They just keep popping back up,
No PR to stock news wires equal no national exposure
Possible reasons.
Market makers, who are continuously providing bids and offers on stocks, may trade with a buyer first, leaving them short. This makes it easier for a buyer to find a seller and keeps bid-offer spreads tighter.
In short (pun intended), a lot of short selling is done by liquidity providers, arbitrageurs and market makers
Providing liquidity is the primary function of all market makers. These market participants buy the bid price and sell the ask price on their specified security for any order that comes their way.
The active participation of market makers in setting bid and ask prices helps in establishing a more accurate and fair market value for penny stocks. They analyze a variety of factors, including supply and demand dynamics, overall market trends, and specific news related to the penny stocks
They make their money in the spread, right now 4 to 5 = 20% reason to not let go to 6, not great demand = 5% cut
If they analyze news why move it up when no national exposure.