| Village Bank and Trust Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: VBFC)
Market Areas
(1) Source: S&P Global, Data as of the 6/30/2023 FDIC Summary of Deposits for the Richmond, VA MSA.
(2) Source: Greater Richmond Partnership.
(3) Source: Williamsburgva.gov
Richmond MSA(2)
• State Capital
• 5 major colleges & universities
• 11 Fortune 1000 companies headquartered
• Virginia 2021 Top State for Business (CNBC)
• Educated workforce (~41% of adults have a bachelor’s degree
or higher according U.S. Census Bureau)
• Diverse population with an average household income of
~$69,500 vs the national average of ~$63,000
• Excellent quality of life
• Opportunity for meaningful penetration in market
• Dislocation of Virginia banks leaves a limited number of
community bank franchise
Williamsburg (Hampton Roads MSA)(3)
• 37th largest region in the United States
• Approximately 1.76 million residents
• Home to William & Mary, second oldest university in
the United States
Richmond MSA Market Position(1)
Rank Institution (ST)
Total Assets as of
June 30, 2023 ($,000)
Number of
Deposit in Market
Market Share
Average Branch
Size ($,000)
1 Bank of America Corporation (NC) 3,111,606,000 18 23,787,293 43.40 $ 1,321,516
2 Truist Financial Corp. (NC) 545,123,000 43 9,191,157 16.77 213,748
3 Wells Fargo & Co. (CA) 1,881,141,000 42 8,121,782 14.82 193,376
4 Atlantic Union Bkshs Corp. (VA) 19,661,799 21 5,331,003 9.73 253,857
5 TowneBank (VA) 16,864,039 9 1,465,643 2.67 162,849
6 C&F Financial Corp. (VA) 2,334,340 15 1,329,950 2.43 88,663
7 Primis Financial Corp. (VA) 3,234,694 11 851,770 1.55 77,434
8 United Bankshares Inc. (WV) 28,777,896 12 733,180 1.34 61,098
9 Village Bank & Trust Finl Corp (VA) 752,597 8 620,176 1.13 77,522
10 SouthState Corp. (FL) 45,766,190 6 535,520 0.98 89,253
Total for Institutions in Market 261 $ 54,811,380 $ 210,005
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