Haha yes I went back and read that myself, just for a little reassurance! I did see over 20 Mill shares traded yesterday and closed at .0002, nice to see some volume,,,,,besides me😃
Hopeful. I always admire everyone's patience. I am going to piggy back off yours today. I have moments. As they say "the silence is deafening". It can be. I fully believe WHEN 's founders, executives, engineers, financiers are in it to win it, using caution, sound and advantageous opportunities to select and head hunt the right partners and combinations. Hanging on for end of June & end of December 2025. The up List. Praying for it.
No problem on the duplicate, I enjoyed reading it the second time too!! I'm not going anywhere, it's nice to know I'm not alone here for sure, so I appreciate you, I will be patient and of course hope for some updates soon, Thank you, Neal
The quiet suspense/ and no news... is definitely a challenge to be patient.. what's the old phrase, " no news is good news". Sorry to cliche. Then again not always 100%.. CUEN appeared (or appears) to have evaporated and disappeared. But WHEN... is not CUEN! I believe Giora is too shrewd, too intelligent and more patient than we are. Don't forget the key dates (see or reread the SEC forms and link topics) the revealed key dates I believe were June 28-ish 2025, and Dec 28-ish 2025. Waiting is painful. But watch and wait. I am sure the WHEN executives, engineers and financiers are making sure they are on track AND protected. They have more invested than we do. I believe WHEN is an honorable penny stock and yes, anything is possible and anything can change. In the meantime technology is at an accelerated pace, especially with Trump taking back office, I would occupy time with investigating what's new and what matters to him... OUR SECURITY! And that means get our nose in the Quantum sector, Graphene/Borophene sector, AI but more importantly ASI !!! The nations are in a race to who has the technology to be the superpower of defense... In our case .. our enemies want technology to war against Israel & America. Pray for Israel's victory, (they already have it), but pray in agreement and thank God for His mercy, and pray for America's awakening to the truth of evil, repent & stand against it. I pray WHEN will have the ongoing funds to keep up with ASI and quantum or maybe they incorporate it in some way already. I don't particularly "like" this era we are in of tech-wars, cyber wars and attacks, but we are! So we have to play ball. Pray, be alert, and if you are a prayer, have faith in what you prayed or declared. Stand firm. It's possible WHEN will have to make tough choices, take a left turn instead of a right. It depends what the world throws at any if us. But.... I am sure WHEN is focused and will be a winner. They may need additional partners, financing or business combinations. It's not our blood, sweat or tears. It's the founders/ engineers & financiers B,S & T. We have to remember.. this has been a pivotal year and changing leadership can change everything. If all investors could play their cards right, this year will be an advent and sunami of available opportunities. Godspeed WHEN.
The quiet suspense is a patience challenge indeed. HOLD the line. 🙂 Don't let the "silence" play with your mind. Occupy by sniffing out additional news what's going on and with Trump back in.. we need to want to pay attention to his focus..
The means find your Quantum stocks, AI is good but you want to research "ASI" stocks, Defense (of course), AND... guys.. I don't care what expert says... Watchout and research/follow Borophene! Do far, Turkey has remained the king. But... There are up and comers. So... I believe for our beloved WHEN.. 🙂... key dates to watch for news may be June 28-ish 2025, and Dec 28-ish 2025.. OR before! But don't expect much unless acceleration, funding and an IPO come. I always hope and pray WHEN 's fate does not take a left turn instead of right as and go the way of CUEN . AND HONESTLY .. I cannot imagine it. Giora is too shrewd, too intelligent, and they have come too far. Truly if something occurred, it would only be a momentary hiccup.. and time would be added to see long awaited gains, an IPO and share soaring. I believe WHEN and their executives, engineers and financiers all want to be able to release news as bad as we want to see it! Hang in. It's not over.
