REASONS why you should choose to invest in a tiny CANNABIS play ?
As with all investing, due dilligence is necessary. However, it only takes you so far - a NEW MARKET, means visionary thinking with/AND more caution. Greater risks and greater opportunities. PEOPLE; look on the management, board and who they partner up with - it says a lot of the current credibility.
Do you reckon CANNATAB with EMBLEM Medical Corp, would partner up with a looser in the Oceanian/Asian market to be worth billions ? No way.
You can bet they`ve done all research possible, met the management and evaluated; who get EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS worth millions ?
This deal alone will be a gamechanger - management behind Cannatab and Emblem have been around, multimillionaires and main S H themself !
If you put millions into something, you can be sure they`ve done research to make sure you partner up with one that can execute; CANN GLOBAL.
When you add the other variables to the mix, I reckon we`re lucky to see the first babysteps into a global cannabis player within 2-4 years timeframe.
As always, do your own due dilligence.
Manufacture Licence Secured
Company Overview
Office of Drug Control Manufacture Licence Secured
Sydney, Oct 10, 2018 AEST (ABN Newswire) - The Board of Queensland Bauxite Limited (ASX:QBL) (or "the company") is pleased to announce that its soon to be wholly owned subsidiary, Medcan Australia, has secured a Medical Cannabis Manufacture Licence under the ODC (Office of Drug Control).
This licence will allow Medcan, subject to individual permit issue, the ability to manufacture its range of products, including but not limited to:
- Dried flower finished products
- Full extract oils
- Tinctures
- Capsules
- Medicinal cannabis products manufactured in Australia under a GMP Licence
- Medicinal cannabis products listed as export-only or registered in the ARTG
- Extracts of cannabis (or cannabis resin) manufactured under a Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 Licence that are not in the final dosage form
- The Contract manufacture of other licenced producers' products
Medcan Australia's CEO, Craig Cochran commented, "We are extremely happy to secure our Manufacture Licence. This is the last ODC (Office of Drug Control) licence required for us to complete our vertically integrated business model".
Medcan has also secured a QLD Health Licence allowing for the storage of Schedule 9 substances, including Cannabis Seeds; and a DAWR Permit (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Permit) allowing for the importation of plant materials, specifically cannabis seeds.
Medcan currently holds the following valuable ODC, Federal & State licenses:
o ODC Medical Cannabis Cultivation and Production Licence
o ODC Import Licence
o ODC Medical Cannabis Manufacture Licence
o ODC Export Licence
o DAWR (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources) Permit
o QLD Health Licence - Schedule 9 Substances
Pnina Feldman, Executive Chairperson of QBL said, "We are very pleased that Medcan has secured this valuable manufacture licence thus ensuring the continuing development of our Medical Cannabis project in Australia and finally completing the company's second fully vertically integrated business model, in the nutritional and medical Cannabis industries. The Medcan team continue to impress us with their professionalism and expertise, and being one of the only MM companies now in Australia to have secured all these valuable ODC Medical Cannabis licences. We look forward to working together, with our International network of experienced and dedicated team members, who will continue to build on these achievements to create shareholder wealth."
About Queensland Bauxite Ltd
Queensland Bauxite Limited (ASX:QBL) is an Australian listed company focused on the exploration and development of its bauxite tenements in Queensland and New South Wales. The Company's lead project is the South Johnstone Bauxite Deposit in northern Queensland which has rail running through the project area and is approximately 15-24 kilometres from the nearest deep water port. The Company intends to become a bauxite producer with a focus on commencing production at South Johnstone as early as possible. The Company also pursues additional investment opportunities, and has agreed to acquire a 100% shareholding in Medical Cannabis Limited, an Australian leader in the hemp and Cannabis industries, and a 100% shareholding in Medcan Australia Pty Ltd, a company with an ODC cultivation and production License and a DA approved Cannabis production and manufacturing facility.
Queensland Bauxite Ltd
Tel: +61-2-9291-9000
For further information or any queries please email the Company at:
2 big events NEXT WEEK ! Quarterly report and new IR feature.
