- Continued focus on profitable growth driving strong performance PARIS, Sept. 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- AXA released today its detailed 1H'05 results(5). First half 2005 underlying earnings(6) at Euro 1,761 million increased strongly by 26% compared to the first half of 2004. IFRS 1H05 per Euro million 1H05 1H04 Change share(a) Change Except per share amounts Reported @ Cst FX Underlying Earnings 1,761 1,398 +26% +28% 0.93 +21% Net capital gains 370 263 Adjusted Earnings 2,132 1,661 +28% +31% 1.12 +24% Profit or loss on financial assets under Fair Value option and derivatives 119 -16 Exceptional operations 27 126 Goodwill & related intangibles -4 -38 Net income, Group share 2,274 1,733 +31% +33% 1.19 +27% (a) Fully diluted. Weighted average number of fully diluted shares was 1,958m in 1H05 versus 1,931m in 1H04. Underlying Earnings 1H05 underlying earnings improved by 26% (or +28% at constant exchange rates) to Euro 1,761 million, driven by double-digit growth in Life & Savings, Property & Casualty and Asset Management. IFRS (Euro million) 1H05 1H04 Change Change @ Cst FX Life & Savings 972 815 +19% +22% Property & Casualty 695 577 +20% +21% International Insurance 103 138 -25% -26% Asset Management 154 123 +25% +30% Other Financial Services & Holdings -163 -256 -- -- Total Underlying Earnings 1,761 1,398 +26% +28% Note: For underlying earnings analysis below, percentage changes between first half 2004 and first half 2005 are presented at constant exchange rates. Life & Savings underlying earnings increased by 22%, to Euro 972 million, notably driven by fees & revenues and technical margin, which more than compensated for a continued low interest rate environment. As expected, the US benefited from Euro 61 million incremental earnings stemming from the MONY acquisition. Japan's underlying earnings included non recurring elements for a net impact of Euro 47 million including a positive tax impact (Euro 188 million) reflecting the improvement in recoverability of tax losses carried forward, partly offset by additional VBI(7) and DAC(8) amortization due to a change in future investment assumptions (Euro -136 million). In addition to these elements, the main contributors to the Life & Savings' strong performance were France and the US. Underlying investment margin was Euro 1,098 million, down 3%, mainly driven by Japan. In Japan, the decrease in investment margin resulted from higher currency hedging costs and the portfolio restructuring (shift from US bonds into Japanese bonds) implemented in late 2004. In the US, the positive impact of the integration of MONY more than offset lower yields and prepayments on fixed maturities as well as lower partnership distributions from a very strong level in 2004. Fees & Revenues were Euro 2,437 million, up 18%. Excluding the positive effect of MONY, Fees & Revenues were up 13%, driven by higher separate account balances resulting from both market appreciation and strong net inflows, notably in France, the UK and the US, and by strong overall sales of life products. The UK also benefited from the development of credit insurance business. In addition, mutual fund revenues were up 15% mainly driven by Australia. Net technical margin was Euro 532 million, up 34%. Excluding MONY, net technical margin was up 12% driven by better morbidity margin on health products in Japan, better life mortality experience in the US and adverse 2004 claims experience in Group disability in France. Globally, total gross margin (sum of the above margins) was Euro 4,067 million, up 13% with MONY representing 7 points of this growth. Expenses, tax and minority interests were Euro -3,095 million up 11% with MONY representing 7 points of this growth. H1 2005 was impacted by higher DAC amortization especially in the US and by higher expenses in the UK related to sales and customer services strategic initiatives. Japan was positively impacted by the non-recurring profit mentioned above. Property & Casualty underlying earnings were Euro 695 million, up 21%, due principally to a 1.0 point improvement in the combined ratio to 97.5%, together with premium growth, and higher investment income supported by strong cash flows. 