Fed has Officially Gone 4/5 Total/Complete Ape-Shit Today.
Fed USED TO only buy/sell 3 month UST -- LOL THE GOOD DAYS.
Now the Fed buys:
Long UST bonds.
Mortgage bonds.
'Investment' grade corporates.
and today...
Junk (should be bankrupt) bonds.
...only thing left is buying up the stock market, the ultimate buyback, which J. Yellen says the Fed NEEDS approval to do from Congress ASAP! No word if they want to buy soybeans, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do!
All this will/is killing the USD, which paradoxically, is the mortal enemy of the Fed!
Update, GLD Fades and IEF is ahead by a Nose.
Interesting that GLD and TIP are numbered 1 and 1A owned by the same owner... inflation, where UUP and IEF wear 2 and 2A, owned by deflation.
When 1 or 1A change leads it's no big deal (same for 2 and 2A), but when a '2' horse passes a '1' horse for the lead, as happened yesterday, it is.
Market is now headed down and likely to make new lows. SH will certainly be added to this week. IEF is now the asset of choice and what OIL, DBA, and BDRY will be measured against.
Speaking of BDRY, huge pop yesterday (biggest percentage one day gain in 2 years). Every day getting closer to an initial position.
GLD...New Horse takes the lead!
This week is starting out crazy but why would it be any different than the past three.
Biblically the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are the four riders on white, red, black, and pale horses symbolizing pestilence, war, famine, and death, respectively. Happy thoughts, huh? -- lol
The market also has four apocalyptic horses as well: IEF, TIP, UUP, and GLD.
Three weeks ago, IEF was in the lead. Two weeks ago, UUP. Last week TIP, and this week, even though it's only Monday -- GLD.
Sold off a large part of STIP/TIP every early in the morning and added to GLD in the last hour. No one knows if GLD will hold up the rest of the week. The only thing I care about is that at the close today it's in the lead!
The TIPs Mr. Market was Smoking Crack Today.
Day started out good, STIP up .33%.
An then about 1:00 pm EST it plunged down -.67% for a 1% move which is phenomenal for the short market.
WFT happened? Did the stimulus package get voted down? Did the USD soar.
Nope, package approved and Trump set to sign, the dollar continued to drift lower.
Figured out quick this is the classic: 'buy on rumor, sell on news,' gambit. I needed to buy some more STIP before the market closed so I took advantage.
After all is said and done the cross section of tips (STIP, TIP and LTPZ) pretty much closed unchained. What could have been my worst down day for the year ended off $22.00 -- LOL!
Trump Declares National Suicide Day -- 3/24
When Boris Johnson is taking the right path and shutting down the UK, DT (Donald Trump aka Delirium Tendrium) says... back to work, back to school, fill up the pews, and party like there's no tomorrow.
Live, drink, and make merry for tomorrow your granddad may die (but will tie up a hospital bed for three weeks before he does).
The callous might consider this a covert plot to save SS, but granny and gramp are going to rack up such huge medical bills before they go it would cheaper if they all lived to be 100.
In a couple of days the US will indeed be the world's leader... in co-19 cases!
If you want to see the current state of the global economy look no further than BDRY!
Not 'Special', your diet is to blame.
The death/case number differential is striking!
Iran 8%, Germany .4% so what gives, a special virus is infecting Iran and not Germany?
Nope it's the diet.
Germans love their pork, beef, and raised bread.
Iranians love their rice, cheese, dates, chicken, and flat bread.
Pork and beef are loaded with zinc and raised bread doesn't deplete the virus limiting zinc.
Chicken, cheese, and dates contain little zinc and is flushed out by rice and flat bread.
It's been known for a long time that Iran is one of the most zinc deficient countries of the world only exceeded by India.
Suggest you put down the Koran and start munching on some Brats --lol
Godzilla vs. Rodan, who would win?
In financial market terms... the USD Death Star vs. The Fed?
