RNS Number : 0753B
Real Estate Investors PLC
29 September 2022
Real Estate Investors Plc
("REI", the "Company" or the "Group")
Half Year Results
For the six months ended 30 June 2022
Real Estate Investors Plc (AIM: RLE), the UK's only
Midlands-focused Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) with a
portfolio of commercial property across all sectors, is pleased to
report its unaudited half year results for the six-month period
ended 30 June 2022 ("H1 2022").
-- 11 assets sold totalling GBP5.7 million (before costs), an
aggregate uplift of 27.9% above year end book value, plus post
period disposals of GBP4.5 million (at near book value) - total
disposals year to date GBP10.2 million. Additional significant
pipeline sales in legals
-- Profit before tax of GBP8.3 million (H1 2021: GBP9 million
profit) includes GBP3.1 million gain on property revaluations (H1
2021: GBP3.3 million gain), GBP1 million profit on sale of
investment property (H1 2021: GBP1.2 million profit) and GBP1.2
million surplus on hedge valuation (H1 2021: GBP716,000
-- EPRA** NTA per share of 61p (FY 2021: 58.8p)
-- Revenue of GBP7.2 million (H1 2021: GBP7.8 million) predominantly reduced due to disposals
-- Underlying profit before tax* of GBP2.9 million (H1 2021: GBP3.8 million)
-- EPRA** EPS of 1.64p (H1 2021: 2.1p)
-- The Company will make a fully covered quarterly dividend
payment of 0.8125p per share in respect of Q2 2022
-- Strong rent collection for H1 2022 of 99.36% (adjusted for
monthly and deferred agreements) (H1 2021: 98.53%)
-- GBP190.2 million gross portfolio valuation (after asset
disposals) (FY 2021: GBP190.8 million)
-- On a like for like basis the portfolio valuation has improved
by 2% on 31 December 2021 valuation to GBP187.9 million
-- Completed 56 lease events (including 7 lease renewals)
-- WAULT*** of 4.97 years to break/6.53 years to expiry (FY 2021: 5.03/6.76 years)
-- Contracted rental income of GBP14 million p.a. (H1 2021:
GBP14.7 million p.a.) with reduction due to known lease events and
portfolio disposals in line with strategy
-- Occupancy levels at 85.88% (FY 2021: 85.75%), increased to
86.47% post period, with the potential to rise further
-- Disposal proceeds used to pay down GBP5.7 million of debt in H1 2022 including AIB facility
-- Total net debt now GBP75.5 million (FY 2021: GBP79.6 million)
-- As at 30 June 2022, hedge facility has improved by GBP1.2
million for half year to 30 June 2022 and has improved by a further
GBP600,000 as at 1 September 2022
-- 95.2% of Company debt fixed with a weighted average fixed debt duration of 2.3 years
-- Average cost of debt 3.5% (FY 2021: 3.5%)
-- 40.2% Loan to Value (net of cash) (FY 2021: 42.2%)
(management target LTV net of cash 40% or below)
-- GBP8.3 million cash at bank
-- Total sales since period end of GBP4.5 million
-- Additional significant pipeline sales in legals
-- Contracted rental income now GBP13.7 million (allowing for sales)
-- Completed further 28 lease events including 4 lease renewals,
6 break removals and 11 lettings in legals, which have the
potential to improve occupancy to 89.70%
-- Additional GBP2.5 million of debt repaid since period end
Paul Bassi, Chief Executive, commented:
"H1 2022 was a stable period after the challenging years of
Brexit and Covid. Improving occupier demand and sales to a strong
private investor market and overseas buyers will provide the
foundation for rising valuations and improved rental income and
allow us to execute our strategy, whilst remaining open to any
sector consolidation opportunities.
We are mindful of current recessionary concerns, inflation and
rising interest rates. Whilst we are not immune to the effects of
economic downturns, we are well insulated with fixed and reduced
debt, lower LTV, a diverse occupier base plus a healthy WAULT with
growing levels of cash to capitalise on any market opportunities.
Post period lettings will also add to our revenues going forward,
plus the potential for further capital value appreciation.
