APWC is also associated with these:
* APWC Associated Prevailing Wage Contractors, Inc.
* APWC Aquashicola Pohopoco Watershed Conservancy (Kresgeville, PA)
* APWC Asia Pacific Wire and Cable Corporation, Ltd. (est. 1996)
* APWC American Premium Water Corp. So which other APWC is that other company's PR being confused with?
There's no confusion by anyone over the APWC reference to the name of the company that issued that PR and if presented as a complaint to the SEC, the SEC would just laugh at the accuser.
Anyone confused about what APWC stands for has not read the PR and the context in which it was used.
That's like complaining that the use of "SEC" in a press release is confusing because that is the abbreviation for many other things, such as:
****** SEC Securities & Exchange Commission (US government)
****** SEC Securities and Exchange Commission (authority in the Philippines)
****** SEC Second(s)
****** SEC Section
****** SEC Space Environment Center (NOAA)
****** SEC Security
****** SEC Secretary
****** SEC Secondary
****** SEC Southeastern Conference
****** SEC Surveys of Enacted Curriculum
****** SEC Sun-Earth Connection (NASA)
****** SEC Software Engineering Center
****** SEC Size Exclusion Chromatography
***** SEC Secant (trigonometry)
***** SEC Saudi Electricity Company
***** SEC South East Corner
***** SEC Secondary Containment
***** SEC Socio-Economic Classification
**** SEC Secaucus, New Jersey (New Jersey transit)
**** SEC Singapore Environment Council
**** SEC Samsung Electronics Corporation
**** SEC Secretaría de Educación y Cultura (México)
**** SEC South Equatorial Current
**** SEC Single Edge Contact (Intel)
**** SEC Standard Entry Class
**** SEC Sustainable Energy Coalition (Takoma Park, MD)
**** SEC Set Carry (6502 processor instruction)
**** SEC Secretary's Department (International Monetary Fund)
**** SEC Secure Electronic Commerce
**** SEC Section Executive Committee
**** SEC Southeastern College
**** SEC Southeastern College (Pasay City, Philippines)
**** SEC Single Error Correction
**** SEC Saudi Electric Company
**** SEC Software Enabled Control
**** SEC Sonoma Ecology Center
**** SEC State Elections Commission (Puerto Rican government agency)
**** SEC Secondary Average (baseball statistic; determines how far on the bases a runner gets)
**** SEC Special Education Consultant
*** SEC Sociedad Española de Contracepción (Spanish: Spanish Society for Contraception)
*** SEC Spoken English Corpus
*** SEC Secans (trigonometry)
*** SEC State Engineering Corporation (Pakistan government)
*** SEC Staphylococcal Enterotoxin C
*** SEC Senior Executive Council (US DoD)
*** SEC SDH Equipment Clock
*** SEC Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc.
*** SEC Series Elastic Component (anatomy)
*** SEC Sustainable Energy Communities
*** SEC Specialist Engineering Contractors Group
*** SEC Single Edge Cartridge
*** SEC Société des Employés de Commerce (French: Society of Commercial Employees; Switzerland)
*** SEC Society for Economic Botany
*** SEC Société d'Entomologie du Canada
*** SEC Social Economy Centre
*** SEC Special Education Consortium
*** SEC Secondary Electron Conduction
*** SEC Sistema Europeo di Conti
*** SEC Source Evaluation Committee
*** SEC Scalable Enterprise Computing (Dell)
*** SEC Software Evaluation Criteria (informatics, avionics)
*** SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer (Airbus)
*** SEC Spatial Error Concealment
*** SEC Submarine Element Coordinator
*** SEC Shanghai Education Commission
*** SEC Salvo Errore Calculi (Latin: after extensive calculations)
*** SEC Support Equipment Change
*** SEC Scientific Ethics Committee (UNESCO)
** SEC Synchronous Equipment Clock
** SEC Shelf Edge Current
** SEC Scientific Estimates Committee
** SEC Switching Equipment Congestion signal (CCS #7/ITU-T)
** SEC Scintillator Electromagnetic Calorimeter
** SEC Supreme Eiye Confraternity
** SEC Subject Electoral Commission (Russian Federation)
** SEC Southern Episcopal Church
** SEC Shanghai Economic Commission
** SEC School Energy Coalition (Canada)
** SEC Service Evaluation Center
** SEC SONET/SDH Equipment Clock
** SEC Self Evident Correction
** SEC Société d'Études Camerounaises (French)
** SEC Sydney Education Centre (Australia)
** SEC Special Support Equipment Change
** SEC Strategic Excellence Projects
** SEC Systems Engineering Council
** SEC Service Etrangers et Confédérés (French: Foreign and Confederate Service; Switzerland)
* SEC Sequential Events Controller (US NASA)
