If this stock ever gets picked up by a legit financial backer and gets momentum behind it, there is more room for growth in a short amount of time than Apple and Microsoft.
There was that stock 2-3 years ago that went from 'inactive' trips to dollars in like 2 months. Millionaires were made and I bet a alot of millions were made by the company who made that happen. Thing is, is that it ran on very little, but, it had hype, social media hype and momentum.
Company takes over. Holds big amounts of shares, works their ass off and get to 1 dollar. They make so much money, quicker than investing that capital in apple and waiting 10 years.
Crazier shit has happened
to answer your question,is to validate it so i reallyyyy dont want to, but, to make sure people kknow what a scam this is, i shall enlighten you. First of all , 30 mill shares of this GARBAGE is worth 30 dollars currently. Now , in order for this GARBAGE to go up ONE tic, YOUR 30 dollars now becomes 300 dollars, and another tic, 3000 dollars, etc etc...See the pattern here? NOW, in order for this stock to be able to PAY OUT 3000 for your GARBAGE WORTHLESS shares, that means there has to be 3000 "equity" in this stock--which there is certainly NOT. Now, you said "momentum and hype" could propel this stock eh? Well in order for your 30 dollars to become 3000 that means SOME FOOL would have to buy 300 MILLION shares of this JUNK just to pay YOUR claim of 3000--which is nottttttttt going to happen. And that would just to pay YOUR cashing in, not to mention the other bagholders on here would jump on that bandwagon IF given the opportunity to again. And for this stock to goto , what did you say--2 dollars?? I have to laugh my A$$ OFF at the PROSPECT of that even....The math is not even comprehensible about how many BILLIONS of shares would have to be purchased for that to happen....Im guessing like 200 BILLION maybe? or is it TWO TRILLION....Its just NEVER going to happen....If someone hasnt shown interest in this JUNK in WELL over 12 YEARS, why in the HELL do you think its "gonna happen someday"?? This is just a dead, junk stock and i dont understand why it just wont die and be delisted already....There is ZERO interest in it and there will NEVER be interest in it....I dont know why you FOOLS didnt just sell it a year or two ago when it went up "2" tics i think? Probably because you thought it was going to a penny or something insane like that, and you were gonna cash out at 100K?? LOL...Son, thats NOT going to happen...People who invest MILLIONS in GOOD stocks like Apple or Microsoft MAY make that kind of money, but WHY would you think you could ever make that on a DEAD .000001 stock? to even hope or DREAM for this stock to go up ONE tic is foolish, trust me....The lesson endeth here.
no YOu ANDDDDDD wall-e-world, and Eat At Joes, andddddd EVERY EVERY other 12 year bagholder on here MUSTTTT donate ALL of your worthless garbage atnp stock IF, and i mean IF you ever expect this TRASH HEAP to ever go up ONE see, IF just ONE of you "bagholders" hold onto your 10 million/20 millioin shares of this TRASH, then this stock, by the laws of nature itself CANNOT go up ONE TIC.....You will not be buying your "Bentleys" on this stock now or ever, the MOST you can pray for, is to liquidate EVERY worthless share you have in this, and then maybe make a few hundred off it "down the road".....
bottom line is this, its BAGHOLDERS like wall-e world, joe-e, and franksredhotsauce that will prevent this stock from EVER EVER moving up ONE tic again...........for it to do so, would require thousands of dollars in equity for this stock to pay out, which it does NOT have........therefore , by the laws of physics itself, this stock CANNOT move up a tic......the only way this stock could ever move up a tic is if you 20 or so remaining bagholders liquidated or donated your millions of worthless shares. Then and ONLY THEN, could this stock possibly ever go up a tic or two......those are the facts.
and that is EXACTLY what this garbage scam stock will NEVER and i mean NEVERRRR go up even ONE TIC from now til the stars burn out of the sky....Simply BECAUSE people like you who have sat on and have millions and millions of worthless shares of this thing because you are DELUSIONAL and think at some point this is going to go up just oneeeeeeee little tic or two or three, and POOF, your RICH....POOF..ten YEARS later or more your STILL sitting on this junk thinking "one of these days its gonna pop"...Well fools, IN ORDER for this to go up a TIC OR TWO, making your worthless garbage worth thousands would mean SOMEONE would have to foot the bill, SOME WAY the stock would have to be worth many thousands to "pay out" to you and the few other clowns/jokers on here who think your gonna get rich off the stock...So tell me, how exactly do you think a stock worth NO VALUE is going to pay you tens of thousands of dollarrs? PLEASE, for the love of God and ALL that is HOLY educate me on how you think a stock that is worth NOTHING can pay you tens of thousands of dollars? EDUCATE ME..., Now, stop pumping this garbage or i will have to come back here and enlighten would be investors again like i have done for years .