RNS No 3523a
13th May 1998

                        Fenner PLC
  Interim Results for the six months ended 28 February 1998

                    Financial Highlights
   *         Turnover increased by 28% to #157.8million
         (1997  #123.4 million);
   *         Operating profit increased by 30% to #12.0
         million (1997  #9.2 million);
   *         Underlying profit before tax up by 21% to
         #10.4 million (1997  #8.6million);
   *         11% increase in earnings per share (before
         goodwill charge) to 6.51p (1997  5.84p);
   *         Interim dividend of 1.90p (1997  1.80p);
   *         Power Transmission Division sold leaving
         Group focused on high margin businesses;
   *         Successful integration of Scandura and
         Nationwide into the Conveyor Belting Division;
   *         Balance sheet strength creates platform for


                    CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

           Earnings growth with a sharpened focus

Against  a  background  of continued sterling  strength  and
difficult trading conditions for certain operations in  both
our  home and overseas markets, I am pleased to report on  a
period  which has seen profit growth and the achievement  of
our strategic goals.

Assisted by a full first half contribution from the Scandura
acquisition in the Conveyor Belting Division, group turnover
increased by 28% to #157.8m (1997 #123.4m) generating a  30%
increase in operating profit to #12.0m (1997 #9.2m).

The  integration  of our recent acquisitions  is  continuing
successfully  and has contributed to the increase  in  group
earnings (before the loss on the sale of operations) for the
period  of  23%,  with earnings per share, calculated  on  a
similar  basis increasing by 11% to 6.51p (1997 5.84p).  The
sustained improvement in profitability is recognised in  the
declaration by the Board of an interim dividend of 1.90p per
share (1997 1.80p per share) which will be paid as a Foreign
Income Dividend.

As  mentioned  earlier  in  this statement,  the  period  to
February  1998 has been characterised by the achievement  of
certain   fundamental   strategic  objectives   which   have
positioned  the  Group  favourably  for  the  future.    The
disposal of Contimach, the last manufacturing unit remaining
in  the  Power  Transmission Division,  was  completed  last
November,  leaving  only the distribution businesses  within
that Division.

Subsequent to this disposal, and as discussed in  my  letter
to  shareholders of 3 April 1998, we achieved the successful
sale  of  the  whole  of  the remaining  Power  Transmission
Division, with the transaction being completed on  30  April
1998.  A provision of #5.0m representing the estimated  loss
on  disposal  has  been reflected in our earnings  statement
which  also  reports the separate results of our  continuing
operations.  In  accordance with accounting convention  this
provision is calculated after charging over #5m of  goodwill
previously  written-off to reserves.  Although the  Division
had  shown  improving  profit trends  in  recent  years,  it
represented  a  different type of business to our  remaining
operations,  it  returned lower margins  and  would  require
further management and financial investment in the future to
realise fully its potential.

The  capital  generated  from  this  disposal  will  be   of
significant  value to our remaining businesses, particularly
the   reinforced polymer operations of Conveyor Belting  and
Advanced Engineered Products.

At  28 February 1998, group borrowings had increased in line
with  our  expectations to #51.7m (1997 #12.7m) representing
gearing of 77.4% (1997 16.1%).  Whilst the half year end has
traditionally  been  the high point in  the  Group's  annual
borrowings cycle, in the future, the cashflow is  likely  to
be more even as the mix of operations is focused towards our
reinforced  polymer businesses.  This half year  period  has
seen  further  organic investment in the reinforced  polymer
businesses, with #5.9m being invested out of a total capital
expenditure  programme of #8.2m  compared with  depreciation
for the period of #4.0m (1997 #2.8m).

Currently, the  realisation  of  the  capital   previously
invested  in the Power Transmission Division will result  in
the  Group  being virtually debt free on a net basis.   With
strong  interest  cover  and  a long-term  fixed  cost  debt
financing  line through our US$125m position  in  the  North
American  private placement market, the Group  remains  well
positioned  to  pursue  the development  of  its  continuing


Continuing   investment  in  new  product  development   and
manufacturing  efficiency has ensured a  satisfactory  first
half performance, despite the impact of sterling strength on
our European businesses as well as increased competition and
slower growth in our Asian markets.

The Group's new UK polymer factory was officially opened  on
1  December 1997 and now incorporates the operations carried
on previously at three separate sites.

As  planned,  the  initial  consolidation  of  the  business
required the operation to incur excess costs for most of the
current  period. Following a difficult commissioning period,
operating efficiencies are improving.


The  integration of the 1997 North American acquisitions  of
Scandura and Nationwide Belting has progressed well with our
worldwide coverage and breadth of product offering enhancing
the overall performance.  Shared knowledge in both marketing
and  manufacturing continues to benefit both our margin  and
sales  performance and has helped to compensate  for  slower
demand levels in some traditional areas of our business.

