About the Company
Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. is focused on restarting the high-grade past producing Mon Mine, 40 km
north of Yellowknife, NWT, within the prolific Yellowknife Gold Camp. The Mon Gold Property consists of
11 contiguous mining leases and 3 mineral claims, comprising an aggregate 622 hectares, located in the
South Mackenzie Mining District, NWT. The Mon Mine produced 15,000 ounces of gold from 15,000
tonnes of ore between 1989 and 1997. Permits to explore, mine and mill at 100 tpd are in place, and the
Mon is the only gold project permitted for production in the NWT. Other targets on the property include
recently discovered silver- and gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) targets as well as the giant
shear zone-hosted gold mineralization. The shear zones are similar in nature to, and hosted in the same
rocks as, the world-class deposits at the Con and Giant Mines in Yellowknife which produced 14 million
oz. gold.
The company also has an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the highly prospective
contiguous 2,394 hectare Hangstone Property adjoining the Mon Property to the East and South. The Mon
Property shear zone and VMS targets can be projected onto the Hangstone Property.
For more information, please refer to the Company’s profile on SEDAR (www.sedar.com)