We remain focused on delivering maximum value to our
shareholders and subject to the ongoing success of the disposals
programme and market conditions, in particular the impact of
economic headwinds on the real estate sector and with due
consideration being given to any downturn, the Board will consider
how best to allocate surplus capital including a capital return to
our shareholders. Alternatively, if the environment for
acquisitions changes markedly by the year end and opportunities
offering significant value start to arise, then we may look to make
opportunistic acquisitions where there is scope to capture material
upside through asset management."
30 June 2022 30 June 2021
Revenue GBP7.2 million GBP7.8 million
--------------- ---------------
Underlying profit before GBP2.9 million GBP3.8 million
--------------- ---------------
Contracted rental income GBP14.0 million GBP14.7 million
--------------- ---------------
EPRA EPS** 1.64p 2.13p
--------------- ---------------
Pre-tax profit GBP8.3 million GBP9 million
--------------- ---------------
Dividend per share 1.625p 1.5p
--------------- ---------------
Average cost of debt 3.5% 3.4%
--------------- ---------------
Like for like rental income GBP14.0 million GBP13.9 million
--------------- ---------------
30 June 2022 31 December 2021
Gross property assets GBP190.2 million GBP190.8 million
---------------- ----------------
EPRA NTA per share** 61.0p 58.8p
---------------- ----------------
Like for like capital GBP128.24 psf GBP125.67 psf
value psf
---------------- ----------------
Like for like valuation GBP187.9 million GBP184.1 million
---------------- ----------------
Tenants 239 256
---------------- ----------------
WAULT to break*** 4.97 years 5.03 years
---------------- ----------------
Total ownership (sq ft) 1.47 million 1.5 million sq
sq ft ft
---------------- ----------------
Net assets GBP110.5 million GBP105 million
---------------- ----------------
Loan to value 44.6% 47.4%
---------------- ----------------
Loan to value (net of
cash) 40.2% 42.2%
---------------- ----------------
* Underlying profit before tax excludes profit/loss on
revaluation and sale of properties and interest rate swaps
** EPRA = European Public Real Estate Association
*** WAULT = Weighted Average Unexpired Lease Term
Certain of the information contained within this announcement is
deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as
stipulated under the UK version of the EU Market Abuse Regulation
(2014/596) which is part of UK law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended and supplemented from time to
Real Estate Investors Plc
Paul Bassi/Marcus Daly +44 (0)121 212 3446
Cenkos Securities (Nominated Adviser)
Katy Birkin/Ben Jeynes +44 (0)20 7397 8900
Liberum (Broker)
Jamie Richards/William King +44 (0)20 3100 2000
Novella Communications
Tim Robertson/Safia Colebrook +44 (0)20 3151 7008
About Real Estate Investors Plc
Real Estate Investors Plc is a publicly quoted, internally
managed property investment company and REIT with a portfolio of
mixed-use commercial property, managed by a highly-experienced
property team with over 100 years of combined experience of
operating in the Midlands property market across all sectors. The
Company's strategy is to invest in well located, real estate assets
in the established and proven markets across the Midlands, with
income and capital growth potential, realisable through active
portfolio management, refurbishment, change of use and lettings.
The portfolio has no material reliance on a single asset or
occupier. On 1st January 2015, the Company converted to a REIT.
Real Estate Investment Trusts are listed property investment
companies or groups not liable to corporation tax on their rental
income or capital gains from their qualifying activities. The
Company aims to deliver capital growth and income enhancement from
its assets, supporting its covered dividend policy. Further
information on the Company can be found at www.reiplc.com .
In H1 2022, the Company has seen an increase in NTA per share of
3.7% and reports pre-tax profits of GBP8.3 million. The cash inflow
has seen LTV reduce to 40.2% in line with management's objectives.
The lettings and disposals pipelines are strong and the Board
anticipates further increases in NAV by the year end should these
events crystallise.
The portfolio continues to deliver strong rent collection levels
with overall collection for the period standing at 99.36% (adjusted
for monthly and deferred agreements). Current quarter (June -
September) rent collection so far is 99.86%.
