Big Brother
Been tracking this for awhile now, not entirely sure if it's an RM or just a change in business direction, not a lot of info that I see yet on Ajia Innogroup Holdings.
However, this sounds interesting to me, especially if they are working with Alipay, which is the world's largest mobile payment platform.
Business Plan
On December 1, 2017, the Company acquired a ten percent (10%) ownership interest in a collection code project ("Project"), the purpose of which is to improve the marketability and market penetration of Alipay Network Technology Co., Ltd. ("Alipay") collection code system. The Company plans to acquire additional interest in this project as the project develops.
In addition to the Alipay collection code project, the Company is planning to acquire a business in the development of self-help photo kiosks, which is to be implemented at major convenient locations, such as shopping mall, buildings nearby subway station, etc. to attract customers to use the service. Arising from the growing needs of identity verification and photos for official processing of formal permit applications (e.g. such as driving license, individual identification card, passport and visa application, and etc.), this new business will implement innovative photo kiosks in major locations in cities to provide economic and convenient self-help service. This type of mini photo kiosks provides a one stop self-help service center to allow the customers to apply varieties of permits through a simple process from the identity verification, photo taking, document scanning, electronic signature to making payment.
The management continues to evaluate the potential of this new self-help photo kiosk business opportunity and believes that this new kiosk business will bring profitable business revenue to the Company as the number of units grows in major cities in China in the future.
The management will have further announcements when there are further developments in these new business opportunities in the future.