1H'05 continued to benefit from improved claims frequency in individual motor and a low level of large claims, especially in Property. The main contributors to the P&C improvement were Germany, France, the UK & Ireland and Canada. Combined ratios Ratios in % Change 1H 2005 from 1H 2004 France 98.5 -1.0 Germany 96.7 -2.5 UK & Ireland 97.3 -0.2 Belgium 96.5 +1.6 Southern Europe 99.1 -- Other countries 94.8 -4.9 Total P&C 97.5 -1.0 The loss ratio improved 1.5 point to 70.2% driven by improvement in the current year loss ratio and positive prior year developments in all countries. Overall current year loss ratio benefited from: - the favorable evolution of bodily injury claims frequency on the personal motor portfolio in France and Southern Europe; - lower severity of bodily injury claims and a favorable product mix in the UK. The expense ratio increased 0.5 point to 27.3% mainly driven by acquisition expenses, notably in the UK with a continued shift towards lower loss/higher commission business. The administrative expense ratio was stable at 10%. P&C performance was achieved while maintaining very strong premiums and claims ratios. The net technical reserves to net earned premiums ratio increased by 2 points to 199% compared to June 30, 2004 ratio while the net claims reserves to net claims paid ratio increased by 8 points to 262%. Investment income increased Euro 105 million to Euro 819 million driven by higher average asset bases fueled by positive cash flows (Euro 1.6 billion)(9) . International Insurance underlying earnings were down 26% to Euro 103 million as AXA RE was impacted by major losses in 1H'05 (Euro 73 million, gross of tax), compared to none during the same period last year. AXA RE underlying earnings were down 37% at Euro 55 million. 10 points of this decrease is explained by the transfer in October 2004 of AXA RE US entities to the Other International Activities segment (Euro 13 million of underlying earnings for 1H'04). On a comparable basis, underlying earnings decreased 27%, driven by (i) a 5.2 point deterioration of the loss ratio to 82.0% as major losses recorded in 1H'05 more than offset lower attritional claims, as well as (ii) unfavorable geographical mix of results negatively impacting the overall tax rate. At the same time, AXA RE continued to improve its expense ratio by 2.6 points to 15.0% following on-going cost control. As a result, AXA RE combined ratio was 97.0% versus 94.4% last year. AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance underlying earnings were up 47% or Euro 12 million to Euro 38 million mainly driven by stronger investment income which benefited from the reinvestment of positive cash flows. Asset Management underlying earnings were Euro 154 million, up 30%, benefiting from higher average Assets Under Management, fuelled by solid net inflows of Euro 16 billion(10), and cost-control. Total AUM for Asset Management at the end of June 2005, was Euro 809 billion, up 5%(10) at constant exchange rates versus December 31, 2004. Alliance Capital underlying earnings increased 19% to Euro 98 million mainly driven by a 1.5 point improvement in the operating cost income ratio and by a 2.8% increase in the ownership interest of the AXA Group to 61% as of June 30, 2005. AXA Investment Managers underlying earnings increased 53% to Euro 57 million driven by a strong increase of revenues(11) (+21%) supported by higher average AUM (+19%), which benefited from strong net inflows, favorable market appreciation and higher performance fees. At the same time, expenses grew at a lower pace resulting in a 2.8 point improvement of the operating cost income ratio. Other Financial Services & Holdings underlying earnings improved by Euro 91 million to Euro -163 million, mainly due to a tax benefit at AXA SA (Euro 47 million) and to higher AXA Bank Belgium earnings. Adjusted earnings 1H'05 adjusted earnings, the basis for our dividend policy, were up 28% (or +31% at constant exchange rates) to Euro 2,132 million, driven by the solid underlying earnings performance as well as a Euro 107 million increase in net capital gains attributable to shareholders to Euro 370 million. 