Climber18,_Ramón Barúa_is a_master at_PR, but_always "light"
on concrete "profit-making" hard results that you (as an investor) can actually "take to the bank" and personally prosper upon. His newest PR opportunity speaks of being promising, flashy and is professionally slick but does not really change anything even one peso https://www-guiaminera-cl.translate.goog/aclara-expone-ante-autoridades-en-brasil-y-recibe-apoyo-para-avanzar-con-su-proyecto-carina/?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
You need to be extremely conservative until these guys actually start turning shovelfuls of dirt on the new project in Brazil.
Unfortunately, Brazil is currently treading on dangerous ground today by loudly complicating/protesting/severing relations with Israel https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/bolivia-severs-diplomatic-ties-with-israel-citing-crimes-against-humanity-2023-10-31/
In retaliation if Israel sends a message to the Jewish bankers in New York, London, Zurich, etal to cut-off/squeeze loans going to Brazil then in dominoes-falling collateral damage effect Aclara is going to have a hard time getting funding for this new project in Brazil. Also, Penco in Chile is virtually dead until at least 2026 and then only will have a chance to even start up if Jose Antonio Kast is elected president and reins in these phony environmentalist (and commie) extortionists.
The Doctor
Aclara_Provides 2022_Review and 2023_Outlook
On paper this all sounds reasonable, logical, and pragmatic for developing this project along fundamentally good ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance) guidelines in an ideal capitalist-loving free-enterprise country but I have spent the last 10 years invested in a Chilean lithium mine near corrupt slimy leftist-controlled Copiapo (reference stab-us-in-the-back ladies-man beaner Governor Miguel Vargas) in Maricunga Chile that has yet to sell even one kilogram of lithium and to think Chileans are anywhere even near being reasonable, logical, and pragmatic is a total freaking waste of time. If you are not fighting right wing fascists in the real & shadow government dead set on killing your project through government regulation/bureaucracy to protect the existing old world upper 1% ultra-wealthy elites/class of white Spanish descent who control powerful existing claim-jumping mining companies then you are fighting left-wing commies intent on nationalizing your new mine a few minutes after you have spent all your seed/start-up money perfecting the research/engineering/pilot-plants plus corralling all the free-loading eco-terrorist flat-out extorting cocaine snorting indians (Mapuche, Colla, Camar etal ad nauseam) to get their sign-offs after they have been fully 110% satiated through bribery/kickbacks.
If the Aclara "Outlook" writers could next address in their Penco plan how they actually intend to satisfy all the corrupt conniving thieving foot-dragging government bureaucrats in the current leftist/commie anti-mining government led by commie-loving Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric and Anti-Mining Minister Marcela Hernando along with their plan for getting the locals (eg bloodsuckers, freeloaders, moochers, dopers, part-time eco-terroist indians descendant from Russian Inuit/Eskimos hundreds of years ago) to even allow this project to begin to go forward on their "tribal lands" (aka sacred junkyards/landfills) then we potential/future shareholders would indeed greatly appreciate this additional "direction/input" also.
https://www-mineria--pa-com.translate.goog/noticias/confirman-interes-de-tesla-y-toyota-en-proyecto-tierras-raras-de-chile/?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=nui (see last paragraph).
The Doctor
PS, and what is the timetable for securing a nearly-impossible-in-this-sheethole-country SEA approval?
OK,_here we_go. Let's_ get ourselves_up to date_rapido on Aclara.
Aclara website https://www.aclara-re.com/
February 2022, 99% of the locals in Chile are not in favor of this Penco project being built in Chile so this is a huge ballbuster right from the git go.
December 1, 2022, Aclara provides an update on the mineral resource estimate at the Penco module project
December 13, 2022, Aclara provides an update on its Greenfield exploration plan
and/or https://www.stockwatch.com/News/Item/Z-C!ARA-3343175/C/ARA
December 27, 2022, Tesla, Toyota interested in Chilean REEs
Now we start our due diligence... unfortunately we know all about Chile and the associated graft/corruption/bureaucratic-thievery/extortion in this two-bitshithole banana-republic having previously invested in Maricunga lithium (NewCo/LPI/Bearing) already so let's check that box off right now on our DD list first. .
The Doctor