should be shown in
High grade intervals that are
internal to broader zones of lithium and tin mineralisation are
reported as included intervals using a 1,000ppm Rb2O
The assumptions used for any reporting of metal equivalent
values should be clearly stated.
No metal equivalent values are
Relationship between
mineralisation widths and intercept lengths
These relationships are particularly important in the
reporting of Exploration Results. If the geometry of the
mineralisation with respect to the drill hole angle is known, its
nature should be reported.
All RC drilling was planned in such
a way as to intersect expected mineralisation in a perpendicular
manner. RC drill holes are oriented to be orthogonal to the general
strike of the interpreted mineralised structures. The
mineralisation is interpreted to be sub-horizontal dipping, so the
drill holes are vertical.
Exploration results have been
reported as an interval with 'from' and 'to' stated in tables of
significant intercepts. The true widths will generally be
coincident with the down-hole intervals reported.
it is not known and only the down hole lengths are reported, there
should be a clear statement to this effect (eg 'down hole length,
true width not known').
The reported down-hole intervals may
be interpreted as true widths.
Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and tabulations of
intercepts should be included for any significant discovery being
reported These should include, but not be limited to a plan view of
drill hole collar locations and appropriate sectional
Appropriate diagrams, including a
drill plan and cross sections, are included in the main body of
this release.
Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration Results is
not practicable, representative reporting of both low and high
grades and/or widths should be practiced to avoid misleading
reporting of Exploration Results.
All results are reported in Appendix
A of this release.
Other substantive exploration
Other exploration data, if meaningful and material, should be
reported including (but not limited to): geological observations;
geophysical survey results; geochemical survey results; bulk
samples - size and method of treatment; metallurgical test results;
bulk density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock characteristics;
potential deleterious or contaminating
A check of the lithologies present
in the zone, especially of the mineralised zone, in situ analysis
using a portable XRF and two soil geochemistry campaigns (203
samples collected) were carried out before the drilling reported in
this release.
Five RC drill holes were drilled in
2022. Several zones with significant mineralisation were
intersected in four of these drill holes. Three mineralogical
studies conducted by ALS, the University of Oviedo, and the
University of Bilbao, on samples from drill holes and rock chip
samples collected from outcrops within the mineralised zone have
concluded that the mineralisation of lithium, rubidium, and cesium
is associated with micas classified as intermediate between
muscovite and zinnwaldite. The tin, niobium, and tantalum
mineralisation are more closely associated with the cassiterite
present in the rock.
The nature and scale of planned further work (eg tests for
lateral extensions or depth extensions or large-scale step-out
Further work planned for the Conchas
Prospect includes geological mapping, mineralogical studies,
metallurgical studies, and follow-up drilling focused on improving
confidence in the geology, grade distribution and continuity of the
mineralised zone.
The mineralisation remains open
along strike and at depth, with both areas to be targeted in
subsequent drilling campaigns
Geological studies will include
detailed interpretation of lithology, structure and weathering and
an assessment of potential relationships between these factors,
grade distribution of the minerals of interest, and the extraction
capacity of the most economically significant elements using
industrial methods.
Further work is also planned on a
number of other exploration targets within the Salamanca II
Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible
extensions, including the main geological interpretations and
future drilling areas, provided this information is not
commercially sensitive.
The known boundaries of the deposit
are shown in the main body of this release.
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