1H'05 net capital gains attributable to shareholders benefited from (i) Euro 114 million release of valuation allowance on tax losses carried forward in Japan, (ii) capital gains on the restructuring of the AXA Japan investment portfolio (Euro 200 million) offset by related impacts of changes in future investment assumptions, (iii) strong equity markets, especially in Europe. Net income, Group share 1H'05 net income of Euro 2,274 million increased by 31% (or 33% at constant exchange rates) driven by the increase in adjusted earnings. The lower impact from exceptional operations was more than offset by (1) higher profit on financial assets under Fair Value option and derivatives and (2) the non-recurrence of half year 2004 goodwill impairment in our Netherlands P&C operation. Balance sheet As of June 30, 2005 shareholders' equity was Euro 32.7 billion, up 15% compared to December 31, 2004, primarily benefiting from retained earnings and the appreciation of financial markets. Fair value of invested assets recorded through shareholders' equity was Euro 7.5 billion, up Euro 1.7 billion versus December 31, 2004. Total unrealized capital gains attributable to shareholders reached Euro 10.1 billion as of 6/30/05 of which - Euro 7.5 billion of fair value of invested assets recorded through shareholders' equity, as mentioned above, - Euro 1.1 billion of unrealized capital gains on real estate and loans (not recorded through shareholders' equity), stable from December 31, 2004, - Euro 1.5 billion of unrealized gain on Alliance Capital investment (not recorded through shareholders' equity), up Euro 0.5 billion from December 31, 2004. The deleveraging of the balance sheet, in progress since year end 2000, accelerated in 1H'05 and as of June 30, 2005 gearing stood at 38% down from 42% as of December 31, 2004. Outlook In the first half of 2005, the Group demonstrated its capacity to deliver very strong earnings growth in Life & Savings, Property & Casualty and Asset Management. Management currently expects the financial market environment to remain good for Life & Savings and Asset Management, and more particularly for higher margin unit-linked products in a context of low interest rates. In Property & Casualty, management expects a continuation of the positive trends witnessed in the first half of the year, despite some pricing pressure, due to continued moderate claims frequencies. Despite the recent weather related events in the US and barring any new major catastrophic events, Management believes that the Group is well on track to deliver strong double digit earnings growth for the full year 2005. Information about the Half Year Earnings Presentations Members of AXA's senior management will discuss these results at a press conference to be held in Paris on September 22, 2005 at 10.00 am.. The conference will be accessible through a live Webcast from 10.00 am Paris time (9.00 am London time). A slide presentation will accompany the event. Go to http://www.axa.com/10-15 minutes prior to the event to join the Webcast or to obtain the documents available for journalists. About AXA AXA Group is a worldwide leader in financial protection. AXA's operations are diverse geographically, with major operations in Western Europe, North America and the Asia/Pacific area. AXA had Euro 935 billion in assets under management as of June 30, 2005. For full year 2004, IFRS revenues amounted to Euro 67 billion and IFRS underlying earnings amounted to Euro 2,640 million. AXA reported total IFRS revenues of Euro 37 billion and IFRS underlying earnings of Euro 1,761 million for the first half of 2005. The AXA ordinary share is listed and trades under the symbol AXA on the Paris Stock Exchange. The AXA American Depository Share is also listed on the NYSE under the ticker symbol AXA. This press release is available on the AXA Group web site: http://www.axa.com/ AXA Investor Relations: Matthieu Andre: + Caroline Portel: + Sophie Bourlanges: + Marie-Flore Bachelier: + Emmanuel Touzeau: + Kevin Molloy: +1.212.314.2893 AXA Media Relations: Christophe Dufraux: + Clara Rodrigo: + Rebecca Le Rouzic: + Mary Taylor: +1.212.314.5845 IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION AND CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS CONCERNING FORWARD- LOOKING STATEMENTS Certain statements contained herein are forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements that are predications of or indicate future events, trends, plans or objectives. Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause actual results and AXA's plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward looking statements (or from past results). These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the risk of future catastrophic events including possible future weather-related catastrophic events, terrorist related incidents, economic and market developments, regulatory actions and developments, litigations and other proceedings. Please refer to AXA's Annual Report on Form 20-F and AXA's Document de Reference for the year ended December 31, 2004, for a description of certain important factors, risks and uncertainties that may affect AXA's business. AXA undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise. APPENDIX 1 - UNDERLYING EARNINGS Change at constant exchange IFRS Results (Euro million) HY 2005 HY 2004 Change rates TOTAL Underlying earnings 1,761 1,398 +26% +28% Life & Savings 972 815 +19% +22% United States 388 317 +22% +28% France 249 218 +14% +14% United Kingdom 43 38 +13% +15% Japan 118 80 +48% +54% Germany 15 0 -- -- Belgium 42 41 +4% +4% Southern Europe 25 23 +6% +6% Other Countries 92 98 -6% -4% of which Australia / New Zealand 29 29 +2% +2% of which Hong-Kong 36 39 -7% -3% Property & Casualty 695 577 +20% +21% France 195 164 +19% +19% Germany 105 68 +55% +55% United Kingdom 161 145 +11% +12% Southern Europe 70 67 +4% +4% Belgium 84 92 -9% -9% Other Countries 81 42 +91% +89% International Insurance 103 138 -25% -26% AXA RE(12) 55 88 -37% -37% AXA Corporate Solutions 38 26 +47% +47% Assurance Other International 9 24 -61% -63% Asset Management 154 123 +25% +30% Alliance Capital 98 86 +14% +19% AXA Investment Managers 57 38 +50% +53% Other Financial Services 42 8 +400% +400% Holding Companies (205) (265) -- -- APPENDIX 2 - EARNINGS SUMMARY AFTER TAXES AND MINORITY INTERESTS - Half Year 2005 Goodwill and Consolidated Earnings Net Income related (in euro million) Group Share intangibles Period Period Period Period Ended Ended Ended Ended June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30, 2005 2004 2005 2004 Life & Savings 1,223 975 (4) - France 328 254 - - United States 402 352 (4) - United Kingdom 40 (27) - - Japan 236 209 - - Germany 17 (33) - - Belgium 64 88 - - Southern Europe 31 29 - - Other countries 105 102 - - of which Australia / New Zealand 32 25 - - of which Hong-Kong 39 44 - - Property & Casualty 882 677 - (32) France 237 180 - - Germany 157 62 - 1 Belgium 125 112 - - United Kingdom & Ireland 189 182 - - Southern Europe 86 110 - - Other countries 88 32 - (34) International Insurance 155 156 (0) (5) AXA RE 66 103 - (5) AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance 54 21 - - Other 35 32 (0) - Asset Management 160 126 - - Alliance Capital 105 87 - - AXA Investment Managers 55 39 - - Other Financial services 58 1 - - Holdings (204) (202) - - TOTAL 2,274 1,733 (4) (38) Profit or loss Exceptional (excluding change) operations on financial assets (under Fair Value option) & derivatives Period Period Period Period Ended Ended Ended Ended June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30, 2005 2004 2005 2004 Life & Savings - (7) 41 (1) France - - 44 (11) United States - - 2 8 United Kingdom - - (11) (1) Japan - - 3 10 Germany - (7) 0 (1) Belgium - - 1 (7) Southern Europe - - 2 (0) Other countries - - 1 1 of which Australia / New Zealand - - - (0) of which Hong-Kong - - - - Property & Casualty - - 47 11 France - - 29 1 Germany - - 13 11 Belgium - - 5 (1) United Kingdom & Ireland - - - - Southern Europe - - (0) 1 Other countries - - - - International Insurance 23 - (3) 2 AXA RE - - 1 2 AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance - - (3) 0 Other 23 - (1) 0 Asset Management 3 - (2) 1 Alliance Capital 3 - - - AXA Investment Managers - - (2) 1 Other Financial services 2 - 10 (7) Holdings - 134 26 (22) TOTAL 27 126 119 (16) Net realized Adjusted Earnings capital gains attributable to shareholders Period Period Period Period Ended Ended Ended Ended June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30, 2005 2004 2005 2004 Life & Savings 1,185 983 213 168 