I too initially thought there was a slim chance of a good outcome here, given the strong balance sheet, milk being an essential staple and all that. But looking at how INEPT their management is, complete lack of foresight on how to strategically position themselves due to the demographic changes in consumption, I concluded that neither can anyone save this sorry excuse of a company nor do they deserve to be saved. Recall that Saputo passed on Deans last May, stating that it was a "volume" play not a value play.
Completely idiotic management, CEO after CEO just in it for the $$$ and then there was DFA, hell bent on destroying value. They were owed $173 M by Deans and so basically said, "hey dudes, we're now gonna take over the farm, chickens, goats, tractor and your grandma but you can't say a word cause you're too dumb, so just shut up and get out". So they did. In the end, no one wants to deal with legacy plants, underfunded pensions, union labor and what not. As was correctly predicted by analysts early last year, NOT A SINGLE DAIRY or other company expressed interest in acquiring all of Dean Foods so they have no choice but to sell assets to pay off their debts.
You need to realize that DFODQ management is LEAST interested in a successful restructuring of the company. Forget about return to profitability, that's never going to happen with these idiots in charge. DFA has a complete stranglehold on them, plus they're aided in their effort by a totally useless judge who's happy to give it all away to the lenders.
In all his past cases, the judge ruled against equity stockholders making sure that Equity Committees were NOT appointed, and if ever allowed they could not plead nor prove their case for favorable outcome. Even US Trustee is asleep at the wheel so barring a miracle you will likely lose your investment. Thats the current scenario, very different from what it looked like in Jan.
I don't see that news anywhere so, if you have a link, share it. Having said that, it literally means NOTHING, an "adhoc" equity committee request was withdrawn, big deal. They already have an offer for the assets, there may be even more bidders, even the current offer for the assets would put the sp much higher than this. No change to court date, the only information that matters will be revealed after the 12th of March after the court date. I mean, you are literally having a conversation with your own posts on this board at this point