That's no surprise! Everyone running to the exits.
1,000,000 shares at .02 brings 20,000 (the expected low today without a RS announcement).
1,000,000 / 400 = 2,500 shares. Currently the ask would put the RS price at 4.96, 12,400, considerably less than what everyone was thinking for today.
If by some miracle, the buyer's step in, it could get interesting. However, that is rarely the case, and hence get what you can before you lose even more is what most will do.
All this is just conjecture. I know nothing and claim to know anything. This is all just an opinion.
If somebody owned 10,000 shares a couple of years ago, today they own 100 because of the last 100 to 1 reverse split.
On Dec 22, 2023, after this new 400 to 1 RS occurs, will today's 100 shares become .25 shares.
After Dec 22's latest 400 to 1 RS, will they actually end up with .25 shares? Or 1 share? Or 0 shares?
Will the original 10,000 shares simply vanish?