RNS Number:5923F
Royal Bank of Canada
20 June 2001

                            ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 
                               (Symbol: "RY")

                           NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 
                       MAKE A NORMAL COURSE ISSUER BID

The Royal Bank of Canada intends to make a normal course issuer bid (the "Bid")
to purchase up to 18 million of its common shares through the facilities of and
in accordance with the policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange,

1.  Name of Issuer
    Royal Bank of Canada 
    200 Bay Street 
    Royal Bank Plaza 
    Toronto, Ontario 
    M5J 2J5

2.  Shares Sought
    The number of common shares which may be purchased pursuant to the Bid      
    through the facilities of the Exchange will not exceed, during the 12 month 
    period of the Bid, 18 million shares, representing approximately 2.6% of the
    Bank's issued and outstanding common shares. Following completion of the    
    Bank's acquisition of Centura Banks, Inc. (in connection with which the Bank
    issued approximately 67 million common shares) and subject to certain post  
    closing adjustments, there were 684,211,465 common shares of the Bank issued
    and outstanding as at June 15, 2001.

3.  Duration
    The Bid will commence on June 22, 2001, and will terminate on June 21, 2002,
    or on such earlier date as the Bank completes its purchases pursuant to the 

4.  Method of Acquisition
    Purchases of common shares pursuant to the Bid will be effected through the 
    facilities of the TSE only, at times and in numbers to be determined by the 
    Bank. Purchases will be made at market prices in accordance with the rules 
    and policies of the TSE. All common shares purchased under the Bid will be  

    The Bank will not make any purchase of common shares other than by means of 
    open market transactions during the period of the Bid.

    During the course of the Bid, common shares may be purchased by trustees or 
    administrators that are not independent of the Bank in the open market to   
    satisfy net requirements of the Royal Employee Savings and Share Ownership  
    Plan, the RBC Special Stock Plan, the RBC Directors' Share Purchase Plan,   
    the RBCI Long Term Incentive Plan, the Centura Banks, Inc. 401(k) Plan and  
    the RBC DS Savings Plan. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the following   
    portions of this Notice relate to the purchase of common shares under this  
    Bid, and not to purchases under such plans.

5.  Consideration Offered
    The Bank will finance the purchase price of common shares under the Bid from
    cash on hand. There are no restrictions on the Bid other than as disclosed  
    in this Notice.

6.  Reasons for the Offer
    The purchase of common shares under the Bid will enable the Bank to balance 
    the imperatives of maintaining strong capital ratios with the ongoing need  
    to generate shareholder value.

7.  Valuations
    After reasonable enquiry, the directors and senior officers of the Bank are 
    not aware of any appraisal or valuation regarding the Bank or its material  
    assets or securities prepared within the two years preceding the date of    
    this Notice.

8.  Previous Purchases
    During the 12 months ended May 31, 2001, the Bank purchased common shares   
    under a normal course issue bid that was completed on June 23, 2000. The    
    table below shows purchases made under such bid during the month of June    

    Purchases of common shares made by trustees or administrators that are not  
    independent of the Bank under certain stock based compensation or purchase  
    plans are also described below.

    The Bank has not purchased any other common shares during the 12 months     
    ended May 31, 2001.
                                    Number of Common           Average Price
                                    Shares Purchased during    Paid for Common
                                    the 12 Months ended        Shares Purchased
    Purpose of Purchase             May 31, 2001(1)            (Cdn.$)(1)

    Normal Course Issuer Bid               1,509,400                 $38.59
    completed June 23,2000     

    Royal Employee Savings and             1,558,746                 $45.65
    Share Ownership Plan     

    RBC Special Stock Plan                    46,647                 $44.15

    RBC Directors' Share Purchase              1,961                 $44.74

    RBC DS Savings Plan                      621,009                 $43.21

    Dain Rauscher Corporation 
    Restricted Stock Purchase(2)             360,057                 $51.38

    (1) Adjusted to take into account the two-for-one common share split        
        effected by way of stock dividend paid on October 5, 2000.

    (2) Purchase of common shares to satisfy the Bank's obligations regarding   
        the exchange of Dain Rauscher Corporation restricted stock for Royal    
        Bank common shares under a merger agreement. Not an ongoing plan.

