PARIS, Oct. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) represents a collective request to companies of the FT500 (the world's 500 largest corporations by market capitalisation) on behalf of institutional investors for disclosure of information on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. AXA, as an institutional investor and signatory to the CDP and as a corporation and member of the FTSE 500 responding to the CDP questionnaire, is proud to sponsor the presentation of the third CDP, for the first time in France. Today at 2.30pm, Paris time, James Cameron, President of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive of AXA will present the results of CDP3 during a symposium entitled "Climate Change: The Risks for Business". The results of CDP3 show a marked increase in awareness of climate change and disclosure of related data by corporations around the world. The 155 signatories to the CDP3 represent over $21 trillion in assets, a doubling from CDP2 (95 investors with $10 trillion in 2004) and four times that of CDP1 (35 investors with $4.5 trillion in 2003). 71% of corporations responded to the information requests, up from 59% in CDP2, and 47% in CDP1. Referring to the results of the CDP, James Cameron said: "Considerably more of the world's largest corporations are getting a handle on what climate change means for their business and what they need to do to capture opportunities and mitigate risks. This all points to a continued elevation of climate change as a critical shareholder value issue for investors." Henri de Castries said: "Climate change and the impact that it will have on key industries such as agriculture, tourism, energy, transport and insurance, is as important as interest rate risk and exchange risk. As a major global investor, we support the CDP and value the information that it provides to help us make informed decisions on the subject". Mr. de Castries added: "Whilst debate surrounds the link between global warming and an increased frequency of extreme weather events, it is clear that infrastructure and population densities in fragile regions multiply the size of maximum potential losses resulting from such events. To respond to these challenges, the need for cooperation between public insurance, private insurance and the insured is greater than ever." To increase awareness, the CDP information request will be broadened in 2006, to incorporate a greater number of listed corporations within national indices. In partnership with ADEME, Agence De l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie, (agency for the environment and energy efficiency), the CDP information request will be sent to all SBF120 companies. In addition to its continued support for the CDP, AXA will work in partnership with ADEME to raise corporate awareness of the importance of environmental protection and energy efficiency. About AXA AXA Group is a worldwide leader in financial protection. AXA's operations are diverse geographically, with major operations in Western Europe, North America and the Asia/Pacific area. AXA had Euro 935 billion in assets under management as of June 30, 2005. For full year 2004, IFRS revenues amounted to Euro 67 billion and IFRS underlying earnings amounted to Euro 2,640 million. AXA reported total IFRS revenues of Euro 37 billion and IFRS underlying earnings of Euro 1,761 million for the first half of 2005. The AXA ordinary share is listed and trades under the symbol AXA on the Paris Stock Exchange. The AXA American Depository Share is also listed on the NYSE under the ticker symbol AXA. This press release is available on the AXA Group web site: Media Relations: Christophe Dufraux: + Clara Rodrigo: + Rebecca Le Rouzic: + Sustainable Development: Catherine Boiteux: + About The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): The CDP is a special project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. It provides a secretariat for the world's largest institutional investor collaboration on the business implications of climate change. CDP represents an efficient process whereby many institutional investors collectively sign a single global request for disclosure of information on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. CDP then send this request to the FT500 largest companies in the world. More than 350 of the 500 largest corporations in the world currently report their emissions through this Project. The CDP 3 information request was signed by 155 institutional investors with assets of more than $21 trillion and sent on 1st February 2005. The Third Carbon Disclosure Project Report was launched globally on 14th September 2005 in New York at JPMorganChase with additional events in London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Melbourne, Toronto and Frankfurt. Today's presentation marks the launch of the Carbon Disclosure Project for the first time in Paris. DATASOURCE: AXA CONTACT: Media: Christophe Dufraux, +33-1-40-75-46-74, Clara Rodrigo, +33-1-40-75-47-22, Rebecca Le Rouzic, +33-1-40-75-97-35, or Sustainable Development: Catherine Boiteux, +33-1-40-75-46-54, all for AXA Web site:
