Big Brother
True, could be suspended or revoked for delinquent filings, but the shareholders could not get anything for their shares, even if they wanted to sell, as there is no market at all whatsoever.
Perhaps he is waiting to see the outcome of the lawsuit first, if its dismissed or he just gets a small fine, he can pay it, then maybe get things back on track.
Big Brother
Don't know about all that, have not really looked into him that deeply, as I do not have a personal vendetta against him, I have only looked at the way his stocks have traded.
2016 GREI- .09 to $9.74
2017 EXAI/ATIN - .006 to 30 days
2017 ATMO .25 to $ 19 days
Public interest concern or not there was good money to be made here, and was only derailed by OTC Markets, not by insider dumping, greed, convertible debentures, etc.....those nefarious things that typically kill the majority of penny stocks.
I wonder, if Perkins is indeed the 'public interest concern' that is keeping the CE on his stocks, maybe for the good of the shareholders, he could step down as President, and put his wife in charge of the public companies.....he would still stay as president of Yilaimei. Perhaps this could resolve the OTC Markets issue?
Big Brother
Been signing some pretty significant deals lately.
$ATMO AmericaTowne Holdings Inc. signed a contract with the Government of Busia County, Kenya to provide high powered generators for $7.5 million annually for three years. Total Contract value $22.5 Mil USD.
$ATMO AmericaTowne Holdings Inc. signed a contract with the Government of Turkana County, Kenya to provide borehole equipment for $8.9 million annually for four years. Total Contract value $35.9 Mil USD.
$ATMO AmericaTowne Holdings Inc. signed a contract with the Government of Turkana County, Kenya to provide solar equipment for $11.9 million annually for two years. Total Contract value $23.9 Mil USD.
$ATMO AmericaTowne Holdings Inc. subsidiary @AmericaTowne, Inc. on behalf of $ATMO AmericaTowne Holdings Inc. signed an Agreement with the Government of Siaya County, Kenya to provide various equipment and services valued at $26 Mil USD.
Big Brother
I have a number of different metrics that I use, honed over the past 22 years, that fit my investment style and strategy, as a stock trader..............financials, while perhaps not totally irrelevant(I do like to see a decent cash position), are not high on my list of factors to consider.
However, one thing I definitely don't use as a metric in my decision making process, to invest or not invest, is the opinion of some random stock message board poster with a personal vendetta against the company or company officers.
I don't know Perkins, never met him, never talked to him, he could be the spawn of Hitler and Satan for all I care. I only know is what I've seen over the past 1 1/2 years, and as far as I'm concerned, he has a proven track record of executing phenomenal stock runs.
2016 GREI- .09 to $9.74
2017 EXAI/ATIN - .006 to 30 days
2017 ATMO .25 to $ 19 days
Early investors made out like gangbusters in these plays. If Nationwide and Modular can run like this, what is Perkins going to do with his flagship company AmericaTowne..??
Now yes, these runs didn't last, and the share price eventually retraced, and the stocks became illiquid, but from what I observed this had nothing to do with anything Perkins did. This was on OTC Markets, they slapped them with Caveat Emptor for no explainable reason other than the fact that they went on big runs and this eventually killed them.
Big Brother
That's pretty much irrelevant, A) because AmericaTowne is still in development stage and B) because OTC stocks don't need great financials in order to run, if they did nothing would ever run on the OTC
Perfect example here, look at these 2 balance sheets, one of these tickers went on a run to $642.00 per share, the other trades at a whopping .23 cents per share.
One has a $42M profit....the other $7.7M net to guess which one ran to $642 dollars.....??
Financials are virtually meaningless on the OTC, there are other factors that are far more important.
Shorts trapped and cannot cover. "I think I told you before that I have managed to escape being squeezed more than once, not because of the possession of a mysterious ticker-sense but because I can generally tell the moment the character of the buying in the stock makes it imprudent for me to be short of it. This I do by common-sense tests, which must have been tried in the old times also. Old Daniel Drew used to squeeze the boys with some frequency and make them pay high prices for the Erie "sheers" they had sold short to him. He was himself squeezed by Commodore Vanderbilt in Erie, and when old Drew begged for mercy the Commodore grimly quoted the Great Bear's own deathless distich He that sells what isn't hisn Must buy it back or go to prim. Wall Street remembers very little of an operator who for more than a generation was one of its Titans. His chief claim to immortality seems to be the phrase "watering stock." Addison G. Jerome was the acknowledged king of the Public Board in the spring of 1863. His market tips, they tell me, were considered as good as cash in bank. From all accounts he was a great trader and made millions. He was liberal to the point of extravagance and had a great following in the Street until Henry Keep, known as William the Silent, squeezed him out of all his millions in the Old Southern corner. Keep, by the way, was the brother-in-law of Gov. Roswell P. Flower. In most of the old corners the manipulation consisted chiefly of not letting the other man know that you were cornering the stock which he was variously invited to sell short. It therefore was aimed chiefly at fellow professionals, for the general public does not take kindly to the short side of the account." Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator - Edwin Lefevre