9.  Persons Acting Jointly or In Concert
    No person is acting jointly or in concert with the Bank in connection       
    with the Bid.

10. Acceptance by Insiders, Affiliates, and Associates
    The Bank Act (Canada) prohibits any person from owning, either directly or  
    through controlled entities, more than 10% of the outstanding shares of any 
    class of the Bank.

    Except as set out below, to the knowledge of the directors and senior       
    officers of the Bank after reasonable enquiry, no director or senior officer
    of the Bank and no associate of a director or senior officer of the Bank or 
    any person acting jointly or in concert with the Bank has any present       
    intention to sell common shares during the period of the Bid. However, these
    persons or companies may sell common shares through the facilities of the   
    TSE or otherwise during the period of the Bid if circumstances or their     
    decisions change.

    Directors and senior officers of the Bank may, during the period of this    
    Bid, exercise options to purchase common shares under the existing stock    
    option plan of the Bank or acquire common shares pursuant to the stock based
    compensation or purchase plans referred to in paragraph 4 and, in turn, sell
    common shares in open market transactions.

    The following directors and senior officers of the Bank have indicated that 
    they or their associates intend to or may sell common shares of the Bank    
    prior to June 21, 2002:
    Sarah Azzarello                       Ed Lundy
    Carol Ann Bartlett                    Ian MacKay
    Stephen Bitove                        Francis McAuley
    Francine Blackburn                    Walter Murray
    Shauneen Bruder                       Pam Pitz
    John Cleghorn                         Grant Rasmussen
    Peter Currie                          John Reitsma
    Bryan Davies                          Robert Stewart
    Christian Findlay                     Anne Sutherland
    Robert Heisz                          Mark Tonnesen
    Robert Horton                         Jennifer Tory
    Michael Lagopoulos                    John Truman
    Jane Lawson                           Stephen Walker
    Dennice Leahey                        Wendy Wynn
    Jonathan Legg

11. Benefits from the Normal Course Issuer Bid
    There are no direct or indirect benefits to any of the persons or companies 
    named in paragraph 10 of selling or not selling common shares of the Bank   
    during the course of the Bid.

12. Material Changes in the Affairs of the Bank
    There have been no material changes or plans or proposals for material      
    changes in the affairs of the Bank which have not been generally disclosed.

13. Certificate
    The undersigned, Peter W. Currie, Vice-Chairman & Chief Financial Officer,  
    duly authorized by the board of directors of the Bank, certifies (1) that   
    the foregoing Notice is complete and accurate and in compliance with Part 6 
    of the Rules and Policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange, (2) that the       
    contents of the Notice and the making of the Bid have been authorised by the
    board of directors of the Bank, and (3) that the Notice contains no untrue  
    statement of a material fact and does not omit to state a material fact that
    is required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not       
    misleading in the light of the circumstances in which it is made.

DATED at Toronto June 19, 3001.
Peter W. Currie Vice-Chairman & Chief Financial Officer

                     UP TO 18 MILLION COMMON SHARES

TORONTO, June 19,2001 - Royal Bank of Canada today announced the launch of its
normal course issuer bid to purchase, for cancellation, up to 18 million of its
common shares through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange.

The purchase of common shares under the normal course issuer bid will enable the
bank to balance the imperatives of maintaining strong capital ratios with the
ongoing need to generate shareholder value.

The shares that may be repurchased represent approximately 2.6% of the
684,211,465 common shares outstanding following the bank's acquisition of
Centura Banks, Inc. of Rocky Mount N.C. on June 5, 2001.

Purchases under the normal course issuer bid may commence on June 22, 2001 and
continue for a period of one year. The amount and timing of any such purchases
will be determined by the bank.

During the 12 months ended May 31, 2001, the bank purchased 4,097,820 common
shares at an average price of $43.17 under certain stock-based compensation or
purchase plans and under the bank's previous normal course issuer bid completed
in June 2000.

Media contact:
Chethan Lakshman, Media Relations, Toronto - (416) 974-5506

Investor contact:
Anthony Ostler, Investor Relations, Toronto - (416) 955-7804

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