During H1 2022, we took advantage of a particularly strong
private investor market, disposing of 11 assets totalling GBP5.7
million (an aggregate uplift of 27.9% on December 2021 valuations).
Since the period end, we have disposed of a further GBP4.5 million
of assets (at near book value) totalling GBP10.2 million for 2022
year to date and have a strong pipeline of disposals in legals
which reflects the difference between market pricing and NAV
valuations and demonstrating the underlying value of our
diversified portfolio.
In line with management's intention to operate the portfolio
with prudent gearing levels, disposal proceeds were used to pay
down GBP5.7 million of debt in H1 2022. Subsequently, our LTV (net
of cash) has reduced to 40.2%. Our average cost of debt has
remained at 3.5% with 95.2% of the Company's debt now fixed (as at
30 June 2022) with a weighted average fixed debt term of 2.3 years.
We are mindful of current recessionary concerns, inflation and
rising interest rates. Whilst we are not immune to the effects of
economic downturns, we are well insulated with fixed and reduced
debt, improved LTV, diverse occupier base, a healthy WAULT and
growing cash balances to capitalise on any market
A more normalised marketplace paved the way for occupiers to
make decisions and this confidence led to significantly increased
leasing activity during the period. This activity has continued
into H2 2022 and enquiries from occupiers is reflected in lettings
on our void space totalling GBP90,701 p.a., plus pipeline lettings
in solicitors' hands totalling GBP685,000 p.a. Subject to market
conditions, this will potentially drive further portfolio capital
values, contributing to a rise in our NAV and rental income,
supporting our covered dividend policy and reducing our gearing
Reflecting the improved occupier activity, our asset management
team completed 56 lease events, leading to a WAULT of 4.97 years to
break and 6.53 years to expiry.
Occupancy as at 30 June 2022 was 85.88% (FY 2021: 85.75%) and is
stable despite the sales of fully let assets. Since the period end,
occupancy has risen to 86.47%. Contracted rental income sits at
GBP14 million p.a. (FY 2021 GBP14.3 million p.a.).
Taking into account the disposals in H1 2022, the portfolio's
property assets have increased by 2% to GBP187.9 million (on a like
for like basis) and we are therefore pleased to report an increase
in our EPRA NTA per share to 61p (FY 2021: 58.8p) up 3.7%. These
valuations do not reflect the post period lettings upside
As a result of sales and known voids, our revenue has reduced in
the short term to GBP7.2 million (H1 2021: GBP7.8 million) as we
achieve debt reduction and cash generation with underlying profit
before tax to GBP2.9 million (H1 2021: GBP3.8 million). As at 1
July 2022, the hedge facility has improved by GBP1.2 million and
has improved by a further GBP600,000 as at 1 September 2022. The
Board announces a fully covered quarterly dividend for Q2 2022 of
0.8125p per share (Q2 2021: 0.75p per share) to reflect the
operational performance of the business in H1 2022.
The region enjoyed a very successful 2022 Commonwealth Games,
which launched Birmingham onto the global stage and has positively
driven investor and economic activity. The region has been further
boosted by the Chancellor's Growth Plan announcement detailing the
inclusion of the West Midlands in the 38 local combined authorities
that will benefit from 'investment zones'. These zones promise to
offer generous, targeted and time-limited tax cuts for businesses,
backing them to increase productivity and create new jobs,
liberalised planning rules and reforms to increase the speed of
delivering development. This is expected to further encourage and
improve demand from investors and occupiers.
REI continues to benefit from its locality and expects both
investor and occupier demand to remain positive into the
foreseeable future.
Management continues to remain focused on delivering maximum
value to our shareholders. As stated in our July trading update,
private investor demand has remained high and we have taken
advantage of this by disposing of assets at an aggregate value
above NAV, and we will continue to make further opportunistic
The disposal proceeds will be used to reduce debt and, subject
to the ongoing success of the disposals programme and market
conditions, in particular the impact of economic headwinds on the
real estate sector and with due consideration being given to any
downturn, the Board will consider how best to utilise excess
capital, including a return of capital to shareholders.
