RNS No 3003m
13 July 1999

                             1999 INTERIM RESULTS

Capital  and  Regional Properties plc, the specialist retail and  leisure 
property company,  today  announces its interim results for the six months
ended  24th  June 1999.


Fully  diluted  net  assets per share increased by  8%  over  six  months  to
347p (December 1998: 321p) compared to 7% in the same period last year
Over  twelve  months  the net assets per share increased by  20%  (June  1998:

Net rental income up 43% to #21.8m (1998: #15.2m)

Profit on revenue activities up 58% to #5.7m (1998: #3.6m)

Earnings per share on revenue activities up 35% to 5.4p (1998: 4.0p)

Dividend per share up 33% to 2.0p (1998: 1.5p)

On  a  same  store basis, that is property we owned at December 1998 through
to  June  1999,  capital growth of 2.2% was achieved in six months, compared 
to 1.4%  IPD's  Monthly  Index of Capital Value for All Property November 
1998 to May 1999

Total   trading  and  investment  property  acquisitions   of   #93.7m   and
disposals of #27.9m.  Refurbishment and development costs of #24.5m

Acquisition  of  Westway  Cross  Shopping Park,  Greenford  in  February  for
#33m.   Recent major letting to Next, supporting our view that this  will 
become a leading fashion park

Unveiled  re-branding  of #60m Xscape, formerly Sports  Village,  retail  and
entertainment  destination in Milton Keynes.  Progressing selective  roll-out 
of Xscape concept in Europe

Entered  into  a conditional agreement with Glasgow City Council to develop
a  major  500,000  sq  ft  retail and leisure project adjacent to our 
existing 100,000 sq ft Junction 10 Retail Park

Commenting on the results, Martin Barber, Chairman of Capital and Regional
"Once  again,  these results demonstrate the value we are creating for
shareholders by  Capital  and Regional's partnership approach with its
tenants.  We believe the innovative and dynamic management of our portfolio is
unique in the UK.  The  focus is  on  assisting  our retailers to trade more
profitably and  this  strategy  will sustain our strong growth."

For further information please contact:
Martin Barber, Chairman, Capital and Regional                    0171 730 5565
Lynda Coral, Financial Director, Capital and Regional            0171 730 5565
Sarah Carrell, Corporate Communications, Capital and Regional    0171 730 5565
or 0585 059212


I  am  pleased to report in the six months to 24th June 1999, fully diluted 
net assets per share increased by 8% to 347p (December 1998: 321p) compared to
7% in the same period last year. Over twelve months the net assets per share
increased by 20% (June 1998: 290p).

Profit  on  revenue activities over the six months are up 58%  to  #5.7m 
(1998:#3.6m)  and  net  rental income has increased by 43% to #21.8m  (1998: 
#15.2m). Earnings per share on revenue activities of 5.4p (1998: 4.0p).


The  Directors have resolved to pay an interim dividend of 2.0p (1998: 1.5p)
per share  on  23rd  August 1999 to shareholders on the register at the close
of business on 23rd July 1999.

I  am  pleased to inform you that the Company is offering shareholders a
service whereby  you  can use your cash dividends to buy more shares in the 
Company  at competitive  dealing  rates.  A circular explaining this  Dividend
Reinvestment Plan will be sent to all shareholders on 19th July 1999.


During  the first half, we had a very active period and our portfolio 
performed extremely  well.  On a same store basis, that is property we owned 
at  December 1998 through to June 1999, capital growth of 2.2% was achieved in
 six  months, compared  to 1.4% IPD's Monthly Index of Capital Value for All
Property November 1998 to May 1999.

It  is  worth  noting that our portfolio is highly reversionary.  The 
estimated rental value being approximately #14m higher than the #51m rents
passing  as  at 24th  June 1999.  This does not take into account the
significant expansion  and development opportunities within the portfolio
outlined in this statement.

Trading  and  investment property acquisitions totalled #93.7m and we 
completed disposals of #27.9m.  Refurbishment and development costs were

In February, we acquired Westway Cross Shopping Park in Greenford from Sears
for #33m  and  have  subsequently let a major unit to Next,  the  fashion 
retailer. During  that month, we also acquired the PDFM interests in the
Easter Industrial portfolios for #28.3m and these portfolios have since been
rationalised with the sale of seven properties for #11m.

