Mr. Zen
This company is a proximity claims company, seems to me (at first glance) they are buying or gaining control of claims in proximity to other companies.. Lithium is deep and requires pumping to get it to the surface, so two wells, one sends water down the other sends lithium brine up..
I like the share structure, the unknown factor and the industry they are in, however this hocus pocus nanoparticals whooie has me scratching my head..
more information I need.
I found this release rather interesting-
February 19, 2020 - Vancouver, BC – Dajin Lithium Corp. (“Dajin”) (TSX-V: DJI) (OTC: DJIFF) (Germany: C2U1) is pleased to announce it has formed a Strategic Alliance with Moselle Technologies Inc. (“Moselle”) of Dallas, Texas by signing a letter of understanding between the two companies to work together to further pursue the exploration and extraction of Lithium from naturally occurring brines. Moselle has developed a patent pending magnetic separation process for the extraction of Lithium and other elements from naturally occurring Lithium bearing brines. The Moselle technology utilizes a solution containing magnetic nanoparticles that replaces the need for traditional evaporation ponds and reduces both the construction and operating costs of a processing facility. It cuts processing time of brine solution to a matter of minutes, not months or years. Moselle’s nanoparticles have approximately one thousand times the specific surface area of traditional polymer beads. This results in very fast direct extraction and a decrease in the size and cost of equipment required for additional processing. (
The underlying technology was developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, one of the large US National Laboratories supported by the United States Department of Energy. Moselle acquired the exclusive rights to the intellectual property and then funded research to develop a nanoparticle specifically for the extraction of Lithium. A pilot plant is currently being designed by Moselle for the testing of their technology on a commercial scale.
“Dajin has for some time been monitoring the development and application of new technologies for the processing of Lithium bearing brines. As a result of extensive laboratory testing, the Moselle technology has proven to recover up to 99% of the lithium found in brines tested. Once commercialized, Dajin and Moselle expect this technology to have created one of the world’s lowest cost production methods for Lithium extraction.” reports Brian Findlay, President of Dajin.
Dajin is currently arranging for a shipment of Lithium brine to the USA from Argentina that Moselle will be analyzing and carrying out preliminary testing on. A similar analysis will be done of the Lithium brine solution from the Teels Marsh Lithium brine project in Nevada.
About Dajin: ( In Argentina, Dajin has reported exceptional Lithium brine assay results from their initial exploration program from the San Jose Navidad minas on the Salinas Grandes salar in Jujuy province. Lithium values received from 25 assays ranged from 281 mg/litre to 1,353 mg/litre, averaging 591 mg/litre. Additional exploration of the concessions is expected to proceed later this year. Dajin is in partnership with Litica Resources S.A., a subsidiary of Pluspetrol Resources Corporation. (click here to see geochemical map).
In Nevada, Dajin holds a 100% interest in 403 placer claims covering 7,914 acres (3,202 hectares) in the Teels Marsh valley in Mineral County, Nevada. All permits for drilling have been received and engineered access roads and two large drill pads have been constructed. These claims are known to contain Lithium and Boron values. Dajin holds placer claims in the Alkali Spring valley Lithium property in Esmeralda County which are located 7.5 miles (12 kilometers) from the only producing Lithium brine operation in the USA; Albemarle’s Silver Peak mine in Clayton Valley.
Innovative Energy Technologies Move Closer to Commercial Use
$9 million matching commercialization funds will advance research projects to create products and services
July 10, 2020 - Susan Bauer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
In total, DOE will provide more than $33 million in funding for 82 projects supported by the
OTT’s Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF). TCF connects DOE’s national laboratories
with private sector companies, which are critical for maturing and deploying emerging
technologies to the market place. “As recently as last year, TCF was instrumental in greatly
accelerating the commercialization of a technology PNNL developed to create realistic
decoys within operational technology networks to attract hackers trying to manipulate remote
systems, and keep them engaged while countermeasures are taken” said Lee Cheatham, PNNL’s
Director of Technology Deployment and Outreach. “Attivo Networks was able to use the funds to
build out a deception defense platform for cyber-physical systems. We are excited to see similar
success stories with the partners and technologies selected by OTT.”
The TCF projects are funded for three to five years with PNNL researchers working directly with
private partners to accelerate innovations toward commercial products and services.
PNNL projects awarded 2020 TCF funding include:
• Magnetic Nanoparticle Extraction of Lithium from Produced Waters
Industry partners: Canada Natural Resources Limited, Conoco-Phillips Corporation,
Hatch Engineering, Moselle Technologies, LLC
Promising iron-based nanoparticles will be tested as a new means of collecting valuable lithium
and other rare earth metals from briny waters produced by oil and gas development.
Teels Marsh valley, Mineral County, Nevada, USA
Dajin Lithium (US) Corp. has 100% ownership of 403 placer claims covering 7,914 acres (3,202 hectares) of the Teels Marsh area. This area of the Teels Marsh was extensively prospected by the well-known prospector, “Borax” Smith. In 1867, Smith began processing borax and salt deposits. This property eventually became part of the early history of the giant borax producer, U.S. Borax Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of one of the world’s largest mining companies, Rio Tinto PLC.
With the recognition of Lithium and Boron in the Teels Marsh brines, it was concluded that these brines were formed by the evaporation of water leaching from volcanic ash, originating from the the super eruption of nearby Long Valley Caldera, California. This is the same ash fall environment that contributed to the Lithium brines of the nearby Clayton Valley/ Silver Peak operations of Albemarle Corporation, which is the sole Lithium producer in the USA. Historical reporting of the Teels Marsh property, by the US Geological Survey (OFR: 76-567) indicates Lithium concentrations in the Teels Marsh playa brines of up to 850ppm. A report by the Clay Minerals society in 1981 analyzed 17 interstitial brine samples at Teels Marsh, which contained concentrations of Boron ranging from 214 to 893ppm.
Dajin Lithium (US) Corp. has 62% ownership of placer mineral claims in the Alkali Lake valley, in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
Dajin has entered into an Earn-in Agreement with Lone Mountain Resources, LLC (“LMR”), a privately held US Lithium exploration and development company affiliated with Lilac Solutions, Inc. Lilac is a well financed Lithium extraction technology company that LMR anticipates will provide technology and services to advance the project.