Here you have the opportunity to take advantage on facts and info from QBL. Like the chapter who can provide verified facts; here is also regulated on-line stockbrokers suggestion, and a good sum up. Contact information to the QBL Investor service, (remember different timezones outside, trade pre-start 7 AM local time, trade opens 10 AM)
Further information on the MOST SIGNIFICANT announcement to date, can be found on our website. Explanation on the two acquisitions, for both MCL (Medical Cannabis Ltd) and Medcan – Medical Cannabis. We now have full intrest in these two businesses and moving forward. Now QBL states; ”QBL Cannabis Group” – the recreational side of cannabis is also on the wall, MCL director Andrew speaks about it in a recent interview on television.
On Wednesday 1 of august open QBL Q & A for Investors, shareholders and intrested parties.
Coming 4 small catalysts is a clear sharevalue gainer. Within a short time we will see; Corporate Q&A within 6 days, updated Investor Presentaion, 4 week suspension from trading (mid august - mid september) and new Quarterly Report.
There is risks as well; how strong will the quarterly report be ?
The 4 week suspension, how will it effect sharevalue coming 3 weeks ?
At the end of the day, I reckon we will see a gain in sharevalue. I would not be surprised, if there will be a strong gain coming august.
Here you have the opportunity to take advantage on facts and info from QBL. Like the chapter who can provide verified facts; here is also regulated on-line stockbrokers suggestion, and a good sum up. Contact information to the QBL Investor service, (remember different timezones outside, trade pre-start 7 AM local time, trade opens 10 AM)
Further information on the MOST SIGNIFICANT announcement to date, can be found on our website. Explanation on the two acquisitions, for both MCL (Medical Cannabis Ltd) and Medcan – Medical Cannabis. We now have full intrest in these two businesses and moving forward. Now QBL states; ”QBL Cannabis Group” – the recreational side of cannabis is also on the wall, MCL director Andrew speaks about it in a recent interview on television.
Proactive Investors latest update on QBL Cannabis Group.
Here you have the opportunity to take advantage on facts and info from QBL. Like the chapter who can provide verified facts; here is also regulated on-line stockbrokers suggestion, and a good sum up. Contact information to the QBL Investor service, (remember different timezones outside, trade pre-start 7 AM local time, trade opens 10 AM)
Further information on the MOST SIGNIFICANT announcement to date, can be found on our website. Explanation on the two acquisitions, for both MCL (Medical Cannabis Ltd) and Medcan – Medical Cannabis. We now have full intrest in these two businesses and moving forward. Now QBL states; ”QBL Cannabis Group” – the recreational side of cannabis is also on the wall, MCL director Andrew speaks about it in a recent interview on television.
In that case, if you send me a message here/PM - I will reply and/or give site Administrator a ok for this to happen, thx.
QBL consolidates in medical cannabis with double acquisition.
After several months of tiptoeing in and around the medical cannabis market (and almost two months spent in a trading halt), Queensland Bauxite (ASX: QBL) has plunged in two feet first by carrying out a “transformational” company acquisition of a cannabis company.
The resources company has been broadening its horizons for over 6 months, flirting with the idea of commercialising medical cannabis and signing a range of commercial deals to generate revenues from one of the most rapidly-growing market sectors in the world.
However, Queensland Bauxite stunned the market late last night by announcing a double-barrelled acquisition spree: the buyout of the remaining 45% in its existing subsidiary, Medical Cannabis Limited (MCL) and entering into a legally binding heads of agreement to acquire the entirety of Medcan Australia, an established medical cannabis producer with all the necessary licencing and infrastructure in place to commence production and sales of high-grade cannabis.
The Medcan takeover is to be done entirely in scrip with the issue of QBL shares. However, to ensure the acquisition occurs smoothly and to support its set of acquisitions, the company said it intends to conduct a capital raising under a prospectus to raise up to A$5 million at a price of 8 cents per share (a 63% premium to the last closing price of 4.9 cents).
Upon completion, Medcan’s founders Craig Cochran, and Gareth Ball will take up an 8% stake in the newly-created entity comprised of Medcan and MCL.