France 284 266 35 47 United States 404 344 16 27 United Kingdom 51 (27) 8 (65) Japan 232 199 114 119 Germany 17 (25) 2 (25) Belgium 63 95 21 55 Southern Europe 29 29 4 6 Other countries 104 101 13 4 of which Australia / New Zealand 32 25 3 (3) of which Hong-Kong 39 44 2 5 Property & Casualty 835 698 140 121 France 208 179 13 15 Germany 143 50 38 (18) Belgium 120 113 37 21 United Kingdom & Ireland 189 182 28 37 Southern Europe 86 109 16 42 Other countries 88 65 7 23 International Insurance 135 159 32 22 AXA RE 64 107 10 19 AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance 58 21 19 (5) Other 13 32 4 8 Asset Management 159 125 5 2 Alliance Capital 102 87 4 2 AXA Investment Managers 57 38 0 - Other Financial services 47 8 5 (0) Holdings (231) (314) (25) (50) TOTAL 2,132 1,661 370 263 Underlying Underlying Earnings Earnings Period Period Change Ended Ended at June 30, June 30, constant 2005 2004 Change FX Life & Savings 972 815 19% 22% France 249 218 14% 14% United States 388 317 22% 28% United Kingdom 43 38 13% 15% Japan 118 80 48% 54% Germany 15 0 -- -- Belgium 42 41 4% 4% Southern Europe 25 23 6% 6% Other countries 92 98 -6% -4% of which Australia / New Zealand 29 29 2% 2% of which Hong-Kong 36 39 -7% -3% Property & Casualty 695 577 20% 21% France 195 164 19% 19% Germany 105 68 55% 55% Belgium 84 92 -9% -9% United Kingdom & Ireland 161 145 11% 12% Southern Europe 70 67 4% 4% Other countries 81 42 91% 89% International Insurance 103 138 -25% -26% AXA RE 55 88 -37% -37% AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance 38 26 47% 47% Other 9 24 -61% -63% Asset Management 154 123 25% 30% Alliance Capital 98 86 14% 19% AXA Investment Managers 57 38 50% 53% Other Financial services 42 8 400% 400% Holdings (205) (265) -- -- TOTAL 1,761 1,398 26% 28% (1) At constant exchange rates (2) At constant scope and exchange rates (3) Excluding AC Cash Management Services (4) Including, fair value of invested assets recorded through shareholders' equity, unrealized gains on Alliance Capital and unrealized gains on loans and real estate which are not recorded in shareholders' equity (5) AXA's independent auditors have carried out a limited review of AXA's consolidated first half 2005 financial statements. AXA's 1H05 results have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and interpretations expected to be applicable and endorsed by the European Commission for the year-end 2005 closing. (6) Underlying earnings are adjusted earnings, excluding net capital gains attributable to shareholders. Adjusted earnings represent net income before the impact of exceptional operations, goodwill and related intangibles amortization/impairments, and profit or loss on financial assets accounted for under the fair value option and derivatives related to invested assets (For more details see glossary in the Management Report). Adjusted and underlying earnings are non-GAAP measures and as such are not audited, and they may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. Management uses these non-GAAP measures as key indicators of performance in assessing AXA's various businesses and believes that the presentation of these measures provides useful and important information to shareholders and investors as measures of AXA's financial performance. (7) VBI: Value of Business In force (8) DAC: Deferred Acquisition Costs (9) Net operational cash flows are written premiums net of claims paid, including expenses, taxes and investment income. Scope : France, UK + Ireland, Germany, Belgium and Southern Europe. (10) Excluding impact of the sale of AC Cash Management Services (11) Revenues, excluding management and front-end fees collected on behalf of external distributors (12) Transfer of AXA RE US entities from AXA RE segment to Other International Activities in October 2004 DATASOURCE: AXA Group CONTACT: Matthieu Andre, +33-1-40-75-46-85, Caroline Portel, +33-1-40-75-49-84, Sophie Bourlanges, +33-1-40-75-56-07, Marie-Flore Bachelier, +33-1-40-75-49-45, Emmanuel Touzeau, +33-1-40-75-49-05, Kevin Molloy, +1-212-314-2893, Christophe Dufraux, +33-1-40-75-46-74, Clara Rodrigo, +33-1-40-75-47-22, Rebecca Le Rouzic, +33-1-40-75-97-35, or Mary Taylor, +1-212-314-5845, all of AXA Web site: http://www.axa.com/