Alternatively, if the environment for acquisitions changes markedly
by the year end and opportunities offering significant value start
to arise, then we may look to make opportunistic acquisitions where
there is scope to capture material upside through asset management.
The Board evaluates the relative merits of these options on an
ongoing basis. The quantum of any return of capital will be set to
ensure that we maintain a prudent loan-to-value ratio and will be
subject to market conditions.
In the meantime, we continue to be alert to market consolidation
within the real estate sector. Management remains open to
evaluating any corporate transaction that is in the best interests
of shareholders.
We have successfully disposed of GBP5.7 million of assets during
the period at an aggregate uplift of 27.9% above the 31 December
2021 valuation. The income associated with these disposed assets is
GBP424,900 per annum. Mindful of this demand, we have continued to
make sales and can confirm post period disposals as follows:
-- Completed sales of GBP4.5 million
-- Significant pipeline of sales in legals
No acquisitions were made during H1 2022 due to the lack of
suitably priced assets. Management will continue to monitor the
market place for attractive acquisition opportunities.
The business remains multi-banked with debt spread across 4
Following the proactive decision in 2021 to take advantage of a
low interest rate environment, 95.2% of the Company's debt is now
fixed with an average weighted fixed debt term of 2.3 years and an
average cost of debt of 3.5%.
Our hedge facility has improved by GBP1.2 million for the half
year to 30 June 2022 and has recovered by a further GBP600,000 as
at 1 September 2022. REI has seen a material fall in its swap
liability position. As at 31 December 2021, the swap liability
position was GBP2.1 million. The Company reports that as at 30 June
2022, the unaudited swap liability position had fallen to GBP0.9
million and that as at 31 August 2022, the unaudited liability had
fallen further to GBP0.3 million.
During the period, GBP5.7 million of debt was repaid using the
proceeds from portfolio disposals with a further GBP2.5 million
repaid since 30 June 2022. Debt repayment from the proceeds of
disposals, combined with a gain in the Company's like-for-like
portfolio valuations had supported a reduction in the Company's
loan to value to 40.2% (net of cash). This is in line with the
Company's strategy and management's objective to operate the
business with sensible gearing levels.
The Group has total drawn down debt of GBP83.8 million (FY 2021:
GBP89.4 million) and all banking covenants (which are a combination
of both the measurement of LTV against asset value and interest
cover against rental income) continue to be met with headroom
available and the ability to correct through substitute security or
cash deposits and reduction. The Group has GBP8.3 million cash at
Management remains committed to a covered dividend policy.
As renewed occupier confidence gathered pace in 2022, demand
increased leading to 56 lease events being completed, including 7
lease renewals, generating GBP365,000 p.a. of new rental income,
recovering the majority of income lost due to sales during the
period. In particular, we have seen office demand improving, the
sector had previously dominated our voids during and since
As a result of asset management activity in H1 2022 our WAULT
was 4.97 years to break and 6.53 years to expiry (FY 2021: 5.03
years to break and 6.76 years to expiry).
Hotel Income Update
Our hotel in West Bromwich, previously let to Premier Inn, was
re-let to Vine Hotels on a new 15-year lease at GBP300,000 p.a.
(above external valuer ERV level at time of letting), with the
intention of operating a Best Western hotel. No rent-free
incentives were given, but the first 3 years are a profit share. We
are pleased to say that Vine secured a rolling annual letting at
100% occupancy that has provided REI with an income in excess of
GBP300,000 p.a.
Post Period Activity
Since the period end, we have:
-- Completed a further 3 lettings, generating GBP90,701 p.a. income
-- We also have approximately GBP685,000 p.a. of lettings in
pipeline legals, which if completed would translate into improved
occupancy to 89.70% and enhanced contracted rental income to
GBP14.3 million p.a.
We anticipate further occupancy improvement in the next few
months which will potentially lead to further capital value
improvement as we secure lettings in line with our ERVs with
improved lease lengths.
These new lettings and the related valuation gain is not
accounted for in our H1 valuation.
During 2022 to date, new tenants within the portfolio include;
Cityfibre Holdings and King & Moffat UK Ltd.