The two founders will also receive “quarterly issuance” of 2.25 million shares as part of “arm’s length” management contracts that will see the two leading figures retain an active role in the newly-created business over the next 2 years.
Importantly, all additional shares to be issued by to MCL shareholders and to Medcan shareholders, will be subject to a 24-month escrow period which thereby ties the new people to the newly-formed business.
MCL vertical business integration model QBL
With its strong surge into medical cannabis Queensland Bauxite has also said that its mining roots will not be forgotten after the MCL and Medcan acquisitions are completed.
Queensland Bauxite will be comprised of two separate operating divisions with the latest report out from company being that it is continuing its “discussions with a number of groups including end users for off-take” of bauxite from South Johnstone, the explorer’s flagship project in Queensland.
“With Medcan integrated into the broader MCL group, we intend to produce high CBD and other THC rich variations of medicinal cannabis, as well as other cannabinoid variations to be used in research to manufacture patient-specific products in accordance with the existing legislative framework.
“This is another step forward for patient access in Australia and globally, with patients to have direct access to legally produced Australian GMP manufactured products of the highest standard and quality control,” said Andrew Kavasilas, founding director of MCL.
Manufacturing medical cannabis
Medcan currently holds an Office of Drug Control (ODC) medical cannabis production license and also possesses an experienced management and production team with a contract to supply already in place.
The acquisition effectively enables the MCL group to legally grow and cultivate both THC and CBD medicinal cannabis products in Australia. The acquisition will essentially springboard Queensland Bauxite into supplying the burgeoning global markets for medical cannabis products with Australia at the heart of its operations.
The deal between MCL and Medcan will establish Queensland Bauxite’s second vertically integrated ‘seed to consumer’ business in medicinal cannabis.
MCL is the only medicinal cannabis company in Australia with two complete fully vertically integrated businesses: nutritional hemp and medicinal cannabis.
Nutritional hemp medicinal cannabis MCL QBL ASX
Medcan’s ODC license assists MCL to realise and fulfil its aim to cultivate medical Cannabis in Australia and manufacture its own GMP pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and therapeutics for distribution and sale to the Australian market and international export market, with the potential to return significant revenues for MCL.
One key aspect already on the horizon is the building of a “state-of-the-art cannabis cultivation and production facility” with the sole purpose of producing high THC/CBD medicinal cannabis products “by year-end.”
According to a market statement from Queensland Bauxite, Medcan’s facility will carry out automated cultivation techniques allowing complete control of the growing environment – including climate control systems monitoring temperature, humidity, CO2 levels and integrating advanced nutrient delivery systems.
Nitty gritty details
The flurry of transformational acquisition activity will require internal Board and shareholder approval as well as official confirmation from the ASX.
However, Queensland Bauxite said that it had already spoken to the largest shareholders of QBL and were confident that these vital acquisitions have the support of QBL’s largest shareholders.
“All the directors of QBL and MCL unanimously approve and recommend these acquisitions for the benefit of all QBL and MCL shareholders,” the company said.
As a further logistical change, Queensland Bauxite has also decided to acquire the remaining 45% of MCL and takes its ownership to 100%. The full acquisition completely incorporates MCL into Queensland Bauxite for the benefit of all Queensland Bauxite shareholders.
“The value of MCL and Medcan combined is greater than the sum of the individual businesses. Both parties achieve value uplift with clear and deliverable synergies,” said Ms Pnina Feldman, executive chairperson of Queensland Bauxite.
Medical Cannabis profile
MCL is an unlisted public company incorporated on 16 March 2015 for the purpose of capitalising on the industrial hemp seed industry and the medical cannabis market in Australia. MCL is backed by an intellectual property portfolio, initially developed by Mr Andrew Kavasalis for more than a decade and continues to be developed by Mr Kavasilas and the MCL team.
MCL’s strategy is to leverage the intellectual property and management expertise it has in the cannabis sector to become a leader in the distribution of medical cannabis products and solidify its position as Australia’s premier hemp food company.
The company has three key divisions spread across 4 subsidiaries – Vitaseeds, Hemp Hulling Co, Vitahemp and Vitacann.