"to SHARE gifted for those who use profit to help those in Need."(What???) (..head scratch). If you are talking about using profit for tithing or giving (which I doubt very much)...many do. If you are speaking "tongue in cheek" as in helping yourself or the dark pool... speak in plain English man! "what i post should be understandable as a blank page! (?) Ok. A rather riddled post altogether that needs decoding, but unwilling. Lastly .. "This will be my last post on this board, I have other stocks with much better potential.." (hmmm...semi negative, put off and hostile response.. why? because we don't play ball? just a tad condescending.. no affect. but am holding you to .."this will be my last post". Be nice, be transparent, be honest and no mystery riddles or jargon. Would appreciate knowing the meaning of what you said. Have know idea (Shareing is caring) what you said. What in tarnation did you say anyway. This is your last post.. everyone.. please take my feedback as rhetorical. Godspeed everyone! Stay in faith. Don't look at what you see (just yet) .. pray.
Shareing is winning
This must be the wrong board, i'm not in any dark pool just have friends that are i came back on here to SHARE gifted for those who use profit to help those in Need. But what i post should be understandable as a blank page! Choose to do your own D&D, Fishing for information on any stock is the reward! A,I, has made the stock Traders very happy and willing to Help others. If you or others on this board ARE NOT USING some type and involved with an A.I. backed screening service! YOU SHOULD BE.
This will be my last post on this board, I have other stocks with much better potential but I don't share a different Ticker. ASII
Interesting disclosure.. "Sharing is Winning". Being that dark pool trading lacks transparency (as I read in articles), though legal, and used to facilitate block trading by institutional investors who do not wish to impact the markets, it can create the potential to be vulnerable and open to conflicts of interest by owners and predatory trading practices by some high-frequency traders.
It can leave retail investors unaware of major trading activity.
Though not always the case, the lack of transparency in dark pools could theoretically be exploited by sophisticated traders to possibly manipulate stock prices to their advantage. (**please note some, if not all the educational info above is from (FINRA.ORG & INVESTOPEDIA) not my own/words. I am still Bullish, but expound a little more "Sharing is Winning". I am not as savvy as you are.
Greetings, No need to bog yourself down with blow by blow topic headers in the recent SEC filing, unless you have time, or need an overhead refresher review. For my personal purposes, I mainly highlighted the dates and pasted the detail in my reply post that interested my psyche for weighing in my own mind and analysis, and the dates that I will want to watch for next for news or feedback. They will be tell-tale benchmark dates. It could be a wait at this stage. Much success to all!
So, 10-Q filed 11/19/24. Much to chew on. View the blue hyperlink header"Managements discussion and analysis..", and scroll way down to Financial Support. The Director, Mr. Baumeohl is definitely invested, and relied upon financially, though is not the only financial support. I don't believe his support is going anywhere. Though he is vested, we all realize any major adversity, unforseen events can alter or withdraw that support. I see it as ... the Director is in it for the long haul. Read the header paragraph before and after "Financial Support".. in the Management discussion link, it condenses the essence of much, and speaks the reality of facts. George Baumeohl's current support .. "agreed to support our operation by way of an equity investment of up to $3 million as needed. The agreement provides for sales of our common stock to Mr. Baumeohl at per share purchase prices ranging between $0.0003 and $0.0005. As of the date of this report, we received an aggregate of $2,164,767 from Mr. Baumeohl." Management believes that funds on hand, not including the subscription proceeds that we are entitled to receive on a periodic basis under the committed subscription agreement with our director, will enable us to fund our operations and capital expenditure requirements through December 2024. That is a key benchmark date to watch for news leading up to that date and there are other dates to be cognizant of. Also, being aware as with any stock company, especially investing in "Penny" land.. continue reading.. "To the extent that we raise additional capital through marketing and distribution arrangements or other collaborations, strategic alliances or licensing arrangements with third parties, we may have to relinquish valuable rights, future revenue streams, or product candidates or to grant licenses on terms that may not be favorable