Portfolio Mix
The current sector weightings are:
Sector GBP per annum % by income
Office 5,039,442 36.03
-------------- ------------
Traditional Retail 2,457,794 17.57
-------------- ------------
Discount Retail - Poundland/B&M etc 1,895,350 13.55
-------------- ------------
Other - Hotels (Travelodge), Leisure (The Gym
Group, Luda Bingo), Car parking, AST 1,641,784 11.74
-------------- ------------
Medical and Pharmaceutical - Boots/Holland & Barrett
etc 1,066,599 7.63
-------------- ------------
Restaurant/Bar/Coffee - Costa Coffee, Loungers
etc 793,250 5.67
-------------- ------------
Food Stores - M&S, Aldi, Co-op, Iceland etc 585,690 4.19
-------------- ------------
Financial/Licences/Agency - Lloyds TSB, Santander
UK Plc, Bank of Scotland etc 507,000 3.62
-------------- ------------
Total 13,986,909 100.00
-------------- ------------
Portfolio Summary
Value (GBPm) Area Contracted ERV (GBP) NIY RY Occupancy
(sq ft) Rent (GBP) (%) (%) (%)
Birmingham GBP24,935,000 101,477 GBP1,406,702 GBP1,824,650 5.29% 6.87% 80.17%
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
Other Birmingham GBP24,215,000 172,483 GBP2,012,186 GBP1,994,005 7.80% 7.73% 89.63%
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
West Midlands GBP72,935,000 636,671 GBP5,407,474 GBP6,473,460 6.96% 8.33% 82.68%
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
Other Midlands GBP65,790,000 554,379 GBP5,160,547 GBP5,880,040 7.36% 8.39% 89.42%
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
Other Locations - - - - - - -
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
Land* GBP2,387,320 - - -
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
Total GBP190,262,320 1,465,010 GBP13,986,909 GBP16,172,155 6.90% 7.98% 85.88%
---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- ------ ------ ----------
* Our land holdings are excluded from the yield
We remain committed to acting responsibly and operating a
sustainable business. Our EPC programme across the portfolio is
progressing in line with the Company's ESG strategy to ensure that
the business is compliant with regulations in April 2023 when all
assets require an EPC rating of 'E' or above. Currently only 0.24%
of the portfolio is below an 'E' (previously reported figure in
March 2022 was 0.84%). Some of our previously non-compliant assets
have been/are being sold.
We intend to expand on our ESG reporting in our full year
results and commit to doing so annually.
The Board remains committed to paying a covered dividend,
throughout the period of our sales programme, subject to business
performance. In line with this commitment and to recognise the
operational stability of the business, the Board is pleased to
announce a Q2 2022 fully covered dividend of 0.8125p reflecting a
yield of 9.7% based on a mid-market opening price of 33.50p on 28
September 2022.
The proposed timetable for the dividend, which will be paid as
an ordinary dividend, is as follows:
Ex-dividend date: 6 October 2022
Record date: 7 October 2022
Dividend payment date: 28 October 2022
With a strong investor and occupier market evidenced by GBP10.2
million disposals year to date and current pipeline lettings of
GBP685,000 p.a. the second half of 2022 has started on a promising
note. We will continue to capitalise on market conditions and
dispose of assets on an opportunistic basis and will utilise
proceeds from disposals to pay down debt and execute our stated
strategy. We have the potential to secure valuation gains, through
new lettings on our void space and further improve the NAV.
The business is well insulated from rising rates due to 95.2%
fixed debt with a weighted average fixed debt term of 2.3 years,
sensible gearing levels and healthy WAULT and our portfolio has the
resilience to withstand economic pressure as demonstrated by our
ability to cope with Brexit, Covid and the financial crisis.
Subject to further disposals in H2 2022 and ongoing market
conditions, in particular the impact of economic headwinds on the
real estate sector and with due consideration being given to any
downturn, the Board will consider how best to allocate surplus
capital including a capital return to our shareholders.