QBL cannabis business flow chart
Overall, the combination of brands and subsidiaries leverage the company’s seed bank as well as its growing, cultivating, retail products and medical applications.
The news of Queensland Bauxite transformational acquisition is expected to have a significant impact on the company’s shares when they recommence trading on the ASX this morning.
In that case, if you send me a message here/personnel - I will reply here and/or give site Administrator a ok for this to happen, thx.
ODC Import Licence secured - ODC Export Licence secured Queensland Bauxite Limited (ASX:QBL) is delighted to announce that Medcan Australia (“Medcan”), has now been issued with both an Import & Export Licence under the ODC (Office of Drug Control).
These licences now allow Medcan, subject to individual permit issue, the ability to capitalise on the significant international and local opportunities by both importing and exporting a wide range of Cannabis products including, but not limited to: -Cultivars -Dried flower finished products -Full extract oil and tinctures finished products -Medicinal cannabis products manufactured in Australia under a GMP Licence -Medicinal cannabis products listed as export-only or registered in the ARTG -Extracts of cannabis (or cannabis resin) manufactured under a Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 Licence that are not in the final dosage form -The Canntab XR Pills produced in Canada As previously announced, QBL has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of Medcan.
Medcan Australia’s CEO, Craig Cochran commented “We are extremely happy to add the import and export licences to our current suite of licences. This brings Medcan Australia another step closer to our vision of providing patient specific Medicinal Cannabis products to the people that need them most. It also allows us the ability to capitalise on various opportunities in the international market immediately.”
Pnina Feldman, Executive Chairperson of QBL stated “We are very pleased to see the continued development of Medcan during this interim period. We continue to be impressed with the knowledge and professionalism of the Medcan team to have been one of the very few in Australia to have achieved the granting of all these valuable licences. We are confident that Medcan, together with our international network and dedicated and experienced team, will immediately be able to build on these achievements in the short term to create much shareholder wealth.”
Further information on the most significant announcement to date, can be found on our website. Explanation on the two acquisitions, for both MCL (Medical Cannabis Ltd) and Medcan – Medical Cannabis. We know have full intrest in these two businesses and moving forward. Post 207 and 215 is also informative about the new QBL. Now QBL states; ”QBL Cannabis Group” – the recreational side of cannabis is also on the wall (in the long run I guess), MCL director Andrew speaks about it in a recent interview on TV.
[b Small Caps by George Techakov
]Queensland Bauxite consolidates position in medical cannabis with double acquisition.
After several months of tiptoeing in and around the medical cannabis market (and almost two months spent in a trading halt), Queensland Bauxite (ASX: QBL) has plunged in two feet first by carrying out a “transformational” company acquisition of a cannabis company.
The resources company has been broadening its horizons for over 6 months, flirting with the idea of commercialising medical cannabis and signing a range of commercial deals to generate revenues from one of the most rapidly-growing market sectors in the world.
However, Queensland Bauxite stunned the market late last night by announcing a double-barrelled acquisition spree: the buyout of the remaining 45% in its existing subsidiary, Medical Cannabis Limited (MCL) and entering into a legally binding heads of agreement to acquire the entirety of Medcan Australia, an established medical cannabis producer with all the necessary licencing and infrastructure in place to commence production and sales of high-grade cannabis.
The Medcan takeover is to be done entirely in scrip with the issue of 250 million QBL shares. However, to ensure the acquisition occurs smoothly and to support its set of acquisitions, the company said it intends to conduct a capital raising under a prospectus to raise up to A$5 million at a price of 8 cents per share (a 63% premium to the last closing price of 4.9 cents).
Upon completion, Medcan’s founders Craig Cochran, and Gareth Ball will take up an 8% stake in the newly-created entity comprised of Medcan and MCL.
The two founders will also receive “quarterly issuance” of 2.25 million shares as part of “arm’s length” management contracts that will see the two leading figures retain an active role in the newly-created business over the next 2 years.
Importantly, all additional shares to be issued by to MCL shareholders and to Medcan shareholders, will be subject to a 24-month escrow period which thereby ties the new people to the newly-formed business.