During June, we launched the re-branding of Xscape, formerly Sports Village, 
in Milton  Keynes,  one of our most exciting developments to date.   Costing 
#60m,Xscape  is  a  550,000 sq ft integrated retail and entertainment
destination  on schedule  to  open  in  May  2000.  The project is a 50:50 
partnership  between Capital  and  Regional  Properties  and two funds 
managed  by  PRICOA  Property Investment Management, TransEuropean Property
Limited Partnership II and Hanover Property Unit Trust.

We  are  pleased  to  announce that the Company has entered into  a 
conditional agreement with Glasgow City Council to co-operate in the
development of a  major retail  and  leisure  project of approximately 500,000
sq  ft  adjacent  to  our existing Junction 10 Retail Park.


Our  confidence  at  the beginning of 1999 in both the investment  and  tenant
markets  was  justified  as  sentiment  in  both  markets  improved  strongly.
Consumer confidence returned with retail sales improving.  Our strategy is  to
enable  our  properties  to  outperform  the  overall  market  through  active
management,  branding  and  improvement of the tenant  mix.   We  continue  to
explore  the right opportunities where Capital and Regional can add value  and
benefit from the economies of scale and close relationships with our tenants.


The  first  six months of 1999 has seen a high level of activity  in  all  our
centres.   Our  management style is being vigorously applied  to  all  of  our
businesses.  This includes tenancy restructuring and concept planning  at  The
Pallasades,  Birmingham and Selborne Walk, Walthamstow; major regeneration  at
Shopping  City,  Wood Green, London and the Howgate Centre, Falkirk  with  re-
branding  at  the Alhambra, Barnsley.  Our tenants, shoppers, local  authority
and  other  partners  continue  to  respond well  and  support  our  energetic
management  approach.   In association with our Centre Managers,  Capital  and
Regional  Facilities Management Limited (CRFM) continues to provide value  for
money for our tenants through economies derived from utility and supplier bulk

At The Pallasades in Birmingham, the 27,500 sq ft JJB Sports flagship store is
open and trading successfully.  In addition, lettings to Simply Internet, Time
Computers  and  Grinders  Coffee  have all  been  completed.   Solicitors  are
instructed on two further major lettings, which once concluded will yet  again
establish  a  record  rental level for the scheme.  The development  teams  of
Railtrack and the Company continue to jointly progress scheme design  for  the
regeneration of New Street Station and the expansion of the retail  provision.
An  integral  part of these discussions is the renegotiation  of  the  present
ground  lease.  The teams are expected to finalise these proposals during  the
Summer and launch the scheme by the end of the year.  Work on site is expected
to commence by Spring 2001.

The  Trinity  Centre, Aberdeen, is now fully let with the last remaining  unit
being  taken  by Clinton Cards who are upsizing within the scheme.   The  unit
they  are  vacating is under offer and when concluded will  establish  a  rent
level  more  than  double that passing at acquisition in 1993.   The  Centre's
continuing  trading success is further reinforced by Ottakars expanding  their
bookstore  by  an  additional 20% within the first year of opening.   Work  is
underway to install the frontage canopy and branding which will be complete in
the Autumn.

Within  the  half  year, lettings have been concluded at The  Howgate  Centre,
Falkirk, to Bodycare, Going Places, Olivers and MVC.  We also purchased a long
leasehold interest within the scheme.                                  
Work  is underway on the remodelling of the Marks and Spencer's atrium,  which
will  extend  and  revitalise  the Centre's  catering  offer  and  produce  an
additional 6,000 sq ft of retail.  In addition, a new Collection Cafe will  be
introduced  in the mall's central square, together with a new entrance  canopy
and  frontage  branding.  It is hoped that the refurbishment of the  car  park
will be completed prior to the year end.

In  addition to introducing MVC to Falkirk, we were also able to provide  them
with representation at The Alhambra Centre, Barnsley, letting almost 4,500  sq
ft.   The  first phase of re-branding and signage has been completed, with  an
increase in footfall of almost 12% year on year being recorded.