Alternatively, if the environment for acquisitions changes markedly
by the year end and opportunities offering significant value start
to arise, then we may look to make opportunistic acquisitions where
there is scope to capture material upside through asset
In the meantime, we continue to be alert to market consolidation
within the real estate sector. Management remains open to
evaluating any corporate transaction that is in the best interests
of shareholders.
Our thanks to our shareholders, advisors, occupiers and staff
for their ongoing support and assistance.
William Wyatt Paul Bassi CBE D.UNIV
Chairman Chief Executive
28 September 2022 28 September 2022
For the 6 months ended 30
June 2022
Six months Six months
to to Year ended
31 December
30 June 2022 30 June 2021 2021
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
Note GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
Revenue 7,165 7,782 15,971
Cost of sales (1,170) (836) (3,329)
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
Gross profit 5,995 6,946 12,642
Administrative expenses (1,483) (1,488) (3,045)
Surplus on sale of investment
properties 1,001 1,157 1,177
Change in fair value of investment
properties 3,149 3,331 4,951
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
Profit from operations 8,662 9,946 15,725
Finance income 26 1 46
Finance costs (1,600) (1,634) (3,235)
Profit on financial liabilities
held at fair value 1,238 716 1,388
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 8,326 9,029 13,924
Income tax charge - - -
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
Net profit after taxation
and total comprehensive income 8,326 9,029 13,924
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
Basic earnings per share 6 4.64p 5.0p 7.76p
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
Diluted earnings per share 6 4.56p 4.9p 7.64p
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
EPRA earnings per share 6 1.64p 2.1p 3.67p
------------- ------------- -------------------------------
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2022
Share Share Capital Other Retained Total
Capital Premium Redemption Reserves Earnings
Account Reserve
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
At 31 December 2020 17,938 51,721 749 609 26,657 97,674
Share based payment - - - 75 - 75
Dividends - final 2020 - - - - (2,500) (2,500)
Dividends - interim
2021 - - - - (1,250) (1,250)
-------- ------------------ ----------- --------- --------- --------
Transactions with owners - - - 75 (3,750) (3,675)
-------- ------------------ ----------- --------- --------- --------
Profit for the period
and total comprehensive
income - - - - 9,029 9,029
At 30 June 2021 17,938 51,721 749 684 31,936 103,028
Share based payment - - - 75 - 75
Dividends - interim
2021 - - - - (2,976) (2,976)
-------- ------------------ ----------- --------- --------- --------
Transactions with owners - - - 75 (2,976) (2,901)
-------- ------------------ ----------- --------- --------- --------
Profit for the period
and total comprehensive
income - - - - 4,895 4,895
At 31 December 2021 17,938 51,721 749 759 33,855 105,022
Share based payment - - - 75 - 75
Dividends - final 2021 - - - - (1,457) (1,457)
Dividends - interim
2022 - - - - (1,458) (1,458)
-------- ------------------ ----------- --------- --------- --------
Transactions with owners - - - 75 (2,915) (2,840)
-------- ------------------ ----------- --------- --------- --------
Profit for the period
and total comprehensive
income - - - - 8,326 8,326
At 30 June 2022 17,938 51,721 749 834 39,266 110,508
======== ================== =========== ========= ========= ========
as at 30 June 2022
31 December
30 June 2022 30 June 2021 2021
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
Note GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
Non-current assets
Investment properties 5 187,875 192,813 188,485
Property, plant and
equipment 4 3 4
187,879 192,816 188,489
------------- -------------------------------- ------------
Current assets
Inventories 2,387 2,380 2,384
Trade and other receivables 3,757 4,798 3,588
Cash and cash equivalents 8,268 9,085 9,836
14,412 16,263 15,808
------------- -------------------------------- ------------
Total assets 202,291 209,079 204,297
============= ================================ ============
Current liabilities
Bank loans 379 3,979 2,479
Trade and other payables 7,078 7,183 7,685
7,457 11,162 10,164
------------- -------------------------------- ------------
Non-current liabilities
Bank loans 83,418 92,071 86,965
Derivative financial
liabilities 908 2,818 2,146
84,326 94,889 89,111
------------- -------------------------------- ------------
Total liabilities 91,783 106,051 99,275
============= ================================ ============
Net assets 110,508 103,028 105,022
============= ================================ ============
Ordinary share capital 17,938 17,938 17,938
Share premium account 51,721 51,721 51,721
Capital redemption
reserve 749 749 749
Other reserves 834 684 759
Retained earnings 39,266 31,936 33,855
------------- -------------------------------- ------------
Total equity 110,508 103,028 105,022
