Society22 PR, an authority in public relations and a creative agency, is thrilled to announce its recognition as the PR Agency of the Year at the prestigious 2024 TITAN Business Awards. This notable distinction highlights Society22’s commitment to innovative and impactful PR strategies that empower its global clientele.

Society22 PR's success is rooted in its ability to connect deeply with audiences through thought leadership and impactful storytelling. The agency's mission to shape perceptions and drive engagement is evident in its remarkable achievements, strategic campaigns, and commitment to client and employee well-being.

Leveraging an extensive media network and a team of innovative thinkers, Society22 PR consistently delivers high-quality content that resonates across top-tier business, news, and entertainment platforms, ensuring clients' messages are heard where it matters most.

"This TITAN Business Award is a testament to our incredible team's passion, creativity, and dedication," shared Danielle Sabrina, Founder and CEO of Society22 PR. "Their commitment to going above and beyond is what truly drives impactful results for our clients. We are immensely grateful for their hard work and the trust our clients have placed in us."

About Society22 PR

Society22 PR is a results-driven public relations and creative agency based in Los Angeles, New York, New Hampshire, and Worldwide. Its team consists of independent thinkers and intuitive creatives driven by purpose, results, and a commitment to greatness.

They are dedicated to future-forward, integrity-based brands whose leadership demonstrates empathy, courage, and a constant desire to evolve. Society22’s success metrics go beyond pitching stories and counting impressions from a press release—it digs deep into the thought leadership that has brought companies to where they are today.

About TITAN Business Awards

The TITAN Business Awards was established with a clear mission: to celebrate the accomplishments of entrepreneurs and organizations on a global scale. The Awards seeks to shine a spotlight on those often overlooked by industry giants, as well as on the giants themselves, ensuring a fair and level playing field where only the most deserving are crowned TITANs.

Hosted by the International Awards Associate (IAA), this competition welcomes entries from entrepreneurs, SMEs, and large organizations alike. Regardless of whether they are private or public, for-profit or non-profit, all participants have an equal chance at victory, extending the opportunity to various industries across the market.

Press Contact: Society22 PR Morgan Sabrina 929-367-8993