The  major  regeneration of Shopping City, Wood Green,  London,  is  now  well
underway.   Construction  of the new market hall and major  anchor  store  for
Wilkinsons  is  scheduled to complete in August.  The twelve screen  multiplex
cinema  will  be handed over to Cine UK for their fit-out at the  end  of  the
year.  Construction is also underway on the reconfiguration of the major Boots
store,  as  is  the re-modelling works to the malls.  Tenant interest  in  the
Centre  is  strong  and  discussions are underway with new  retailers  seeking
representation in Shopping City.

At  the  Sauchiehall Centre, Glasgow, planning consent for a major health  and
fitness facility has been achieved and pre-let to Healthlands, who are shortly
to  commence fitting out for opening in November.  In addition, a  letting  to
Pocket  Phone  Shop has been concluded, together with the restructuring  of  a
lease  to the Royal Bank of Scotland.  Encouraged by pre-letting interest,  we
are  submitting a planning application for the reconfiguration of the  Centre,
designed to focus value on prime Sauchiehall Street. Subject to consent, it is
hoped construction can commence during the first half of year 2000.

Selborne  Walk,  Walthamstow remains fully let.  Our planning  application  to
integrate a multiplex-based leisure component plus the retail space  has  been
favourably  considered  by the local authority, whose formal  notification  is
anticipated during the Summer.  Pre-letting discussions for the cinema and the
majority of the space are at an advanced stage.

We  continue  to explore the possibilities at Liberty 2, Romford,  to  improve
retail  visibility  by  reconfiguring the central  area  space.   This  should
improve  the prospects for letting the remaining units, presently obscured  by
escalators  and provide a contemporary catering offer.  Negotiations  continue
with  the  local authority and others on opportunities to improve the Centre's
critical mass.

At Eldon Garden, Newcastle, a major letting to the Pier of the remaining 7,000
sq  ft  of  the  former Debenhams space has been agreed.  They  are  presently
fitting  out  and hope to trade in the Autumn.  This letting necessitated  the
relocation of Tribal within the Centre.  The central catering offer  has  been
re-branded  'Cafe in  the Garden' and Richard Sinton Jewellers  has  expanded
their retail space by an additional 30%.


Progress  on  our  major acquisition during the first half  at  Westway  Cross
Shopping  Park, Greenford, is encouraging.  Since acquisition, we have  let  a
10,000  sq  ft vacant unit to Next and are at an advanced stage of negotiation
for  two  further units.  These lettings support our view that  Westway  Cross
will  become  a leading fashion park.  New marketing initiatives,  re-branding
and estate improvements are all underway.

Tenant  demand for our other retail parks improved during the second  quarter,
which  has led to a number of lettings being agreed, which should be  realised
during the second half of the year.

At  Blythswood Retail Park, Glasgow, progress continues to be made on the next
phase, which could include up to 70,000 sq ft of further retail space.   A re-
branding exercise is progressing well.

Refurbishment and reconfiguration works have commenced at Junction  10  Retail
Park, Glasgow, and marketing of the final unit will commence during the second

We  have entered into a conditional agreement with Glasgow City Council to co-
operate  in  the  development  of  a  major  retail  and  leisure  project  of
approximately 500,000 sq ft adjacent to our existing 100,000 sq ft retail park
at  Junction 10 of the M8.  The proposed development will include a 170,000 sq
ft  retail  park, a 130,000 sq ft foodstore and a leisure park  to  include  a
multiplex  cinema, family entertainment centre, healthclub, hotel, restaurants
and  bars.   Our  aim  is  to create a landmark development  for  Glasgow  and

At  Beckton Retail Park, London E6, we have exchanged an Agreement  for  Lease
with  Matalan for up to 30,000 sq ft and a refurbishment, reconfiguration  and
re-branding  programme  of this 170,000 sq ft park will  commence  during  the
second half.

We  have let a 10,000 sq ft unit to Poundstretcher at the Bognor Regis  Retail
Park,  subject to planning consent and the refurbished units let to  Lidl  and
Landmark are now open and trading well.

At the Lancaster Retail Park, letting negotiations are at an advanced stage in
respect  of two units totalling 40,000 sq ft.  Following completion  of  these
negotiations,  works will commence on the extension and refurbishment  of  the

Construction  is progressing well at the Wyrley Brook Retail Park  in  Cannock
for the new B&Q and Kingsway stores, together with other estate improvements.