MCL vertical business integration model QBL
With its strong surge into medical cannabis Queensland Bauxite has also said that its mining roots will not be forgotten after the MCL and Medcan acquisitions are completed.
Queensland Bauxite will be comprised of two separate operating divisions with the latest report out from company being that it is continuing its “discussions with a number of groups including end users for off-take” of bauxite from South Johnstone, the explorer’s flagship project in Queensland.
“With Medcan integrated into the broader MCL group, we intend to produce high CBD and other THC rich variations of medicinal cannabis, as well as other cannabinoid variations to be used in research to manufacture patient-specific products in accordance with the existing legislative framework.
“This is another step forward for patient access in Australia and globally, with patients to have direct access to legally produced Australian GMP manufactured products of the highest standard and quality control,” said Andrew Kavasilas, founding director of MCL.
Manufacturing medical cannabis
Medcan currently holds an Office of Drug Control (ODC) medical cannabis production license and also possesses an experienced management and production team with a contract to supply already in place.
The acquisition effectively enables the MCL group to legally grow and cultivate both THC and CBD medicinal cannabis products in Australia. The acquisition will essentially springboard Queensland Bauxite into supplying the burgeoning global markets for medical cannabis products with Australia at the heart of its operations.
The deal between MCL and Medcan will establish Queensland Bauxite’s second vertically integrated ‘seed to consumer’ business in medicinal cannabis.
MCL is the only medicinal cannabis company in Australia with two complete fully vertically integrated businesses: nutritional hemp and medicinal cannabis.
Nutritional hemp medicinal cannabis MCL QBL ASX
Medcan’s ODC license assists MCL to realise and fulfil its aim to cultivate medical Cannabis in Australia and manufacture its own GMP pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and therapeutics for distribution and sale to the Australian market and international export market, with the potential to return significant revenues for MCL.
One key aspect already on the horizon is the building of a “state-of-the-art cannabis cultivation and production facility” with the sole purpose of producing high THC/CBD medicinal cannabis products “by year-end.”
According to a market statement from Queensland Bauxite, Medcan’s facility will carry out automated cultivation techniques allowing complete control of the growing environment – including climate control systems monitoring temperature, humidity, CO2 levels and integrating advanced nutrient delivery systems.
Nitty gritty details
The flurry of transformational acquisition activity will require internal Board and shareholder approval as well as official confirmation from the ASX.
However, Queensland Bauxite said that it had already spoken to the largest shareholders of QBL and were confident that these vital acquisitions have the support of QBL’s largest shareholders.
“All the directors of QBL and MCL unanimously approve and recommend these acquisitions for the benefit of all QBL and MCL shareholders,” the company said.
As a further logistical change, Queensland Bauxite has also decided to acquire the remaining 45% of MCL and takes its ownership to 100%. The full acquisition completely incorporates MCL into Queensland Bauxite for the benefit of all Queensland Bauxite shareholders.
“The value of MCL and Medcan combined is greater than the sum of the individual businesses. Both parties achieve value uplift with clear and deliverable synergies,” said Ms Pnina Feldman, executive chairperson of Queensland Bauxite.
Medical Cannabis profile
MCL is an unlisted public company incorporated on 16 March 2015 for the purpose of capitalising on the industrial hemp seed industry and the medical cannabis market in Australia. MCL is backed by an intellectual property portfolio, initially developed by Mr Andrew Kavasalis for more than a decade and continues to be developed by Mr Kavasilas and the MCL team.
MCL’s strategy is to leverage the intellectual property and management expertise it has in the cannabis sector to become a leader in the distribution of medical cannabis products and solidify its position as Australia’s premier hemp food company.
The company has three key divisions spread across 4 subsidiaries – Vitaseeds, Hemp Hulling Co, Vitahemp and Vitacann.
QBL cannabis business flow chart
Overall, the combination of brands and subsidiaries leverage the company’s seed bank as well as its growing, cultivating, retail products and medical applications.
The news of Queensland Bauxite transformational acquisition is expected to have a significant impact on the company’s shares when they recommence trading on the ASX this morning.