to us. If we raise additional capital through private or public equity offerings, the ownership interest of our existing stockholders will be diluted, and the terms of these securities may include liquidation or other preferences that adversely affect our stockholders’ rights." So, this is nothing knew, but plan accordingly to you individual interests and risk tolerance. I will say, if there ever was a Penny stock in a long time . (and I am sure there are and will be others, though very few up and coming rising stars, that WHEN is positioning to be one of them (a star.) They are doing everything they are supposed to do and making the necessary choices in line with the their goals, and allot of time, money and hard work. You have to believe WHEN's leadership is pretty shrewd, and in it to win it! View The "General and Administrative Expenses" topic hyperlink as well, it is also worth reviewing and pretty good. Also, take a look at "Transaction with Intent HQ" under same Management discussion link.. keep in the back of your mind or notes key dates like - "June 28, 2025 (the “Uplisting Target Date”. So, I will be looking for communication (or not) ...again on or by May.. 2025. If there is nothing, then ???. This will be revealing and tell-tale, as well as, read.. "In the event that the Company or a subsidiary will raise funds on or prior to December 28, 2025." This is another key date to watch for news prior & leading up to this date down the road. Keep your eyes on and PRAY for the Up listing, and pray for all the dominoes that need to be in place leading up to it. As always, though WHEN appears to have all their rabbits in a row, they may, and am sure they are ready at any point if needed to take a 'right turn" when we were hoping for a "left turn" as needed for their continued success and survival. We don't get to hear behind those closed doors and it's a probably a good thing. We are not running the show nor did we put in the blood, sweat nor tears. Just know.. WHEN is NOT in survival mode, they are in success mode. Have faith and watch.
Be encouraged. WHEN has had to be patient too. It takes time, months and years to find the right collaborative partners, business combinations, developing technology and timing. I believe there will be a crescendo. It's possible Giora may only pop in a couple or few more times or not much at all due to focusing and the pace of their progress. They may be closer than we are to know. In addition, I believe they are possibly months away from reaching ongoing milestones and benchmarks heading toward the expectations that have already disclosed. And then, there is the prize goal mapped out and hoped for. The IPO. The REAL prize though will be the great product (s) they want and will put out that will be in the top of their competition... the CYBERsecurity, for the kids, businesses and for all. I trust that if Giora and other experts in the company see or feel anything is not for the intended path, goal and desired outcome, they may need to alter course. Be glad. I don't see from what we read in the SEC that will occur or be necessary. I think they have it! I believe they are where they hoped and planned to be. If you have time to go back and reread parts of the filings since parting amicable ways with CUEN, the plan they conveyed in the SEC filing(s) since, are very much laid out for their success and protection. For all involved actually. Note the short time since the CUEN departure to when they were blessed to find a suitable combination, promising partners and an impressive pace from sound decisions they made. It is around the corner. But have faith in WHEN's necessary pace and choices. Even quiet seasons. One thing I noticed in comparison to the multitude of other penny stocks is WHEN's informational communications, SEC filings, and forum feedback is consistently true, stable, methodical, their decisions are sound and any alterations we've witnessed in the course of noted or the desired paths were necessary for them to reach intended goals. Trust. If you really want to see favor upon them, guidance and protection upon this company, do something higher than what you see in the natural, higher than ourselves and greater than our wants. Pray for them. Sincerely. Our desires are "pea size" compared to what their people and nation go through and went through unprovoked. They keep believing and keep going and keep working with missiles and threats flying over their head daily and nightly. But no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Know -- Gen 12:3 - "I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” -- Pray for their peace and protection. Simply read Numbers 6:24-26 aloud, "The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” And know Psalm 122:6 says “May those who love her prosper”. Their tiny nation of land the size of New Jersey, isn't going anywhere. Godspeed. Be blessed.