At the Channons Hill Retail Park, Bristol, a 10,000 sq ft unit has been let to
Dixons  at a new market rent of #12.00 per sq ft and refurbishment works  have

At   the  Eureka  Leisure  Park,  formerly  Ashford  Leisure  Park,  practical
completion of the first phase is anticipated in August.  The second phase will
comprise a larger healthclub unit of 35,000 sq ft let to Stakis, a 60  bedroom
hotel  and a 7,000 sq ft public house for Allied Domecq.  Subject to obtaining
detailed planning consent, construction should commence on this phase  in  the
Autumn, with completion due in Summer 2000.

At  the Cardiff International Sports Village, where we are the leading partner
in  a  development consortium, planning consent has been obtained, subject  to
legal agreement.  The proposed development will include a new sports arena and
swimming  pool,  110,000 sq ft of retail and 100,000 sq ft  of  leisure  floor
space,  together with hotels, offices and residential.  Pre-lets and pre-sales
for the major elements of the scheme are currently being sought.

Construction  is  well  advanced at Xscape, formerly  Sports  Village,  Milton
Keynes,  and currently on budget and programme to complete in May  2000.   The
new  branding  and marketing launch in early June has resulted  in  a  further
three  units  being  placed under offer.  Following  extensive  research,  the
company  intends to selectively roll out the Xscape concept in Europe and  two
potentially suitable sites have already been identified.


Continued  positive  progress has been made by Easter Group  in  the  first 
six months  of  the  year  and after a slow start, a number of lettings 
within  the investment portfolio have been concluded.  After our recent
acquisition  of  the PDFM  interests in the Easter Industrial portfolios for
#28.3m, these portfolios have  been  rationalised with the sale of seven
properties for #11m.   This  was followed by the acquisition of an industrial
estate near Chepstow for #6.2m.

Development trading activity continues to be buoyant with the sale of one
scheme and the completion of the letting at another.


The  Company's  borrowings  at 24th June 1999 were #444.4m  against  #366.1m 
at December  1998.   Net cash balances were #6.4m (December 1998:  #5.5m)  and
the Company  had  approximately  #78m (December 1998:  #59.8m)  of  undrawn 
secured facilities.

Net  debt to capital employed has risen to 119% at the end of the first half 
of 1999  compared to 107% at December 1998.  Assuming the conversion  of  the 
loan stock  to  equity net debt to capital employed was 106% at June 1999 
(December 1998: 93%).

The  weighted average interest rate cost of total borrowings at 24th  June 
1999 has  reduced to 7.25% compared to 7.8% at the end of 1998.  Rental income
 as  a ratio  to net interest payable including capitalised interest was
maintained  at the 1998 level of 1.6 times for the first half of 1999.

The  market  value  of  fixed rate debt instruments  at  24th  June  1999  on 
a replacement basis and the expiry profile of the resulting fair value 
adjustment is  set  out in note 12 of the accounts.  The fair value adjustment
of #2.4m  at 24th  June  1999  has  reduced  from #11.1m at previous  year 
end  representing approximately  0.5%  (December  1998: 3%) of Company 
borrowings.   This  has  a notional  adverse effect on net asset value per
share of 1.5p at 24th June  1999 that  has  reduced from 7p at December 1998
due to time expiry and increases  in market interest rates.


As  reported  at  the year end, the programme to ensure that any issues 
arising from  the  'Millennium Bug' is substantially completed.  It is
anticipated  that action  identified to confirm Year 2000 compliance will be
implemented  by  31st August  1999 and contingency plans to deal with
unforeseen failure  will  be  in place.


Once again, these results demonstrate the value we are creating for
shareholders by Capital  and  Regional's  partnership approach with its
tenants.   We  believe  the innovative and dynamic management of our portfolio
is unique in the UK.  The  focus is  on  assisting  our retailers to trade
more profitably and  this  strategy  will sustain our strong growth.

We continue to seek actively opportunities where we can continue to add value
to previously under managed assets.

