The Wayback Machine
Internet Archive Wayback Machine
As noted on the Wayback site, these are crawls not updates, but a progression/missteps(?) can clearly be seen.
Aug. 1, 2015 "Coming soon!"
internetinfinity.com coming soon!
Sept. 8, 2015 "Coming soon!"
www.internetinfinity.com coming soon!
Oct. 11, 2015 "nothing found"
INTERNET INFINITY INC | Unlimited Positive Possibilities
Jan. 9th, 2016 "Posted on October 31, 2015 by seniorsaskdrgeorge"
INTERNET INFINITY INC | Unlimited Positive Possibilities
March 10, 2016 (was me.:))
Great share structure " As of March 13, 2015 and the Company had authorized 100,000,000 shares
of common stock of par value $0.001, of which 33,858,780 shares were issued and outstanding."
Outstanding available only 2,7 Millions only !
92& held by team
Name and Address
Number of Shares
Percent of Outstanding %
Apple Realty, Inc. and 3,034,482 9.0 % Hollywood Riviera Studios (1) Box 1009 Newport Beach, CA 92659
George Morris, Chairman/CFO
(2) 13,509,000 40.1 % Box 1009 Newport Beach, CA 92659
L&M Media, Inc.
(1) 14,535,714 43.1 % Box 1009 Newport Beach, CA 92659 Officers and Directors 31,079,196 92.2 %
Business Description
Internet Infinity has re-launched as a SENIOR MARKET third party "membership organization," to facilitate/improve senior living research information, products and services,from suppliers.
Many of our 50-million USA seniors have specific unfilled needs for a happy, healthy, long life. Through research, negotiation and strategic alliances, suppliers are waiting to satisfy needs for diet, housing, safety, mobility, companionship, communication, comfort, etc.
ITNF's team mission is match senior needs and supplier talents for common gain by all.
Internet Infinity management has re-launched the company