------------- -------------------------------- ------------
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2022
Six months Six months
to to Year ended
30 June 31 December
2022 30 June 2021 2021
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
Cashflows from operating activities
Profit after taxation 8,326 9,029 13,924
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 1 2 2
Surplus on sale of investment
property (1,001) (1,157) (1,177)
Net valuation surplus (3,149) (3,331) (4,951)
Share based payment 75 75 150
Finance income (27) (1) (46)
Finance costs 1,600 1,634 3,235
Surplus on financial liabilities
held at fair value (1,238) (716) (1,388)
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (3) 1,416 1,412
(Increase)/decrease in trade
and other receivables (169) (458) 752
Decrease in trade and other
payables (618) (506) (100)
3,797 5,987 11,813
==================== ================= ========================
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of investment properties (723) (228) (955)
Purchase of property, plant
and equipment (1) - (2)
Proceeds from sale of property,
plant and equipment 5,483 9,423 16,119
Interest received 27 1 46
4,786 9,196 15,208
==================== ================= ========================
Cash flow from financing activities
Interest paid (1,600) (1,634) (3,235)
Equity dividends paid (2,904) (3,398) (6,278)
Repayment of bank loans (5,647) (5,304) (11,910)
(10,151) (10,336) (21,423)
==================== ================= ========================
Net (decrease)/increase in cash
and cash equivalents (1,568) 4,847 5,598
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period 9,836 4,238 4,238
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period 8,268 9,085 9,836
==================== ================= ========================
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2022
Real Estate Investors Plc, a Public Limited Company, is
incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom.
The interim financial report for the period ended 30 June 2022
(including the comparatives for the year ended 31 December 2021 and
the period ended 30 June 2021) was approved by the board of
directors on 28 September 2022.
It should be noted that accounting estimates and assumptions are
used in preparation of the interim financial information. Although
these estimates are based on management's best knowledge and
judgement of current events and action, actual results may
ultimately differ from these estimates. The areas involving a
higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where
assumptions and estimates are significant to the interim financial
information are set out in note 3 to the interim financial
The interim financial information contained within this
announcement does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of the Companies Act 2006. The full accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2021 received an unqualified report from the
auditor and did not contain a statement under Section 498 of the
Companies Act 2006.
The interim financial information has been prepared under the
historical cost convention.
The principal accounting policies and methods of computation
adopted to prepare the interim financial information are consistent
with those detailed in the 2021 financial statements approved by
the Board on 21 March 2022.
Some accounting pronouncements which have become effective from
1 January 2022 and have therefore been adopted do not have a
significant impact on the Group's financial results or
Critical accounting estimates and assumptions
The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future.
The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom
equal actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a
significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year
are as follows:
Investment property revaluation
The Group uses the valuations performed by its independent
valuers or the directors as the fair value of its investment
properties. The valuation is based upon assumptions including
future rental income, anticipated maintenance costs, anticipated
purchaser costs and the appropriate discount rate. The valuer and
the directors also make reference to market evidence of transaction
prices for similar properties.
Interest rate swap valuation
The Group carries the interest rate swap as a liability at fair
value through the profit or loss at a valuation. This valuation has
been provided by the Group's bankers.
Critical judgements in applying the Group's accounting
The Group makes critical judgements in applying accounting
policies. The critical judgement that has been made is as
REIT Status
The Group elected for REIT status with effect from 1 January
2015. As a result, providing certain conditions are met, the
Group's profit from property investment and gains are exempt from
UK corporation tax. In the Directors' opinion the Group have met
these conditions.
Primary reporting - business segment
The only material business that the Group has is that of
investment in commercial properties. Revenue relates entirely to
rental income from investment properties.