Martin Barber
13th July 1999


                                       (Unaud-  (Unaud-  (Audited)
                                        ited)    ited)    
                                          6        6     Year to
                                       months   months     25th
                                  Notes  to       to     December
                                        24th     24th      1998
                                        June     June      #000
                                        1999     1998        
                                        #000     #000
Turnover: group rental income and                            
share of joint ventures' turnover      27,190   19,046    52,732

Less: share of joint ventures'         (1,662)   (875)   (7,822)
Group rental income                    25,528   18,171    44,910
Net property costs                     (3,716)  (2,942)  (6,403)
Net rental income                      21,812   15,229    38,507
Profit on the sale of trading and  4     910       -       517
development properties                                       
                                       22,722   15,229    39,024
Administrative expenses                (3,097)  (2,295)  (6,259)
                                       19,625   12,934    32,765
Other operating income                   468      629      669
Group operating profit                 20,093   13,563    33,434
Share of operating profit in             18       621     1,473
joint ventures and associates                                
                                       20,111   14,184    34,907
Income from listed investments           649      538     1,095
Interest receivable and similar          308      431      807
Interest payable and similar                        
charges                            5   (15,366)  (11,563)  (25,290)
Profit on revenue activities            5,702    3,590    11,519
Profit/(loss) on sale of           4     893      (9)      (38)
investment properties                                        
Profit on ordinary activities           6,595    3,581    11,481
before taxation
Taxation                           6    (149)    (158)    (347)
Profit on ordinary activities           6,446    3,423    11,134
after taxation                          
Equity minority interests               (222)    (56)      (42)               
Profit attributable to the              6,224    3,367    11,092
shareholders of the Company            
Equity dividends paid and payable       (1,965)  (1,474)  (4,176)             
Profit retained in the period           4,259    1,893    6,916
Earnings per share                 7    6.3 p    4.0 p    12.1 p
Earnings per share - diluted       7    6.3 p    3.9 p    12.1 p
Earnings per share on revenue      7    5.4 p    4.0 p    12.2 p


                                       (Unaudi  (Audited)  (Unaudi
                                        ted)                ted)
                                        As at    As at     As at
                                        24th      25th     24th
                                  Notes June    December   June
                                        1999      1998     1998
                                        #000      #000     #000
Fixed assets                                                 
Property assets                    8   756,549  654,606   569,353
Other fixed assets                       779      844      1,032
Tangible assets                        757,328  655,450   570,385
Other investments                  9   23,877    22,000   21,597
Investment in joint ventures                                 
     Share of gross assets              6,090    7,715    9,039    
     Share of gross liabilities        (4,356)   5,448)   (6,438)
                                        1,734    2,267     2,601
Investment in associates                  5      3,446     3,495
                                       782,944  683,163   598,078
Current assets                                               
Property assets                    8   38,420    24,412   23,254
     amounts falling due after          3,804    3,914       -
more than one year                     
     amounts falling due within        17,716   18,802    28,925
one year
Cash at bank and in hand                6,404    5,476      356
                                       66,344    52,604   52,535
Creditors: amounts falling due         (38,935)  (35,120)  (29,124)
within one year                         
Net current assets                     27,409    17,484   23,411
Total assets less current              810,353  700,647   621,489
Creditors: amounts falling due                               
after more than one year               
(including convertible unsecured        
loan stock)                           (443,559) (364,480) (323,260) 
Net assets                             366,794  336,167   298,229
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital                 9,826    9,826     9,826
Share premium account                  161,863  161,863   161,869
Revaluation reserve                    154,197  131,553   103,515
Other reserves                           591      591       591
Profit and loss account                33,227    26,983   21,463
Equity shareholders' funds             359,704  330,816   297,264
Equity minority interests               3,090    2,101      965
Non-equity funding by joint             4,000    3,250       -
arrangement partners                                         
Capital employed                       366,794  336,167   298,229
Net assets per share adjusted for                            
minority interests                 10  366.1 p  336.7 p   302.5 p
and non-equity funding                                       
Net assets per share adjusted for                            
minority interests                 10  346.7 p  320.6 p   290.2 p
and non-equity funding - diluted                             


                                       (Unaudi  (Unaudi  (Audited)
                                        ted)     ted)       
                                          6        6     Year to
                                       months   months     25th
                                         to       to     December
                                        24th     24th      1998
                                        June     June      #000
                                        1999     1998        
                                        #000     #000

