| Q1 2024 Results - 23 -
P&L | Q1 2024
In thousands of euros Reported One-offs Reported excl.
One-offs Reported One-offs Reported excl.
One-offs Reported Reported excl.
Net Revenue 1.625.705 - 1.625.705 1.561.487 (18.830) 1.542.657 4,1% 5,4%
Cost of Sales (994.860) 17.562 (977.298) (1.007.048) 25.402 (981.646) 1,2% 0,4%
Gross Margin 630.845 17.562 648.407 554.439 6.572 561.011 13,8% 15,6%
% Net revenue 38,8% - 39,9% 35,5% - 36,4% - -
R&D (90.462) 109 (90.353) (104.657) 3.770 (100.887) 13,6% 10,4%
SG&A (339.051) 22.911 (316.140) (413.659) 114.770 (298.889) 18,0% (5,8%)
Operating Expenses (429.513) 23.020 (406.493) (518.316) 118.540 (399.776) 17,1% (1,7%)
2.470 - 2.470 14.506 - 14.506 (83,0%) (83,0%)
OPERATING RESULT (EBIT) 203.802 40.582 244.384 50.629 125.112 175.741 302,5% 39,1%
% Net revenue 12,5% - 15,0% 3,2% - 11,4% - -
Financial Result (156.600) - (156.600) (134.742) - (134.742) (16,2%) (16,2%)
(145) - (145) (61) - (61) (137,7%) (137,7%)
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 47.057 40.582 87.639 (84.174) 125.112 40.938 155,9% 114,1%
% Net revenue 2,9% - 5,4% (5,4%) - 2,7% - -
Income Tax Expense (24.779) (10.817) (35.596) 3.229 (31.345) (28.116) (867,4%) (26,6%)
% of pre-tax income 52,7% - 40,6% 3,8% 25,1% 68,7% - -
CONSOLIDATED PROFIT 22.278 29.765 52.043 (80.945) 93.767 12.822 127,5% 305,9%
Results Attributable to Non-Controlling Interests (859) (3.556) (4.415) (27.321) 3.902 (23.419) 96,9% 81,1%
GROUP PROFIT 21.419 26.209 47.628 (108.266) 97.669 (10.597) 119,8% 549,4%
% Net revenue 1,3% - 2,9% (6,9%) - (0,7%)
Q1 2024 % vs PY
Share of Results of Equity Accounted Investees
Share of Results of Equity Accounted Investees - Core
Grifols Grifols Grifols
Q1 2023
Note: All figures are presented on a consolidated basis (including Biotest). |