Includes shares held by the following entities over which Mr. Kirk (or an entity over which he exercises
exclusive control) exercises exclusive control: 213,805 shares held by ADC 2010, LLC, 367,560 shares held by JPK 2008, LLC, 1,675,873 shares held by JPK 2009, LLC, 1,316,798 shares held by JPK 2012, LLC, 14,140,139 shares held by Kapital Joe, LLC,
182,200 shares held by Kellie L. Banks (2009) Long Term Trust, 1,403 shares held by Lotus Capital (2000) Company Inc., 5,483,957 shares held by Mascara Kaboom, LLC, 366,548 shares held by MGK 2008, LLC, 1,832,054 shares held by MGK 2009,
LLC, 1,299,267 shares held by MGK 2011, LLC, 13,340,645 shares held by NRM VI Holdings I, LLC, 243,001 shares held by NRM VII Holdings I, LLC, 10,588,601 shares held by R.J. Kirk Declaration of Trust, 16,406,828 shares held by Sunset 2020 LLC,
1,142,759 shares held by Third Security Incentive 2010 LLC, 19,711 shares held by Third Security Incentive 2006 LLC, 59,133 shares held by Third Security Staff 2006 LLC, 118,266 shares held by Third Security Senior Staff 2006 LLC, 1,356,648 shares
held by Third Security Senior Staff 2008 LLC, 58,800 shares held by Third Security Senior Staff LLC, 311,287 shares held by Third Security Staff 2001 LLC, 1,356,648 shares held by Third Security Staff 2010 LLC, 975,084 shares held by Third Security
Senior Staff 2015 LLC, 975,084 shares held by Third Security Staff 2015 LLC, 8,325,000 shares held by TSCP V LLC, 337,234 shares held by ZSK 2008 LLC, and 151,802 shares held by ZSK 2009 LLC. Also includes 144,481 shares held by Alana D. Czypinski,
Mr. Kirks spouse.