Share of unrealised surplus on         22,752   20,422    48,694
valuation of investment properties                           
Share of unrealised surplus on                               
valuation of investment properties        -        -        87
in joint ventures                                            
Share of unrealised surplus on                               
valuation of investment properties        -       168      113
in associates                                                
Revaluation surplus/(deficit) on other  1,877   (1,383)   (979)
Tax on revaluation surpluses realised     -        -      (165)
in year                                                      
                                       24,629   19,207    47,750
Profit for the period attributable to   6,224    3,367    11,092
the shareholders of the Company                              
Total recognised gains and losses      30,853   22,574    58,842
relating to the period                                       


                                       (Unaudi  (Unaudi  (Audited)
                                        ted)     ted)       
                                          6        6     Year to
                                       months   months     25th
                                         to       to     December
                                        24th     24th      1998
                                        June     June      #000
                                        1999     1998        
                                        #000     #000

Profit for the period attributable to   6,224    3,367    11,092
the shareholders of the Company                              
Equity dividends paid and payable      (1,965)  (1,474)  (4,176)
Profit retained in the period           4,259    1,893    6,916
Share capital and share premium issued    -     59,133    59,128
in year (net of expenses)                                    
Goodwill written off                      -      (268)    (277)
Other recognised gains and losses      24,629   19,207    47,750
relating to the period (see above)                           
Net addition to shareholders' funds    28,888   79,965   113,517
Opening shareholders' funds            330,816  217,299  217,299
Closing shareholders' funds            359,704  297,264  330,816

                                     (Unaudit  (Unaudit  (Audited)
                                       ed)       ed)        
                                     6 months  6 months  Year to
                                        to        to       25th
                              Notes    24th      24th    December
                                       June      June      1998
                                       1999      1998      #000
                                       #000      #000  
Net cash inflow from           11     25,536    12,965    31,303
operating activities
Dividends received from                300       313      3,526
joint ventures
Dividends received from                714       180       660
Net cash outflow from                                        
returns on investments               (14,393)  (9,611)   (22,854)
and servicing of finance              
                                      12,157    3,847     12,635              
Taxation                               (2)      (366)     (880)
Net operating cash flow               12,155    3,481     11,755
Capital expenditure and              (85,371)  (131,639)  (176,204)
financial investment                              
                                     (73,216)  (128,158)  (164,449)
Acquisitions and disposals              -       (665)     (725)
                                     (73,216)  (128,823)  (165,174)
Equity dividends paid                (4,176)   (1,910)   (1,910)
Cash outflow before                  (77,392)  (130,733)  (167,084)
Financing                             78,319   121,860   163,331
Increase/(decrease) in cash            927     (8,873)   (3,753)
in the period

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
                                     (Unaudit  (Unaudit  (Audited)
                                       ed)       ed)        
                                     6 months  6 months  Year to
                                        to        to       25th
                                       24th      24th    December
                                       June      June      1998
                                       1999      1998      #000
                                       #000      #000   
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the     927     (8,873)   (3,753)
Cash inflow from increase in debt    (78,319)  (63,017)  (104,203)
Change in net debt resulting from    (77,392)  (71,890)  (107,956)
cash flows                                                  
Net debt at beginning of period      (360,591)  (252,635)  (252,635)
Net debt at end of period            (437,983)  (324,525)  (360,591)

Analysis of net debt
                                     (Unaudit  (Unaudit  (Audited)
                                       ed)       ed)        
                                     6 months  6 months  Year to
                                        to        to       25th
                                       24th      24th    December
                                       June      June      1998
                                       1999      1998      #000
                                       #000      #000      
Cash in hand and at bank              6,404      356      5,476
Debt due within one year                -       (760)     (760)
Debt due after one year              (444,387)  (324,121) (365,307)
                                     (437,983)  (324,525)  (360,591)


1.   Accounting policies
The   financial   information  included  in  the  Interim   Report   comprises
consolidated  profit and loss account and balance sheet,  statement  of  total
recognised gains and losses, reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
and  summary cash flow statement.  These have been prepared in accordance with
the  normal accounting policies of the Group, and do not constitute  statutory

2.   Financial information and presentation
The  financial  information  for  the year to  25th  December  1998  does  not
constitute  statutory  accounts  within the meaning  of  Section  240  of  the
Companies  Act  1985.  It is extracted from the statutory  accounts  for  that
year, on which the auditors Deloitte & Touche gave an unqualified report under
Section 236 of the Companies Act 1985 which did not contain a statement  under
Section  237(2)  or  Section  237(4) of the  Companies  Act  1985.   Statutory
accounts  for  the  year ended 25th December 1998 have been delivered  to  the
Registrar of Companies.  The financial information for the six months to  24th
June 1999 is unaudited and has not been reviewed by the Group's auditors.

