RNS Number : 3516L

Worldlink Group Plc

03 September 2012

3 September 2012

Replacement - Results of Annual General Meeting

The 'Results of Annual General Meeting' announcement released on 3 September 2012 at 11.44 under RNS No 3490L, should have been issued under the Company name of Worldlink Group plc and not under the Company name of Fisher Corporate plc.

The announcement text is unchanged and is reproduced in full below.

The Board of Worldlink Group plc (the "Company") is pleased to announce that all resolutions proposed at its Annual General Meeting held on 31 August 2012 were duly passed by a poll. A summary of the proxy voting for the AGM is set out below.

                 Resolution                    Votes cast       Votes cast      Total votes   Votes withheld 
                                                in favour       against and         cast 
                                                 and as a     as a percentage 
                                                percentage       of total 
                                                 of total       votes cast 
                                                votes cast 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 
      1. THAT, the Company's accounts 
       for the period ended 31 
       December 2010 and the reports 
       of the directors and auditors 
       thereon be received.                     15,144,772                366    15,145,138                0 
                                                  (99.99%)            (0.01%) 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 
      2. THAT, haysmacintyre, 
       auditors of the Company, 
       be appointed until the conclusion 
       of the next Annual General 
       Meeting at which accounts 
       are laid before the members 
       and to authorise the directors 
       to fix their remuneration.               15,144,940                198    15,145,138                0 
                                                   (99.9%)            (0.01%) 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 
      3. THAT, Neil Anthony Riches, 
       a director retiring by rotation, 
       be reappointed as a director 
       of the Company.                          15,077,059             68,079    15,145,138                0 
                                                  (99.55%)            (0.45%) 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 
      4. THAT, the directors be 
       and they are hereby generally 
       and unconditionally authorised 
       in accordance with Section 
       551 of the Act to exercise 
       all the powers of the Company 
       to allot shares in the Company 
       up to an aggregate nominal 
       amount of GBP1,000,000.                  15,077,361             67,579    15,144,940              198 
                                                  (99.55%)            (0.45%) 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 
            5. THAT, subject to the 
             passing of Resolution 4, 
             the directors be and they 
             are hereby generally empowered 
             pursuant to Section 570 
             of the Act to allot equity 
             securities for cash pursuant 
             to the authority as if Section 
             561(1) of the Act did not 
             apply to such allotment 
             provided that this power 
             shall be limited to:               15,077,361             67,579    15,144,940              198 
             5.1 the allotment and issue 
              of equity securities up 
              to an aggregate nominal 
              amount of GBP1,000,000;             (99.55%)            (0.45%) 
             5.2 the allotment of equity 
              securities in connection 
              with an issue in favour 
              of the holders of Ordinary 
              Shares where the equity 
              securities respectively 
              attributable to the interests 
              of all holders of Ordinary 
              Shares are proportionate 
              (as nearly as may be) to 
              the respective number of 
              Ordinary Shares held by 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 
      1. That a general meeting 
       other than an annual general 
       meeting may be called on 
       not less than 14 clear days 
       notice.                                  15,144,470                668    15,145,138                0 
                                                  (99.99%)            (0.01%) 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------- 

A copy of the Results of the Annual General Meeting has also been sent to the National Storage Mechanism and it will shortly be available for inspection at www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do. The full text of each of the resolutions is set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, which is available at the Company's website www.worldlink-data.com, and a copy of the poll results for the Annual General Meeting will also be available there shortly.

Notes to Editors

About Worldlink

Worldlink is one of the UK's leading real-time mobile applications companies with patented technology that allows information held on the mobile device to be updated automatically without the need for a manual refresh. Information is delivered via a mobile telecommunications network in real time, whilst intelligently minimising the bandwidth required to transmit the data. The technology is patent protected in the US and UK and is patent pending in Europe. Worldlink has already licensed its patents to leading institutions in the financial and technology sectors and is furthering this process in the UK, US and Europe. For more information about Worldlink and its businesses please visit www.worldlink-data.com.


For further information please contact:

Neil Riches 01737 221 078

Managing Director

Worldlink Group Plc

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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