Particularly strong demand has been experienced in our North
American and Southern Hemisphere markets, with order  levels
in  North America remaining high as we move into the  second
half.   Uncertainty in the UK market has been partly  offset
by increased opportunities in Eastern Europe.


Superior  technology and continuing commitment  to  customer
service has maintained the Division's market position whilst
increased efficiencies in manufacturing processes  and  cost
reductions  in  component  sourcing  have  delivered  margin
improvements. This has been achieved despite the strength of
sterling  in  our  European market place, where  competition
from indigenous manufacturers remains prevalent.

The  North  American market has performed  strongly  in  the
first  half,  with  volumes returning in some  of  the  more
specialist  areas  of  the  business.   Whilst  pressure  on
operating margins continues in this very competitive  market
place,  our order positions remain satisfactory as we  enter
the traditionally stronger second half of the year.


Conditions in our overseas markets, particularly Australasia
and South Africa, have remained depressed during the period,
whilst  some recovery in Continental Europe has been  offset
by  a  slower UK market with OE manufacturers in  particular
suffering from the strength of sterling.

Structurally the Division has continued with its development
programme   by   ceasing  manufacturing  in   Shanghai   and
strengthening  its  distribution base  through  the  Webster
acquisition in Australia.


We enter the second half with a strong balance sheet and our
three   remaining  Divisions  performing  well  and  showing
resilience   against  an  increasingly   difficult   trading

Currently,  the  strength of sterling  and  the  US  dollar,
combined  with  the Asian crisis, have not yet significantly
impacted  the performance other than through the translation
of overseas earnings in sterling.

A  slower  second half performance can be expected from  our
Southern  Hemisphere operations as our customer base  reacts
to  market  conditions.   However with  over  50%  of  Group
turnover  deriving from North America and approximately  80%
of  Group  profit  from  reinforced polymer  activities,  we
continue to anticipate a satisfactory outcome for the year.

Colin Cooke Chairman
13 May 1998

Group Profit and Loss Account
for the half year ended 28 February 1998

  Year                                   Half year Half year
 ended                                       ended     ended
31-8-97                                    28-2-98   28-2-97
Audited                                  Unaudited Unaudited
  #000                                Note    #000      #000

161,477    Continuing operations       2   106,725    72,685
105,186    Discontinued operations     2    51,125    50,689
 _____                                       _____     _____
266,663                                    157,850   123,374
 =====                                       =====     =====
           Operating profit before
            exceptional items
16,234     Continuing operations       2    10,104     6,381
 6,801     Discontinued operations     2     1,901     2,825
 _____                                       _____     _____
23,035                                      12,005     9,206
           Exceptional items
(2,986)      - continuing operations             -         -
 _____                                       _____     _____

20,049     Operating profit                 12,005     9,206
           Income from interest in
   654      associated undertaking             282       264
           Loss on sale / termination
            of discontinued
  (20)      operations                 3   (6,642)        21
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Profit on ordinary activities
20,683      before interest                  5,645     9,491
           Interest payable less
(2,173)     receivable                     (1,917)     (814)
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Profit on ordinary activities
18,510      before taxation                  3,728     8,677
           Taxation on profit on
(6,309)     ordinary activities        4   (3,590)   (2,888)
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Profit on ordinary activities
12,201      after taxation                     138     5,789
 (607)     Minority equity interests         (125)     (263)
 _____                                       _____     _____

11,594     Profit for the period                13     5,526
(5,251)    Interim dividend            5   (1,944)   (1,670)
 _____                                       _____     _____

 6,343     Loss for the period             (1,931)     3,856
 =====                                       =====     =====
           Earnings per share
  14.73p   Before exceptional items    6     6.51p     5.84p
 =====                                       =====     =====
  12.22p   After exceptional items     6     0.01p     5.96p
 =====                                       =====     =====

Group Balance Sheet
at 28 February 1998

31-8-97                                    28-2-98   28-2-97
Audited                                  Unaudited Unaudited
  #000                                Note    #000      #000

           Fixed assets
    64     Intangible assets                    69        77
73,631     Tangible assets                  76,653    52,179
 3,555     Investments                       3,493     3,437
 _____                                       _____     _____

77,250                                      80,215    55,693
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Current assets
59,660     Stocks                           64,624    49,559
70,475     Debtors                          71,083    54,190
54,593     Cash at bank and in hand         50,878    39,577
 _____                                       _____     _____

184,728                                    186,585   143,326

           Creditors - Amounts falling
            due within one year
           Loans, overdrafts and
 (9,856)    finance leases                (17,676)  (11,368)
(76,637)   Other creditors                (75,143)  (52,062)
 _____                                       _____     _____

