Breaking News: $CDEV Centennial Resource Development, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Conference Call
DENVER, Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Centennial Resource Development, Inc. (“Centennial” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: CDEV) announced today that it will report third quarter 2020 financial and operating results after the market closes for trading on November 2...
Find out more CDEV - Centennial Resource Development, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Conference Call
Let's see if this moron's proclamations come true in the next 3 weeks .... but if they don't would he face any consequences? Of course not! THAT is the beauty of it -- keep inducing fear in the stupid masses to serve the agendas of their (foreign) oligarch masters. Next they'll say that the total numbers have been "vastly under-reported" and other such garbage .... whatever.
The so-called "Institute for Health Metrics" in Seattle, WA has already been discredited after coming out with initial estimates of 2-3 MILLION deaths before 2020 ends. That place is filled with academic failures, foreign born dropouts and quacks from less than prestigious schools but of course no one ever bothers to check the credentials of these self-proclaimed "experts".
The US should expect 20,000 more coronavirus deaths by the end of the month, former CDC director says
Updated 6:06 PM ET, Sun October 11, 2020
(CNN)Another 20,000 Covid-19 deaths by the end of the month are "inevitable," according to a former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The estimate is based on the number of infections "that have already occurred," Dr. Tom Frieden said Saturday, during CNN's "Coronavirus: Facts and Fears" town hall.
Lets hope so, we're in for a horrible decade of wastage and govt. overspending if not. The sheer magnitude and ferocity of these anti-American socialists and their sweeping ideology will wreck the foundations of our democracy. Already, they've inflicted considerable damage.
They want to convert the US into a 2 class system -- the uber-rich and the poor. Like Dubai and other places. And they won't stop at anything, because we let them in, allowed them to become citizens, hold elected office, etc. Its just plain horrible whats happening in all the blue states.
Oh wow, the VEEP pick almost certainly guarantees DJT will win a 2nd term in Nov!! So why on earth did the markets swoon??! Maybe late realization will sink in tomorrow, lets hope so.
Worst choice he could've made - not respected among Blacks, unheard of among Latinx voters and Asians are not a large enough bloc to sway key swing states, so their votes won't change overall results. This will be interesting. All sorts of allegations will fly after the results - rigging, mail/absentee counting, suppression, etc. .. like anyone cares!! As long as DJT has decisive lead, its all good. He's the only one thats pushed back on immigration, China, NATO, NAFTA-BAFTA and all that nonsense unleashed over the past 30 years. One can almost never turn the clock back but still.
People are just terrified of the ultra-leftist pseudo-secular goons that have gotten into Congress, and their ilk will simply wipe out capitalism in 4 short years if we let them take power. Yeah, they're financed by big foreign money but the electorate is not dumb nor has it given up ...............
Centennial (CDEV) is one of the weaker shale players hanging by a thread and a prayer, literally. Very poorly hedged, cash flow deficit for years, plus their acreage is not that great. Granted it isn't land locked like some others in the N. Dakota basin.
Every now and then they pump it up a bit during earnings season, much the same as Oasis. C'mon, you don't need volume of 10 mil shares to go up by 5 cents!!
Well, good luck toe everyone and thanks for all the replies. Its a Nasdaq stock so I wouldn't touch it -- usually too much manipulation, and most sub-$5 stocks there are ravaged by daytraders, algorithms, dark pools and other fancy stuff that just serves to steal money from mom and pop investors.
Nasdaq is only good for the big gorilla techs, Apple, Google, FB, etc. most others are just terrible to hold and generally ignored by everyone including institutions.
Yes, but thats nothing compared to what they sold -- $420 million in Nov. 2017 and almost $430 million in March 2018. to me, its a clear exit from their IPO investment. I would discount directors and so called insiders buying anything as its usually a fake indicator. Very often just "window dressing" to mask what is eventually coming to the stock and company.
I was following a company where the newly appointed CEO bought stock in the open market (how symbolic) 2 months after joining the C-suite ... and then the company filed for bankruptcy 3 months after that . Was he and BOD in collusion on what was coming? How would anyone know, they all have their golden chutes and they ABSOLUTELY don't care about public (retail) investors. Now admittedly, it was trading under a buck, just like CDEV, so the company was already in deep trouble with debt and all that. He bought exactly 100000 shares at 80 cents, which is chump change to the typical CEO signon bonus, salary, severance, etc.