3.   Segmental analysis

                                         Profit on   assets
                              Operating   ordinary   adjusted
                      Turnover profit    activities   for
                       #000     after      before    minority
                              interest    taxation   interests                
                              #000        #000        #000   
6 months ended 24th                                     
June 1999

Continuing operations 25,528    5,289      6,182     335,942
- UK
Share of joint         1,662    (174)      (174)      1,733
ventures - UK                                           
                      27,190    5,115      6,008     337,675
Continuing operations    -       587        587      22,029
- USA                                                   
                      27,190    5,702      6,595     359,704
6 months ended 24th                                     
June 1998

Continuing operations 18,171    2,859      2,850     275,094
- UK
Share of joint          875      193        193       2,601
ventures - UK                                           
                      19,046    3,052      3,043     277,695
Continuing operations    -       538        538      19,569
- USA                                                   
                      19,046    3,590      3,581     297,264
Year ended 25th                                         
December 1998

Continuing operations 40,375    5,286      5,202     308,104
- UK
Surrender premiums -   4,535    4,535      4,535        -
Share of joint         7,822     628        674       2,267
ventures - UK                                           
                      52,732   10,449      10,411    310,371
Continuing operations    -      1,070      1,070     20,445
- USA                                                   
                      52,732   11,519      11,481    330,816


4.   Property sales
                           Fixed property      Current property
                               assets               assets
                        (Unaud     (Unaud     (Unaud    (Unaud
                          ited)      ited)      ited)    ited)
                         6 months   6 month  6 months   6 months
                          ended      ended     ended      ended
                        24th June    24th    24th June  24th June
                           1999      June      1999       1998
                           #000      1998      #000       #000
Net sale proceeds         15,523    37,070    12,347        -
Cost of sales            (12,644)  (36,553)  (11,437)       -
Historical cost profit    2,879       517       910         -
Revaluation surplus      (1,986)     (576)       -          -
recognised on sale         893       (59)       910         -
of properties
Share of joint ventures                                     
profit on sale of           -         50         -          -
investment properties
recognised on sale of      893        (9)       910         -

5.    Interest payable and similar charges
                        (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                     6 months to      Year to
                         6 months    24th June    25th December
                            to         1998            1998
                        24th June      #000            #000
Bank loans and                                           
overdrafts wholly         15,092      10,720          23,888
repayable within five
Other loans                876          868           1,752
                          15,968      11,588          25,640
Capitalised in period     (732)        (301)          (856)
                          15,236      11,287          24,784
Share of joint ventures     98          143            237
interest payable
Share of associates         32          133            269
interest payable                                         
                          15,366      11,563          25,290

6.   Taxation
The  taxation  charge  for  the period has been estimated  from  the  expected
taxable  profits  of the Group after taking account of losses brought  forward
and capital allowances available.

7.   Earnings per share
Earnings  per  share have been calculated on a weighted average of  98,255,271
Ordinary  share of 10p each in issue during the period (year to 25th  December
1998:  91,712,962,  six months to 24th June 1998: 85,062,217)  and  have  been
based  on  profit on ordinary activities after taxation and minority interests
of  #6,224,000  (year to 25th December 1998: #11,092,000, six months  to  24th
June 1998: #3,367,000).

Diluted  earnings  per  share  have been calculated  after  allowing  for  the
exercise of share options which have met the required exercise conditions  and
the full conversion of the Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock, if the effect  on
earnings  per  share  is dilutive.  The weighted average  number  of  Ordinary
shares of 10p each is 98,546,290 (year to 25th December 1998: 92,048,812,  six
months to 24th June 1998: 85,436,677) and the relevant earnings are #6,224,000
(year  to  25th  December 1998: #11,092,000, six months  to  24th  June  1998:


Earnings  per share on revenue activities exclude the profit on  the  sale  of
investment properties and investments, and associated tax charge and  minority
interests thereon, of #890,000 (year to 25th December 1998 loss: #132,000, six
months to 24th June 1998 loss: #9,000).