Depends on if the Fed was constrained to buying only UST (and mortgages in 2008+), as it has been it's entire 106 year history and congress at least pays lip-service to the idea of a balanced budget. Today however, the Fed is buying up 'investment' corporates, and 'investment' munis and god knows what else tomorrow.
The Fed is now unchained, able to engage in MMT and buy whatever it has a whimsical feeling about purchasing. Will tomorrow bring the Fed to the market buying, junk, real estate (lot of cheap vacant malls out there), stocks, gold, commodities, currency, negative yielding Japanese gov't bonds, cruise ships... the list is endless.
So to answer the question, given unlimited deficit spending (balanced budgets have forever gone the way of the Dodo bird) and an unchained Fed, the USD doesn't stand a chance.
So long Death Star, hello gold.
Absolute Funds have done nothing... absolutely.
I run a short-term bias absolute fund which means I can own anything... stocks, bonds, currency, commodities, real estate and be either long or short. The stock market has now given up three years of gains so you'd think the Absolute Funds would be going through the roof.
But that's not the case.
If you look at the category return for three years you'd see they are underperforming a S&P buy and hold strategy! Over ten years the compassion is horrible.
There's an old expression on Wall St. 'Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs (absolute funds) get slaughtered. Luckily I've dodged the farmer's axe (so far) and I'm living it up rolling in the slop... oik, oik --lol.
FIDPX is a fine fund mirroring TIP.
If you have a option I'd go with TIP over the mutual fund for the following reasons:
1) Owing an ETF you can buy/sell at any time during the trading day, a mutual fund only at the close.
2) Mutual funds have holding periods, typically the shortest is 30 days, couldn't find out what the period is for FIDPX vs. a two day ETF holding period.
3) Mutual funds are often discretionary which FIDPX is rather than following a formula. In my mind discretion means mistakes.
4) Mutual funds have higher expense fees.
The maturity breakdowns again are STIP 2+ years, TIP 7-10, LTPZ 15+. Of the three I use LTPZ for my STIP buy/sell signals. It turned first last week giving me the opportunity to catch 100% of the price movement on Friday.
Allocations for the week beginning 3/23... You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!
2% UUP 'on' / BDRY 'off'
2% UUP 'on' OIL 'off'
2% UUP 'on' DBA 'off'
2% UUP 'on' IAU 'off'
2% SH 'on' SPY 'off'
2% UUP (additional)
76% SHV 'on', VGSG 'off'
12% STIP
Changes from previous week:
All UST long dated holdings have been sold... IEF, IEI, even VGSH.
SHV, a near cash 3-4 mo., UST bill fund was bought.
SHV is the funding account for STIP...2+ year inflation adjusted UST.
UUP replaced UST as the on/off asset in the 10% allocated to asset pairs.
STIP was added.
Last two weeks have been incredible, I don't know why this next week should be any different.
No Two Stock Market Crashes Are the Same
The big or should I say HUGE difference between 07-09 and today is the action of TIP (treasury inflation protected bond) and it's long dated cousin LTPZ. On Friday LTPZ was up more than a mind numbing +12%. Using TIP (since LTPZ wasn't around in 07-09) Tips followed the market crash in stocks from mid-Sept to mid-October 08, as both were foretelling of a coming deflationary depression.
Back then QE and the power of the combined central bank printing presses was only theory. Today with MMT and the ability to send every man, woman, and child a million dollars a day, the thought of a deflationary depression is almost laughable.
Above my desk I have a Zimbabwe bank reserve note for the tidy sum of... one hundred trillion dollars, which adjusted down to about $.25 USD. Hyper-inflation erases debt. All debt that hasn't been adjusted to it. Student loans, mortgages, credit card, auto, and personal loans all go bye-bye in an instant.
Hard for file for bankruptcy (which is the anvil of a deflationary depression) when you have NO DEBT.
I mentioned last week I smelled a whiff of inflation, we'll this week it's noticeable stronger!