 98,235    Net current assets               93,766    79,896
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Total assets less
175,485     current liabilities            173,981   135,589
           Creditors - Amounts falling
            due after more than one year
(85,077)   Loans and finance leases       (84,915)  (40,881)
(2,746)    Other creditors                 (2,559)   (1,232)
           Provisions for liabilities
(16,623)    and charges                   (15,386)  (12,282)
 _____                                       _____     _____

71,039     Net assets                       71,121    81,194
 =====                                       =====     =====
           Capital and reserves
25,555     Called up share capital          25,572    23,191
   249     Share premium                       352       154
 6,960     Revaluation reserve               6,932     7,341
 1,716     Other reserve                     5,610    17,480
30,294     Profit and loss account          26,066    28,272
 2,383     Associated undertaking            2,321     2,241
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Shareholders' funds
67,157      - Equity interest          7    66,853    78,679
3,882Minority equity interests               4,268     2,515
 _____                                       _____     _____

71,039     Total funds employed             71,121    81,194
 =====                                       =====     =====

Summarised Group Cash Flow Statement
for the half year ended 28 February 1998

  Year                                   Half year Half year
 ended                                       ended     ended
31-8-97                                    28-2-98   28-2-97
Audited                                  Unaudited Unaudited
  #000                                        #000      #000

           Operating activities
           Net cash inflow from
            operating activities
28,009      before exceptional items         6,923     3,790
           Cash outflow relating
(2,932)     to exceptional items           (3,312)     (919)
           Cash inflow relating
            to the termination
(1,682)     of operations                       85   (1,639)
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Net cash inflow from
23,395      operating activities             3,696     1,232
           Returns on investments and
            servicing of finance
(2,032)    Net interest paid               (1,359)     (788)
           Dividends paid to minorities
            less received from
 (183)      associated undertaking           (218)     (180)
(6,661)    Taxation                        (2,855)   (2,791)
(17,982)   Net capital expenditure         (8,187)   (9,681)
(34,111)   Acquisitions and disposals      (1,210)       625
(4,734)    Equity dividends paid           (3,579)   (3,061)
           Issue of ordinary share
   149      capital                            120         9
           Increase in loans and
49,143      finance leases                   1,661     4,305
 _____                                       _____     _____

 6,984     Decrease in net cash           (11,931)  (10,330)
 =====                                       =====     =====

Reconciliation of Net Debt
for the half year ended 28 February 1998

 6,984     Decrease in net cash           (11,931)  (10,330)
           Increase in loans and
(49,143)    finance leases                 (1,661)   (4,305)
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Increase in net debt resulting
(42,159)    from cash flows               (13,592)  (14,635)
           Loans and finance leases
 (581)      of disposals / acquisitions         21     (161)
   (7)     Inception of finance leases                     -
           Effect of foreign exchange
 3,940      rate changes                     2,198     3,739
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Increase in net debt
(38,807)    in the period                 (11,373)  (11,139)
(1,533)    Opening net debt               (40,340)   (1,533)
 _____                                       _____     _____

(40,340)   Closing net debt               (51,713)  (12,672)
 =====                                       =====     =====
           Gearing (Closing net debt /
  60.1%      Shareholders' funds)             77.4%    16.1%
=====      =====                             =====


1.  Basis of preparation
 The interim financial information, which was approved by
 the Board on 13 May 1998, has been prepared on the basis
 of the accounting policies set out in the 1997 Annual
 Report and is unaudited.  The Group profit and loss
 account for the year ended 31 August 1997 and the Group
 balance sheet as at that date are an abridged version of
 the statutory accounts for that period, which together
 with an unqualified audit report, have been filed with the
 Registrar of Companies.
 The directors consider that in view of the exceptional
 items incurred in the year ended 31 August 1997, the
 format adopted for the disclosure of exceptional items is
 appropriate in order to enable readers to properly
 understand the Group's performance in the current period.
2.  Segmental information
                                             profit before
                            Turnover      exceptional items
                Half     Half           Half   Half
                 year    year   Year    year   year    Year
                ended   ended  ended   ended  ended   ended
                 28-2    28-2   31-8    28-2   28-2    31-8
                  -98     -97    -97     -98    -97     -97
                 #000    #000   #000    #000   #000    #000
  Products     31,069  30,097 61,853   3,020  3,668   8,370
  Belting      54,757  21,805 56,826   6,251  2,176   5,775
 Fluid Power   22,131  22,668 46,198   2,172  1,869   4,640
  costs             -       -      - (1,339)(1,332) (2,551)
  sales       (1,232) (1,885)(3,400)       -      -       -
                _____   _____  _____   _____  _____   _____
              106,725  72,685161,477  10,104  6,381  16,234
                =====   =====  =====   =====  =====   =====
  Transmission 51,171  50,874105,428   1,901  2,825   6,801
  sales          (46)   (185)  (242)       -      -       -
                _____   _____  _____   _____  _____   _____
               51,125  50,689105,186   1,901  2,825   6,801
                =====   =====  =====   =====  =====   =====
3.  Loss on sale and termination of discontinued operations