Hold on to your hats! Don't fret about the float. Have faith. There are reasons. Some of us are actually not as savvy as we think, though all inquiries, concerns and some suggestions are valid. They have nothing to prove, and they may not be at liberty to respond (and better if they don't always). A recap of WHEN's sector.. "As cyber threats evolve, the demand for adaptive security solutions that can operate seamlessly across various network environments has never been greater. (And who they are..) WHEN Group was founded by Israeli engineers and international professionals with deep backgrounds in cybersecurity and data threat remediation in both government and private sectors. -- They are moving well with their mission, their goals and with their loyal, long waiting shareholders in mind at a pace actually appropriate that matches the reality of the time it takes to position the path they are focused on.. and possibly IPO. Patience. It will come. Support them. There may be reasons they would not take/reply to the suggestions displayed nor need to. Giora is consistent with periodically checking in and feedback where and when possible. I believe WHEN has it under control. And if you know anything about Israel, you know they are the best. No one has Israel brains like Israel. WHEN has worked hard. They're in it to win it! Put the fear and frustration away. Wait.
WHEN Group Announces Strategic Investment in TerraZone for Cutting Edge Cybersecurity Technology Ushers in New Era of Micro-Segmentation in Cybersecurity BOCA RATON, FL and HERZLIYA, ISRAEL, Nov. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTC Pink: WHEN) ("WHEN Group"), a telecom and cybersecurity company, is pleased to announce its strategic investment during August 2024 in TerraZone, Ltd. ("TerraZone") ( ) a pioneering company in the global cybersecurity industry. This investment signifies a pivotal step in the collaborative effort to transform the endpoint security identity isolation sector, particularly in providing a robust Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution tailored for the micro-segmentation industry. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security service that verifies users and grants access to specific applications based on context policies and identity. ZTNA removes implicit trust to restrict network movement and reduce cyberattacks. TerraZone has developed a novel endpoint security solution that redefines how organizations can achieve true identity isolation within their networks. This state-of-the-art technology is critical for corporations aiming to secure sensitive resources, whether accessed by internal employees, remote workers, or external suppliers. By integrating WHEN Group's advanced mobile application with TerraZone's innovative technology, this collaboration is intended to bring a unique and powerful ZTNA solution to the market. The combined offering enables organizations to precisely identify and isolate any entity--whether working remotely or within the corporate network--ensuring that only authorized users can access critical resources while remaining completely isolated from the broader network. This global strategic collaboration between WHEN Group and TerraZone highlights their commitment to advancing security measures in the micro-segmentation industry. As cyber threats evolve, the demand for adaptive security solutions that can operate seamlessly across various network environments has never been greater. WHEN Group was founded by Israeli engineers and international professionals with deep backgrounds in cybersecurity and data threat remediation in both government and private sectors. From business and personal privacy to fin-tech security, WHEN Group has been developing solutions that utilize advanced behavior pattern recognition and AI to create a security screening environment that can detect and defend against a broad range of threats and attacks on telecom, banking, and other communication infrastructure. "We are excited to partner with TerraZone, a company at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation," said Mr. Giora Rozensweig, CEO of WHEN Group. "Our investment aligns with our corporate vision of providing unparalleled security solutions that meet the ever-growing needs of modern enterprises. We will set a new standard in the micro-segmentation industry, ensuring that organizations can operate securely in an increasingly connected world." Ms. Yana Lev, CBO of TerraZone, said, "This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our mission to enhance security protocols across various industries. WHEN Group's strategic investment and resources, combined with our cutting-edge technology, will enable us to deliver a ZTNA solution that not only meets, but exceeds the security requirements of today's digital landscape. We are excited to work closely with WHEN Group to drive innovation and set new benchmarks in cybersecurity." Additional details relating to the agreement and the collaboration are included in the report on Form 10-Q filed by WHEN on August 19, 2024.
Hello Giora, I have been buying shares to keep the bid up, but now it shows the Bid is at .0000 and the ask is .0001!! So WHEN shares can be bought any time for .0001. I personally have more than 50 Million shares, but I'm wondering if the WHEN group has plans to purchase shares themselves? AT this price you can make a great investment, and lower the float. May I get your thoughts on this please Giora?
Thank you so much,