What do you expect the IEA to say. They are guided by the Green New Deal funding and scam.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported in its Oil 2021 report as of March 25, 2021, that the
Allied continues to focus on operating efficiencies as the immediate means necessary to mitigate net losses. Key items considered include whether to temporarily shut-in poorly performing oil and natural gas wells, and whether to participate in well redevelopment programs given the dwindling expectation for future energy prices.
rebalancing of world oil markets after the advent of the “COVID-19 crisis [has] spurred an unprecedented collapse in demand in 2020,” that may never return to “normal”. The IEA that forecast the slow demise of oil also had something to say to those involved in the production of natural gas. On May 18, 2021, it was reported that the IEA had declared the “golden age” of natural gas and LNG over and that no new oil or natural gas fields were necessary in order to meet net zero carbon emission goals by 2050. The IEA forecast leads us to believe that lower prices for energy products are here to stay. The effect of these lower prices will continue to have a negative impact on Allied’s ability to generate
“Lower Prices”? It’s going to push over $75/Brl. Where do they find these people?
It’s why so many of these oil stocks are ramping back up,
LNG is just getting started. “Golden era of LNG is over”? Idiots with an agenda
Just outlaw oil.
Revenue (from last 10q)
Revenue for the three month period ended June 30, 2010 decreased to $150,306 from $171,268 for the comparable period ended June 30, 2009, a decrease of 12%. Revenue for the six month period ended June 30, 2010 increased to $337,465 from $333,677, an increase of 1%. The decrease in revenue over the three month comparative periods was due to a decrease in selling prices for oil and gas and production decreases in production due to problems associated with certain wells. Revenue remained relatively consistent over the six month comparative period. Allied anticipates that revenue will increase in the near term in line with production growth.
Overview of operations from filngs:
West Virginia Well Information
Allied owns varying interests in a total of 145 wells in West Virginia on several leases held by an independent operator. Some leases contain multiple wells. All the wells in which we have an interest are situated on developed acreage spread over 3,400 acres in Ritchie and Calhoun Counties. Depth of the producing intervals varies from 1,730 ft to 5,472 ft. Many of our wells are situated on the same leases and as such share production equipment in order to minimize lease operating costs. Our working interest is defined as interest in oil and gas that includes responsibility for all drilling, developing, and operating costs varying from 18.75% to 75%. Our net revenue interest is defined as that portion of oil and gas production revenue after deduction of royalties, varying from 15.00% to 65.625%.
Texas Well Information
Allied owns varying interests in a total of 12 wells in Texas on four leases managed by independent operators and an interest in a pipeline gathering system. All the wells in which we have an interest are situated on developed acreage spread over 2,510 acres in Goliad, Edwards and Jackson Counties. Depth of the producing intervals varies from 7,600 ft to 9,600 ft. Our working interest is defined as interest in oil and gas that includes responsibility for all drilling, developing, and operating costs varying from 3.73% to 21%. Our net revenue interest is defined as that portion of oil and gas production revenue after deduction of royalties, varying from 2.68% to 12.75%.
Exploration, Development and Operations
Allied intends to continue to purchase non-operated oil and gas producing properties, acquire oil and gas leases that it will operate and implement improved production efficiencies on existing wells. Our criteria for purchasing oil and gas producing properties is defined by short term returns on investment, long term growth in revenue, and development potential, while our criteria for acquiring oil and gas leases is predicated on a proven record of historical production and our own capacity to operate any given field. The recent downturn in prices for energy have given rise to new opportunities to purchase interests in distressed oil and gas properties directly from banks and leasehold owners. Our cash position will enable us to consider more prospectively productive properties that might otherwise have been unavailable to us before the decline in energy prices.
We are further considering future prospects for exploration of the virtually untapped Marcellus shale formation that underlies Allied’s oil and gas interests in West Virginia, particularly in Ritchie County. The Marcellus Shale is a black shale of middle Devonian age that has formed under much of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, West Virginia and adjacent states to become a prospectively major reservoir for natural gas recovery. Drilling by other operators in Ritchie County has indicated successful rates of recovery and our own open hole well logs indicate the presence of potentially productive Marcellus shale at a depth of 6,000 feet. However, since exploration of the Marcellus shale in our area is relatively recent no natural gas reserves underlying our interests have been determined. Our future plans for exploring the Marcellus shale are further tempered by the high risk/reward ratio of exploratory drilling at the near term based on anticipated pricing for natural gas over the next twelve to eighteen months.