                                              Half      Half
  Year                                        year      year
 ended                                       ended     ended
 31-8-97                                   28-2-98   28-2-97
  #000                                        #000      #000

           Loss on sale of
(1,602)     operations                       1,642   (1,643)
           Provision for loss
     -      on sale of operations            5,000         -
           Loss on termination of
 1,622      non-core manufacturing operations              -
 _____                                       _____     _____

    20                                       6,642      (21)
 =====                                       =====     =====

 The loss on sale of operations in the period relates to
 the sale of Contimach Limited.
 The provision for loss on sale of operations relates to
 the sale of the whole of the remaining Power Transmission
 Division on 30 April 1998 to FPT Group Limited for a total
 consideration of up to #50.0m.  The loss on disposal is
 estimated at #5.0m, after charging goodwill previously
 written off and the costs of the disposal, and accordingly
 a provision for this amount has been made at 28 February

4.  Taxation on profit on ordinary activities

                                              Half      Half
  Year                                        year      year
 ended                                       ended     ended
 31-8-97                                   28-2-98   28-2-97
  #000                                        #000      #000

           United Kingdom
 1,553      corporation tax                    475       796
 4,756     Overseas taxation                 3,115     2,092
 _____                                       _____     _____

 6,309                                       3,590     2,888
 =====                                       =====     =====

 The effective overall tax rate on the Group's profit
 before loss on sale of discontinued operations in the
 period is 34%, being the estimated rate for the year
 ending 31 August 1998.  There is unlikely to be a
 significant charge or credit on the loss on sale of
 discontinued operations.
5.  Interim dividend

 The interim dividend of 1.90p per share (1997 1.80p) will
 be paid on 3 August 1998 to shareholders on the register
 on 3 July 1998.  It is intended that this dividend will be
 paid as a Foreign Income Dividend.  Income tax of 0.475p
 will be deemed to have been paid in respect of this
 dividend but will not be recoverable by shareholders.
 Advance corporation tax amounting to approximately
 #486,000 will be payable in respect of this dividend but
 will become repayable to the Company some nine months
 after the end of the accounting period in which the
 dividend is paid.
6.  Earnings per share

 In view of the significance of the exceptional costs and
loss on sale and termination of operations incurred in the
current     and prior periods, the directors consider it
appropriate to disclose earnings per share calculated both
before and after these items.

                                              Half      Half
  Year                                        year      year
 ended                                       ended     ended
 31-8-97                                   28-2-98   28-2-97
  #000                                        #000      #000

           Profit on ordinary activities
11,594      attributable to Fenner PLC          13     5,526
           Exceptional items and loss on
            sale and termination of
 3,006      operations                       6,642      (21)
 (620)     Attributable taxation                 -      (89)
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Earnings for the period before
            exceptional items and loss on
13,980      sale and termination of operations         6,655
 =====                                       =====     =====
           Weighted average
            number of ordinary
            shares in issue
      No.       during  the   period         No.         No.
94,876,504                          102,236,702   92,757,444
 =====                                       =====     =====
 Pence     Earnings per share                Pence     Pence
  14.73    Before exceptional items           6.51      5.84
  12.22    After exceptional items            0.01      5.96
 =====                                       =====     =====

7.         Reconciliation of movements in shareholders'

  Year                                   Half year Half year
 ended                                       ended     ended
31-8-97                                    28-2-98   28-2-97
  #000                                        #000      #000

78,887     Opening shareholders' funds      67,157    78,887

11,594     Profit for the period                13     5,526
(5,251)    Dividends                       (1,944)   (1,670)
           New share capital
12,796      subscribed                         120         9
(29,491)   Goodwill written off            (1,325)   (3,478)
           Goodwill written back on
  (79)      disposal of subsidiaries         5,340         -
           Unrealised deficit on
 (139)      revaluation of properties            -     (105)
           Currency translation differences
            on foreign currency
(1,160)     net investments                (2,508)     (490)
 _____                                       _____     _____

           Net reduction in shareholders'
(11,730)    funds                            (304)     (208)
 _____                                       _____     _____
           Closing shareholders'
67,157      funds                           66,853    78,679
 =====                                       =====     =====

   The   goodwill  written  off  represents  a   preliminary
assessment of the   goodwill arising in connection with  the
acquisitions made in the period.

  The  half year report is to be sent to shareholders on  20
May 1998 and   will be available at the Company's registered
office, Welton Hall, PO  Box 3, Welton, Brough HU15 1PQ from
that date.



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