The carrying amount of investment properties for the periods
presented in the interim financial information is reconciled as
Carrying amount at 31 December 2020 197,520
Additions 228
Disposals (8,266)
Revaluation 3,331
Carrying amount at 30 June 2021 192,813
Additions 727
Disposals (6,675)
Revaluation 1,620
Carrying amount at 31 December 2021 188,485
Additions 723
Disposals (4,482)
Revaluation 3,149
Carrying amount at 30 June 2022 187,875
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the
profit attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The
calculation of the diluted earnings per share is based on the basic
earnings per share adjusted to allow for all dilutive potential
ordinary shares.
The calculation of the basic NAV per share is based on the
balance sheet net asset value divided by the weighted average
number of shares in issue during the period. The calculation of the
diluted NAV per share is based on the basic NAV per share adjusted
to allow for all dilutive potential ordinary shares.
The European Public Real Estate Association ("EPRA") earnings
and NAV figures have been included to allow more effective
comparisons to be drawn between the Group and other businesses in
the real estate sector.
EPRA EPS per share
30 June 2022 30 June 2021
Earnings Shares Earnings per share Earnings Shares Earnings per share
GBP'000 No P GBP'000 No P
Basic earnings per share 8,326 179,377,898 4.64 9,029 179,377,898 5.03
Fair value of investment
properties (3,149) (3,331)
Profit on disposal of
investment properties (1,001) (1,157)
Change in fair value of
derivatives (1,238) (716)
EPRA Earnings 2,938 179,377,898 1.64 3,825 179,377,898 2.13
========== ============ =================== ========= ============ ===================
The Group has adopted the new EPRA NAV measures which came into
effect for accounting periods starting 1 January 2020. EPRA issued
new best practice recommendations (BPR) for financial guidelines on
its definitions of NAV measures. The new NAV measures as outlined
in the BPR are EPRA net tangible assets (NTA), EPRA net
reinvestment value (NRV) and EPRA net disposal value (NDV).
The Group considered EPRA Net Tangible Assets (NTA) to be the
most relevant NAV measure for the Group and we are now reporting
this as our primary NAV measure, replacing our previously reported
EPRA NAV and EPRA NNNAV per share metrics. EPRA NTA excludes the
intangible assets and the cumulative fair value adjustments for
debt-related derivatives which are unlikely to be realised.
30 June 2022
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
Net assets 110,508 110,508 110,508
Fair value of derivatives 908 908 -
Real estate transfer tax - 13,676 -
EPRA NAV 111,416 125,092 110,508
------------ ------------ ------------
Number of ordinary shares issued for diluted and EPRA net assets per share 182,502,063 182,502,063 182,502,063
EPRA NAV per share 61.0p 68.5p 60.5p
============ ============ ============
The adjustments made to get to the EPRA NAV measures above are
as follows:
-- Real estate transfer tax: Gross value of property portfolio
as provided in the Valuation Certificate (i.e. the value prior to
any deduction of purchasers' costs).
-- Fair value of derivatives: Exclude fair value financial
instruments that are used for hedging purposes where the company
has the intention of keeping the hedge position until the end of
the contractual duration.
31 December 2021
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
Net assets 105,022 105,022 105,022
Fair value of derivatives 2,146 2,146 -
Real estate transfer tax - 13,127 -
EPRA NAV 107,168 120,295 105,022
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ------------
Number of ordinary shares issued for diluted and EPRA net assets per
share 182,261,263 182,261,263 182,261,263
EPRA NAV per share 58.8p 66.0p 57.6p
====================================================================== ============== ============ ============
30 JUNE 2022 31 DECEMBER 2021
No of Shares No of Shares
Number of ordinary shares issued at end of period 179,377,898 179,377,898
Dilutive impact of options 3,124,705 2,883,365
Number of ordinary shares issued for diluted and EPRA net assets per
share 182,502,063 182,261,263
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------
Net assets per ordinary share
Basic 61.6p 58.5p
Diluted 60.5p 57.6p
EPRA NTA 61.0p 58.8p
====================================================================== ============== ==========================
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
September 29, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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