* SEC Spinal Extremity Correction (treatment)
* SEC Sun Energy Corporation (El Salvador)
* SEC Single End Cane (physical therapy)
* SEC Shore Erosion Control
* SEC Siemens Enterprise Communications (Siemens AG; Germany)
* SEC Shanghai Exhibition Center (China)
* SEC Sharp Electronics Corporation (Mahwah, NJ)
* SEC Socio-Economic Category
* SEC Social and Economic Council (various locations)
* SEC Software Engineering Company
* SEC Software Engineering Conference (various locations)
* SEC Semiconductor Equipment Corporation (Moorpark, CA)
* SEC Seiko Epson Corporation (Japanese electronics company)
* SEC Scientific and Engineering Computing
* SEC Sapporo Electronics Center (Japan)
* SEC Sarkeys Energy Center (University of Oklahoma)
* SEC Scottish Episcopal Church (UK)
* SEC Search Engine College (Australia)
* SEC Supreme Economic Council (Saudi Arabia)
* SEC Summer English Camp
* SEC Sydney Entertainment Centre (Sydney, Australia)
* SEC Spiritual Enrichment Center (Bainbridge Island, WA)
* SEC Spiritual Enrichment Conference (Heritage Christian University)
* SEC Specific Energy Consumption (energy efficiency)
* SEC Special Events Committee (various organizations)
* SEC Special Exposure Cohort
* SEC Southside Electric Cooperative (Virginia)
* SEC Special Education Committee
* SEC Student Education Center (various schools)
* SEC Student Employment Center (various schools)
* SEC Student Engineers' Council (various schools)
* SEC Student Environment Centre (Canada)
* SEC Student Evaluation of Courses
* SEC Student Executive Committee (various schools)
* SEC Student Executive Council (various schools)
* SEC Spontaneous Echo Contrast (cardiology)
* SEC Sports and Entertainment Commission (various locations)
* SEC State Ethics Commission (various locations)
* SEC Standard Equipment Company (various companies)
* SEC Standards and Ethics Committee (various organizations)
APWC--High volume today. Someone may have finally noticed that their publicly traded 51% owned Thai sub, Charoong Thai (symbol:CTW on Thailand exchange) has been on a tear recently to hit a new high over 17 on huge volume. APWC's share of CTW's market cap equates to over $8 per APWC share compared to its current $4.15 price. Buyers of CTW can get it so much cheaper by buying APWC and get APWC's operations in China, Singapore and Australia as a bonus. These other operations have traditionally accounted for 40% + of APWC's revenues. CTW will announce Q4 earnings by the end of February which, because they're consolidated into APWC's financials, will give very good visibility into APWC's Q4 results. Based on the way CTW has been trading,the whispers must be that the numbers are good.
I don't think the 20-F is due until 6/30, however, based on last year's timing, I think it should be out in the next two weeks. They did .80 EPS for the first 9 months of 2010 including .26 in Q3. Thailand was off the charts in Q3 but China lagged due to fewer orders from a few large customers. It will be interesting to see whether they can put together a .30 EPS Q4 and 1.10 for the year. That would be the next catalyst to drive the share price another $1-2 after the announcement.
I'm trying hard to maintain my objectivity and be measured in my expectations, but it's hard not to just start rooting for the stock like one of my favorite sports teams. It has traded pretty steadily up since the uplisting announcement. When it has gapped up, it has retrenched and back filled which sets a good foundation for the next step up. It will be interesting to see how it trades next week in its first full week on the NASDAQ. If the broader market continues to trade well, I wouldn't be surprised to see the share price break $7.