Thinking out loud here, but I wonder if the Darling Capital issue is forcing Kim to call an audible and pivot from merging DNAgo with $OCLG and the old Oncologix I.P.
minix.ai is Kim's property and he applied for the trademark registration the same month that he registered the SeniorGo corporation ($NOUV merger), and has since added minixhome.com and minixRV.com. Maybe he's pivoting and using the $OCLG vehicle for that business instead? I wouldn't be mad, those sites look slick and quite promising. I'm going to assume he wants to go public with it and he only owns two shells.
$NOUV he's managed to stay current on but $OCLG seems to have fallen off about the same time Darling Capital became an issue. Very curious if minix.ai is his pivot. $OCLG is a valuable vehicle for going public, just a matter of getting everything cleared and ready for operating and then we'll see if the biotech is still in play or this minix.ai is the new target.
Obviously nothing happens until they're off of the EM, so none of this really matters until then. That said, the moment this gets off the EM I could see a massive market repricing back to .01+.
All the shares dumped over the past couple of years are either retail longs getting flushed out (buyers from 2020/21) or MMs shorting. Now most of the float is held by a relatively small number of people. Once this gets current, gets off the EM, and the merger is announced, it will gap up and not look back. If you know what recency bias is or want to look it up, it's what the market is suffering from right now. It may still be months off, but when these guys flip the lights back on this is going to be a fun runner. Upon confirmation of the merger, which as you're demonstrating the market has completely given up on, this will squeeze not only to the 2021 peak of .02 but it will trigger it's long term breakout from there.
Yesterday's massive down day was on ninety cents worth of selling pressure, to put things in perspective. Yes, less than one dollar worth of shares. I have been warning people for the past couple of months that heading to the EM was a real possibility and anyone who has been following shouldn't be caught off guard. The company clearly went dark/quiet and heading to the EM doesn't change anything in the big picture. The float is still locked and no one dumped yesterday or today. This was a shell and a waiting game before the EM, and it's still the same. It's a high risk/ high reward gamble that these guys are still going to one day go through with the merger. It may seem like a long shot but I still believe it's much more likely than the market has priced in, and the fact that it's such a perceived long shot is what gives this play so much bang for the buck. If these guys get back to current, watch how hard the market will snap back.
Frank put $20k of his own money into this and still owns all 150 million of his shares. The buyer of the shell still has control via his preferred shares. NEITHER of the two have made anything to date. As gloomy as it may look on the surface, I'm quite confident these guys have plans to actually make money off of this shell and merger. I know the pps is down a ton, but in reality there's a massive difference between trading at .0003 with no shares to be bought vs trading at .0003 with 100s of millions of shares to buy. There are no shares actually to be bought at the current price, it's purely noise and doesn't indicate an actual market for shares in the these price ranges.
What do I know? Well I did buy the 2020 base and did sell into the 2021 speculation bubble, and no I did not tell anyone to buy when I was selling. Over the past year I've averaged into round two here and given enough time I think this will break the 2021 peak, despite how despondent things may look right now. Getting off the EM is a mere formality when they're ready to rock. Nothing has changed in the grand scheme here, the EM just extends the company's dark period longer. They may actually just be waiting for the two year phase to play out so when it's time to announce the merger, they can raise capital into the sentiment reversal.
1. I'm probably the only 'pumper' here and I'm not trying to support the price from the .02 collapse. I've been vocal about buying the dip after the crash and am averaged in the low .002s. The announced merger that you claim is a fraud also very well could just be a much longer process than the market realizes. What's funny is that the new buyer went completely radio silent. If this was a pump and dump, holy crap did they drop the ball by not even trying to pump their merger whatsoever. Frank issued a PR and that was it, the buyers haven't said a word. That said, there's ample evidence that the buyer did in fact buy and still owns the shell. Watch what happens when the market prices in a fraudulent merger only to realize that it was still on the table, but much much later than anticipated.
2. You have zero proof of Frank and friends selling anything. You can claim it but you have zero proof. And to say Frank owns a small amount on record shows you don't know what's going on here.
3. Good luck with that. Make sure to show them all the 'proof' you have of Frank and friends selling.
4. Hey hey, we agree on something. Cheers.