8.   Property assets
                            Properties    Total    Current
                    Investm              fixed    property
Cost or valuation     ent     under     property   assets
                    propert construct    assets     #000
                      ies      ion*       #000        
                     #000      #000
At   beginning  of  646,932   7,674     654,606    24,412
Acquisitions        73,328      -        73,328    20,395
Refurbishment  and  12,979    6,681      19,660    4,787
Disposals           (14,630)     -      (14,630)  (11,174)
Revaluation         19,893    3,692      23,585      -
At end of period    738,502   18,047    756,549    38,420

The fixed property assets were valued at 24th June 1999, as follows:

DTZ Debenham Thorpe          Open market value    630,660
                             Open market value -       
                             properties under      18,047
Richard Ellis St. Quintin    Open market value    107,234
Directors                    Open market value      420
Directors                          Cost             188

Valuations are at open market value as defined in the Appraisal and  Valuation
Manual of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

*The  valuation  reflects the Group's effective interest in  properties  under

9.   Other investments
The  investment in the shares held in CenterPoint Properties Trust is included
in  the  balance sheet at 24th June 1999 at the market value at that  date  of
$34.69 per share translated into sterling at the rate of exchange at 24th June
1999  of  $1.59 to the #.  The effect of the increase since the  last  balance
sheet  date  in the share price as quoted on the New York Stock  Exchange  has
been recognised in the period by a transfer to reserves.

10.  Net assets per share
Net assets per share have been calculated on 98,255,271 Ordinary shares of 10p
each  and  have  been  based  on net assets attributable  to  shareholders  of
#359,704,000 (25th December 1998: #330,816,000, 24th June 1998: #297,264,000).

Diluted  net  assets  per share assumes that all of the Convertible  Unsecured
Loan Stock ("CULS") had been converted at the balance sheet date.  Diluted net
assets  per  share have been calculated on 110,667,442 Ordinary share  of  10p
each  and  have been based on adjusted net assets attributable to shareholders
of   #383,699,000   (25th  December  1998:  #354,766,000,  24th   June   1998:
#321,168,000) by adding the #23,995,000 (25th December 1998: #23,950,000, 24th
June 1998; #23,904,000) balance sheet value of the CULS.

11.  Reconciliation of Net cash inflow from operating activities

                                    (Unaudi  (Unaudit  (Audited)
                                      ted)      ed)     Year to
                                       6     6 months     25th
                                     months     to      December
                                       to      24th       1998
                                      24th     June       #000
                                      June     1998         
                                      1999     #000

Group operating profit               20,093   13,563     33,434
Profit  on  sale  of  trading  and   (910)       -       (517)
development properties                                      
                                     19,183   13,563     32,917
Depreciation                          222       267       569
Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed     3       (28)       113
Amortisation  of goodwill  arising                          
on acquisition of joint venture        -         -         5
Decrease/(increase)    in    trade                          
debtors,    other   debtors    and     97     (1,961)   (5,305)
Increase in trade creditors, other                          
creditors, taxation and              6,031     1,124     3,004
social security and accruals                                
Net   cash   flow  from  operating   25,536   12,965     31,303

12.  Debt Valuation
The  table  below  shows the market value of fixed rate debt instruments,  and
reflects the difference between the interest rate yield curve as at 24th  June
1999 and the rates historically committed; namely the fair value adjustment.

                             Book   Notional   Market      Fair
                             Value  principal  value       value
                             #000      #000    #000        adjustment
Convertible  Unsecured  Loan 24,642    n/a     24,642       -
Bank borrowings              15,250    n/a     15,624      374
Interest rate swaps           n/a   254,961   257,099     2,138
                             39,892  254,961   297,365    2,512
Minority interests                                         94
Fair     Value    Adjustment                             2,418
attributable to the Group                                   
Net of tax at 30%                                        1,693

The expiry profile of the fair value adjustment is as follows:
                                               Fair       % of
                                               value     total

1999 (six months)                              2,017      80%
2000                                           1,621      65%
2001                                           (325)     (13%)
2002                                           (519)     (21%)
2003                                           (282)     (11%)
Total                                          2,512      100%

13.  Copies of the Interim Report
Copies  of  the  Interim  Report are available from the  Company's  registered
office  at  22 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W ODH.  Copies are also  available
through the FT Free Annual Reports Services, details of which can be found  in
the London Share Service pages of the Financial Times.



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